Neal Brennan Has a Plan to Test the 2nd Amendment | Netflix

Neal Brennan Has a Plan to Test the 2nd Amendment | Netflix

Netflix Is A Joke

1 год назад

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Geog - 12.10.2023 09:35

Idknu got milions and milions of armed people , vs a few hundred thousands , ud have to drone flat all the cities...😂 its a broken argument either way..

Aaron Fran
Aaron Fran - 12.10.2023 09:08

In the event that the president declares war on "all citizens" do you think the military will kill thier own families? Lol. Lets get even more specific, lets say the president declares war on just republicans age 18-40. The main issue with this argument, is that these dudes forget that 90% of millitary, 75% of police, them close to 90% of the rest of gun owners are either generally right leaning or even in the middle (Guys like Joe Rogan, Dave Ruben, Elon Musk who are registered democrats, also support guns).

And lets factor in the automation. The president declares war and is able to launch at least a couple drone strikes by himself. Who does he target? The biggest cities where his allies live? Small pudunk towns where the count would be too low?

Not even necessarily saying we would win, but what i am saying is that it wouldnt be Germany with all the citizens just rolling over making way for our own brothers to plow us woth tanks.

Sundowner - 07.10.2023 16:39

This just proves the point that not only do the people need guns to close the power gap but that people should have all the same equipment as the military. 😂

John Mann
John Mann - 30.09.2023 22:16

The current US military spent $2+ trillion & 20 years in Afghanistan to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

Durham Snider
Durham Snider - 29.09.2023 07:10

That's what happened with the Taliban, right? They all died from drones?

Brandon Bogert
Brandon Bogert - 28.09.2023 07:57

Bro they way millions of citizens train (obviously not all of them) 1 citizen could take 2 soldiers

Tarique Rehman
Tarique Rehman - 21.09.2023 18:58

Absolutely brilliant

XIII - 19.09.2023 07:15

It's not really so much about civilians vs military. You cannot eliminate the possibility of a government going bad, but you can make it harder.
It's like security. Nothing is absolutely secure. That's impossible. However, it is possible to make it more difficult than it's worth.
Think to the middle east when the US was actively involved in it.
Old guys in sandals were giving the multibillion dollar US military the runaround.
Imagine that and then remember that the US military (many members being pro 2A as well) is going to have some reluctance at shooting, droning and bombing likely friends and family.
Even bubba with a shotgun is a much better limitation on the degradation of government than the picture you're painting.

Bangs8 - 16.09.2023 02:35

Seems like someone needs to look up Millennium Challenge 2002

Ant Cannon
Ant Cannon - 10.09.2023 00:43

😂😂. I'll still fight with my 9mm.

GGSD - 09.09.2023 01:41

I've always thought, it's not gonna be done rednecks going against our government, it's gonna be after they weasel their way back into power and then destabilize it from within. They'll attack it when it's least capable, like they do everything else. Churches, synagogues, grocery stores, etc.

keir100 - 05.09.2023 20:27

How about the US army v the National guard,the NG are after all citizen soldiers and will more then likely chose the people of their own state rather then the government,i would,oh dear the fool isn't so funny now.

A W - 31.08.2023 05:28

Ohohohoooo are the people going to regrrrrrrrret they were ever born if anti-gun laws get passed. Oh my lord is it going to be bad. That’s # 1. # 2 is this: Here’s the astounding hypocrisy in potential anti-gun laws, and both of these court ruling examples (or lack of) in this comparison are coming from the same agenda monsters: The courts have ruled that v*ccin*s are “necessarily unsafe”, and that is a fact that they are under the courts rulings, yet with ALL the myriads of statistical proof and video footage proof that guns save more lives than they harm by a huge amount, the courts won’t acknowledge nationwide that guns are also “necessarily unsafe and need to be kept legal indefinitely.” Absolute demonic hypocrisy. This fact solidly proves that the bought out courts serve only their infinitely creepy, but also monetary agendas. Also, the black market for guns will dramatically increase when this bill passes and only the criminally minded will have guns. Rather than good hearted, heroic, law abiding gun owners in a country where guns are legal. This is precisely why people with the street-smart-minds of children shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Lynn Runningdeer
Lynn Runningdeer - 31.08.2023 03:54


R. Savola
R. Savola - 29.08.2023 23:28

Either way you're just as dead in the 1700s as you would be, even if disarmed in the 2020s. The difference? Politicians (once the people are disarmed) will have no hesitation what so ever in the total destruction of everything. The actual problem is... We don't enforce current laws. And we don't help or do anything for the most helpless in our country, the mentally ill. Those two things by themselves create an amount of frustration that is unimaginable to generations past.

Francisco Lopez
Francisco Lopez - 29.08.2023 21:58

Imagine being this submissive to the government.

charles barkson
charles barkson - 26.08.2023 21:34

If you do the math it actually like 200 americans per soldier in the us and I still think the odd of them winning in a fight is better cuz they also have tanks and helicopters and artillery. The average american isn't packing that much heat.

mabhodlela JJ
mabhodlela JJ - 26.08.2023 13:22

This gus is delusional, he thinks that an army of less than 2 million people can stop an army of over 100 million men armed with guns.. Yhea those people will just stand in one place a let a drone wipe them out, they not gonna storm millitary bases...

pat2deFENDUS - 26.08.2023 05:18

Dipshit loberal

The Cringey Boy
The Cringey Boy - 25.08.2023 08:01

soldier comes back home after drone striking some 2A dudes. Sees his home is on fire and his family is gone

Soldier: "W-What happened!?"

Home base: "Oh right, well those guys you drone striked. Well the explosion caused some collateral damage, and killed an innocent family living next to them. So his friends tracked down where you lived and destroyed everything you loved. But hey, thanks for your service tho."

Eric Frohock
Eric Frohock - 23.08.2023 08:47

We dont think most of the military would be on the government side . Remember they have familys . you might think we are all just stupid but there are millions of veterans armed to the teeth. Were do you think they would attack first ? The armorys smart guy , you would be surprised how poorly guarded they are . This isnt a secret . And are yall gun grabbers saying the American military are just going to be going around bombing America? Have you ever heard of Guerrilla warfare? Like you said the patriots wont just line up in a field somewhere if the SHTF and just wait to die . Dont worry about me this is just food for thought for anyone who would like to take American 's rights . Im sitting in a wheelchair .

Lone Star
Lone Star - 21.08.2023 21:13

Ive been saying this for years. ''Im going take on the U.S. Army" Yeah they can nuke your ass from space.

J. - 19.08.2023 10:39

It's interesting he's still doing blocks jokes after being on Netflix, saw him tonight and he was still doing a riff on this joke. Funny, but I just expected new content as I also saw him working this same joke last year before filming, thought this was the conclusion of the bit and you bury it.

blahblahmeowchow - 18.08.2023 05:40

lol @ the triggered ammosexuals in the comments proving his point.

LeadLacedAnarchy - 16.08.2023 21:21

Typical Leftist clown

David Ross
David Ross - 16.08.2023 08:40

It just shows what vile morons cuckservatives are. Pathetic losers.😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

Michael - 16.08.2023 07:24

Wait till Mr. Brennan figures out that drones need a place to land and refuel, or the existence of the drone operator's family, or the fact that ~50% of the military is conservative and would not want to kill their own people.

Edit: I also should include the fact that the overwhelming majority of farmers in the U.S. are very conservative and it would probably not be good for the military and the government to murder the people [largely] preventing the U.S from starving.

Tesla Rob
Tesla Rob - 15.08.2023 23:20


Andrew Savoie
Andrew Savoie - 15.08.2023 22:16

Lol! 90% of the military are conservative… soooooo….

Patrick Walsh
Patrick Walsh - 14.08.2023 18:29


Ed Wo
Ed Wo - 12.08.2023 19:03

LOL when a typical ignorant beta male Democrat, who can't even remember the past 20 years of history.

David Chau
David Chau - 12.08.2023 07:44

I hope he knows that the US military is on our side

Expensive Pizza
Expensive Pizza - 09.08.2023 15:00

It's a good joke. Let's hope the people never actually have to rise up and fight the government 😬

HylianMango - 08.08.2023 01:35

What would the taliban say about this???

2ndAmendmentMF - 07.08.2023 01:58

Dude need to eat 😂

Medalion - 29.07.2023 03:55

This literally could have been a Chappelle Show bit

krazykrumz3 - 27.07.2023 22:21

The reality is the government wouldn’t dare try this if it disturbed their ability to collect taxes and such from their citizens. And a crackdown on guns owned by citizens doesn’t just magically happen, police would have to go door to door lol. Good luck convincing enough people to do that, and also good luck not provoking civilian mayhem once it starts. Literally no other scenario but what results into terroristic governmental warfare against its own people

JAY WHITE - 23.07.2023 17:21

If civilians with guns bare no threat to the military,then why does the government want them disarmed?

Dana Gadberry
Dana Gadberry - 15.07.2023 07:06

Keep thinking

Regulah Mahk
Regulah Mahk - 13.07.2023 15:13

He makes a vaild point. Hear me out, we allow every citizen to have a heavily armorerd vehicle. I'm getting a tank.

Tad Hartlaub
Tad Hartlaub - 12.07.2023 18:48

The funny thing is in his joke is that he just supported why the citizenry should be equally armed as any standing military.

Well done.

Argo Nunya67
Argo Nunya67 - 11.07.2023 05:06

I wouldn't think you would be for 5he 2nd Amendment. Just look ta you! WEAK-BETA-MALE AT BEST! TO THINK SP POOR WOMAN IS GOING TO LOOL TO YOU FOR PROTECTION????

Your Daily Dose of Negativity
Your Daily Dose of Negativity - 10.07.2023 21:51

Is nobody gonna talk about the fact that he just COMPLETELY ripped off Jim Jefferies…? …..mkay….

Nebulous - 10.07.2023 00:19

Last I checked, the goat herders in Afghanistan won against the US military.

Iberian Wolf
Iberian Wolf - 06.07.2023 23:26

He's assuming the military would side with a tyrannical administration. The military is a collection of citizens. Food for thought.

leonardo ramirez
leonardo ramirez - 27.06.2023 14:28

what democrats call comedy, never heard of him , he sucks

Marcus Beck
Marcus Beck - 27.06.2023 00:50

This guy has a great show… He is a comedian who isn’t to be taken seriously… he lives in a posh NY condo in Manhattan or some other wealthy protected neighborhood and has no idea what it’s like to actually have to protect yourself against a person who means to victimize you or your family….

Careed - 23.06.2023 13:46

20 years in Afghanistan, fighting camel riding guys wearing robes and sandals, how'd that go genius?

Conservative Fitness Gamer
Conservative Fitness Gamer - 20.06.2023 20:35

Spent a week with a active duty unit and a weekend with a combat arms National Guard and I promise you would say we are fucked. I have served for 11 years and even though I’m proud of my service I am not proud of our government and how we are treat and how the rest are treated. I would never kill my own people all because the government said no more guns I would be like no unlawful order will not follow it and will not comply to give my own personal firearms. And I am a member to 3 gun rights organizations. The NRA, FPC and GOA

hightopcrocs - 16.06.2023 23:19

The illusion of citizens controlling their government should have disappeared long ago. The smoke and mirrors of democracy became so popular all over the world because it is the most palatable form of slavery. You are a slave, and you're laughing about it with you grow slaves.
