Why I Left Toronto After 11 Years

Why I Left Toronto After 11 Years

Ali Koca

1 год назад

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Steven Constantine
Steven Constantine - 17.09.2023 01:37

I live in AMERICA, cheers

Steven Constantine
Steven Constantine - 17.09.2023 01:31

Thanks for info

Kevin Fed
Kevin Fed - 16.09.2023 15:38

What's Toronto ? Its a 3rd world backwater. USA still rules the world.

Alex Detrojan
Alex Detrojan - 15.09.2023 03:43

Glad someone had the guts to say it.

Liam Venter
Liam Venter - 14.09.2023 03:10

This traffic and conditions are much better than my city. Lmao

Eric Feschuk
Eric Feschuk - 14.09.2023 03:02

You were telling the truth

Eric Feschuk
Eric Feschuk - 14.09.2023 02:51

What was Robert Ford smoking little Brother Doug answer me money baggs

Park Place
Park Place - 12.09.2023 22:57

Indeed, progressive working. People voted.

Sgt Brutalisk
Sgt Brutalisk - 12.09.2023 22:15

The Eglington Street non-stop construction is intentional to drive the people mad and provoke them to lash out.

LouisSPC - 12.09.2023 18:44

I left Toronto about 10 years ago and every comment you made were already like 80% true back then. Sad to see things haven’t turned around at all

Grant Erickson
Grant Erickson - 12.09.2023 15:58

You voted for Justin Trudeau, eat cake and more :)

Kenny Silva
Kenny Silva - 12.09.2023 07:44

You nailed it man, you are beyond right!

Martin C
Martin C - 11.09.2023 04:35

Awe ruined it by using the word "woke." Don't use tired right wing buzzwords that lack all nuance and are just used as worthless catch-alls.

Daniel Startek
Daniel Startek - 10.09.2023 19:09

He left because he was worried they would run out of donuts!

Jean-Pierre Arcoragi
Jean-Pierre Arcoragi - 10.09.2023 17:56

Welcome (back?) to Montreal 😊

Europio - 10.09.2023 06:13

This is so true! Omg you are right about everything you said in this video. And it keeps getting worse.

rayoflightcanada - 10.09.2023 00:23

LOL @ the mayors

skip dog
skip dog - 09.09.2023 18:58

Build back better!

Akyra - 09.09.2023 09:38

Same issue in pr lol i got tired of it and left for Illinois the people here say this place is crap but im having a blast

Ben Satterwhite
Ben Satterwhite - 09.09.2023 08:11

Canada has an idiot running the country just like we do here in the US. As long as liberals are running our countries it will continue to to get worse.

FRINGE MINORITY - 09.09.2023 02:07

Why on Earth would you leave Toronto to go to Montreal😂

Real DBs of London
Real DBs of London - 09.09.2023 00:01

You forgot how it is impossible to get a family doctor.

Mike H
Mike H - 07.09.2023 17:40

Torontonians keeping electing LIberals - they deserve all the sh1t they get

chris bodrum
chris bodrum - 07.09.2023 16:22

Move to Montreal. Much better city.

Roger Olivier
Roger Olivier - 07.09.2023 14:53

Mass immigration destroyed everything , we start to have to same issues in major cities in Europe. Woke, Muslims. It’s horrible !!!

Becky Richards
Becky Richards - 07.09.2023 00:40

unfortunately, that same bullshit doesn't stop at the border. No one can afford to live here, either.

Cat G
Cat G - 06.09.2023 01:28

Montreal, you need to be french speaking. Most are leaving Ontario and heading to Alberta. lived in Toronto for 37 years. moved out too! Toronto only the rich live well ,the rest just are working slaves to a heartless city. Its the northern New York . poverty and crime fill all the streets and the rich hide in their mansions ,soon your going to see it look more like Johannesburg with its gated communities and walls that surround all the houses and every one has a guard dog. It a dumping ground for refugees and gangs.

Marv Kwia
Marv Kwia - 05.09.2023 17:30

Just thank the voters that let Trudeau another 4 years.

Cest Moi
Cest Moi - 04.09.2023 08:31

“Toronto the good” is a long gone artefact.

Grande Artiste
Grande Artiste - 03.09.2023 17:57

Listening to this Canadian man for 16 minutes, you would think he was talking about one of our major American cities.
Canadians always wanted to be distinct from Americans. For the longest time Canada was held to be a clean, neat, well-organized, operated, progressive place. How in the world did Canada fall down the same urban shit-hole Alice in Wonderland as America's major cities? Canada, you didn't need to copy us Americans in that pathetic regard.
It used to be, if you got tired of the dump hole you were living in the U.S., then try nicer Canada. Looks like there's no place to flee to in the world anymore.

Grande Artiste
Grande Artiste - 03.09.2023 17:43

We yanks have the same problem in our most popular cities, New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
The problem is that for decades it has not been profitable to build more rental apartments. It's more profitable to build business buildings, condominiums, and new home sub-divisions.
The socialist and liberal local governments of America and Canada long promised to help the working class but in reality only serve the loudest, angrier voices, the social activists supporting homeless, drug users and criminals.

sanket negi
sanket negi - 03.09.2023 06:53

I am an outsider and probably have bo buisness here.. but I fail to understand why are the property rates increasing everywhere when the population is said to be growing old..

Je-Free Norman
Je-Free Norman - 03.09.2023 03:44

Toronto is actually Old York . The royals are the real Nazis
and Christianity is satanic
nobody knows

Richard Short
Richard Short - 03.09.2023 02:37

In fairness to a certain former mayor: he may have had substance abuse problems, but he was better than all those who came after him.
If he had been the Premier when the truckers were at the border, he would have gone to straight to them and demand, "Okay, what's the problem here?"
It's like when President Lincoln was informed about General Grant's drinking problem, he replied, ‘I don’t care if he’s an alcoholic, frankly, get me six or seven just like him.’
That's the problem. Our provincial and federal politicians don't have backbone to make a an honest, not self-serving decision.
That's all parties, except maybe one who hasn't had an MP elected yet.
The system punishes courage.

Lawn Guy
Lawn Guy - 02.09.2023 23:53

How could anyone vote liberal or ndp, what kind of special idiot could do that? Unbelievable stupid brainwashed people.

Eil McLaughlin
Eil McLaughlin - 02.09.2023 03:37

because he just died

Eil McLaughlin
Eil McLaughlin - 02.09.2023 03:37

have you been to carolina pines rv resort and if so have You meet a jon

Alistair Arbour
Alistair Arbour - 01.09.2023 20:48

Mass transport is a never ending discussion between 3 levels of government and they continually waste time with environment assement etc it will inly get worse as we were saying as kids in the 90s the issues were never addressed so it got much much worse.

Alistair Arbour
Alistair Arbour - 01.09.2023 20:46

All of the mentioned issues existed most of our lifetime the difference is the numbers grew because of the economic downturn

Alistair Arbour
Alistair Arbour - 01.09.2023 20:45

the nightlife got shutdown bro, they converted most of the clubs into condos years ago

chris Vinci
chris Vinci - 29.08.2023 14:53

Interesting video. Haven't been to Toronto, however based on what I saw in the background it does look like a dump.

SeanGaw - 29.08.2023 03:48

As a Toronto resident I can vouch for everything this man mentioned is a FACT. Most people are leaving Toronto, lot left after covid.

Jonah S
Jonah S - 29.08.2023 02:39

Montreal and Quebec City (and maybeee some cities in the maritimes/Atlantic canada?) will be the lasts bastian of relative affordability and safety in Canada. The rest of the country will crumble under the weight of this housing and crime crisis. Thank GOD the city planners in Montreal didn’t demolish the classic traditional multilevel “missing middle” housing complexes. It’s one of the BEST reasons that housing is way more affordable in Montreal.

Also, the safety in Montreal is AMAZING compared to nearly every other large city in the entire continent in North America. It’s actually insane how much better it is. But so many anglos will ignore the long list of positives just because they’re too afraid/lazy/stubborn to learn French (which is like the easiest language on earth to learn).

Wes Brown
Wes Brown - 28.08.2023 18:04

How’s Montreal been ?

House of Banelord.
House of Banelord. - 27.08.2023 17:01

I sold my 350 sq feet condo in Downtown Toronto to buy a 3 bedroom house in Hamilton in 2008. It was a really good decision.

Choi Bounce
Choi Bounce - 27.08.2023 15:51

Try moving in a third world country in Asia as an average earner and stay for at least 10 years.
You want cheap rent? of course you can as long as you’re okay living like a rat.
Public transport? How about queueing for 3 hours to ride the metro? People getting rob inside buses? There are no shortage in that. Gun related violence, Junkies and crime? US and asia has plenty. Bad weather? How about living your whole life in a hot humid country all year round? Bad politics? Check the list of most corrupt countries and pick the highest ranking.

Lucy Anderson
Lucy Anderson - 27.08.2023 11:23

In a California native. This is sadly the trend everywhere in most of the western world. Especially in the USA. Europe as a whole is better. I used to live abroad. Places in East Asia now, are doing much better, like Singapore, and South Korea. But it's overall a global trend. Places that used to be nice, are no longer. Everything is overpriced. Imo, this was all part of the plan. It was all by design. I used to really want to live in Canada, and part of me still does. After all the fires down here, colder weather is a lot more appealing....just for a start. But I'm hesitant due to all I'm hearing about how they are just having the same problems we are down here. All my friends who live in various provinces in Canda are making the same kinds of complaints. I dunno where anyone can go anymore. It just seems like you can only like a place if you are very rich, and can afford to sort of isolate yourself from all the bad things everyone else is subject to....

Robert Meyer
Robert Meyer - 27.08.2023 07:40

You are so amazing and everything its true . The unions and mafia runs the country corrupt politians. Trudeau promised everything cannot deliver nothing.
Super over taxes

vic garbutt
vic garbutt - 27.08.2023 05:26

The Gardener expressway follows the lake east to west

Dsarmy1 - 25.08.2023 20:11

People keep voting for the same people that just keep making the same empty promises. They tell you what they think you want to hear jjust to get in or stay in office. Start opening your mind and listen to other opinions. If you want change then you actually need to vote for change by voting differentt. The other option is for you to take the long shot to get in and do something about it yourself.
