Painting My FIRST Warhammer 40k Army

Painting My FIRST Warhammer 40k Army

Lyla Mev - The Mini Witch

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@nickellingham1764 - 14.05.2024 03:16

I mainly collect and paint Imperial Guard, oldhammer Skaven an other Advaned Heroquest featured stuff. I picked up a Sisters retributor squad just for something different. Just building those was pure hell, I actually gave up on them

@davidfaidley4889 - 12.05.2024 03:32

i really like this scheme overall. I just don't want to use blue. I want to use gray and black templar speed paints. other than that I really like it.

@Jesayou - 04.05.2024 06:52

Black armor is so hard to get right im doing sisters and im super duper stoked with the robes(OML) and have been but the black armor is always so damn hard to get looking right. Ive tried a couple of recipes from online with a brush hated the look, tried basing black airbrush highlighting with
white ink and then doing a gravelords grey contrast followed by a wash (nuln oil)then high lighting with a grey(works well on the sisters but the paragon warsuits steeple looks terrible and sometimes it just reads as grey armor for the sisters. Im still bummed with how it looks. I just want a cool black armor that is black and you can still read all the features without going super cartoony with bold edge highlights.

@bruced648 - 03.05.2024 06:26

GW is the reason I don't play GW games.

@SurlyDeath - 03.05.2024 02:20

Love this woman! 💖

@alexbrown1930 - 30.04.2024 10:47

What you describe at the end is many a painters experience with their first army. Painting indivudal models is cool, but making it so you can a) visually differentiate squads and b) still have the whole army look unified is always a challenge the first time out. Especially if you are not going with a canonical paint scheme.

@trevor1645 - 30.04.2024 08:34

Congratulations on your first army and entering the world of 40K! I hope your experience is a magnificent one 😊 Jumping back into the hobby myself after many years away with an Ork army. I haven’t heard of Sprue Goo but I’m super intrigued! Would you consider doing a tutorial on it or is there a tutorial you recommend? Likewise, when you do decide to get your army to the table and start learning the game, I’d love to see a series of videos as you go throughout your journey and some battle reports here and there! So excited for you!!!

@samhoban2509 - 29.04.2024 14:12

I’ve definitely had 20/20 hindsight with second guessing a colour scheme, but like you said,I still view it as a win. Plus…I never end up with the time to repaint. Too many other shiny new models to paint.

@samhoban2509 - 29.04.2024 14:05

When you said that some of your favourite things are painting and the lord… made me want to shout “why don’t GW have even a small paragraph of lore text in the boxes?!” Might be such a strong jumping off point to get people invested in the minis!
Just even a short ‘what am I looking at here exactly? Who are these people?’
I mean, the copy for the text already exists!

@xxbrkdwnxx - 29.04.2024 07:22

I painted up a bunch of sisters in the Martyred lady scheme and painted the novitiates like they box art. I still run them together. part of the fun for me is trying out different color schemes but that shouldn't prevent me from running them all in one army. My Ork army is like 10 different colors.

@crawbag0311 - 29.04.2024 00:09

Cool paint video and knowledge dump. Did not know that about sisters hair.

@brionl4741 - 28.04.2024 21:53

Looks good.
I almost never paint my models like the box art. For my Space Marines I don't even use any of the "official" chapters.

@DanaHowl - 28.04.2024 18:39

Congrats on your first Warhammer army Lyla, can't wait to watch the process!!! I've been getting into Kill Team lately and highly recommend it, it's been my first "warhammer game" and I've found it's quick and fun to play once you get the hang of it!!!

@zramirez5471 - 28.04.2024 05:00

I've painted Yvraine like 3 times for much the same reason...

@K33pItGHOST - 28.04.2024 04:49

Not only a great paint job, but you might have an army ready for their 10th Ed Codex! How exciting.

@Gumlass1 - 28.04.2024 04:03

It's an absolute win to realise on your first unit. I once painted half an army before I realised I didn't like it :(

@nolader28 - 27.04.2024 20:59

I started collecting sisters with novitiates too not so long ago. But I'm magnetizing them to have all the weapon options :)

@knobjob2839 - 27.04.2024 16:55

Even if it's just an army, it's good to bring it to a standard you're happy with. You're the one who has to stare at them 99% of the time. It's not worth having an ugly annoyance on the shelf.

@knobjob2839 - 27.04.2024 16:50

Anyone else make "mother color" jokes in their head?

@LazorzPewPew - 27.04.2024 11:10

Great paint job either way

@gregfougere7447 - 27.04.2024 04:10

I like the paint scheme...

@gregfougere7447 - 27.04.2024 04:09

With black armor, I have used pure white Ink.....and make shines with the ink and black paint and black paint.

@MiniHarpist - 27.04.2024 02:12

I have sororitas aswell. Painted my kill team slightly different to make them stand out, so i dont mix them up with the others. But still in a way that match with the rest of the army theme. You might also want to magnetize some of the models since you have a ton of different cool options in the kill team.

@STSGingie - 27.04.2024 02:08

The Novitiates are my first Sisters unit as well!

@cordial001 - 26.04.2024 21:28

Man, I've done that exact thing with squads in the past. Get all excited with a color scheme then go cold on it after. You can always take something from the failures though, even if it's just saying to yourself that you'll never do that again lol. Great video. I sincerely hope you'll do more Kill Team boxes in the future too.

@dspartan007 - 26.04.2024 18:42

Nice army, im painting my sisters for about .... ammm .... 6 months 😁

@cybermbebe - 26.04.2024 18:07

I actually like the scheme. It's desaturated but at the same time there is a consistency in the color and interesting tints.

@ThomasGallinari - 26.04.2024 17:42

Please find someone passionate to guide you through your journey. Warhammer can be a disappointing game when it comes to expectations vs reality, depending on who you play with and how they play.

@Barry-Sweaty - 26.04.2024 16:16


@Omra-cre - 26.04.2024 08:15

I think the first scheme does look good and reminds me of fighting in a desert/arid environment. However, I totally get you not liking how they'll look with the rest of the collection

@Dracobyte - 26.04.2024 07:14

Let's gooo!!!

@steveliu99 - 26.04.2024 07:02

yes, and it went straight to the paint stripping session after a few months. I was very new to mini painting, and overly fixated with the default color schemes in the box art. Still some point, but now....i readily check the www for options. Options that suit my eyes... :)

@AndyMorgan-ji4rl - 26.04.2024 03:17

Hi! This is the video I was waiting for. I have an still unpainted Blood Bowl Nun Team that I bought years ago. I didn’t paint them for I didn’t know how to do the black clothes. And here is your solution. Don’t paint them black. I like the idea… For the Star Players only. So, can you do a video with a mini with black clothing so I can watch and learn? And … thumbs up for the cat!

@mkatan75 - 26.04.2024 01:21

Close to french sisters, blue white red !

@Bodkin_Ye_Pointy - 26.04.2024 00:29

The most important phrase that came out of your mouth was, I don't like the colour scheme so I adapted my own, or something similar. It is the most important part of painting minis, there is no iron bound rule that says you must follow the box art. It was good to see your natural creativity kick in. The other thing is, you made it sound like there were rules to painting an army. There aren't. People apply techniques to painting an army because if you have 70 miniatures, you will burn out spending 15 hours blending on each model. Finally the fact that you were not frightened to critique you work and do it again is stellar.

@GerberDad138 - 26.04.2024 00:22

I don't want to over sell it, but.. It changes you forever

@Kitsune_.- - 25.04.2024 23:46

When will your 1st 5mm army be? Lol

@nighttrain1236 - 25.04.2024 23:21

It's hard work painting in batches like that.

@thomasneville8796 - 25.04.2024 23:03

I've done the same thing. In fact, I feel like I do it every time I learn new painting techniques. Not that I decide that I don't like my color scheme, but that my newer minis look different than my older ones.

@lucidity1 - 25.04.2024 21:41

oh yeah, my army has a set of not-so-great fire warriors, pathfinders, and stealth suits. I took the 9th edition combat patrol as my opportunity to redo these. Instead of forcing a Viorla-esque paint scheme across all of my army, stealth units would now be black with a dark blue dry brush and blue edge highlighting. you should see how the Ghostkeel and Shadowsun came out after redoing the stealth suits.
for the Firewarriors I decided on white speed paints from Army Painter for a grey wash color instead of Agrax earth shade, I liked it so much that I bought the Pathfinder Kill Team and redid those the same way.
sometimes you just have to try a few things until you find what you like most and what works best, for an entire army...

@Acidsplash69 - 25.04.2024 20:57

So are you going to strip and repaint or buy a new army and start again? If you strip them down, can you do a video please as really want to strip a load of my older ultramarines....

@Shousaphine - 25.04.2024 20:08

I stumbled upon this video randomly, trying to find motivation to go out to my local shop, and get something to paint.
I'm mostly going to be translating what I learn to my gunpla, and other fun bandai kits (30ms!) but I've got to start somewhere.

 I like that you gave it a try, and kept in the part where you weren't thrilled with it, but took it as a positive thing.
That's inspiring!
I'm still nervous about the idea of painting at all, but now I'm less nervous, thanks to specifically this video.

@Cerderius - 25.04.2024 19:37

I have 1000 points of Sisters and I still haven't decided on a color scheme.

@doyouevengrowbro - 25.04.2024 19:17

The Empirer of mankind is a Ponzi Scheme. I'm not sure why you painted them all when you knew that scheme sux. GW need to put down all their BS about colors on a model and stuff you know who are they?
GW is a full-blown textbook accurate pillow-biting narcissists. They are the. "Gibson" Guitars of the mini world. Can you see all the people that play the game do you know how many people play the game and they still sitting on Gray miniatures? 4.2 million kits worldwide.
Here's how to get cheaper minis from GW. Don't buy that 💩 On their next release of Some dubm shit. Turn Your Collective backs to them. Watch them crawl and grovel at the feet of the True Heart that is Warhammer, The Performers The Players and Portrayers. Without us, GW haven't got Squat. Not even Diddy-squat. Its Plastic Toys. Molded toys. They gouge you So hard and laugh at you all the way to the bank Then Kill Your Arms Production. HA HA! They're So funny. look up their earnings report. Billions from molded Widdle bits of plastic. it s FN Plastic. They need to hop off that Pedestal Before They get hurt basking in the glow of the emporer. The riches of the Common Man is they're lifeblood. They weren't the 1st Nov will they be the last. I like MWG New Set. BA! Choosing Paint color is Tough Tougher when a spit of "Appropriate Legal Sanctioned Pigments are $9.00 ttx for a Spits Worthi
5 ORK Boyz $130 ! " but we gave you alternate heads and Boltaz ! " Please don't leave us."
BYE Felicia. great show girl. Keep it up ❤

@doyouevengrowbro - 25.04.2024 19:14

GW will disqualify you from play on the color. BUY THEIR PAINT OR THEYLL SUE YOU

@doyouevengrowbro - 25.04.2024 19:12

Kill Team for welfare players

@doyouevengrowbro - 25.04.2024 19:12

Sisters of Battle last 2 Rounds. You wasted your Time & money

@johnsnow5968 - 25.04.2024 18:45

My favorite thing about novitiates is the fact that "the fun zany melee weapons" are just 1 weapon in 40k.

@imkringe439 - 25.04.2024 17:39

i was painting my aeldari army a dark blue and orange colour scheme, that on paper sounded great to me finish one unit and thought it was alright base coated some others and quickly found out i hate it and now i want to change it just don't know how I'm going to yet, then i got distracted getting other armys and this video reminded me i need to come up with a new colour scheme
