Is Hungary heading towards a new form of ‘illiberal’ democracy? - BBC News

Is Hungary heading towards a new form of ‘illiberal’ democracy? - BBC News

BBC News

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@marcelo6101 - 04.05.2018 16:31

A democratic election, with massive popular participation, turns non democratic when the results don't please BBC social Engineering. WTF, BBC. You are sick!

@SakuraFishy - 05.05.2018 00:12

Atleast I wont be jailed if I have an opinion againts immigrants here. Not like in England.

@laszlohorvath5225 - 05.05.2018 00:51

liberalism works like AIDS - weakens the immune system
migration = disease - attacks the nations
The end of the story is the death of Europe

@andrewhay2241 - 05.05.2018 06:44

There is no clash of civilisations between Christianity and Islam. The clash is between secularism and religion. All this talk and action of Christian Hungary, Catholic Poland, Orthodox Russia etc. from governments is dragging these countries to the wrong side. Religion is pre-enlightenment. There is a spectrum of those who legitimize religion as part of the state and Orban and Putin and ISIS and the Saudis are all on it. Hungarians did not emancipate themselves from anti-enlightenment communism for this.

@ratheeshr845 - 05.05.2018 11:06

i respect George soros ability to single-handedly manipulate nations and media around the world.But the thing is if he really believe in a model he should focus on one country and make it work instead of going around destroying nations.If it works out good others will follow .one look at the comments below shows you even BBC can't deceive people now. Islam and communism can be force fed but never ever will be embraced so stop trying

@artuselias - 05.05.2018 18:55

Where are the trolls coming from?

@clecklass - 05.05.2018 23:54

BBC crybabies can't handle democracy in Hungary. You call it illiberal because it doesn't conform to your 'open borders' ideology.

@zulubalandre9851 - 06.05.2018 11:05

do you have any news on glorious armenian revolution?

@melthalin3559 - 06.05.2018 23:20

BBC. Biased Broadcasting Corporation.

@user-lo4km5dq4y - 08.05.2018 08:55


@asli9812 - 09.05.2018 23:23

I can say at least 99.9% of these migrants are using Hungary to get to other countries like the U.K. and Germany. This fear is irrational and non-existant. Hungary is just trying be relevant on the world stage. You people should worry about how to build your weak economy NOT "immigrants" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@53nobel - 11.05.2018 07:49

their country their way. leave them be. you left the EU any way.

@johnberry7697 - 13.05.2018 10:06

Sinister piano music, and camera angles and worried voice over. Well done BBC

@theevildrmad7914 - 04.06.2018 23:21

I’m sorry? What’s wrong with preserving Hungary’s culture? It’s a disgrace that the UK has got to the stage where our culture doesn’t exist anymore. When will they wake up and realise that although London and the cities may be ‘diverse’ (by making white people a minority) and ‘liberal’ (although not so liberal authoritarians) the rest of the country is not, and do not care about diversity. It is not our strength. And for those people who use the argument of, ‘We need migrants to sustain our economy’. Well bloody hell, if we need them to run our economy, our economy is unsustainable and wrong!

@dingdong3857 - 16.06.2018 08:17

I would call this ,,legal democratic and Christian liberalism’’

@traderjts - 18.06.2018 15:54

Hmmmm sounds like Obama using the IRS and press to hound his enemies

@omanvictory4011 - 29.06.2018 05:24

Been to hungary many times. Hungarians are not brainwashed by liberals and zionists. This is I believe due to tranion. The treaty that hungary lost 2/3rds of their country and 5 million hungarians. They know not to trust communists Jews and the west. Immigration is destroying england and europe and hungary does not want Budapest to turn into a shithole like the non white areas in England. Go to Budapest and go to London. Tell me where you feel safer. God bless hungary and europe.

@tomgunn6086 - 04.07.2018 01:56

Listen BBC, more and more English are waking up to your social engineering agenda..we don't trust you, only the dumb and ignorant trust you. We are sick of your agenda. You should keep to drama and stop trying to brain wash our society.

@MST3Killa - 07.07.2018 08:56

Right, it's illiberal for a sovereign nation to act internally in the best interest of its people but it's liberal for an authoritarian government with zero right to tread on sovereign States to dictate their policies to them regardless of what the people want. Suuuuuuure.

@woodrat2296 - 18.07.2018 03:15

Can the BBC broadcast any more lies and globalist propaganda? Your narrative does not jibe with reality. Fake news, lies and globalist ANTIFA/SJW propaganda.

@TheALB2 - 19.07.2018 16:37

death to liberalism

@Andrew-jh5kj - 06.09.2018 10:51

They should make Orban the head of the EU and throw Merkel in jail for treason.

@stevenreal4569 - 22.11.2018 22:16


@stevenreal4569 - 22.11.2018 22:17


@Mr_Higgs - 09.02.2019 04:37

Büszke vagyok arra, hogy magyar vagyok

@SuperShoebag - 16.03.2019 23:58

Western Europe is becoming the new Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe is free, except it doesn't grant Leftern Europe the freedom to take that away. This is Propaganda.

@tiboracs293 - 18.03.2019 08:40

Fake news as always full of lies. Hungary is the Center of European culture.

@jayz5320 - 15.04.2019 16:57

BBC News became a piece of shit under leftists!!!

@editpetronellakatona5294 - 21.05.2019 20:39

This country already experienced an Ottoman Occupation and half of the towns and villages were set on fire. Half of the inhabitants DIED ín heroic battle against the overwhelming power of Turkish Troops. The most liked novel is "Stars above Eger" by Géza Gárdonyi. In which you may learn tehát our country is NOT FOR SALE!

@markstephen1308 - 24.05.2019 19:37

God Bless Orban BBC is a dusgrace.

@heydudeyahbro5492 - 26.05.2019 23:34

Where’s my wife? I want to make some MORE white babies.

@northernhillbilly5867 - 29.05.2019 02:10

everything would be fine if the eu would have protected the borders from mass migration & soros is pure evil

@UniqueSundials - 01.06.2019 00:16

Helsinki Commitee and Central European university both Soros backed. The government quite rightly does not want this globalist scum back undermining their democracy

@OparStanley1008 - 25.07.2019 13:29

BBC you're a racist and pretentious organization trying to undermine everyone with a different opinion against yours. You're anti-white and anti-europe.

@brf5221 - 14.12.2019 02:43

Taylor has a new song about a tree farm. Do you ?

@Arnsteel634 - 27.04.2020 18:42

Viktor orban is probaly the best leader in Europe at the moment. God bless him.

@exstazius - 02.05.2020 18:14

A beautiful country and a gorgeous capital. A fairytale ❤

@tomfarrell8434 - 09.05.2020 01:48

Good report

@Writingmarmot - 11.07.2020 21:41

Lol at the BBC. Leftist loonies.

@andrewc.9758 - 23.01.2021 16:26

God Bless Orbán.

@curtisducati - 26.02.2021 06:14

Hungary needs to leave the EU & True Germany aswel Merkal and Von Derr Plank With A Face and her Cronnies have ruined Germany , send both of them to The Village of Jamel for the weekend they would love them there pmsl ....

@midnightflare9879 - 14.06.2021 18:53

"Hungary is one of the most difficult countries to enter illegally"
What's the problem with that?! An illegal immigrant has no permission to stay in the county. Any immigrant, who is allowed can come and go as he/she pleases. For goodness sake, yes, Hungary's government is authoritian and cocky, but not a team of dictators. There is a difference between being unjust and being tough on a crisis.

@mastersonogashira1796 - 12.08.2021 02:54

“When you liberalize without thinking the consequences, you are only plunging yourself into traditionalism”

@jeremykiahsobyk102 - 12.08.2021 08:05

"It's the paradox at the heart of European populism."

It's almost as if the Hungarian people remember what it's like to suffer under the Marxist ideals that western nations are trying to shove up everyone's ass.

@brownsmith175 - 30.03.2022 00:19

Dear Allan, I’m just wondering whether your middle name is “know”? Ahh don’t worry, it was a rhetorical question 👎

@thomassenbart - 14.07.2022 06:42

The EU policy regarding refugees and immigration as well as Schengen are also suicidal in the long term. You cannot allow tens of millions of people into Europe who are basically against Western civilization, such as those coming from many Islamic societies and Africa. These folk are economic migrants more than anything else. They largely do not value traditional Western values or civ. and therefore Eastern Europe recognizes this threat for what it is, as opposed to many in the West, who pretend every culture is the same and or equal. This is demonstrably false and dangerous.

The examples of the above are clear. Sweden, Britain, Italy, France, Benelux and of course Germany, all have large problems because of these issues.

I have not heard specific examples how democracy does not exist in Hungary. Are the elections unfair? What open society values have been rejected by Orban?

This all seems like a lot of assertions and accusations and little to no substance. I would like specifics and evidence.

@KingMinosxxvi - 28.10.2022 23:38

why exactlly does a democracy have to be liberal...that's the whole point of a democratic system...what the f is wrong with people
