Amberlynn Reid - Shaped by the Algorithm - Episode 14

Amberlynn Reid - Shaped by the Algorithm - Episode 14

Mr Snowflake

1 год назад

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jack meoff
jack meoff - 07.11.2023 20:04

Damn i am sad this is the last video. I have been listening to this series at work/gym for the last few days. Its been a wild ride. Thanks for documenting this absolute pile of a human being.

Call Me Meep Me If You Wanna Reach Me
Call Me Meep Me If You Wanna Reach Me - 06.11.2023 05:39

I think with the Optavia thing, a lot of people were upset at the fact that her video unboxing everything from the program kit was posted AFTER she had already quit. She just hadn't posted the video saying she quit yet since they're not uploaded regularly.

booker k
booker k - 05.11.2023 14:19

Looking forward to the next episode of Shaped by the algorithm. I finished watching the 3 about Boogie.Your documentary is much more impressive than another that was released earlier in the week.Especially the 3rd episode Wow.i had never watched him but your documentary is so compelling.

Alex Martin
Alex Martin - 05.11.2023 08:44

You wanna hug your mother lose weight. Right? Should be great motivation… Edit: Can you be bipolar and depressed at the same time?

TwerkToSpec - 03.11.2023 08:45


Alexii P.Baillargeon
Alexii P.Baillargeon - 02.11.2023 21:57

Shoiuld not the companies that are promoting over weight individuals on you tube, be sued and charged for pressure and distorting peoples weightloss journeys' and deaths, Muckbamngs and food adverts causing people to divert from one bad diet to the next ultimating causing Death. You Tube who ironicaly ,You Tube, who by policy, will not allow crude words / humor, saying the word suicide,makes no sense it is better to talk about the situations (Reality), why? But it is ok to promote the suicides that are being promoted by advertisers money. I am NOT A HATER. My heart and best wishes goes to you Amber and all those being classed as ... Feeder deaths??

Accidentally Amy
Accidentally Amy - 02.11.2023 03:15

If I was constantly being forced to see myself on screen when editing videos everyday, coming face to face with the clear fact I couldn’t walk on flat ground/in place for 3 straight minutes without going into near respiratory failure… idk I don’t think I could watch myself in that condition day after day 😢😳😳

Treavor Whitlock
Treavor Whitlock - 02.11.2023 02:17

Snowflake did such a great job of categorically demonstrating all of ambers false starts. This is a documentary about someone who has ZERO willpower

Ivo van der Avert
Ivo van der Avert - 30.10.2023 05:32

I have BED and watch AL to remind me to keep myself in check.

The Soliloquist
The Soliloquist - 30.10.2023 05:14

Omg it's you critics of her out there who tick me off lol

She's had a bad upbringing and she clearly has sustained literal brain damage from it.. She is mentally disabled by her volatile emotional state to be able to concentrate her mind on anything long term.. When she attempts to arrest and addiction it seems that her brain damage is so severe that any amount of stress causes her to revert to an animal mentality.. Bc when an addiction is that ingrained in one's psyche, quitting an addiction actually activates their survival circuitry and they feel like they are in mortal danger..

I hope she somehow finds protein powder.. this has regenerative effects on brain matter.. Taking this finally gave me the ability to keep myself from drinking..

HISTORY LOVER III - 29.10.2023 20:05

Like sunlight,! OINK!

AF - 29.10.2023 15:08

Shes an addict. Addicts are manipulative and lie. This doesn't mean they're lazy pos. She needs weight loss surgery. She will never do this by herself.

Megan Amaro
Megan Amaro - 28.10.2023 03:29

The whole her not knowing how to use Picture in Picture… and one of her latest videos and just films herself laughing at her laptop and then just films the laptop screen. Not even in the same shot anymore..

Laima Limes
Laima Limes - 27.10.2023 16:55

This is actually really sad. She's displaying a typical addict behaviour. Until she accepts that she's in a full blow addiction she will never change. I hope she will recover from this 🙏

Sage9991 - 27.10.2023 05:33

Got to say, I’m surprised it took this long to finally get an mlm in this series lmao

Jamie Motley
Jamie Motley - 26.10.2023 21:53

Does becky breakup with her?? I am hoping so. That is abuse

Amberversegorls - 26.10.2023 09:57

You should show clips of her @busing her gfs and animals it’s sad but it needs to be spoken about
