Is Red Meat THAT Bad For Your Health?

Is Red Meat THAT Bad For Your Health?

Renaissance Periodization

1 год назад

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camendiv - 28.09.2023 01:29

And I thought I had an active imagination 🤪

Youtube - 27.09.2023 00:28

why not eat people though?

Hunter - 24.09.2023 21:41

Anyone else find it concerning that Mike doesn't know what a ribeye is?

Sizzler B
Sizzler B - 24.09.2023 17:36

I think red meat is the healthiest and most nutritionist food in the world.

ライロス (Ryloth)
ライロス (Ryloth) - 24.09.2023 17:04

"Is Red Meat THAT Bad For Your Health?"
That's like saying does Scientists and Researchers existed when we was cave people? What did they eat? Just plants only? No! We eat all other stuff too. You can believe or deny it but we started as Sahelanthropus six millions years ago. So unless we had researchers six million years ago we would not be here right now if Red Meat would kill off our species.

Big Bang'o
Big Bang'o - 23.09.2023 15:48

Let’s say it should be at least quality meat! Then eat as much as you can 😊

Chris Hansen
Chris Hansen - 21.09.2023 00:56

It’s always bugged me when they lump together “red and processed meat”. As if bologna and bacon were the same as organic, grass fed steak.

Interesant - 19.09.2023 23:46

Animal products are linked with chronique deadlu diseases: cancers, heart disease, diabetes among others.

The Happy Fellow
The Happy Fellow - 17.09.2023 21:29

Our standards are so low that we stop looking if it says it's not bad for us. But is that food that you're eating protective against disease? cuz RM sure isn't. Everytime you eat something you pass on the chance of eating something healthier and RM ain't it.

Lord of all Fevers and Plague
Lord of all Fevers and Plague - 16.09.2023 17:53

Red meat makes life worth living, It cant be bad for you.

fox fox
fox fox - 15.09.2023 18:55

😂 Trucker here. Hey Mike, did you know. 7.95 million people are employed in trucking-related jobs, including 3.6 million professional drivers?
Also, while an 18-wheeler can't catch a Lamborghini. You don't have to if you got a CB. Turns out it's really hard to pass two rigs running side by side.Those things don't exactly do great off-road, yah know.
Food for thought.
😐 I'll be watching.........

🙄 Yes, this is a joke.
^^^^^^^^^^^^(For that one person who thinks this is a serious comment)

Danny George
Danny George - 14.09.2023 22:14

Bro I'm dead, never smoked a cigarette, except for ones with weed. ROFL

Erva Barnes
Erva Barnes - 14.09.2023 16:06

As someone who raises close to 100% of the protein that I consume it also bothers me that many studies decrying red meat don't take in to account the difference in quality from different sources.

Lou Zasil
Lou Zasil - 14.09.2023 02:30

and there made of red meat, the irony

Damian Camp
Damian Camp - 14.09.2023 00:13

It's what they cook it in or if it's processed. Giant processed sugary food corporations have demonized meat and eggs for a long time, it's nothing new. Eat some high quality fat and protein and feel full all day - they hate it.

rodiusmaximus - 13.09.2023 15:34

Whenever vegans criticise meat-eaters, they seem to assume that they don't eat vegetables or fruit at all. They've never heard of a balanced diet.

Khali Graham
Khali Graham - 12.09.2023 06:59

Finally these studies are showing it's not a problem just eat your food but like he said physical workout and other foods all keep you healthy

Steven D
Steven D - 10.09.2023 19:05

Also depends if its processed meat like hotdogs

Nick Collins
Nick Collins - 08.09.2023 04:44

These media magazine topics are Dunning Kruger in action. And when a know nothing is lecturing you who is knowledgeable you cant help but fall on the floor and laugh.

James Welch
James Welch - 04.09.2023 15:37

Well I mean, red meat is listed as carcinogenic by the world health organization. Not like a burger is going to kill you but it's definently not ideal.

Ogier The Dane
Ogier The Dane - 04.09.2023 07:39

I can give better advice. Eat lots of red meat from healthy animals (grass fed) and NEVER consume and of the fake vegan "meats".

Alton - 01.09.2023 19:00

Red Meat is delicious and nutritious AF

Phillip Barnes
Phillip Barnes - 01.09.2023 15:13

Does red meat’s increased saturated fat levels (compared to chicken) increase you cholesterol though?

Max Hodges
Max Hodges - 30.08.2023 15:31

Processed meat products contain high amounts of additives and chemicals, which may contribute to health risks. There is not a specific amount that is considered safe, so you should keep processed meat intake to a minimum

Max Hodges
Max Hodges - 30.08.2023 15:27

Cite your sources Mike.

Straight_To_It - 30.08.2023 06:59

Wait what outback is the best steakhouse why????

Straight_To_It - 30.08.2023 03:27

Opening joke gives me flash backs

James Strom
James Strom - 30.08.2023 01:45

Meat has been politicized. Not only can it be nutritious and delicious, it’s actually low environmental impact. Earth is practically made for large numbers of grass eating animals.

SW - 29.08.2023 21:09

the liver king jab at the end :D

The Crusher Corpz
The Crusher Corpz - 29.08.2023 20:27

I don’t buy the red meat bad BS. But I also don’t buy the smoking causes this or that BS. Because I can use the same argument about smoking as you’ve used for the red meat thing, and add in vaccines. What do a lot of people who smoke also do? They get vaccines their whole lives. What do people who don’t smoke also do? They get vaccines their whole lives.

Why does a grandmother who had one puff of a cigarette in her whole life, get lung cancer and slowly die and get out on cancer medication like some kind of pills that supposedly will make it less bad but also turn her mentally loopy and weak? What did she also d-OH she took vaccines her whole life.

And now you could blame second hand smoke for her getting the lung cancer. But no. The second hand smoke is nothing but a catch all cover up, for the problems the vaccines actually caused.

Sunscreen. She wore sunscreen all of the time. My grandmother. She also had skin cancers cut out of her hands and arms quite a lot. Gee, doesn’t look like the sunscreen did a whole lot. In fact there’s some evidence to suggest the sunscreen is what makes people get the skin cancers. But they blame the sun.

Like people blame second hand smoke for someone who never smoked getting cancer, and blame the smokers around her. When really the second hand smoke didn’t do jack and really it was the vaccines that had long term side effects. Not just C 19 vaccines. All of them.

What do we do with cigarettes? We say they cause long term side effects.

No. Vaccines cause long term side effects and smoking is a good way to cover that inconvenient detail up.

Get a test group. For their entire lives. Ever since age…born really. 0. Have one group never get any vaccines ever ever and have them start smoking when they’re 10. A certain amount I dunno 10 to 20 cigarettes per day. Test group. Control group. Forever. Until they die.

Have the other group get all the vaccines just do alllll the vaccines. Also have them smoke the same amount of cigarettes. A maximum of 20 per day and a minimum of 10. Every day until they die.

Both groups would have to eat the same diet every single day too and be monitored and not do other things that supposedly cause cancers like holding phones to their ears for too long every day. So many control measures would need to be in place. All other activities and diet would have to be forced to be identical to eliminate other variables.

Then see the results. That test will never be done. Why? Because it’s absurdly impossible and it would really throw a wrench into the vaccine industry.

BeanBurrito - 24.08.2023 21:02

Yes. Yes it is.
Red meat is a type 2 carcinogen. Meaning it definitely causes cancer.

NeoSan King
NeoSan King - 23.08.2023 15:56

process hamburger and hot dogs not healthy for you if you eat too much of it.. too much added preservatives and crap..
go hunt your own animal or buy whole meat from local butcher is much better for you..

Mafi Su'a
Mafi Su'a - 23.08.2023 07:24

My fitness guru because he smokes weed lol

Thor Anderson
Thor Anderson - 20.08.2023 20:07

So disapointed that michael jordan steakhouse didnt get a mention😢

SSANT - 16.08.2023 20:02

Dr Mike spitting just simple truth and logic! So refreshing from other bullshit you see daily

drednac - 15.08.2023 22:31

I think I have read somewhere that the read meat contains something that poultry and fish don't have which might be a carcinogen (I don't remember). I think with the meat in general the biggest issue is probably amount of saturated fat that's in it and the fact that is usually prepared on high temperatures which we know for sure create a lot of carcinogen compounds like acrylamide, etc. .. so not exactly healthy.

MR99OFFICIAL - 15.08.2023 16:52

Red meat has been eaten by humans for thousands of years, that's all im going to say...

Steven Hargreaves
Steven Hargreaves - 14.08.2023 13:22

Interesting and helpful. Thanks Mike.

DAK - 09.08.2023 20:29

Are these studies done with just beef? What about leaner red meat options like venison or elk?

DAK - 09.08.2023 20:20

"And they're made of red meat"

Wodinn - 09.08.2023 15:59

I'm a red meat eater that doesn't smoke tobacco. And my numbers are pretty good (better than that honestly). LOL damn that 'shot' at the liver king was even better than Joe's 'ass full of roids' shot. lmfao

English with Joe
English with Joe - 09.08.2023 15:03

So it might be ok in moderation - that doesn't sound healthy to me. The question 'is red meat bad for your health?' should also include the effect red meat has on other health factors, such as not having a planet that is able to sustain human life after climate breakdown due to climate change which is partly driven by the negative effect of red meat production. A better question would be 'why do we need to eat red meat?'

OspreyBravo18 - 09.08.2023 09:22

Knowledge and laughter. Good shit.

Richmond Ruud
Richmond Ruud - 08.08.2023 18:21

I restrict my red meat consumption to just 2-3 times per week, as eating too much can really increase red blood cell count and thicken the blood, especially on certain protocols.

BronzeBullBalls - 07.08.2023 03:06

People blame red meat for all kinds of issues while ignoring the fact that the main population is obese, diabetic, smoke, drink alcohol, eat processed sugar, eat poor quality meat (fast food) and the thousand other factors. A few hamburgers in an obese person's life is the least of their worries.
