Mission Impossible 7 Ending Explained | Plot Details | Dead Reckoning Part One Spoilers

Mission Impossible 7 Ending Explained | Plot Details | Dead Reckoning Part One Spoilers

The Nerd Doc

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@danieldumas7361 - 03.11.2023 00:23

So, once again, agent EH kills off all but one of his fellow agents in order to insure that he is the undisputed protagonist, who hooks-up with a pick-pocket who has unlamented financial resources
which finance their "mission", around the world, to out-wit, out-run & out maneuver the most powerful governments as well as an onslaught of international assassins..... You know, I think I'm gonna wait for the Broadway Musical.🙄

@georgevprochazka5316 - 13.10.2023 05:32

Although I saw the movie, only now I understand the entire plot. Thank you!

@CaptainVideo1960 - 30.08.2023 22:54

I like the little easter egg that many missed.The name Paris is a nod to Leonard Nimoy’s character on the original MI. His name was Paris too

@alzirarosa453 - 20.08.2023 21:17


@SolCresta3405 - 18.08.2023 21:40

Ethan Hunt may have won the battle, but the war with the Entity is just beginning.

@dfchang813 - 05.08.2023 20:29

Grace is just a great thief so I found it unbelievable that she was able to hold her own even for a few seconds against trained agents. Also not pleased with Ilsa being fridged. No way she loses to Gabriel one on one with what we have been shown of the character in the past 2 movies. She also has a sword with longer reach. It was also extremely ham fisted to literally replace her with Grace. Seriously? Why can’t we have two women in the team? It’s not like Ilsa and Grace’s skill sets overlap at all and the dynamic between two female leads would have been a great addition to add something fresh after 7 movies. There was really no reason to kill off Ilsa to provide agency to Ethan and his team. It’s the old fridge trope again and lazy writing in my opinion.

@dfchang813 - 05.08.2023 09:53

You’ve made some mistakes in your summary. Ethan spared Paris life earlier when she was trying to stop him from getting to Gabriel and so the Entity predicted she would betray them and tried to have her killed. Gabriel wounded her but was unable to finish her off. She later came back to save Ethan but much more importantly told him the location of the Entity on the sub as she was present with Gabriel during that conversation.

@westray4685 - 05.08.2023 00:19

the reason the money transfer is slow is because it's a transaction on the blockchain. and that could actually take some time

@shalyadubey6954 - 29.07.2023 01:31

I feel Grace will be an important character later on. How she has been working for only herself throughout the film and acting like she doesn’t know the basic skill like driving and making mistakes as Alana, while dealing on the train. Having a massive record as a professional thief and con artist. She has been trying to get away from Ethan since the beginning, or maybe she was just trying to work with him, maybe she is one of the makers of the AI.

@trekuhl3966 - 26.07.2023 02:52

Dead Reckoning is a complete movie on its own, similar to Rogue Nation. The MI7 story is weak at best and MI4, 5 & 6 are all better stories. The demise of Ilsa is very very weak and completely unbelievable. This is a woman who took out the Bone Doctor and others only to fall to Gabriel, complete BS and incredibly sad Also unbelievable is Ethan’s reaction, this is a woman he loves dearly. For proof of that, their embrace as the end of Ghost Protocol and when they were together in Venice each for the 1st time.

@coolbeansjr - 20.07.2023 20:03

Much better train sequence in mi1 than here. Liked how it was a throw back to widows mom max on the train but the Kittredge should know grace is wearing mask with the brown eyes (widow is blue) and behavior. The train roof fight didn't do it for me like the roof sequence on mi1. Then Gabriel jumping off to the truck was just dumb too as he had a watch timer perfectly syncing to jump off safely😂 I did enjoy the train stuff when it was going off the bridge though

@45usphk - 19.07.2023 17:03

Nice! Good explanation of the movie. It was as good as expected, but..... Why? Why kill off Ilsa charcter in the lamest way. I understand where the movie is going, but the scene didn't do it for me. If they wanted to kill her off. They should have done it at the end in a BIG boss fight where Ethan really would have to choose who to save with his own hands. It would have been a more impactful scene.
Im not happy how they killed off Ilsa, as you can see. She should if lived, but if she had to die for the plot of the movie, I understand. BUT She deserved a better death. Ok i think im done venting 😅😅😅

@lrc1259 - 19.07.2023 02:04

Good story. The only part I did not think was good was when Ilsa was killed. I think if they wanted her gone, they could have been more creative.

@stevenharsono9911 - 17.07.2023 20:36


@deepakjudedenny-dj2kp - 17.07.2023 18:36

The only thing I didn’t understand is the AI that went rogue belonged to the US military but how did the Russians have the source code. Why and how the AI went rogue might be explained in 2nd part I guess.

@benjaminmaximusblessmanjr991 - 17.07.2023 06:03

It was fantastic 👏🏿

@ymp175 - 16.07.2023 20:19

Really confused about these:

1) Why did Alanna let Gabriel go? Also who's threatening her? (as she said "my life is on the line")

2) Did Kittridge and Dentlinger work together? Otherwise it did not make sense that they happen to be on the same train.

3) Was that an arranged meeting or simply Gabriel and Paris breaking in? So it would appear that Gabrield pretended to work with the US government, right?

@vimalharidas9874 - 16.07.2023 18:59

Thanks for the explanation. It's all a bit too much understand amidst the chaos and action.. 😅
I have one question though. Why would AI instruct Gabriel not to kill Paris? How does that benefit the AI?

@user-bl1sk2ix2k - 16.07.2023 10:22

Great recap, thank you. I loved the train scene. But did not like the convoluted story, the excessive time spent on Grace, the diminishing of Ilsa's character and then her useless death scene. (Hope she is not actually dead. Shall in see in Part II). The embodiment of AI in Gabriel was super confusing, made him weird and creepy, and really hard to take seriously. But I love the guys chasing Ethan. Just don't love how they treated Ilsa's character AT ALL. It was actually hard to watch the rest of the film after her death scene. Grace is cute, but I just don't care about her. She's kind of useless. Her skills are so minimal, an old lady could do the role and would have been preferable to the which-girlfriend-will-he-choose plotline. There were also so many new characters to keep track of at first. Why have ten people in the boardroom, spouting one line each? Couldn't that have had 4 speaking actors and the rest be important suits who are there to pass out from the green gas? Anyway, just it hurt my head a bit, which is why I appreciate your recap.

@pinkfrangipani5131 - 16.07.2023 08:15

Also just realised that in Fallout the White Widow talks about her mother Max (from Mission: Impossible).

@pinkfrangipani5131 - 16.07.2023 05:12

Just finished watching Mission:Impossible (one) and noticed there was a trick that Ethan did which is referenced in Dead Reckoning. In MI he does a magic trick to hide the floppy disk of the NOC list. This same trick is used on Grace in MI7 to get the key. Very smart story writing. Love from sunny Sydney, Australia.

@pinkfrangipani5131 - 14.07.2023 12:33

Thank you. Does anyone know why the character of Luther is never in any interviews or premieres? Love from sunny Sydney, Australia.

@wesamalaeldin7920 - 14.07.2023 00:13

I do have a question though,

When Grace was wearing a fake Alanna mask, I did notice that her eyes were still brown and not blue like the real Alanna. I still don't know how Zola did not notice the sudden change in eye color that made it obvious that this is NOT Alanna, since he is Alanna's brother and would be familiar with her blue eyes. Maybe the movie editors did it on purpose to show the audience that this is a fake Alanna, but these fake masks are always EXACTLY the same as the real person and it's impossible to tell the difference.

What do you guys think about this?

@bluesywalker501 - 11.07.2023 20:17

I can't believe they kill Illsa Faust ! urghh...

@HellfireHellesto - 11.07.2023 15:03

Production/filming on part 2 is not completed. As per McQ... He literally stated its only about 40% completed as of June, w many of the big stunts still to be filmed. Frankly that should be easy to deduce since nothing has been snap shot, crudely filmed or any type of spy shots of rhem doing big stunts we know of ala the motorcycle stunt or train shoot for part 1.

@sonsofstretford3866 - 11.07.2023 12:59

I love how Gabriel’s scream at the end reminded me of Ambrose’s scream after he finds out he accidentally killed Stamp in MI2

@WatchingTrainsGoBy-PassingTime - 11.07.2023 09:47

I know it's probably gonna be a good movie but I really don't want, OR NEED an origin story at this point, for any of these characters. I'm not saying it can't be done and done well, but it is completely unnecessary to this kind of film. Especially since we already know so much about what kind of person he IS, TODAY in the franchise.

@thevegetableaddict4625 - 11.07.2023 09:35

This film was incredible. The whole theater was applauding

@MythicalNoodles - 11.07.2023 09:12

Thank you man! Great video! Still hard to process all that happened in the theater lol

@vokurka-net - 11.07.2023 00:47

After Gabriel kills Ilsa Faust on the bridge, I'm not too clear about Rebecca Ferguson's performance in the next half of the story (M:I 8), according to the IMDB cast. I'll be surprised.

@shivonthadhani4738 - 10.07.2023 12:54

Dead reckoning part 1 😅 was really enjoyable 😉 , lolikg forward to part 2 , although 😀 I wonder what will be the story.

@sophiaisabelle000 - 10.07.2023 11:30

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