14 Year Old Killer Thinks He's Going Home

14 Year Old Killer Thinks He's Going Home


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@wayne113 - 02.12.2023 20:49

Ambien is a terrible drug, witnessed the psychotic effect it had on a family member. Seems like big pharma needs to spend time in the hot seat, but that'll never happen.

@backup368 - 02.12.2023 20:40

"What's you name?"
"Stop moving, Elvin."

@QQQRSTUV - 02.12.2023 20:31

The commentator is a joke. The police are a joke. Poor kid. He reached out to PD, yall did NOTHING .... until it was too late for Eldon.

@SamThePokeman - 02.12.2023 19:21

This gives us real zombie preppers a bad name...

@mikec780 - 02.12.2023 18:08

I understand why, but I still can't feel bad for the teen. He put his father and more importantly his 2 kid brothers through an extremely painful death.

@Julieblakeart - 02.12.2023 17:55

The logo makes it hard to see - Why do you make it so big and in the way? Jeez - Distracting and annoying - We know what we are watching

@benjaminwashburn1207 - 02.12.2023 11:58

How u gonna let him out there a black ppl who got life sentences in the 80s for less crime's

@applied_maths - 02.12.2023 10:28

He killed his brother????

@MrLivewyah718 - 02.12.2023 10:05

Why was the word "abuse" censored?

@ashcatchum - 02.12.2023 09:44

Suspect} sounds like Kristen Stewart from Twilight trying to answers with breathy,paused, and dramatic tones. 🚩🚩🚩

@serenafennell3648 - 02.12.2023 09:38

Poor kid had enough and snapped. Hit his breaking point. Feel bad for both boys . Not so much the dad.

@Diamond_Eyes86 - 02.12.2023 09:26

I think once he started telling the truth he was telling the truth. I had an abusive father as well it’s probably hard to understand for people that you can loathe and love an abuser at the same time. There were moments my dad was hitting me as a pre teen where I would have killed him had I had the recourses and ability and afterward I would have mourned my father and still loved him. His dad put his hands on him, he made a split second decision in rage that if it happened again he was gonna shoot him, Once he acted on impulse and shot him in the stomach from the second physical moment with his dad in his mind he had no choice but to finish it because if when dad was healed and back in his feet in the future there was a very real chance of EXTREME retaliation from his dad. My dad abusing me was physically painful and made me extremely sad and regretful, but the real primal terror was hearing him coming down the hallway or making a mistake in school and knowing the impending doom that waiting for me when the call home was made. The potential of what he MIGHT do to me. Rather than face that he killed him because he DID feel like he had to in that moment. After the fact when the realization of what he did dawned on him he needed to blame someone and of course it must be his brother’s fault this happened after all the stress he brought on his family and he already hated and resented him and he had already killed his dad, that rage manifested and He killed his brother. This kid is broken and also guilty. Tragic situation all around.

@bigg4upt - 02.12.2023 09:05

That’s nigga got out after all he did to his brother he almost home now it’s 2023 that’s insane

@bigg4upt - 02.12.2023 08:36

POV: Elden was jealous of Jonathan
Bc he had autism & was getting all the attention

That’s what it seems like😢
Shit is sad mane

@bigg4upt - 02.12.2023 08:05

Lord forgive me but this has got to be the dumbest 14 yr old like
Does he believe the nonsense he saying right now

@Scawtsauce - 02.12.2023 05:58

kid is on drugs like his dad

@joanneprero2491 - 02.12.2023 05:03

No child is born a murderer…period

@AFKin - 02.12.2023 04:18

i kinda feel sorry for him like would he still of been the same kid if he was in a loving caring family? i doubt it

@fiilthiestrc3818 - 02.12.2023 04:05

Media manipulation....

@TheCureTarot - 02.12.2023 04:03

That bold cop, smh. You know how much abuse thst kid been through?

@drawincode1800 - 02.12.2023 03:39

Eee Woo Crew!!! 😂

@TheCureTarot - 02.12.2023 03:10

Why do parents deny when their kids are monsters? it doesnt help them at all. People need to open their eyes! To everyone around us.

@JuliaannVanston-fh8dk - 02.12.2023 02:42

That police man is confusing

@bggraham83 - 02.12.2023 02:19

Abuse is bleeped out? Wtf is going on?

@williamjacobsellers928 - 02.12.2023 02:15

I have nothing against recreational or medical use of cannabis. I believe it to have beneficial effects for most individuals. However, I truly believe Marijuana can bring out schizophrenic-like symptoms in certain individuals. Personally it’s not for me. The paranoia and psychedelic effects it causes me seem to be on a different level than most people. Edit: this comment was meant for another video by EWU before it autoplayed for the next sorry for any confusion

@user-fg5fz6pk5z - 02.12.2023 01:23

He shouldnt be charge at all

@swagikuro - 02.12.2023 01:08

I feel like this channel is at least half full of shit with its mannerism analysis lol. Straight up dumb sometimes.

@user-fg5fz6pk5z - 01.12.2023 23:45

they shouldn't have interview him they took advantage of his age

@Casey13F - 01.12.2023 23:40

What world are we coming to where we have to sensor the word "abuse"??

@raelanhoops9070 - 01.12.2023 22:58

This kid makes no sense

@lizf1353 - 01.12.2023 22:53

Bro you jump around WAY TOO MUCH in this interview and splice it together in such a way that with your commentary it seems (from a objective perspective) to be incredibly biaed and for a purely entertainment experience as opposed to a fully honest evaluation of actual vody language and interview tactics. Perhaps thats the only objective of the channel is to be for entertainment purposes but the way you lay out the channel and set up is such that it implies a objective evaluation. Perhaps you should consider adding a very clear label that these things aren't fully in sequence and that its for entertainment not education 🤔

@gracefoster7244 - 01.12.2023 22:27

They should not be able to question him

@YouHornyTuber - 01.12.2023 21:51

I think the way these detective question this kid is horribly wrong. They are asking him leading questions. At one point the kid says, "I want to see my Mother". Why doesn't that equate to the Defendant requesting that a parent be present for questioning? If this kid had lawyered up from the start he may very well have avoided conviction. Had this happened in a state where the law is more evolved such as California, New York, Illinious (States with large populations and big cities) this type of questioning would not be allowed to take place. This is just a sad situation all around. I thought that as a society we have decided that children are not to be held criminally responsible for their actions in the same way adults are. Why is it that we allow them to be tried as adults when the crimes are particularly horrific? The fact that a crime is horrific should be taken as a sign of abuse and or a sign that this kid is mentally ill. I'm sure in a case like this the state would argue that the Defendant was not mentally ill, but clearly what was going on in this kids head must surely be the very definition of mental illness. In other words, if this kid was not under some type of mental illness when this occurred then the entire psychiatric profession should be called into question as being a big joke that is fueled by expert witnesses who are paid to say whatever the buyer requests. Is there anyone here who thinks this kid was not under some type of mental deficientcy when this incident occurred? I would like to point out that at one point during the interview the kid said he loved his dad. He also said he wanted to see his mother. As far as killing the brother and all the thoughts that went into that, the detectives were feeding his mind with all kinds of ideas. As for the eventual sentence which amounted to 20 to life (I cannot remember exactly) I feel this is excessive. If society thinks this kid needs to learn a lesson before he is free to start his life over, why do we think a sentence of 20 plus years will make him a better person? Why not let the kid out in 5 years so that he still has a chance to live his life? He was 14 -- he doesn't know what he was doing or thinking -- he was 14... that's why they are called teenagers. I just do not see the rational of treating a 14 year old as if he was a 24 year old adult. This is just plain wrong, and I think anyone of us who considers themselves to be educated knows this type of interrigaiton is wrong. There is just something very wrong with the way these two detectives are teamed up against this child. The narrator says, "Elden goes back and forth about wanting to kill his brother" -- yeah that's right cause he's 14 years old for Christ Sake. Is there one 14 year old in this country who has a brother who has never thought about killing him, or who has never been driven to the point where they say, "I'm gonna kill you?" It's all part of being young and having a mind that is still developing... I say time served, surprise the kid and set him free... Let him know that there are people who care about him. One day he will walk free so why torture him first -- I'm sure that by now he has learned whatever lesson he needs to learn... anything else is just pouring salt into the wound.
Note: in no way do I mean to excuse what the kid did -- I do seriously question the way we as a society allow kids this yound to be tried as adults.

@lilslava - 01.12.2023 21:27

This poor kid.. my heart hurts for him. He thought is only way out was to kill his dad and brother. He needed supportive and loving parents. They failed him. These detectives are putting words in his mouth. It’s sad.

@aj20100608 - 01.12.2023 20:28

I feel like this kid was definitely abused. Maybe not physically but he has been mentally and psychologically abused. Obviously what he did is abhorrent but it could have been prevented. A little bit of extra attention from mom and dad to say hey buddy, I know your brother takes up a lot of time and energy but you’re still special to us and we love you, could have prevented this. Feeling like you’re alone in the world fucks with people, and unfortunately he felt like he was alone because his brother sucked all the

@heavenlymilano - 01.12.2023 20:14

A naïve 14 year old kid without an attorney, a parent, anyone who would defend his interest...

@hectorvazquez1116 - 01.12.2023 18:24

We can't prevent the future from taking place no matter what happens whether it's bad or good.
The future is set in motion centuries ago.

@Avtomatik - 01.12.2023 18:04

abuse is now a curse word?!

@jschofield5181 - 01.12.2023 17:52

Seems like quite a lenient sentence considering the crimes.

@user-uk8el6sf6i - 01.12.2023 15:25

The dad sounds like a piece of work! Eldon had cavities and was malnourished? If you've ever had a deep cavity, then you know the unbearable pain that nothing helps but ANTIBIOTICS which would require dental or medical attention! In PA, as dental providers, we can report neglect when parents aren't taking care of cavities that we repeatedly inform them of.. but it falls on deaf ears. My sister in law works for CPS and told my they won't do anything over this unless the family already has a case! Whether the dad hit him or not, that's abuse
