What was your favourite out of all the Phase 4 Pitch Meetings?!
ОтветитьSeeing the clothes I wore in high school, particularly ones from the “cheap” stores where you shopped when you were broke like Wet Seal, referred to as “vintage” kills me every time. It’s like calling old SHEIN vintage. Vintage isn’t just about age, it also refers to quality.
Wet seal is mass produced and made in a sweat shop. It is NOT vintage regardless of age.
We're not the same person cuz i have glasses
ОтветитьShe's from the MOVIE! 😅
ОтветитьThey said i couldnt be a fighter pilot, so i watched top gun like 15 times and made a cockpit out of a cardboard box, it mightve been a litter box actually, and used a bowl as a helmet, and after doing that for what seems like forever, i am now the bestest fighter pilot ever. Ever. Yeah i can handle g forces like 100+, unless thats not a lot then double it! if i have to eject, which would only ever happen because the men who made my jet were white and old and confident, and it breaks, but if that happens i dont even need a parachute.
ОтветитьIf Ryan made 90minutes I would totally buy as a download , and by buy I mean illegally download :)
ОтветитьEnter houston jones
ОтветитьIt started so good with Wandavision
ОтветитьThe mcu snatched defeat from the jaws of victory after infinity war.
ОтветитьI made the mistake of watching this show without any contexts of who Wanda is, and what all the previous movies were about. I still don't understand wtf was going on.
ОтветитьAnd I killed sparky too
ОтветитьSo glad I pretty much stopped watching MCU stuff a few years ago and didn't sit through most of these. Looks like everything got ridiculous stupid and its just a bunch of money grabs/ pandering with no actual thought out story and character arcs.
ОтветитьA very painful fart noise
ОтветитьNatasha’s death is the only one that is permanent!
ОтветитьSo, Shang Chi is now immortal?
ОтветитьShould Thor and Jane receive a wish, since they made it there too? Or just Gorr?
ОтветитьI'm so VERY grateful I did not watch any of this garbage.
ОтветитьHis yt username is "supdude69" 😂
ОтветитьPretty sure Phase 4 was mostly just about getting Disney tax write offs, federally subsidized loans, special company status, h.r. subsidies, and propaganda subsidies
ОтветитьSupper easy barley inconvenienced
ОтветитьCompared to how old Loki is....New York is a blimp on the map. Home changing as a charger should be super easy, barely an inconvenience.
ОтветитьMoon night was the most disappointing show ever
ОтветитьBarely an inconvenience
Ответить"Oh that's one of the characters, i think! I'm... I'm almost sure of it." Sums up The Eternals PERFECTLY. What a forgettable movie.
Ответитьlol you got me when you mentioned Kamala’s brother and producer guy cringed
ОтветитьI don’t watch marvel I just wanna say BFDI mouth in the thumbnail
ОтветитьI don't even like Disney Marvel but I watch these everyday.
ОтветитьSuper easy barely an inconvenience 😂
ОтветитьI keep forgetting to say, This is genius. You, sir are genius. I love this channel.
ОтветитьIm gonna make you pay for that
Ответить"We already didn't" - thanks for a unique gem of grammar, Ryan! It's a nice challenge to translate this as economically as the original. For a lifetime spent studying and using English, I'd never encountered this use, and it's so simple!
ОтветитьIt's fun watching Marvel unravel all over again without having to watch the products
ОтветитьCentral premise: the executive guy is almost as dumb as they hoped the target audience are.
ОтветитьGod phase 4 was terrible.
Ответить2020 MCU "This is gonna be dope"
2024 MCU "Canceled Disney subscription"
looks at DC
I'm just going to go outside instead...
“He’s protected everywhere except where his brain is.” 😂
ОтветитьThere is no explain why its so funny but when he says things are "TIGHT" it is always funny
ОтветитьWhat happened to What If?
ОтветитьIt's for a thousand years not four thousand years with Shang-Chi
ОтветитьWow Phase 4 can be summarized as "women cam do anything better than men". No wonder Marvel went downhill so much to where it is now lol
ОтветитьRetconning deaths in Comics is TIGHT!
Ответить“Our movement is strong.
Time to make ourselves heard.”
What I say when I step into a men’s room stall.
If only "Hey shut up" really worked.
ОтветитьThank you for siding with logic and normalcy with the review—especially with how She-Hulk thinks she experiences so much more stress than Bruce.
ОтветитьCatching up on all of phase 4 in one hour 30 minute video is super easy, barely an inconvenience