How a small German Village killed Google Street View

How a small German Village killed Google Street View

Matthias Schwarzer

1 год назад

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Matthias Schwarzer
Matthias Schwarzer - 25.07.2023 23:24

A quick update on this story: Today (July 25) Google released new images of Germany in Street View, just as mentioned in the video. And surprisingly, these are not just shots of larger cities, as previously announced. Also smaller villages are available now. Including: Molfsee.

Thick_propheT - 18.10.2023 09:07

How unfortunate. The degradation of privacy continues.

Jocreate - 11.10.2023 10:03

And there is the proof - Bielefeld exists 😂 Even pixelated in Google Street View.
For years I lived in the middle of the city of Bielefeld, in one of the streets where the residents had put on their aluminium hats and applied for deletion. Really annoying for my Irish husband, who wanted to use the photos to find his way around the city he would soon be moving to.

TRUTH Seeker
TRUTH Seeker - 10.10.2023 04:28

Leider sind alle nach wenigen Jahren schon weichgekocht.

Anatoliy Pankevych
Anatoliy Pankevych - 07.10.2023 02:37

Ja, Mann. Der echte Norden ❤ aber aber es gibt zu viele russen da… russen, die die Aggression ihres Unterlandes unterstützen. Russlanddeutsche, die aus Kasachstan kamen und vergessen haben, wie russland ganze Völker, auch sie selbst, zerstört und deportiert hat

frieden für alle
frieden für alle - 05.10.2023 11:56

Haben die leute hier in den Kommentaren überhaupt ne ahnung

Louie Sanchez
Louie Sanchez - 25.09.2023 07:12

They had to drag Molfsee kicking and screaming into the the Internet Age

just something
just something - 21.09.2023 02:20


N Hansen
N Hansen - 18.09.2023 21:49

Google Street View is a wonderful tool for planning a trip to a location I'm not familiar with. I often look at street view to give myself an idea of what the area looks like before going out. Street view also gives me the ability to tour places I will never get to see because I can't afford to go to so many locations.

Mike Mullinax
Mike Mullinax - 18.09.2023 16:51

In Germany, not a damn bit of ou5rage over important things, like the rising neo-Nazis political activity and their infiltration in the national police and military. But god forbid that sanitized photos of street views are published.

T Dockery
T Dockery - 01.09.2023 22:59

NAZ!s gotta be NAZ!s

Volksinformant - 31.08.2023 16:34

You must know that the majority of the Germans are strange and peculiar people. I know this because I am German myself. I am ashamed of my fellow countrymen. The majority are fearful, distant and very reserved. New things are often viewed with scepticism and rejection. When Google Street View was introduced, a lot of Germans were scared and angry. Yet the legal situation is clear in Germany: as long as you are on public ground, you can photograph houses as you like and publish the pictures. The permission of the homeowner is not even required. So everything is legal. Google didn't even have to offer to censor the houses. I fear that many houses will be pixelated again now. A German illness.

Zenobi Kraweznick
Zenobi Kraweznick - 30.08.2023 14:55


: D
: D - 29.08.2023 19:08

In Sweden it's illegal to even use a dashcam, yet nothing is done about this immoral activity.

MidnightVisions - 29.08.2023 08:53

Another reason for the van on Google Street view is many German politicians are associated with Socialist organizations, such as Antifa and the WEF. Google, Facebook and apple gave all been magically hacked and conservative politicians addresses doxxed. The Socialist politicians don't want their addresses found when their addresses get doxxed.

Alex Fishman
Alex Fishman - 28.08.2023 14:26

Good video, well made , thank you

Vis Polonia
Vis Polonia - 27.08.2023 20:26

Pool is closed

Sauron84 - 26.08.2023 15:41

And this is the same stupid idea behind the fact that you cannot photograph anything with a drone in Germany, because everyone is interested in your home...yeah right....I've meet a not so kind german lady also here in Italy and she yelled at me that I was photographing her home with my drone (I didn't even know where that was...)...A pity we were in Italy and I've explained to her that here privacy works differently... :D

Ian Stobie
Ian Stobie - 26.08.2023 13:46

I thought this was going to be about Bismarck, but it wasn't so thanks for all the information about Molfsee and other protests over Streetview images.

However, I think the expectations of the public may be influenced by the greater privacy and copyright protection that individuals get in Germany over the use of their own images by the media. For example, images of people in crowds are usually blurred by the publisher if the image is clear enough to allow the identification of the individual. That is unless the individual is already a public figure, or has given their explicit, written permission.

This approach is much tighter and favourable to the person photographed than in the US or UK, or other EU countries. And it probably does go back to an incident in the early days of photography.

In 1898 two freelancers bribed their way into the room where German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898), lay on his deathbed. They took a few shots using flash, then quickly departed. But efforts to find newspapers willing to publish the images failed, and instead the intrusive photographers became the story the newspapers ran to an outraged public. This led to a court case, and both photographers were jailed and the images handed over to Bismarck's family. Later the law relating to photography was amended to clarify who had what rights in these situations. To this day I think that Germans get greater control of the use of their images by the media than the citizens of most other countries.

Jani - 23.08.2023 00:21

Very good review about it and I'm very happy that German people are against that corporate communism which Google is trying to put on.

táltos álmos
táltos álmos - 22.08.2023 07:55

Germany is not a white spot anymore. Merkel made sure of that.

Elyas Bin Yahya Rucker
Elyas Bin Yahya Rucker - 22.08.2023 07:35

Es ist falsch, Zuschauer zu bitten, die Benachrichtigungsglocke zu läuten.

Bischof R
Bischof R - 21.08.2023 23:07

braucht man das eigendlich und überhaubt? wenn man ne Adresse hat kann man ja einfach so hin. ich hab noch nie street view verwendet und wüste auch nicht wieso

Madalin-Cosmin - 21.08.2023 09:41

Or you can use apple maps... they had street walking for a long time

R2 D2
R2 D2 - 21.08.2023 09:13

tja, die menschen weltweit laden alles mögliche in alle möglichen clouds und internetportale hoch, regen sich aber darüber auf, wenn die städte durchsichtig sind. verkehrte welt. wenn man dann noch bedenkt, dass unsere daten bis zu 3 monate gespeichert werden, und ebenso geplant ist, dass digitale briefgeheimnis komplett aufzuheben...

Aguimar D'Souza
Aguimar D'Souza - 21.08.2023 07:41

People have strong fear for the new things. I remenber how much I was surprised and nervous with images of street views in front of my propriety. Streetviews are past. The problem now is another and is called "CHATGPT", and be sure a lot people around world can't sleep well, they are thinking about AI. So let´s pray :)

Louise Ogden
Louise Ogden - 20.08.2023 22:49

Last scene: Dude, you managed it. Well done.

(I know he's no longer with us, but there's a really nice feeling after a small victory. Mine after my ankle injury were being able to take my moonboot off at night and then a month or so later being able to sit cross legged.

Adi Culea
Adi Culea - 20.08.2023 20:30

if it was me at google i would of baned street view for all german accounts, just to be shure.. if they don't want street view, than should not use it at all :) (romanian guy living in germany) ... weird tho..that u can film those guy's streets and post it online without a problem without pixelate :)))

Marinadela - 20.08.2023 18:52

Pixelating a house somehow attracts a lot more attention to it, so I get it.

Marinadela - 20.08.2023 18:50

Germany out of all countries???

SnortTroll - 20.08.2023 13:28

Maybe the leaders were being unfaithful and did not want theor spouse to see the black car in their driceway

Paul - 20.08.2023 12:05

I use street view to find parkings close to my destinations. Before I leave. Look up holiday apartments or hotels, to see what the area really looks like, if it fits their description. So I won't be dissapointed when I arrive. I WON'T book an appartement if I cannot locate it on sat or streetview. I really use it a lot for all my planning of trips. The larger absence of it in Germany as always annoyed me.

TheAnimeist - 19.08.2023 19:40

Note, how the politicians all voiced concern over the privacy of their own homes. Nothing about the privacy of the homes of the people they are to represent.

mogreen19 - 19.08.2023 14:12

I am one of those Germans who had his places pixelated, and thanks to pointing out the other service, I guess one has to reapply to Apple now to get pixelated there as well. Growing up in West Berlin I remember a bit about the wall and the stasi. Just in the time I was in elementary school our house was broken into twice. My dad died from cancer and my mom moved to a condo which I had pixelated for obvious security concerns. I will keep having properties pixelated as well, no need to advertise online.

Illia - 19.08.2023 09:49

This world are fulfilled of stupid peoples.

Cadde - 19.08.2023 05:55

At what cost?
Pretty much the rest of the developed world has streetview, which has done everything from help someone find a business to save lives.
Germany is stuck in the first decade of the millennium. It's like they are trying to hide something?

Either way, it's probably getting resolved now. But how much did it cost Germany to be OUT of the benefits that street view has given?

And on the "criminals can see my house" bit. Your house has been staked out numerous times already, they don't look at street view to find their targets. They just drive through a neighborhood and make notes on CURRENT events. Outdated information is useless to them.

Anders Svarrer
Anders Svarrer - 18.08.2023 22:13

it's really stupid..

Mustang Rt
Mustang Rt - 18.08.2023 21:12

I middlefingered a google car and I got censored

ferdi pieterse
ferdi pieterse - 18.08.2023 16:02

Biggest thread is not google but bs politicians that think they are very clever and wise.
They come up with the stupidest ideas that do more harm then saving the world.

moo mäh
moo mäh - 18.08.2023 14:38

People should be more concerned about their incompetent usage of the Internet, especially people, that only started using it when smartphones became widespread (still remember the days before and how many of said people looked down on people with computer and / or gaming hobbies). I'm an IT guy and still see lots of people of any age, from teens to the elderly, lack a basic understanding of technology in general, computers and the Internet. These people are logging into their e-mail and other accounts, even bank accounts, on public computers, with some of them not even logging out after they finished. Or people ramming the wrong charging cables of public charging stations into their phones, damaging the cable and their phones. Or people not knowing what operation system (Windows, MacOS, Linux - not even what version specifically) they have on their own devices. The last two things even happened with IT students...

Too many people see everything as black or white. Not just in politics but also in cases like these. There is a clear fear of anything people don't understand and many don't understand technology. Using basic functionality /= equal understanding... The same people often believe that younger people nowadays are so great as using technology compared to previous generations...

Google photographing public spaces is feared, even though it is technically legal and has been done for decades by other companies. I still remember the times, where companies where shooting air photographs via plane or helicopter without anyone questioning it (at least no public outrage). We even had guys of such companies come to our house, wanting to sell photos of the house and land. Photos that they already shot without asking beforehand... in effing Germany... (was in the 90s if I remember correctly).

Maybe we should forbid the use and sales of anything that can be used for malicious things. No more computers, phones, knives, scissors, cars, frozen pork legs... I remember a (I believe fictional) story, where a woman killed her husband using a frozen pig leg as weapon. Then when the police came, she had made lunch out of it and fed the murder weapon to the officers. xD
Regarding such stories as they are often found in books, why are they perfectly fine in Germany, but First Person Shooter games are suddenly "Killer Games"?People aren't logical, especially fear-mongers. Also many politicians are thriving on fear mongering.

Smona Dörge
Smona Dörge - 18.08.2023 10:12

it's so weird that with so many issues like global warming, racism etc the parties can't cooperate at all while this one thing united basically every relevant party

Timothy Mulholland
Timothy Mulholland - 18.08.2023 01:35

If they want their house pixelated, fine. Just do it and move on.

V P - 18.08.2023 01:05

Modern Germans are incredibly lazy and inadequate people who do everything possible to defend their desire to live in the Stone Age. They will never keep up with the times and will do their best to be backward.

Rick Beacham
Rick Beacham - 17.08.2023 20:11

Okay, now i'm understanding why my Google Maps photos got over one million views in Germany two years ago... No one was uploading images.

andy 70D
andy 70D - 17.08.2023 19:30

Good on Germany, stopping Google who think they are untouchable.

Jrd _
Jrd _ - 17.08.2023 17:44

Of course you pick the one street in Bielefeld i looked at more than once on streetview to figure out where to park.

George N
George N - 17.08.2023 07:23

>>> set (lst|-----|)

REM - 16.08.2023 13:58

They resist Street view, but sell their digital souls to google ad services by using gmail, search engine, chome, drive etc etc.

