Tasmanian Serpentine Botany Dungeon & Huon Pine Shorts

Tasmanian Serpentine Botany Dungeon & Huon Pine Shorts

Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't

1 год назад

21,064 Просмотров

Ultramafic Soils - aka Serpentine Soils - are soils created from the weathering of ultramafic rocks that are high in iron & magnesium and low in essential plant nutrients like nitrogen & calcium.

Longtime watchers of this channel have likely heard the rants about geology & plant speciation and will already be familiar with how this rock type and geology influences plant evolution in places like California and New Caledonia for instance. What many people don't know is that the island of Tasmania has its own exposures of serpentine soil in the western half of the island, and on these soils - as there tend be on this kind of geology - there are plants that evolved a tolerance to this toxic kind of geology and have become adapted to it.

Plant species like Viola serpentinicola (Violaceae) & Micrantheum serpentinum (Picrodendraceae) are Tasmanian Serpentine Endemics, while other plants like Banksia marginata and Drosera auriculata - having already been adapted to nutrient poor soils - are also able to tolerate the serpentine.

Your contributions support this content. It sounds clichéd, but it's true. Whether it's travel expenses, vehicle repair, or medical costs for urushiol poisoning (or rockfalls, beestings, hand slices, toxic sap, etc), your financial support allows this content to continue so the beauty of Earth's flora can be made accessible to the rest of us in the degenerate public. At a time when so much is disappearing beneath the human footprint, CPBBD is willing to do whatever it takes to document these plant species and the ecological communities they are a part of before they're gone for good.

Plants make people feel good. Plants quell homicidal (and suicidal!) thoughts. To support Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't, consider donating a few bucks to the venmo account "societyishell" or the PayPal account email [email protected]...

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Thanks, GFY.
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