The Results & Features of a Person with a High IQ | Jordan Peterson

The Results & Features of a Person with a High IQ | Jordan Peterson


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@Kylepersonal - 29.11.2023 18:17

High IQ is a curse, especially when you have to deal with all the birdbrains in every day life.

@Homesteadkitchen777 - 29.11.2023 18:13

Who cares about IQ.I'd rather have confidence, follow through, and grit.

@WilliamFulner-lc3wg - 29.11.2023 14:09

Video about high IQ
EVERYONE in the comment section:
“yEs I’m In ThE 99tH pErCenTiLe…”

@ThinkieDonkey-wh8on - 29.11.2023 12:25

JP oversimplified IQ as predictor of income and so on ignoring there are many factors that contribute to high income and there are many cases where a high IQ person might not have high income due to personalities, values or due to atypical characteristics or their environment. Not every high IQ person is motivated to pursue a job simply because it is highly paid. Again you would need to further elaborate what is your definition of IQ or is it EQ? There are many types of intelligence. High income is simply not a causation of high IQ. High IQ humans are not robots, you can't simply look at a high IQ person and ignore their other sets of personalities and external factors that could influence a person's path. These predictors isn't accurate picture of high IQ person.

@user-ir7cb1jj4z - 28.11.2023 23:58

im guessing the reason industriousness and impulsivity arent correlated with higher intelligence is because lots of folks with adhd have higher intelligence

@ibrahimkuyumcu2649 - 27.11.2023 16:47

That point about disgust correlation with lower IQ is different for each race/sub-race.

@lunatik9696 - 27.11.2023 03:42

IQ is not supposed to vary more than 10 for your life.
My IQ has been tested from 128 to 172 and several in the middle. (A delta of 44)
It is not to be proud or ashamed. It is a genetic gift.
Through studying really hard one can modify their basic genetic gift, but only so much.
By one perspective, high IQ is a curse b/c of all the hoops one has to jump through to deal with the much less intelligent.
Flat Earthers are you listening!

I recall an 8th grade math teacher called on me, I asked what page and problem are we on.
After a little back n forth, she told me, I looked at it and gave the correct answer immediately.
She then accused me of cheating as no one not even she could do that problem that fast in their head.

Most IQ tests hovered around 140 as that is the limit on many tests. A few were 150+.
I even wrote a letter to one publisher explaining why a specific abstract problem was incorrect as no solution was correct.
Keep in mind 136 or 137 is the 1% depending on which sigma (15 or 16) is used.
The 128 test had NO abstract thinking or math higher than 3rd grade. Age 26
This was before college. Also right after a severe head injury.
The 172 was mostly visual with lots of higher math and abstract problems. After not finishing College, 1st time. Age 33.
I went on to get several degrees. 1 associates, 3 BS, and 2 MS. My 1st BS degree was at age 49.

What is an IQ test? It measures encyclopedic and dictionary knowledge.
It is the ability to regurgitate information. No creative or emotional inference.
It does NOT measure potential. It indicates it, but doesn't measure it.
All this data is to realize an IQ test or score is not that big of a deal.
It is an indicator nothing more.

@kichigan1 - 27.11.2023 02:04

I hate this dude. He was obsessed with the incels, now he's obsessing with higher IQ. I deal with huge fiber optic deploying machines and I always wondered if these high IQs would last a day in my job. Like Chappelle would say, sure he's smart, but can he write a comedy bit? High IQ suck at so many other important things in life and they are bought by big money that only serves their profits and themselves.

@allenhanks7719 - 27.11.2023 01:22

You all know why I watched this

@bethelle9099 - 26.11.2023 23:40

Simply put, high i.q. persons are in their own head more. Thus, they tend to be less productive on a physical scale. If one wants a producer, look for those with stocky builds, governed by their adrenal glands. Healthy of course. True. Read into Chinese Constitutional medicine and also body types. Glands determine what body type you will have. Tall, straight, slender are usually the thyroid body type. We tend to be the writers, poets, actors, thinkers and so on........There is more to the 'mind' of a person than just the brain........

@Jd-kg1fh - 26.11.2023 11:56

Well, I did an online IQ test, which was probably inevitable inaccurate and flawed because for one, I doubt it was a true legitimate Mesa scaled test, and 2 I'm Dyslexic and have ADD. I'm 34 years of age, a high school drop-out that has been battling with Alcoholism off and on since I was 13 years of age. Irrespective of this and many things I won't divulge in terms of childhood trauma etc etc, I've managed to master a trade and earn a good living from it, but only because I was selected by someone with an IQ of 135 and whom told me I was intelligent, otherwise I probably would have gone through life thinking I was dumb. The problem I have is with procrastination and dealing with my emotions, I have a very low tolerance for B.S. I taught myself how to read and do math, but being Dyslexic isn't easy. I'm highly creative and artistic and get bored easy.. I have to keep busy and have structure in life and love quality time with family and friends. But I can also be very introverted which is to my own detriment at times. I've had many different occupations over the years, and now it's time to nuckle-down and focus on building a sustainable future for myself somehow. So my IQ, well I think I could do much more, but I'm intelligent enough to know my limitations and how my learning indifference can get in the way of my true potential. I have no problem learning certain things and having a good memory for numerous subjects, but I can also suffer from short term- working memory problems that can really bite me in the arse. So, I may just end up stuck in the blue-collar till the day I die, but atleast I have the liberty to decide whether to turn right or left, as some don't have that choice due to being completely disabled.
You gotta make the most of what you have right now and motivate yourself and not be afraid of failure.

Go out there and fail and be dumb, you'll learn faster.

@nobbynoris - 26.11.2023 05:13

Everything JP is saying sounds like so much bullshit.

@mishasuki - 25.11.2023 05:05

My uncle had paranoid schizophrenia and was also very intelligent. My mother said he couldn’t handle regular people and was a recluse. He came from a line of wealthy, scholars and presidential advisors. deans of Dartmouth etc. he ended up taking his own life by drinking a liter of methadone.

@ccfmfg - 24.11.2023 07:37

Industriousness is about passion for a Job appreciated and Well done.

@MattTyrant-sb8cb - 23.11.2023 19:14

High IQ of knowledge of worldly lies. What do you really know if all you know is of the master of the world the father of lies? IQ is as made up as your money you buy and sell lies by.

@AA-le3xe - 23.11.2023 14:42

Reductionist nonsense!

@FraldinhoBJJ - 21.11.2023 23:26

I see people with high or very high IQ’s talk about how they have so many problems relating to people .

I thank god that I probably have an IQ in the superior range . About 120-125.

I was smart enough to skip grades in school, and I had an 11th grade reading level by the time I was 10. I started walking at 6 months old .

That’s all great and well but the best part of my particular makeup is that I have emotional intelligence and great empathy. I’m great with people .

The trouble with people as smart as or smarter than me , if they are keenly aware of their gifts is they tend to see IQ as a flawed litmus test for capability , suitability, and quality of a person.

I’m smart enough to know the human genetic diversity which drives our species and race are much more powerful in synergy .

It is helpful to remind ourselves that some 85 IQ person is always going to be genetically superior to a majority of the population in some way.

I look more at ambition/motivation as a source of value and resourcefulness.

Dale Carnegie is an author who always professed that there is nothing more common than smart/capable failures in this world. Lack of ambition, lack of motivation, lack of discipline, and lack of willingness to grow stifled many more people than inferior side of the spectrum IQ’s ever has .

Besides that , truly intelligent people can explain virtually any concept to even a young child and get their point across .

If you find yourself unable to contend with lesser cognitively gifted people or relate with them, I’d bet it’s more to do with your emotional intelligence lacking or empathy.

Not only that , professor Peterson, who I’ve seen live in a lecture is also famous for pointing out that no matter where you are on the distribution of a bell curve on IQ that most everyone has a type of intelligence where we lag far behind the other forms of intelligence .

This can be a fatal flaw depending on your occupation, employment , and level of your role that you undertake .

Whether is spatial skills, pattern recognition, etc, we usually fall behind somewhere .

@sarahl162 - 21.11.2023 23:12

I have a memory like a recording device and can reproduce music almost completely the first time I hear or read it. My reading speed is extremely fast. I speak six languages, play several instruments and am a scientist. With some things that I did early on, I only realised late on that they were difficult for others to understand. That's normal for me. I always had massive problems at school. I came from a very modest background and it was difficult to get by. I was always modest and always held myself back so as not to stand out because of my extra knowledge. Today I'm fine with me and I enjoy my abilities. But men in particular still tend to underestimate me. That's very funny.

@scootertrash911 - 20.11.2023 18:20

A friend of mine had a crazy high IQ, and went to college on scholarship because of his intelligence. A few weeks before graduating Samford University Law School he just left school. He stayed single to age 40, working a job as a heavy equipment operator at a local landfill. John finally married at 45 only to die of a heart attack two weeks thereafter. He was a thin, health nut, so I think his intelligence may have affected his morbidity.

@wickedbird1538 - 16.11.2023 21:51

I never thought I was smart until my mom pointed out that I keep friending geniuses.

@AndrewStevens-cd5jr - 16.11.2023 19:56

I'm in the 98th percentile (I'm in Mensa) and my overall quality of life is poor. So even if we assume Peterson to be right, there are going to be exceptions to the rule.

@martypatterson7382 - 14.11.2023 08:37

I underwent testing from psychologist and had a certified score of 138 at the age of 11, which short of complete lack of interest in learning (which hasn't happened yet) or traumatic brain injury (which may have happened🤷) I should've peaked in my early twenties somewhere in high the 140's to low 150's. I can't say for sure if I did, but I can tell ya this much. It was always a problem. It actually sucks.
Take the reason why I was even seeing the psychologist at the age of 11 in the first place...
I had just expelled from school again. Four days into the school year. For the remainder of the school year, and was not yet old enough to be sent to the "bad kids" school yet (dont worry, I did two tours of that as soon as was), so my parents were stuck footing the bill for a private school, which I had ZERO trouble with. However, my parents aren't rich. This put a tremendous strain on the family.
Why was I kicked out?
According to the psychologist who did an in depth evaluation of me over several weeks, "He's extremely gifted and loves being engaged with challenging work. He should be placed in a gifted program or a specialized school immediately. If he remains in public school, receiving the standard curriculum, he will continue to be bored with his work and remain unchallenged by it. Combine his boredom with teachers who are most likely less intelligent than he is now, and there will be problems. Public schools are not equipped for children like him and will do nothing more than foster resentment for all educational institutions."
Ya, well my parents aren't rich.... 'Bad kids' school, here I come! .....twice!

Dropped out my junior year, went to prison at 18.

No, having a high IQ isn't a indicator of success. Having parents who can afford to make sure you are where you need to be is....

Do you know what it's what like thinking 5-7 verbal exchanges ahead in the conversation with your boss, just to determine that on the off chance that you can actually get this dim MFr to realize what we need to do to improve situation 'A' without saying what it is (because that a sure fire way to NOT DO THAT) he'll end up thinking it through over the next couple days and conclude that you were steering the project, which is threatening to his position, and sends him on a mission to get you ousted from the company, just to be safe.... so you inevitably beat him to punch, and don't say anything, but continue doing the same shit that doesn't work... just like last time when it didnt work.

Imagine seeing someone you care about, doing stupid shit. You can see the outcome so clearly, its like clairvoyance.... but god forbid your able to tell them. Your just a know it asshole who has never had any faith in them. You probably hope they fail so you can rub in their face...

No, actually I dont. I wish I was wrong, but I'm not. I was you can rub it my face, prove me wrong ... but you won't t.
I wish I didn't have to watch you do this, but I do.

It's not a good life.

@svartvist - 12.11.2023 19:45

Interesting that James Flynn indicated that IQ tests were invented as a means of predicting college success and completion. Initially they "measured" these areas: Vocabulary, Arithmetic, Comprehension, Memory, and General Info. He also pointed out that it was not a measure of critical intelligence nor wisdom. The likelihood of completing college was indexed to HS grades + IQ scores with a probability of 0.4. This is not a very impressive correlation. In physics, correlations must exceed 0.9 to be certain that an underlying principle in the data has been identified, facilitating the success of falsification testing.
I have also heard that IQ scores gradually lose their efficacy with age, since some of those categories are more developed with life experience and use. Every measurement system is relative, and is indexed to a "standard." So how intelligent are the people who invent the measurement criteria? How does anyone determine how intelligent they are? What I do know from a life-time career in physics is there is always a portion of assumptions made creating the reference "standard" and it is always subject to revision.
In the movie South Pacific, an island matron asked a man about his "zazzo." He answered he did not know what that was. To this she responded; If you've got it, you know it. If you don't, you won't! People who are highly intelligent tend to have zazzo, grok their environment, are generally motivated, and exceptionally curious and have exceptional language skill. All the rest is just flotsam in the social soup.

@edna3469 - 11.11.2023 18:03

Maybe the problem boils down to lack of motivation.... BECAUSE of a lack of motivation observed IN OTHER People in the person's life...for whatever reason!!!

@EvilAntic - 11.11.2023 04:49

I’m a genius and this makes a lot of sense. Always been a big fan of JP. 😊

@waterbug1135 - 11.11.2023 01:22

IQ is a tool. Learning to use it to better a life apparently isn't easy. And seems the higher the IQ the harder it is to use that tool to better a life. Same tool can't ruin a life. For example when intelligent people have trouble dealing with others...why unable to figure out of course nearly everyone around you isn't going to be as bright? That's not very intelligent. But when dealing with kids intelligent people seem to be OK, understand, most kids aren't as bright (experienced) as most adults. Why the expectation others should be highly intelligent too?

@valentinoesposito3614 - 11.11.2023 00:04

I have a 131 but I’d rather be 100 and happy

@taiji1478 - 08.11.2023 06:58

Couple things they don't tell you, when you score a high IQ. If your teachers find out, they resent you. If your parents find out, they resent you. If your classmates find out, they hate you with a passion. And they don't tell you, how exhausted you will be, after 55 years of being in the 1% of intelligence, dealing with 99% who are not. Someone once told me I had a meticulous way of explaining things to people. I said it was an adaptation to not explaining enough. You have to provide enough detail upfront, so people won't weasel or sleaze their way through a process or understanding. Cognitively planning on how many branches of misunderstanding need to be foreclosed up front is tiring. But eventually it's predictable.

@brianinthebunker7407 - 05.11.2023 19:20

Funny put a pic of a ugly afro when you tell us how high IQ can tolerate robust better. Explains Alot of YT? - Brian.

@sutriyankibeti7205 - 04.11.2023 21:13

My IQ is 200

@gdfggggg - 03.11.2023 22:54

People around keep telling me I’m clever, quite often. I just don’t see it. All I do is take the information that is put before me and make a common sense decision on what is the right opinion, or course of action. The opinions I have are based on experience and (to me, anyway) the obvious. I do find it easy to pick on peoples hypocrisy and to convey to them that they are doing the exact thing that they claim to hate, and it’s surprising how many people are hypocritical. I feel I just take a bit more time to note things that some may not. I’ve never seen myself as someone with a high IQ; I’d be happy with an average score.

@jakerobles1669 - 03.11.2023 07:28

I’m 127 what does that mean

@firebirdies - 03.11.2023 06:56

I believe high IQ is becoming less of a predictor true success compared to family wealth

@youtuber1650 - 03.11.2023 05:30

A low IQ man talks about high IQs. I'm not surprised.

@combatgirl38 - 02.11.2023 23:26

The people who thought creating this narrator's voice is a good idea obviously don't have a high I Q. Same goes for images like the sour faced man. This is just painfully Terrible.

@rmcgraw7943 - 01.11.2023 21:44

Industrious people are crtical thinkers. Theory and idea people are abstract thinkers. U can be very smart, have a high IQ, and be either, or both. There is no coorelation because being good at either requires a degree of intelligence, an innate trust of the observed/sensed empirical patterns of our reality and/or the logical prima facie abstractions and manipulations that could follow by virtue of mathematical axioms or physical laws of our existence. They are and are not mutually exclusion abilities, but they can be demarcated by their derivative.

@riariaria - 01.11.2023 21:00

We are all prone to take the path of least resistance. Procrastination is a learned behavior. Intelligent children are often better at putting off tasks while still completing them successfully. Children learn industriousness when it’s required in order for them to successfully complete tasks. This behavior gets reinforced throughout childhood and becomes part of our adult personality.

@tomsmith-rj3vw - 01.11.2023 07:26

The iq test that you give to people is a bs lie
High intelligent. Entities see reality in. Pictures. They look at humans. And listen to them for 2 hours and determine. If thier good people or bad people. Smart problem solvers.. or dumb impostors.. they don't care what humans look like.. etcetera...

@user-nc4rr1vm5r - 01.11.2023 06:17

I have a low iq and I have a house paid off and a million in the bank at 50. I wonder how important iq is?!

@yutu49 - 01.11.2023 05:33

High IQ as an artist does not necessarily translate into higher income.

@huevonesunltd - 01.11.2023 02:48

What does he mean with disgust?
What kind of disgust?

@teamsnowrabbit6386 - 30.10.2023 23:38

If Jordan Peterson's pseudo intellectual sophist ass has a high IQ, then IQ is meaningless

@robertharvilla4881 - 30.10.2023 17:04

One of the things breaking the correlation of industrious and IQ is not laziness, it's economy of effort and ability to accept less than ideal outcomes. It's not smart to put in twice the effort to get a marginal gain. Put in a fraction of the work for a marginal decrease of outcome. Work smarter not harder, and don't wear yourself out with little more to show for it. We didn't want to find the best way, we want to find the simplest and easiest way.

@michaelblankenau6598 - 30.10.2023 08:27

I was tested and the lady said I was a 93 . So I'm pretty happy .

@Thepoetjewel - 30.10.2023 06:09

Do you all know who has the highest IQ? God! Read the bible and I bet you will never find this parables god gives to make sense at all, or you will form them your way but still yet they will not make sense. God has the highest IQ I have ever acquainted with anyone who has such a high IQ who will teach you about the tiniest things to help you survive, but here we are all chasing a dream and desires that society sets forth to us, but gods IQ is the best.

@Thepoetjewel - 30.10.2023 05:58

My aunt is deaf and she has a high IQ. She plays piano by the heart, she does puzzles, reads allot, can read peoples emotionally and not having to talk to them, she can paint and write and decipher codes. Shes religious as well.

@unappetizingtolookat - 30.10.2023 05:22

Let me guess, you are watching this because you have high IQ 😪

@paulw176 - 29.10.2023 20:27

I became a Mensa member (briefly, as there is an annual $$ fee...) as a result of my Graduate Sxhool Entrance exam. Trust me, If they let me in - there must be some serious flaw in IQ measurement and testing.

@propagandakiller632 - 28.10.2023 18:27

The reason why you can't figure out why IQ is not useful in so many areas is because the premise that IQ is quantifiable is wrong. Just because someone does great on an IQ test, doesn't mean that that person will excel on the basket ball court or out perform other musicians. It does mean that that person is good at IQ test taking.
There are different types of intelligences. We do not have the ability to design a catch all test to quantify general intelligence.
