Out of all the dozens of songs i have sang in my life i must share with all my beloved ones that this song is special to my heart as i composed it solely through my heart and admiration for my beautiful daughter Sharifamah and my amazing son in-law Abdu Wahab jan.
I’m wishing both of them the best this dunya has to offer. I will always love and support you both.
With love
Shabnam Surayo - Official account.Booking : +992904022222/+992555555599 / For international booking: Daf Entertainment +4917677449999
Ман, Ту, Мо – ҳама бар зидди сил!
Шоу-консерти хайриявии Шабнами Сурайё, Сафири боздошти сил, узви дастаи “Қаҳрамонони мо: НЕСТ БОД СИЛ”-и Ҳамкории боздошти сил дар Тоҷикистон
I, You, We – all to End TB!
Charity show-concert of Mrs Shabnami Surayo, the Stop TB Ambassador and member of Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan’s team “Our champions: NO TB”
#music #singer #shabnamisurayo #shabnam #2020 #consert #концерт