Seven Wonders of the Muslim World (2009) | Full Documentary

Seven Wonders of the Muslim World (2009) | Full Documentary

PBS America

2 года назад

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@tarekz9992 - 28.11.2024 07:24

Thank you for the video

@kaysalaam7413 - 08.12.2024 07:24

So Beautiful 😍 and Amazingly put together! 🙌🏾❤️ 🤲🏾

@seattlewa. - 10.12.2024 15:11


@AliOzil-q3g - 19.12.2024 11:01


@شاح - 21.12.2024 22:41


@LazyIncubuss - 21.12.2024 23:27

Subhaan ALLAAH ♥️

@Samshafi99 - 22.12.2024 19:58

Islam is from the beginning and remains till the end of this world...

@hudaharhara8271 - 26.12.2024 01:31

I hope the Palestinian family is doing okay with everything that is going on.

@farazbaig4012 - 29.12.2024 09:16

What a documentary ❤
5 nationalities, languages, races joint by a feeling, a religion i was wept most of the time watching them standing right next to each other and praying❤

@3boys1family - 29.12.2024 14:04

Thank you, may God Almighty guide us all and accept all our worshiping and good deeds!

@soltantio - 29.12.2024 23:57

Why are you glorifying and whitewashing and religion that viciously subjugates half the population?

@asia5441 - 30.12.2024 16:14

@anisaa1595 - 30.12.2024 21:19

It’s interesting that they talk about politics when it comes to Iran but they don’t discuss the apartheid in occupied Palestine

@kaker4444 - 30.12.2024 23:29

Al- Aqsa Musque in Jerusalem Is Not Shared By 3 religions as the ZionoNazi occupation claiming since Their occupation of 78% of PALESTINE by the Racist Nazi British Empire in early 1900 And more so after the British made ZionoNazi occupation of 7/6/1967 which Is Still Burnings PALESTINE River To Sea as seen By Thy Hole World and by the UN Resolutions since the British replaced and Ethically Cleansed PALESTINIAN out of PALESTINE By the Racist British since the Mascara of Deir Yassien on Where the there Zionist Terrorists organizations had massacared 54-56 civillians of it's inhabitants on 9/41948 As known world wide While the Three Zionist Polish And Russians organisations tried to cover it By lying About it as A necessarily Terror to occupy Jerusalem in The book By the Polish Illegal settler Terrorist M. Begin in His fabricated lies"The Revolt" Which the Apartheid Racists in South Africa forced Nelson Mandela ti read As a triumph of their British friends in PALESTINE, as Mr Mandela quoted in His piography, check And let Thy Truth not lies make you Free??

@mohamedabdinur75 - 01.01.2025 23:23

Lailaha Ilalaahu Mohammed Rasul Allah Sallahau Aleihi Wasalam.

@samataraxmed3318 - 03.01.2025 18:11


@samataraxmed3318 - 03.01.2025 18:16


@OO-000A - 03.01.2025 22:14

There is only one wonder. A beautiful muslima....🧕💝

@618B - 04.01.2025 10:06

The 8th wonder is Terrorism.

@Alchemist-qz7zm - 06.01.2025 17:13

The ONLY place in the world that can be so crowded with millions of people yet everyone feels it's the most peaceful place and moment of their life.

@aliemad7338 - 07.01.2025 03:17

Mashallah, all praise to Allah ❤️

@goktheturk1045 - 09.01.2025 12:37

Thx Man for the docu May Allah open all the hearts of who worked on this doc.Selamin Aleykum.

@jaammuay4323 - 17.01.2025 20:35

We should all remember that there a Supreme power called Allah.

@maxipaw-dc5xj - 20.01.2025 05:43

I converted from Christianity to Islam best decision I've ever made

@AliAhmad-j9n - 20.01.2025 15:54

What a great a mb day educational video.
Thank you very much to PBS

@ShiranLiyanage-w4g - 21.01.2025 19:58

I'm afraid to be beheaded😢😢😢

@CalilBasmala-c3k - 22.01.2025 09:24

Bismillah s a w all muslim masahallah subhanallah alhamdulillah allahuakbar kunpayakom allah sepaton kodaraton allah amen 💖🙏 ya allah

@remazawi7889 - 24.01.2025 07:39

every single muslim that visits the kaaba never wants to leave. its that strong of a feeling. its home for every muslim person. no matter the language, the colour, the richness. We are all one and the same: muslim: Submit to the one God.

@muhammadajmaloffical-i8t - 28.01.2025 20:13

Fine information

@MrRight-ht8hz - 30.01.2025 01:31

There is no God but God= this is not a true meaning of the first half of the kalimah; The meaning is : there is none worthy of worship except Allah (Allah is the only worthy of worship by all His creations). (Allah does not like the ungrateful). Praise be to Him, who created me and my environment. This is the only half of the of the fundamental. The second part is the support freely given by Allah to help the believers to stick on the unique right path. All other paths will lead directly to Hell, none can help. All Prophets had one and only mission to announce the arrival of of the Last Prophet in lieu of the arrival of God, the Almighty, the formless, one who cannot be seen, But Allah is nearer to us than the blood vessel nearest to our neck and this nearness is achieved by being ardent followers of the Last Prophet Swallallaho Wassallan.

@Florida30 - 30.01.2025 04:33

There is only one religion.
All prophets were Muslims

@mdshuhag4028 - 02.02.2025 19:25

I'm watching the video From Bangladesh

@Guillaume-d4q - 09.02.2025 23:50

Allah is a satanic deceit and the quran a false gospel. The "angel" wich muhammad encountered was a fallen angel, an evil one. Taqiyya allow muslims to lie to propagated islam around the world. Jesus Christ is the only son of God, he died on the cross and was ressurected after three days, and the quran denies that. The Kaaba in mecca work just like baal worship worked. Baal was a false pagan god and a smokescreen for the devil and its legions. The devil is smarter than most people really think he is. The devil is the father of lies, and the Taqiyya allow muslim to lie. We are living the biblical last days. Their satanic New World Order will be the rise of the antichrist which is Donald Trump.

@theeyesurgeon_396 - 11.02.2025 20:35

Inshallah I visit Mecca this year !❤

@colinmurphy439 - 13.02.2025 09:45

Islam is false Muslims have diverted from the true Abrahamic religion! Muslims pray to the wrong god!

@rasheedajamal381 - 15.02.2025 12:53

Why the music when showing mecca

@rasheedajamal381 - 15.02.2025 12:54

Distracting yr voice words

@ymuldrow - 17.02.2025 13:25

You see the muslim form of worship fulfill this prophecy in the Bible: Zephaniah 3:9. It says:

“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” (KJV)

This is a promise of unity and restored worship, where people will worship G_d together in harmony. The language of the qur’an is pure Arabic, the language we use to pray in from the Qur’an 5 times a day in unison - all over the world.

@jayng153 - 19.02.2025 16:16

Profit Muhummad married his youngest wife when she was only 6. He had sex with her age 9.

@s.khalid165 - 23.02.2025 09:19

Have you ever read Quran it is indeed very different from any Scripture of the world. There's nothing like it.

@Theniqabintt - 27.02.2025 03:06

'its venerated by the jews because that's where their temple was'
'its venerated by the christians for the connection with Jesus who spent so much of his life there and taught there'
"AND MUSLIMS BELIEVE it is the sight where Muhammad took off on his miraculous journey" what biased language.

@amykendon1556 - 28.02.2025 15:40

As-Salm 2all Muslims all over the world…Ahlan Wahsahlan from Singapore…I’m mummy Amy Kendon 80yrs old…so happy 2watch your video…MaShaALLAH!!! ThankQ❤️ so much…I juz got back from Mekah Haram n Madinah Nabawi last January 2025 with my childrens n families Alhamdulillah shukran ALLAH❤️

@richardjeelof571 - 01.03.2025 23:47

Gereja Katedral Jakarta ❤ Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta... Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Damai dan Bersatu.

@Luke-el1st - 02.03.2025 12:29

Rape,paedophilia,stupidity,being inbred,bombings,savagery and hatred I think that's all of them.
