Why Apex Legends Is Actually In Trouble… (State of the Game)

Why Apex Legends Is Actually In Trouble… (State of the Game)


54 года назад

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@DMPNC-uk2kf - 08.12.2024 16:28

Just remove lifeline and newcastle or nerf them heavily or supports overall getting nerfed a bit and fix servers, while adding more new things to improve the game like events that change the map. Nessies were a great idea but don't make sense imo they are just annoying at times. Rift relics are kinda dull but atleast more loot. Buffs to the more nerfed characters and just better balance with the legends and abilities.

Letting us also have the maps to choose like the OG Kings canyon version and OG worlds edge. Like bringing these OG maps periodically and then at the end adding a permanent game mode where you play all the OG maps with the old legends + systems only would be a great new mode for a different feel for the game which you could switch to at times for nostalgia.

@TH3xFA113n - 08.12.2024 21:48

The morons screaming the game is dead are just mediocre and are upset their games aren't easy since the solo and casual players are leaving and the only ones left are those that play stacked your games are sweaty and hard cause your playing against stacked teams which make any fps boring 3rd parties happen so fast cause your all scared to fight y'all don't wanna push anything y'all will sit there and wait for the 3rd party to arrive before y'all wanna do something the longer your fights take the faster a 3rd party arrives since everyone loves telling people to chase after fights already going on is the reason 3rd parties exist hell the amount of times I've had team mates that didn't wanna push the last 2 teams fighting is wild what I hate the most are those in a duo you fucks are annoying you fucks cost so much rp do to the fact y'all don't care for the solo player I lost a match cause the duo I got matched with neither of those retards would give me light ammo I had 0 light ammo and 0 shotgun both those dumb ass's in the duo costed me that game cause they had ammo both got knocked and started pissing on them selfs when it's their fault we died cause they wouldn't give me any ammo to fight back the fuck you want me to do 1v3 melee my way to victory I swear people who play in parties are just trash and horrible at everything they play it's a no wonder your in a stack

@itsjusturbo - 09.12.2024 01:48

nah COD BO6 had us for a couple days but APEX’s addictive quality is back again

@itsjusturbo - 09.12.2024 01:49

but battle pass and events cost way too much i’ll be honest

@newlinnn8194 - 09.12.2024 07:46

i dropped my first 4k and 3k’s on new legends but no badge because of the ltm😢💔

@most834 - 09.12.2024 08:41

I want apex to be more solo queue friendly. The solo q experience is horrible solos need to play only solos

@chrisfaulkner5022 - 09.12.2024 17:07

I think a big part of it is when they took the thread out and the R 99 it really shot down

@davefiver - 09.12.2024 17:22

Why the switch back to console?

@Patty-The-Poo - 09.12.2024 19:58

They only care about money. The buster sword gotcha was enough for me. I bought the currency to buy the full 25 packs I think it was and in fine print, if you hovered the question mark, it told you the price goes up the more packs you buy. I still bought more currency and it felt so terrible and scummy after I just stopped playing. I felt like I a victim of the Hauk Tuah crypto scam. I still like to check in every once and awhile to see if the game I invested in gets better. The first red flag I had about this game was my first heirloom pack at 500 packs when it was guaranteed and it only gave me 50 shards instead of the full 150 to buy the heirloom. :( In bronze and silver I was going against 3 stack pred 4k 20b badges, also why I stopped. Getting to gold took me going against the best...

@noderiviera - 10.12.2024 01:31

I like the gameplay. The only other battle royal I like is masquerade bloodhunt and that's what is dead... But I agree. No good update for a long time.

@phantom498 - 10.12.2024 02:04

I play so many competitive live service games actively or have at one point and all content creators prey on the “game is dying” or “is the game dying?” It’s funny. Live service games have ups and downs and rarely will they surpass or reach their peak. The only two live service comp games I play that people don’t say this for is Val and csgo. But this title and talk exists for R6, apex, ow2. If you’re talking about the game it isn’t dead and it might not even be dying, it might be going through a low point though. It’s hard to say when a game is really “dead”

@Finn45517 - 10.12.2024 05:29

It’s dead if u live in Australia. Legit no one plays like occasionally on a weekend I get into mixtape games and when I do it’s filled with bots

@aToastedPickle - 10.12.2024 17:15

The game is stale, not dead

@slimygoon9993 - 11.12.2024 00:21

I feel like the issue with an “Apex 2” is how they structured the game from the get go. If they push out an apex 2 for a fresh start, all the skins and heirlooms people have bought and paid for could be gone and pointless and that would upset A LOT of people. Especially with how expensive they have made everything. So unless they transfer ALL of it over for every player, it would obviously come with a bunch of glitches where people lose stuff still. I agree that there’s gotta be some type of change to where ranked and pubs feels different, but I think a really great pve mode would be awesome and benefit the game so much. Or the season Newcastle came out, they could have used the crab as a raid boss or something.

@itizMaj717 - 11.12.2024 06:26

Asia servers 90% cheaters in the lobby. The game basically unplayable. And the servers itself is shite. Probably only NA and EU the only community that still active.

@fuelnfitment6968 - 11.12.2024 23:12

This is the 1st game iv actually dedicated time and money to. Sucks to see what its become, but they seem to be trying.

@BenMacKinnon09 - 12.12.2024 18:10

can you remake your caustic guide or maybe update some other legends

@Andqxi - 12.12.2024 19:26

The relic game mode makes me so angry, i quit this season fr. Killing somebody and then they phase away when they are 1 hp is so frustrating, it’s unbelievable. Also the decision to take out edistrict and Olympus, the top 2 maps in the game is beyond me. Storm point and Broken moon are terrible and not fun for pubs. We need new weapons, more character rewords/buffs or just changes in general, i wouldnt mind nerfs. Solo queuing has been terrible for forever. I dont have any friends that play this game so I have been solo queuing for years and if your teammate goes down for like half a second they instantly leave, throwing your game as well. I don’t know why people don’t mention this; there needs to be a more strict leaving game punishment. Also the server tick rates and just overall lag is insane on a game that has been semi-popular for over 5 almost 6 years now.

@Andqxi - 12.12.2024 19:32

Why do they keep taking fun guns like the r99 away and putting them in care package

@BandanaJacob - 14.12.2024 01:15

I’ll be honest, I’m an og, have played since the very first day apex dropped, and now I’ve been back after a break this season, didn’t play at all the last one, and I feel like the game is fun, just needs to remove the bs of SBMM in pubs, and honestly I don’t get why so many people complain about the game, to me you are just suffering from a burnt out and need to play something different, also the monetisation is basically what any game nowadays is based off, especially online one, and the one to blame are the buyers (so players), sure EA is EA, but the community is not doing anything to actually change it or make them understand that the average person can’t spend $360 on a videogame…

@NathanJohnson-k5x - 15.12.2024 12:15

Dude I'm normally a octane main ten kill 2k a game kinda player but this season I've been getting only a couple kills a game I'm a plat player but I've been going up against masters they need to fix matchmaking

@Ow_My_Balls - 16.12.2024 08:54

I HATE this relic shit and we still have 57 more days wtf

@ozon3Easy - 17.12.2024 05:57

Apex waited to long and lost most of there early mid era players

@Rocker21344 - 17.12.2024 07:42

Being an essentially new player (played seasons 1-3 and came back mid season 23) I feel like there are so many terrible balancing decisions.
-Lots of characters have get out of jail free cards (along with the boost kit that let's you phase) and it simply takes any fun out of playing off meta picks. Half of the hero pool is just useless if you wanna win
-Relics are exceptionally unbalanced. Final circle against somebody with a Relic Mastiff i might as well just afk because they'd need to have an aneurysm right at the start of the fight to have any chance of not deleting me in two shots from full red shields.
-i think early game combat is okay. I've had great sniper battles and great teamwork moments. The issue just lies in the quick ability to get to broken stuff. I've been able to get purple shields in sub 2 minutes from game start without my team fighting anything which is beyond dumb

@pr0fy_gg - 17.12.2024 19:40

They should remove crossplay IMO. No fun for casual gamer like me who works 9-5, the game ends for us even before it start. The relic sh*t , the support meta.😩 And ranked became really hard to climb.

@creamiestmemes9415 - 18.12.2024 14:29

Idc abt skins cuz u only really see the gun skin unless u do a emote but. Matchmaking is a problem in ranked cuz that’s all I play im a silver playing against masters and some lobbies you have one team just destroying the whole lobby. Now I do think cosmetics should renew every few days not weeks. And another also I don’t like the support meta cuz it’s so boring to play new castle and just drop a bunch of kills. I saw a competive game yesterday and every team only had three legends New castle, gibby, catalyst, or lifeline that is it out of 20 teams

@thefirsttrillionaire2925 - 20.12.2024 00:52

No it’s not OK to be mid and no, it’s not OK to be fine, when you have the potential for greatness. It’s your duty to try your best.

@Wulfenthrad - 20.12.2024 06:16

We can just move on to a new game.

While I like Apex as much as the next guy, I still think I would prefer a world where Respawn can give us new and fresh ideas.

@BenediktReichel - 21.12.2024 03:02

is clawing important for getting better?

@willx6394 - 21.12.2024 05:40

My only issue is the big maps. Storm Point and boring moon are NOT good pubs maps. The rotation we have now for pubs, storm Point, boring moon, world's edge. And I only wanna play when it's worlds edge because at least the map is small enough to keep chasing action. And good point there how we FINALLY got a new map and they take it out of rotation.

My opinion, big maps maybe for ranked only, smaller maps for pubs 24/7 because u wanna jump in get some action not run around for 10 minutes and get sniped by a pred.

@willx6394 - 21.12.2024 05:42

Don't get me started on ranked... u wanna spend 3/4 of your day grinding ranked to get a banner skin? Lol

@willx6394 - 21.12.2024 05:47

With everyone shifting to arena shooters, is it not a good time to bring back arenas, or even better make titanfall 3?

@Apexiummm - 21.12.2024 19:09

I’ll come back on pc when strafing is removed or given to both inputs until then I’m playing the even more dead COD

@siontimmy1 - 22.12.2024 02:12

I wish they put Quads and Solo mode permanently as someone who play as squad there's always one who gets left behind and it sucks and they probably and when you look at your friends list it still says lobby 1/4 if they don't want have Quads and Duos and Solo's in main rotation fine at least allow players to open and join customs lobbies without needing a code to join plus it would allow those who play as Quads or one or more friends to play TDM and Control I think allow customs lobbies to be open will allow fun and better for new players to get into the game

@grahamyodude - 22.12.2024 15:11

1) Prime version of every character.
2) Make more characters and come out with a new one every season (there are games with hundreds of characters that are still coming out with more all the time).
3) Fix the servers. I'm already bad as it is I don't need to be dying to flip booking.

@p1.jordan - 23.12.2024 14:36

1. Give us Edistrict, Olympus, and/or Kings Canyon/Worlds edge
2. Stop having season focused buffs/nerfs. We’re currently in a support meta (Gibby Lifeline Newcastle). You’ll see 1 of the 3 every game someone with some sorta done/shield. Focus more on buffing or reworking skirmishers.
3. Were also in a mid/close range meta Burst Rifles and shotguns are meta currently. Bring back the digital threat sight please.
4. Work faster
5. Give the Characters more life there’s almost no dialogue between anyone now (Mirage/Wraith) (Bangalore/Newcastle) (Pathfinder and anyone)
6. Rework your ltms make rift relics a separate game mode. It could be like fortnite’s solid gold game mode. Increased health with crazy strong guns.
7. Apex was once considered as good as or a step below fortnite you have a good/fun game here please do not let it die.

@DEATHPHOMET - 24.12.2024 10:25

I’ve recently put down Warzone and BLOPS VI, I have 100 days in Fortnite and several in other BR’s but I’m looking to add Apex back in the mix. This is the inspiration I needed.

@Shawn-e6o - 25.12.2024 00:32

Maybe something that can be done is make it lobbies where you can only pick one legend at a time. It’ll make littler lobbies of only 8 and if it’s randomly done with only 1 legend pick per person would work well

@MaxJustice1987 - 26.12.2024 02:28

I think they are killing the game it on purpose.

@freshleaf1231 - 26.12.2024 12:22

yes of course you having fun with those >2000 damages like in the video. New players never ever having fun by that way.

@joedumbassbuck5755 - 27.12.2024 04:01

The mirage and support only Meta has got to feel feel absolutely dreadful to a newer or lower skilled player on Apex

@hectik_commo2165 - 28.12.2024 07:06

ea has already decides apex’s fate

@blankets5782 - 29.12.2024 05:18

The major issue that is killing Apex Legends is the lack of efficiency and swift changes to the entire game. It is impossible to play Apex Legends lately without servers crashing out on me MID-FIGHT as I look at a screen frozen with an enemy player aiming at me. 😀 Even with a stable internet connection, I’ve come across 3-4 crashes in a MATCH today, and decided to log off. The server stability issues haven’t changed since season 9, and we’re in season 23… Respawn and especially EA need to lock in, stop making milestone events, and fix their game.

@ck3plays - 29.12.2024 08:49

My biggest problem with Apex Legends is that the game isn’t enjoyable at all for casual and new players in pubs. There have been times where I just don’t want to stress and play a few chill games. Yet you get randoms that land, get knocked and leave. Rinse and repeat. Unless you have a full stack, it’s boring as fuck.

The movement and engine now seems outdated, these “new” Legends aren’t as good or have some traits of OG Legends.

Reboot Titanfall and remove cross-play.

@KcAznFighter - 29.12.2024 18:13

Apex dev amd EA ( i honestly dont know who to blame) was just fixing shit that was never broken. And let the broken stuff run rampant

@jegade001 - 31.12.2024 02:12

This video is full of fact, but even tho controller and recon class was a fine change but support changes are so op.

@godders991 - 02.01.2025 18:15

If they had have made that bikini loba skin the game would be booming right now lol

@godders991 - 02.01.2025 18:22

Give me apex legends 2 on new engine! God tier

@TimProVision - 04.12.2024 23:12

Is Apex Legends cooked? What can the game do to turn it around? Lots to talk about. Appreciate the feedback that was given on my community page. Hop into my discord if you want to find others to play with and chat about Apex Legends!

I had plans to put a lot more editing into this video but I'm in the process of moving and revamping my content strategy. More to come & a more steady posting schedule in a few weeks
