Oil Exploration in Persia in the early twentieth century.  Archive film 99542

Oil Exploration in Persia in the early twentieth century. Archive film 99542


55 лет назад

442 Просмотров

Oil exploration in 1910.
Sand dunes of the desert. Arab man crouches and scoops the oil from a pond where it is naturally bubbling to the surface. He piles a tar substance into a sack. A European man smoking a pipe, dressed in a suit using a theodolite or other levelling or surveying equipment. Arab workers dig the earth with large shovels. An early oil derrick or rig in construction. Two Arabs turn the oil drill manually. A pumping oil drill. A drill site in the desert. A letter indicates that this is the British exploring for oil or petrol in Iran as early as 1910. an oil fire in the desert. Shots of movie cameras turning. The front cover of 'A Great Adventure, The Romance of Persian Oil', by Wickham Steed. An exploration team on mules with native workers carrying equipment. Another shot of man with theodolite. Stills of middle eastern man, possibly Shah of Iran or Persia from the early twentieth century. Winston Churchill, battleships at sea, a battleship taking on fuel, probably World War One, an oil derrick, activity around the rig with European men in pith helmets, Arab workers around an oil rig, around 1910. Oil fires.


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