Every Silent Hill Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best!

Every Silent Hill Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best!

Nerd Space Games

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@lastofusguy - 21.01.2024 01:03

I beat the evil within 2 man also what is the best silent hill

@carmex02user2002 - 21.01.2024 01:41

I haven't played these games in ages but you ought to do videos on Parasite Eve. Like top 10 weapons of Parasite Eve 2.

@metuneminem84 - 21.01.2024 01:46

Totally agree in your top. Good video!.

@SecondCitySavior6969 - 21.01.2024 02:11

Heather for me is the best MC in the entire genre. Team Silent achived the impossible by creating a teenage girl character that is not only tolerable , but incredibly likable. She is believable, relatable, confident, vulnerable and funny all at once. Just a peak character overall.
P.S. Also Murphy is often underrated and so is the whole game.

@JordanJMyers - 21.01.2024 02:32

Like to see Silent Hill enemies list too. Great vid man.

@kennethgrey7829 - 21.01.2024 03:31

James will always be my favorite.

Maybe a best tracks from the Resident Evil or Silent Hill games next?

@uglyken0 - 21.01.2024 04:35

Why do you say button like that? where are you from?

@queenviren - 21.01.2024 04:57

My personal favorite is Henry. I feel he’s overlooked because of how he presents himself to most people. Which unfortunately lead people to think he’s boring or has no character at all. Heather is a close second tho, love her.

@israelpereira2088 - 21.01.2024 05:19

Heather is one of my favorite female characters in gaming, Silent Hill 3 is so scary, Heather is such a brave character fighting against all the horrors in that game.

@israelpereira2088 - 21.01.2024 05:34

I like Henry,i'll will admit he's a bland characters but i've seen some theories online that says Henry probably suffers from social anxiety and that he also represents the Hikikomori problem in Japan.
So for me a character like him with all these problems trying to save neighbors he barely knows is really cool to me.

@israelpereira2088 - 21.01.2024 06:05

James is such a complex character,when i finished Silent Hill 2 for the first time was mind blowing,i love that game.

@ishmaelreyes8659 - 21.01.2024 09:44

Henry and Alex are a tie for me. Both characters has the charisma of a Colorado Boulder 🪨. But that doesn't mean the games are bad overall.

I enjoyed both games.

I agree with this top.

@mrdarkwing9747 - 21.01.2024 09:48

I have problem with most of the protagonists in SH
8.Henry (sh4) is probably the weakest one for me, because he isn't much of a character than just a object that thanks to it we can see more interesting story and characters like Sullivan.
7 Henry (SM) is kinda the same way but Cheryl take him higher by far
6 Henry (sh1) is ugh interesting in some ways but probably the biggest downfall of his character is that overall story of first silent hill aged .... weird. Its semi-cryptic as it should be, but man Henry is a log for most of the story.
5 and 4 Alex and James are for me in the same place, but I like Alex more (blasphemy) because compared to James its like Chihuahua to a a plank... rat has more personality, annoying, but better than nothing.
3 Travis is probably that high because of that I don't see too big negatives of his xD
2 Murphy, yea I feel kinda the same in terms of multiple paths, but still I see in him more personality than others.
1. The biggest problem i have with SH protagonists is that like I said with Henry(sh4) they are more object for a story to discover than a actual characters. Without a story they all are stiff log in some degree. Heather in the simplest words is the only character that isn't stiff without a story.

@linkslayer15 - 21.01.2024 10:20

I remember someone i worked with saying they loved Silent Hill and i had to ask which game was his favorite. He said he only watched the movie. i wanted to bitch slap him

@rafaelploumis8682 - 21.01.2024 11:13

No way you put my boy Henry this low!!! Our boy may be more bland than vanilla, but at least he is the least psycho out of all the characters

@GamblerOfFate777 - 21.01.2024 12:26

My rankings

1. Heather Mason

2. James Sunderland

3. Travis Grady

4. Henry Townshend

5. Harry Mason

6. Murphy Pendelton

7. The Masons

8. Alex Shepherd

@purpletheoriesone4013 - 21.01.2024 13:08

Hey could u do an a video like this but with Prince of Persia series? It would be really cool to see someone give more love for this Masterpiece

@asgads - 21.01.2024 13:10

I think it has a lot to do with the games themselves. homecoming might be the worst main line sh while downpour plays and looks great ( and that with having the worst monsters ). shatterd memories feels like an interesting experiment and sh1 harry is the real one. james is in the best game and heather is great character in a great game. Henry is in a great game that gets crazy fidely in the late game. And Travis game is still a technical wonder considering the psp platform

@frankbrodie5168 - 21.01.2024 17:03

Heather, Heather...
Divorced with two kids of her own
It's so hard to raise 'em
And still go to work
A young mom who goes it alone

@paulclynes9865 - 21.01.2024 19:45

I wonder where SH2 Remake James will end up on the scale....

@larrysanchez7952 - 21.01.2024 21:39

Good list and maybe I'm crazy but I liked Alex as a character, I thought his trauma with his father and him tricking himself into believing he was a soldier was unique plus he was voiced by Brian Bloom, great voice actor

@sevilaykoroglu1617 - 21.01.2024 22:42

Yaaaaas!!! Silent hill!!! 😍😍😍😍😍🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

@anonymousc8719 - 21.01.2024 23:54

Murphy should be last because of all the screaming like girl he does throught out the game.

@DarkAttackYT - 22.01.2024 00:48

Heather is my favorite SH character. She has the best personality, she is sassy, relatable and a badass.

@nadaqasem99 - 22.01.2024 04:18

I didn't play the western game of silent hill but I think Murphy is the most Interesting one of them because he's so much like Harry a father who likes his son to the fact that he will turn to be a murderer just to get his revenge
now the team silent games have very interesting characters on top of them of course James because we all know why.
then " in my opinion " is Henry and hear me out.. he is suffering from ((social anxiety)) and didn't have anyone who cared about him ( you can see that no one thought to see if he is alright after 5 days of being missing!) but still he helped everyone around him.
now I see Harry more interesting than Heather because he is a father who sacrificed his own life to save his daughter who is adopted
and finally Heather she is just like Murphy want her revenge but she was the "mother of god" so she will be higher than him.
I respect your choices and anyone who don't agree with me 😌

@pikagrl69 - 22.01.2024 05:38

not the heather mason disrespect

@ezzybewi - 22.01.2024 09:47

james is NOT the best character what the flip

@rushsykes4456 - 23.01.2024 05:44

I like most the characters. Don't have a dislike.

@simonmarks1545 - 24.01.2024 00:37

Without a doubt! James is one of the best characters in gaming history while Silent Hill 2 is one of the best games.

@ThaDreamyDrizzle - 26.01.2024 08:03

Unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed the ending of shattered memories, so I'd rank that character highly. Loved 3.

@FaithCannon7 - 27.01.2024 18:44

Alex is the only character I dislike because he's like a knock off of what James was like as you mentioned but he seemed too capable when it came to the creatures especially his age. He wasn't really a solder but theybmade him fight like one.

@nikolamatasin3877 - 29.01.2024 01:34

Henry for me is the worst, he's not even a character, just the model you move around. There's no personality or anything else there.

@stitchfan08 - 30.01.2024 16:54

James is definitely the best main character in the series

@konkavsty - 01.02.2024 16:41

Agreed with this list. But Henry is underated. He is a bit bland on purpose, SH4 is not about him. Walter is the protagonist and he is the one who everything revolves through. Going by the Japanese SH book Lost Memories, that seemed to have been the intent the entire time. The plot throughout the games have always involved the playable character. Henry is totaly cut of from the story and universe. The portal in his apartment don't target Henry, it targets everyone that lives inside that apartment. The ghost in the intro sequence is the previous tenant that tried to venture to the "otherworld" and got killed. It was all about defeating Walter, who did it was never the point.

@kingalastor936 - 03.02.2024 14:46

Funny how Henry, who is supposed to be portrayed as a regular guy has so little personality.
In an "opposite" franchise, resident evil, it's the regular people who are more interasting than the "cool protagonists". Aka outbreak cast vs all other Re main leads.

@williamk7517 - 03.02.2024 19:30

I have to say HEATHER.......just like Alyssa Hamilton!!!!! From clock tower 3!!!!!!! I've never loved any female heroine so much as heather and Alyssa heather was strong and awesome and I loved the movie revelation!!!!!!! Cause of heather heather was very strong and I loved how she stood up for herself She was also fun to play as in DBD!!!!! I love heather!!!!!

@RJMc819 - 05.02.2024 21:10

The Room would've gotten my lowest slot, followed by the Downpour dude, then Homecoming dude. But close enough!

Have to disagree, though, about thinking "Shattered Memories" shouldn't have been a Silent Hill game. I thought by far the most fascinating thing about the game was how it put "twists" on what we thought happened in earlier games (e.g. Lisa dying of a pill overdose). It was like an attempt to make a "realistic" version of events, minus the supernatural stuff. Bold, yes - and definitely a "side" game - but if it was simply a different O.P., it just wouldn't have been as surprising or shocking.

@joshbraymiller1570 - 29.02.2024 16:36

just started playing sh3 again for about the hundredth time.. lol i’ll never stop loving these games and i’ll always come back to play and beat the original 3 every year. my fandom stops at 3, sh4 was, ok to say the least, but nothing will ever compare to the OG 3

@dwightblackman5696 - 14.03.2024 05:03

Am I personal opinion silent Hill four is just greatly misunderstood. Henry is supposed to be an attempt at the everyman, who is a bit of a recluse also silent Hill 4 has the best usage of abstract horror I’ve ever seen in a video game 🎮

@Phantassm - 18.03.2024 08:24

I kind of liked Alex but not being a huge Silent Hill fan, I guess I don't get him in context of the entire series. If I had to choose a favorite from the characters/gamesmI have played it would be James.

@MarinetteDupainCheng564 - 01.04.2024 08:20

Harry, Heather Mason and Alex Shepherd are my favorite SH Protagonist.

@Cwin-ny6bp - 17.04.2024 06:34

I feel like the description of James kinda oversimplifies to “he was the real villain the whole time” trope, which is a little too played out to explain his unique status among video game characters. I don’t think James was the villain so much as he was a weak and selfish man. He was put under awful circumstances with Mary’s illness that tested his character, and he ultimately failed. He did something terrible that he rationalized as an act of mercy but was really done out of his own selfishness. This is all to say that James wasn’t a good person when he entered Silent Hill, but I think characterizing him as a villain is a bit of an oversimplification. He’s someone whose circumstances make him sympathetic but whose selfish and callous behavior in that situation simultaneously make him somewhat detestable.

@Kel_po - 30.04.2024 08:17

I can't with people not being able to recognize when a character is just bad, Henry was just "there" the whole time, he didn't even blink with basically anything, tbh Alex has MUCH MORE personality than Henry but since he's a creation of Team Silent they force themselves to believe there's some sort of mystery around him xD when honestly he's just badly written with an even lazier voice acting.

@alexanderl9721 - 11.05.2024 14:07

Travis is my least favourite.

@RacingByNight - 13.05.2024 09:23

I don't think you understand Henry at all. I think the reason why he was made intentionally bland by Team Silent is because people who look at socially awkward, introverted, and distant people would be quick to judge those types as also "bland". While we do not know much about his past nor learn the fact he has no significant baggage, he comments that his past is in his words as "unsentimental". His sparsely decorated room and his "lazy voice acting" tone when speaking other characters he meets ticked my boxes that he is an introvert. Heck, the "hikkimori" phenomenon in Japan was also a thing during SH4's development. Until the pandemic, I feel that people who point Henry as a boring has never experienced social anxiety in their lives or never put their own shoes of an introvert and in my eyes, he's more relatable because I was "Henry" during my school years. I would go as far as Walter Sullivan being Henry's "dark mirror" if he ever goes on far too deep mentally. Henry's journey is that of personal growth and his change as a character is more subtler than the rest of the series protagonists because social anxiety is takes a long time to deal with. Building genuine connections takes courage for introverts and it's something Henry ultimately gets, unlike Walter.
Edit: I do acknowledge that SH4 is, at the end of the day, a divisive Team Silent game.
