15 Years of WoW vs 1 Year of FFXIV

15 Years of WoW vs 1 Year of FFXIV

Jesse Cox

2 года назад

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dorugu - 15.10.2023 21:35

ff14s npcs at least those in the story feels more alive one gets to know much of what drives them thru the story they simplu feel unique wows npcs feel bland generic
another thing i reacted to when i started a realm reborn was the extremely generous trial where you can go anywhere within the world of the vanilla story and start of their 1st dlc
that sure is some humungous confidence in their game:) the story in wow is really just an xcuse to go out n kick some monsters behinds whilst the story is the central thing in ff14

Hello! - 13.10.2023 05:07

For those wondering the free trial for FFXIV now includes the second expansion, Stormblood! Or, at least, it will once Dawntrail, the latest expansion, drops

jmella1788 - 30.09.2023 04:50

I started playing 5 weeks ago. I was skipping cutscenes left and right. I’m now very heavily invested in this story. I had to rewatch a few cutscenes to help put pieces together but the narrative does an overall good job of keeping people invested. Even late bloomers like myself.

John Smith
John Smith - 27.09.2023 20:25

…For we who walk before may lead those who walk after...

Sel3n Minus!
Sel3n Minus! - 15.09.2023 03:39

Ffxiv i liked, but 0/10 it made me bisexual

That Fuzzy Potato
That Fuzzy Potato - 08.09.2023 10:10

My FFXIV experience first time EVER tanking in that game:
Me: admits its my first time tanking ever
player: hey I main tank, want some advice?
Me: absolutely
player: very politely gives said advice
party: finishes dungeon that I managed not to get killed
party: all 3 gave me the commendation for that duneon.

Anthony Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa - 07.09.2023 00:10

FFXIV is also way more beautiful then warcraft

Anthony Figueroa
Anthony Figueroa - 07.09.2023 00:09

Ffxiv is a Action MMO with a Game storyline, that you can or don't have to do if you like...I've been playing it since release and still haven't done all the story and still have done many many things and never run out of things to do

Wampa842 - 03.09.2023 03:29

Hunt trains are something else. I arrived at Mare Lamentorum for the first time just moments before a hunt train teleported in. Watching dozens of sparkly mounts rise into space was certainly an experience.

Alihan Şimşek
Alihan Şimşek - 29.08.2023 10:31

maybe thats why i couldnt get into the ffxiv. i just want the game to let me go and do my thing, let me explore on my own and it never does and forces a story down my throat. also it is hard to follow the cutscenes when you cringe every 5 seconds because of that japanese/anime style of conversations.

kyle H
kyle H - 28.08.2023 19:48

the Relic journeys in FF14 vary greatly in difficulty. They look good, and work very well as end of expansion weapons.
the most recent expansion, Endwalker, has a relic journey that is so far, just 'complete this slapstick sidequest each patch, then gather 1500 max level currency to trade in for an upgrade to the weapon, the third upgrade lets you customize the stat distribution.

this is the easiest it's been. In the previous 2 expansions, the relic weapons have been big grinds, involving new zones with mass player PvE, gathering drops from mini-boss events and following a story in the zones slowly upgrading the weapon with the drops, fighting mobs and killing mini bosses, it can take a month of playing for 2-3 hours a day to finish one relic weapon from Stormblood or Shadowbringers.

teh - 26.08.2023 03:21

"Let me explain"
Yeah, that's... the point?

Mandra - 25.08.2023 13:28

Competition/Toxicity/Everyone is judging everyone -> US mentality
Banding together/helping community/not getting into other people's business -> Japan mentality

We can see this at game level, and IRL too

Gabriel Sillos Gonçalves
Gabriel Sillos Gonçalves - 24.08.2023 10:11

man i tried to get into ffxiv 3 times and bounced rigth of. the fourth i stuck with it for 600h now, all because of a friend

Blightmaster - 24.08.2023 01:50

my favorite parts of FF14 is the fashion, I like the story but god is it hard to read sometimes.

sammicopor sammicopor
sammicopor sammicopor - 23.08.2023 04:10

I always thought wow was a community full of toxic people. Ff xiv is a lot more laid back

Dusk - 22.08.2023 21:24

Honestly people love to shit on the ARR story and go on about how painful it was to get through yet these people were praising the fuck out of it whilst going through it in 95% of cases. Also no. FFXIV giving you a complete story at launch then adding additional ones afterwards is bullshit aside from Endwalker. Every previous expansion ended its .0 patch with a million loose ends that weren't resolved till .3 actually. "If you only want to gather in FFXIV you don't ever have to touch the main story to do so". Bruh what in the fuck are you talking about, you literally can't go to any zone beyond level 50 till the main story allows you to. When you said XIV community is not toxic I genuinely nearly fell off my chair and sounded like I was on helium laughing. Jesus fucking Christ.

Atheist 101
Atheist 101 - 21.08.2023 00:10

One thing that I loved about wow was the pvp. Arenas were so fun and FF doesn't have anything that compares to it. 3s and 5s were my shit and the team work was next level. I'm sad I can't do those anymore but nothing will make me go back to wow

Astaroth The Daeva
Astaroth The Daeva - 18.08.2023 09:06

Having recently started Final Fantasy 14, I was absolutely BAFFLED by the kindness of the community. I was new, learning to tank. Not only did some random guy give me pointers DURING the entire dungeon he found me in, but also added me as a friend, and sent me links to various useful bits of info regarding tanking, enmity, tinctures and other such stuff I needed to know. He offered also to induct me into his Free Company if I ever needed a crew, but if not, I was welcome to call him up whenever he was online to give me pointers or even teach me difficult content. And this kindness didn't stop with him. I had just finished Heavensward and figured I would work on some glamour to try and be pretty while making my way through Stormblood. Ya know, get my whole style nailed down. Some girl saw me dicking about with my glamour, told me she though some jeans would make the outfit look even better, and gifted me a set of jeans (which I later found out came from ENDGAME CONTENT). Just out of the blue. Like, bro, I have not had a SINGLE bad encounter with the community and it is incredible.

Jimmy Dillman
Jimmy Dillman - 15.08.2023 23:40

Thanks for taking the time to put all the great information you provided! This was very, very, helpful in understanding the differences between both games. I like PVE and the Storyline and want limited enter action with other until it's needed or wanted.

Bear^ - 13.08.2023 12:53

Watching this now after the conclusion of Endwalker, in terms of story in an MMO, there is no equal. It's a slow burner through ARR but in the end, as you take your final steps in Endwalker's main story, everything from ARR up until that very moment, makes sense, it clicks. From a story perspective and as a story nerd, this is the main draw for me to FF14. WoW can't tell a story from start to finish even within its own expansion, while FF14 told a coherent story through 1 main game and 4 expansions, spanning 10 years of content.

Honestly, if anyone gets this video in their feed and are still on the fence about FF14 due to the daunting experience of ARR (even though it's more streamlined now than it was), stick with it to the end. Everything will make perfect sense by the end of it.

Blackwolf207 - 13.08.2023 06:40

The only ever "bad experience" I had was not even that bad. Back in 2.x, we were learning Titan extreme, and this guy... "The Ninja" was all encouraging everybody, and I guess he messed up, someone asked "are you new?" and then he got all offended at that, just standing there typing his monologue while everyone else was fighting the boss, then dropped. I will never forget that hahaha.

MAINEiac - 12.08.2023 05:37

FF14 they will ban you for Toxicity. No trolls allowed. That's why the community is way better in FF14

krovidae - 12.08.2023 00:58

As a perpetually mediocre player who forgets mechanics basically every time I return to a boss, the supportive FF community is a godsend 😅 Just the other day I died, as a healer, on an early game boss and caused a wipe. I apologised and another player literally told me I shouldn't apologise in future as it's not needed in this game. I assume they thought I was fairly new and wanted to put my mind at ease that people are incredibly forgiving about mistakes, which I already know they are: I have been playing this game for 7 years 😂

TheUnofficialNinja - 10.08.2023 11:12

a needle i think that ffxiv threads incredibly well is both the idea that You Are The Warrior Of Light AND the idea that everyone else around you is Also the warrior of light! i don't know how it does it but you feel personally special and like everyone else around you is ALSO personally special and it doesn't feel jarring or uncomfortable or cramped

MeowlindaX - 10.08.2023 03:03

During the Christmas of last year, there were random players dressed as Santa and elves giving out cute cookies and minions, that was one of the experiences that really shaped my opinion of the FFXIV community. Everyone is amazing and just always down to have a good time which is what the game is all about! <3

Lorraine Drosophila
Lorraine Drosophila - 07.08.2023 02:42

I want a Bounty on my head!! How did you do that?

VexTheBlackDragon - 03.08.2023 00:02

One thing about XIV's music is they're moslty sleeper tracks, for me at least. I'm focused on the boss and my rotation at the same time so I dont pay attention to the music on my first run. After learning the fight though it like he said earlier its a dance. It might not look like it but getting through a boss without taking avoidable damage makes you feel like those op anime characters that stunt on thier opponents.

Vivizimo - 02.08.2023 18:17

World of Warcraft has toxic elitism Final Fantasy XIV has toxic casuality.

Robot a Gamer
Robot a Gamer - 01.08.2023 19:25

I just wish either game was on Xbox, because after my laptop broke a long time ago I haven’t been able to play a good MMO.

GrimViridian - 31.07.2023 15:48

Its interesting to me that you say the WoW classes are more vibrant, i mean demon hunter makes sense of course, but the rest to me are such basic mmo classes with normal abilities. Meanwhile ff14 has gunbreaker, sage, reaper, dragoon, red mage, dancer, astrologian, even bard is fairly different. Idk the classes overall just seem so much more interesting to me.

112Famine - 31.07.2023 14:04

When I played WoW I was a Druid & knew the Druid storyline, & there were a few other Druids that also followed it. Other than this, in WoW there were a very few people, maybe 2% that knew all of the lore, read the books, etc.
But in FFXIV 90% of the players know what happened in the past, & what is going on currently, so they'll butcher the names, hell I do it too at times involving places & people, but I know the lore.

btw, Endwalker had 700,000+ words of dialog in cutscenes & written, & a third, 2.3K of the dialog was in the MSQ (main story quests).

We've got T r o u b l e
We've got T r o u b l e - 31.07.2023 14:04

In around... I don't even know anymore, 200-300 Trials and Dungeons(?) after beating Shadowbringers I still can only speak positively of the community.
Either you have people that do not talk and simply play or you have people that are nice. In those 200-300 missions I encountered one, a single one, toxic person that chastised me for overhealing on White Mage in Castrum Meridianum instead of casting Holy as much as they wanted me to, which they immediately escalated by calling me a "monkey healer" and then trolling our team by going into the boss area and leaving it a second before it closed.

We kicked that jerk. Ironically my party told me afterwards they were begging for recommendations in their Adventurer Plate so they can get Mentor status, which is absolutely hilarious because they displayed not a single quality that made them stand out as a potential Mentor.

I'm sure there's people who call this kind of community "raw and overly sensitive!!!", but I don't care, I love it. People respect each other's boundaries and when something doesn't work out or upsets someone they TALK about it. When someone dies in a raid and they don't get why, they're reminded why without ableist slurs and personal attacks. Anyone who is displeased with how sensitive the community is should simply stay out of it. There are so many games that harbor IRL serial killers and sociopaths who think being banned for harassment and hate speech is censorship and I'll always implore people who seek that sort of unhinged, anti-social behavior to stay in those games, isolated with their own anti-social kin that wishes death on each other.

William Musser
William Musser - 28.07.2023 00:09

Wow is not an mmorpg.. Its a bot goldfarming game. From classic to retail. Its pathetic. GG New blizzard! Ahh and dont forget its also a political company pushing their agenda down your throat as well

PurpleLightning6was9 - 17.07.2023 10:55

FF14 story was wack. I played a month and never wanted to play it again. And if it takes longer than a month of playing to get “good story”. The game is wack.

MagickP00dle - 16.07.2023 10:59

If you want a more traditional RPG experience in ARR i recommend starting the game as a Summoner. The ARR story focuses around the summons like Ifrit, Titan, ext. so it feels like the story is more catered more to your character.

Lenna R
Lenna R - 15.07.2023 11:02

I think one reason 14 is much less toxic is that theres a wall to get through ( the story) . theres also plenty of things that teach you basic group mechanics for various roles (guildhests, and the sprout training ground thing(forgot name of it)for each type of role)

ive played both and tanked in both, and i gotta say tanking in group finder in ff14 is so much nicer than in wow lfr.

there are some aspects of wow i do miss but 14 respects your time so much more i find, also because of the story you get a lot more attached to your character i find

Mark O'Helm
Mark O'Helm - 13.07.2023 16:58

My favorite moment in FFXIV is flying. Going from 2D to 3D movement in every zone is amazing.😍😍😍😍😍

Sevo - 10.07.2023 15:58

From someone who was nervous to try tank or healing, the first time i did was after 400 hours. Dont wait, trust me i got praised my 1st day tanking, qnd healing is honestly a lot of fun too. Im bias but GunBreaker is the goat ;) prove me wrong.

SquidgyTTV - 09.07.2023 18:13

Not the little kid lover

SoshiPlayZ - 09.07.2023 15:13

Both games are RPGMMO as in wow you can hit end game with no one.

Christian Stonecipher
Christian Stonecipher - 09.07.2023 07:25

One note on my personal experience of the new player experience between the 2 games. In FFXIV, I knew how to progress and could easily get from place to place. In Wow, after the intro missions, I was lost, I think I quit when I made it to a massive city that was entirely devoid of people that had way to much space in between things meaning that getting around was a slog.

Stories of Indiana
Stories of Indiana - 08.07.2023 22:25

I played both for years. There are aspects of each that I prefer. If I had to choose one, it would be FF14 because I really like the story focus. One of my close friends is exactly the opposite. It's great that we have choices.

PEEPEEPOOPOO - 08.07.2023 21:16

aka both are trash

Josh Storie
Josh Storie - 08.07.2023 11:33

Half of your information on ff14 is so wrong it borders on comedy

PabloMI 47
PabloMI 47 - 06.07.2023 13:16

To be honest, it feels like FFXIV has much more respect for your time IMO. You need to invest time to get things, but the game doesn't require you to waste it. At least in my experience, this makes the game so much rewarding for your efforts, which makes me want to play more and enjoy more content, while doing the same quest over and over again for weeks or months would drive me crazy and make me quit.

Steady Turtle
Steady Turtle - 05.07.2023 05:01

Why 14 community feel nicer than WoW, because 14 is a 'nice' game and WoW is a 'wild' game. 14 doesn't need to fight between to factions, juat follow the story line, the drop rate and trading equipment more balance than WoW, Wow's 'Bind whne picked up' equip at bosses made a lot of ninjas appeared, that won't happen at 14. Noone disturb you when levelling at 14, but in WoW you'd always stay caution anytime anywhere. 14 simply much nicer game than WoW. Casual player would like 14, but hardcore ones would prefer WoW.

prideling - 27.06.2023 23:52

I remember my first time encountering a mean player in a dungeon and thinking “ah well, it was only a matter of time“ But since I’d been conditioned by the rest of the community to be nice instead of reactionary (and because I kinda always hated online conflict to begin with) I was patient with the guy, reassured them that I wasn’t attacking them, and helped us reach the end of the dungeon by brushing up on some of the machanics. At the end, this person apologized and ended up being really cool.

I think that anyone can have a bad day and snap, or be defensive by nature, but if the community supports patience and compassion over competitiveness and an attitude of superiority, more often than not even frustrating situations can turn into an enjoyable experience.

I hope the community always stays that way.
