Fill in the gowanas canal and build low income housing on it
Ответитьit is still INFECTED mafia used it to get rid rid of their victims and trashes dump Funera homesl,hospitals ,slaughter house dump their stuff their too and LL continue.
ОтветитьAdams should now swim there.
ОтветитьThey'd have to dig down a mile to clean it up just to start.
ОтветитьWen can we swim in the Hudson River? The yr 3050?
ОтветитьWhere am I gonna dump all the bodies if they clean this 🧐
ОтветитьWould Don or Ron show up for this? I don't think so... Too "woke" for them!
ОтветитьI tease my friends from Brooklyn that they were baptized in the canal!
ОтветитьLMAO... smelly toxic Gowanus
ОтветитьCheck back in 100 years
its still stanky
Why not drain it, then clean it, then fill it back up again?
ОтветитьSaw it today ! Thousand of floating and serfaced fish !
ОтветитьBack in the day, me and my buddies used to catch and eat fish from the canal. Good times! 😋
ОтветитьA little baking soda will clean that right up
Ответитьheard of this canal from blue bloods, crazy Ny has waters like somalia
ОтветитьGow-ANUS.... Yeah right they ain't really cleaning it up, just another way to make people think politicians are worth anything.
ОтветитьI cannot believe that dude swam in it!
ОтветитьThe sewage company and EPA should be responsible big time, after all the decades 2024aaaaaa now we're doing something, you covering something NY
ОтветитьI love this project! We need it.
ОтветитьMy ancestor built the first residence in Brooklyn, and it was on the Gowanus.
ОтветитьNY Dems: yay! Let’s spend money! It grows on trees!
ОтветитьSwimming in Live Gohnarea 😮😮😮
ОтветитьNow instead of glowing green its dark green now👍
ОтветитьI think I saw Kramer swimming by.