Starfield - ALL ENDINGS (Good Ending, Bad Ending, & True Ending)

Starfield - ALL ENDINGS (Good Ending, Bad Ending, & True Ending)

Rifle Gaming

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Rifle Gaming
Rifle Gaming - 05.09.2023 07:30

Keep in mind, you can become Starborn by choosing any of these endings. Besides the one where you walk away of course.

Quick To Reason
Quick To Reason - 09.10.2023 12:01

I think the good ending is you not siding with the hunter the first time, coming back and then not siding with either and returning back to your instance . This way you stay, grow and live a normal life and your insurance will never have starborns attack it. And life will go on. Mind you, Sarah chooses to stay as well

Joe Mama
Joe Mama - 08.10.2023 02:00

Everyone forgets this is NG+. You are rssentially restarting the game, Bethesda just gave you a better reason to do it and a sense of continuity. The real ending is having found everything and the answers

johnspartan98 - 07.10.2023 23:20

The Emissary and the Hunter are both You, but just two different sides of you. You have always chosen one of two paths. Both of your own selves exist in your own mind (encoder/decoder of multiple universes), which they have to share. So each represents two different paths you always take in the end. Your choice becomes the universe your own mind has to encode and decode (and live in and with).

Therefore, if you defeat them or persuade them, you can meld both halves of yourself together with the power given to you to chose to be one new unified being, and thus you become a Starborn!
Just guessing!😁

Paul Churchill
Paul Churchill - 07.10.2023 16:22

There is no 'True Ending',only personal choices! However with that being said i did chose that option with The Hunter & The Emissary & then chose to walk away from The Unity,after we find out why the Earth died it just felt wrong to except The Unity & after researching what the NG+ & all what the multiverses had to offer (not much IMO except a pointless rat run),i realised i had made the right choice for me & now i hunt & execute the Starborn,they deserve no less IMO! 🤔👍

"The only good Starborn is a dead Starborn!"

Brock Taylor
Brock Taylor - 06.10.2023 10:56

the entire time i played, i was looking forward to the moment when aliens inevitably made themselves known and i was so surprised at the first encounter with Helix after buying the artifact in Neon that the thought of them being anything other than aliens didn't really occur to me. i jus finished the game today and realized that, even after getting the full story, these "Starborn" could very easily jus be regular human beings and there quite possibly isn't any sentient alien life afterall or at the very least, there's life even more powerful than the Hunter or Emissary. it only occurred to me whenever i did that one mission that makes you board their ship to talk with them that they could easily jus be projecting the appearance of people we know as a way of manipulating us into trusting them to do their bidding

Jonathan De Leon
Jonathan De Leon - 05.10.2023 20:53

so i sided with the hunter and when i beat the emissary she dropped the armor for me as well (the one she was wearing) idk if that was a bug or what but it doesn’t have good stats its just grey armor with 210 protection but still looks kinda neat

Aitor Sanchez
Aitor Sanchez - 05.10.2023 16:20

So they pulled a NMS ending?

Alex Pena
Alex Pena - 05.10.2023 09:42

I choose to side with the hunter cause he makes a lot of good points i mean we all know eventually Earth will be uninhabitable ( maybe in a few million years but still) so yeah getting a thousand worlds to settle at the cost of one aint that bad

Dovahkiin - 05.10.2023 01:49

Imo emissary is more disgusting than hunter. At least hunter is honest about himself. I saw what “seeking for worthy” leads. It’s the innocent beginning of nepotism.

Chromis Pasqueflower Bowerbird
Chromis Pasqueflower Bowerbird - 04.10.2023 00:54

This game story is fucking garbage lmao

Abyss Walker
Abyss Walker - 03.10.2023 20:43

Why does that sound like the guy from DOOM 2016

OJBABY - 03.10.2023 17:40

I got the true ending without realizing it. Just common sense really

LootBox - 03.10.2023 04:10

Walking away from the Unity is the real ending. The Hunter and The Emissary gave you their artifacts because they were tired of it all. Feeling fulfilled with your life and not having to chase more is what's important. The Hunter was never, and will never, be satisfied.

pyricexhoarder - 02.10.2023 17:46

you romanced a dude. you are now blocked

Mer Chant
Mer Chant - 02.10.2023 00:23

This game looks so bad for a 70 dollar pricetag holy f

slkong - 01.10.2023 19:18

I like to side with the Hunter because of the Emissary’s weapon and I also enjoy his company on my ship 🤣

Storm Breaker
Storm Breaker - 01.10.2023 10:00

bruh this game fucked me up

[DDCV] DisgruntledDisabledCombatVet
[DDCV] DisgruntledDisabledCombatVet - 30.09.2023 08:15

Too bad we couldn’t customize the starborne ship, because of the 360 view of the outside, and the unique perfect sphere that would help in making cool custom ships designs, lol.

Brent LeVasseur
Brent LeVasseur - 30.09.2023 06:04

Thanks for posting this video so I can see the various endings without having to grind through them myself. I basically got bored of the game and quit today and I was close to finishing the main story quest, and just had the meeting with the two Starborn. But I’m like meh, this is so boring, what’s the point? And to grind through multiple new game plus playthroughs is just insane. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that. But at least now I know how it ends and I can move on to another game like Cyberpunk 2077 Liberty Dawn instead.

Michael Sims
Michael Sims - 29.09.2023 20:54

When I made my character the three traits I chose were Alien DNA, Wanted, and Introvert. And for my starting class I picked Bounty Hunter. I was going for a Vash the stampede type of backstory for my character.

Throughout the course of the game I made many friends. And though being with them nerfed me. Being with them gave me the strength I needed to get through the many adventures I had. My character even found love among the stars.

When I got to the end, after convincing the hunter and the emissary to give our universe a try and see what the future held. I was essentially offered godhood at the cost of leaving behind everyone I knew and loved. And when I really thought about it, all the power didn't mean anything to me. I already had everything and everyone I cared for. So I chose to stay behind.

I really love how much freedom this game gave me and how ultimately I was able to craft my own story narrative. Plus my ship is the freaking pelican from halo. 10/10

Patrick McGowan
Patrick McGowan - 28.09.2023 19:27

Did you have this on Very Easy? How did you beat it at Level 28? I am a 50 and the ship battle alone is super tough for me, even when I switch to Very Easy!

Marcus the seer
Marcus the seer - 28.09.2023 16:16

Atleast you can persuade both not to fight you.
And how does it work with the different armors? Are you first to wear the next one and always the last one or can you choose which one you want everytime?

Doodling Hitman
Doodling Hitman - 28.09.2023 02:33

i guess i had the good ending for my universe. i got sick of both these dipshits and didn't side with either, and then was able to convince them both to leave me the fuck alone, lmao

dagg - 28.09.2023 02:20

What boring endings. Looks like toure stuck in a milk box in a boring unskippable Monologue 🤣🤣

UrNeighboursDog - 27.09.2023 23:39

Id like to think that your character splits, part stays behind and carries on (that part that fuses with the universe) and part of you moves on (the part that leaves the universe forever) so really you dont leave your universe, only your conscious splits and you just play through the perspective of the part that moved on

Narniak69 - 27.09.2023 19:04

Starfield's ending is so bad it makes Mass Effect 3 look like a masterpiece of storytelling.

Narniak69 - 27.09.2023 19:01

Video is 33 minutes, 33 seconds. Top tagged comment has 33 replies, and 420 likes. This "reality" is a clown show.

DaDestroyer12 - 27.09.2023 09:31

Am i the only one that thought the main quests were completely trash?

Like there were some cool moments... but literally every quest (even the last one) is get this piece of metal. It also has the most unrewarding ending ive ever seen... barely an ending tbh.

Joshua Cole
Joshua Cole - 26.09.2023 13:56

Did anyone else get attacked by the hunter after you get the last artifact? Or was that just me lol

iamfergo - 26.09.2023 06:15

I wanted to take Sarah with me 💀😭

Geo Serenity
Geo Serenity - 25.09.2023 18:27

Well whadya know...i got the true ending first time around.

Also passed the speech check at the final fight so didn't have to fight them. First time too

Martin B
Martin B - 25.09.2023 18:06

I love how the true ending tried to make itself sound meaningful and profound but all they mustered up was a bunch of nonsensical sci-fi babble.

Serdar Aytemiz
Serdar Aytemiz - 25.09.2023 12:09

So do you have to restart the game to become Starborn. Because when I walked through the unity after the end credits nothing happened. You are dropped to the menu.

narkatameister - 25.09.2023 01:41

True Ending (Don't side with Hunter or The Emissary) i've got by siding with Starborn Sarah which was in the Starborn ship encounter over the Neon city

dancomando - 24.09.2023 21:45

It was sad when I have returned in NG and nobody recognized me

Raymond Smith
Raymond Smith - 24.09.2023 19:54

I have to laugh at the Tubeheads that watch 30+ minutes of this BS when you can use a game guide and get a better, more informed result, online in "MINUTES".

Mechemix - 24.09.2023 17:36

thanks bethesda, it was good shit

Guo Tyr
Guo Tyr - 24.09.2023 12:37

I just killed botb of those two faced bastards

atskySlayer - 24.09.2023 09:20

Suddenly, Mass effect 3 ending doesn't seem so bad. Visuals are cool though

GaryGames - 24.09.2023 06:46

I feel like this game really just fell on a cliff after launch.

Avem the Rex
Avem the Rex - 24.09.2023 06:09

This is the first time I have ever sided with the “bad guy” in any game, movie, or story, almost everything he said was true. This game also shows how our home world can end very soon (thousands of years after we die but still) and that is what hit the hardest to me

Sacrificing Earth to explore the universe was the right choice

dontsteponsneky - 23.09.2023 23:07

In the bestest ending Todd comes to our home in real life and forces you to buy the special edition of starfield

cheetos Christ
cheetos Christ - 23.09.2023 21:10

Hold on I didn't even knew there's such thing as ending

Ewans 4x4
Ewans 4x4 - 23.09.2023 11:48

The 11th play threw takes you to winterhold where you live out the rest of your days

Artimus Protensor
Artimus Protensor - 23.09.2023 05:38

"His" weapon? Who was the Emissary for you? Mine was Sarah... I think it's whoever died in either your current playthrough, or the most recent where you didn't skip the plot. Or maybe you're locked in with your first Emissary on a particular character. Either way, I suspect it's not necessarily the same person for everyone.

About 47 T-Rexes
About 47 T-Rexes - 22.09.2023 16:10

God the ending of this game sucks, invalidates the whole game

bcfb21 - 22.09.2023 04:24

You know. I liked the twist that the person who died becomes the emissary but the Hunter is essentially just a random npc. I never even spoke to him before the main quest forced me to.

Landscape - 21.09.2023 17:49

I was hoping killing the Hunter had more importance for the fact that he killed your friend, after you take revenge no one mentions it if you decide to come back. All you get is a dialogue of the people saying heyy you are back 😮
