Why Australia’s Housing Crisis Is a Warning for the World

Why Australia’s Housing Crisis Is a Warning for the World

Bloomberg Originals

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@exploreearth6275 - 10.01.2024 07:17

Very insightful

@Celco582 - 10.01.2024 06:37

Renovate? Are you serious? More like a straight our demolish... lol

@sandponics - 09.01.2024 17:12

What is driving the housing market is an outbreak of mass stupidity.
If the baby boomers ever die, there are lots of empty properties that will come onto the market.

@michaelmallal9101 - 09.01.2024 16:49

How about Zurich?

@gavinlin6636 - 09.01.2024 13:52

There is one simple solution: 1st property 0% tax, 2nd property 40% tax, 3rd property 60% tax, 4th property 80% tax ...

@chippyjohn1 - 09.01.2024 13:24

Why, because US corruption in Australia, that is why. We need to kick US ownership of property and business out of Australia. All countries that the US buys into has this issue.

@Koroitopal - 08.01.2024 10:08

What other countries allow foreigners to buy and own and trade real estate in their country? 100% guaranteed catastrophy for the locals.

@TRAITORLostStnksLikeShtPewee - 07.01.2024 18:37

You mean Greed Crisis?

@orlamccahey1504 - 07.01.2024 10:21

Exact same situation in Ireland, very bad times

@nickbroadhurst2050 - 06.01.2024 08:06

The reasons for why the prices are so high seem to be five. 1. There are many overseas corporate investors. 2. People work from home and half the commercial properties in Australia are empty and crashing in value. This makes housing the best investment as it is full, going up. 3. During Covid, city centre tall multi story buildings were worthless, being a liability. You could not travel to work by train or taxi or bus, or even get in a lift and go up in them. The big multi national pension funds funded many of these buildings. So after Covid they divested to housing, so as to not remain insolvent. Their new pension fund investments then went to housing and rural properties. 4. Australian house loans also went from 20 year loans to 30 year loans some time back, pushing up prices ty half. 5. Migration is such that majorly only wealthy migrants are able to land in Australia with family cash behind them. And they become immediate competitors to Aussies in the housing market.

@jorgeaguirre7260 - 06.01.2024 02:39

1) migration caps: too much demand pushes prices. It's basic economics. 2) no, migration so far has not provided the so called "productivity" boost. Quite the contrary: Australia has been receiving RECORD high migration over the past decade and productivity has just gone DOWN the drain 3) all this resulting on lower wages on an overly saturated job market on where low pay is the norm due to abundance of labour capital.
Australia is a migration country, but that does not mean it requires a strategy and control

@jaysmith3361 - 05.01.2024 17:20

Buy low, sell high...

@willemvanriet7160 - 03.01.2024 20:44

It's NOT supply! Globally inestors have been parking thei rmoney in real estate due to low rates

@juliancisco3624 - 02.01.2024 16:20

Immigration has to be stopped and brought down significantly; government funded-housing only results in increased taxation for all Australians and an increased cost of living as a direct result, the government can only give money taken from citizens - you can't keep printing money and think the cost of living for Australian taxpayers isn't going to keep rising.

@davidapswoude3259 - 02.01.2024 05:24

homes are 50% taxed by State Government by “lifetime” GST and Stamp Duty. Gov tax is Housing inflation-pure and simple fact.

@joevella6629 - 02.01.2024 01:48

Its all a WEF Agenda remember you will own nothing but be happy this is one reason our government's and council's not releasing land

@Website9 - 01.01.2024 23:01

This is what happens when your politicians are soo corrupted that they allow a few to control a huge amount of wealth... A little greed is ok, but this amount of greed just leads to destruction of communities around the world...

@lisaroselle4559 - 01.01.2024 21:29

That’s what happens when you bring in millions of immigrants a year! Canada and the rest of the western world has the same problem. Are we waking up yet?!

@jellyboy123 - 01.01.2024 17:37

they need 900,000 new homes. Well build them you bunch of morons . seems to me they want there to be a lack of homes to buy so their homes be worth more money.

@Whyisthehandlenotabailable - 31.12.2023 13:25

A scam. Poor people.

@reverseuniverse2559 - 31.12.2023 11:17

Me Very lucky 🤓

@GreytDays-rx5sg - 31.12.2023 06:16

Too many people

@mistylane1610 - 30.12.2023 13:55

Why can't there be a law that the first offer should be accepted? That will avoid a bubble like Canada's housing market. Politicians don't care about their people anymore.

@sanesanyo - 30.12.2023 13:41

Its the same problem here in Frankfurt, Germany. I do not see this getting better anytime soon.

@yurisouza8097 - 30.12.2023 13:36

2008 is reapeting

@botanicalbrit3131 - 30.12.2023 12:34

Answer is Simple :STOP mass immigration.

@freethinker4991 - 30.12.2023 09:50

Australian investors get huge tax discount called negative gearing which has pushed house prices up to make it impossible to afford a house. The best way to take the fuel out of the marked is to remove negative gearing tax benefit.

@macalacalan1175 - 30.12.2023 08:40

Reduce immigration to a trickle. Real estate should only be available to Australian citizens.

@macalacalan1175 - 30.12.2023 08:37

Immigration gone nuts. Immigration should be reduced to a trickle and real estate should only be available to Australian citizens - not foreigners or non citizens. Successive governments of all political parties have betrayed Australians.

@dakotablue3366 - 30.12.2023 01:59

Population of the world will continue to swell, and they just aren’t enough resources or manpower or money to safely house. All of us. Humanity is becoming way too big globally for any real solution. I fear that it will continue to get worse and harder from here on out, especially for poor people which is most of the world.

@oldcynic6964 - 29.12.2023 14:03

Find a Work From Home job and move out of Sydney / Melbourne.

@computer-training-for-seniors - 28.12.2023 19:31

Well why don't people stop breeding?

@JasveerSinghBal-yc3by - 28.12.2023 16:41


@RobertGillontheinterweb - 28.12.2023 11:56

The housing market is a giant Ponzi scheme, new housing supply is deliberately constrained to benefit builder’s profit margins. Planning policy and politics don’t do anything to help

@coopsnz1 - 28.12.2023 06:58

taxes & regulations to fk high in australia why homes expensive to build

@niewazneniewazne1890 - 27.12.2023 17:31

it's just mass immigration from China I bet

@302esky - 27.12.2023 01:05

Unemployment low rate is cause of all the overseas tourists on work visas 800 000 ppl, then permanent residents with money coming into the market and then students studying all the ppl are killing the housing markets ... Fake economy to benefit the politicians and real estates cha ching cha ching

@sp6363 - 26.12.2023 17:24

This is expected of Political leaders "concern about China Threat" and ignore peoples basic needs. 280 Billion could have been spend on building more houses.

@sabrinaj9529 - 24.12.2023 14:05

Migration is causing havoc to the actual citizens of the country.

@user-kz5rn3tj7b - 23.12.2023 23:47

Paying millions for mouldy houses. Mkay...

@FreeJulianAssange23 - 22.12.2023 22:08

The answer is simple. It all began when sawmill’s raised the price of wood. Make houses out of something else, something better.

@cathylegg530 - 21.12.2023 19:36

The Australian govt could fix this today by removing negative gearing for property investors. There would be a bloodbath in the net wealth of the well-heeled, of course.

@4Serviceplan - 20.12.2023 20:53

Millennials are at age this is the largest population on earth

@olorin4317 - 20.12.2023 17:12

We are on the verge of an automated building revolution and the old construction companies, suppliers, insurers, bankers, etc… know it.

@LSG-ry4ke - 20.12.2023 08:37

Australia is simply California but with Kangaroos...😮

@distortedreality3116 - 20.12.2023 01:13

We speak of warnings 😡 New Zealand should have been a wake up call. YEARS AGO!!!

Millions put into Olympic games, getting to space and the list goes on while hard working Aussies are thrown under the bus.

Blessings be upon all, we are witnessing the demise of the middle class. Stay strong ❤️🙏✌️

@corneliusallegro - 19.12.2023 20:28

They are accurate in pointing out that the current situation is driven by supply and demand dynamics. The increasing influx of people migrating to Australia, coupled with the aging population entering the housing market, is intensifying the demand for housing. This surge in demand is causing property values to rise. The cost of purchasing land and constructing houses is also escalating. Moreover, with a substantial proportion of properties in Australia designated for rentals or Airbnb, rental prices are on the rise. The market is expected to stabilize only when the value of the dollar increases and the demand for housing is met.

It is evident that the diminishing purchasing power of our currency has not gone unnoticed. Acknowledging that we are undergoing a financial crisis is crucial for initiating necessary changes. This may involve reconsidering the paychecks of politicians and implementing a temporary pause on migration until an adequate housing supply is established.

As someone on disability, there is a genuine concern about the possibility of homelessness within the next four months. Urgent action is required, and the government's current strategies appear ineffective. It is imperative that the government reassesses its approach to address the pressing housing crisis and ensures the well-being of citizens. Otherwise this will snowball into something much worse.

@JanosWalter1 - 19.12.2023 17:10

Australian Government - draw a line in the sand now!

1. No more negative gearing for established housing “investors” … ONLY allow it for NEW to be constructed residential buildings!

2. No more foreign buyers allowed for established residential properties …. ONLY allow them to buy NEW to be constructed residential properties!

The above will encourage the construction of additional new housing and also give genuine Australian owner occupiers and 1st home buyers a chance at buying an established home without competition from cashed up investors and foreign buyers!

As a retired Oz finance consultant, I’ve had past clients with over 40 housing properties “negatively geared” and seeking to buy more established residential properties - enough is enough… make them create NEW housing through negative gearing for NEW TO BE CONSTRUCTED property investments ONLY !!

@metaphysiiickz - 19.12.2023 08:54

What witches?

@TheFishman3226 - 17.12.2023 22:57

Notice how the issue is due to lack of stock in the city? No mention of the regions. 72% of the population live in major cities. The problem is a lack of political clout to push decentralisation of the population, investment in regions and the embracing of remote work. They know it would be political suicide.
