Hazbin Hotel: What Works & What Doesn't (@RebelTaxi)

Hazbin Hotel: What Works & What Doesn't (@RebelTaxi)


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@Radcatcreations - 31.01.2024 20:35

I've been joking since the pilot that Hazbin/Helluva are the new homestuck lol. It's fandom is largely teens who are going to be making their first cosplays that HEAVILY use body paint, likely unsealed. Also everyone has a fantroll uh I mean fanImp lol
How long until someone tries to dye themselves red using a sharpie bath??

@honaleri - 31.01.2024 17:14

Husks design is the only one that makes sense!

He has hearts and poker chips all over his body cause he was a gambler!

Give me one reason Angle dust is a spider with only 6 limbs?

Or one reason Charlie looks like a....ok, a clown? Yeah, makes sense.

Husk is the most likable character in the show.

Charlie is fake happy manic main character.

Angle Dust is ...eww and pathetic and only felt interesting and worthy when crying and admitting he's fake.

The others don't really exist outside of a trophy attitude they present.

And...I mean. What makes Husk out of all of them the worst, when he's the one that feels human out of a sea of fakey edge lord drawings of a teenage girl?

Just saying...

@SlutForInstantNoodles - 31.01.2024 13:33


@KoolKitty100 - 31.01.2024 09:09


@All4Tanuki - 30.01.2024 23:18

Voodoo? More like vooWHO CARES
Remember Draw Mohammed Day? when did people in the west give up on artistic freedom?

@siddiq069 - 30.01.2024 07:30

at least the show doesnt have the same art styles like generic adult cartoons. too bad the writing is the same as generic adult cartoons.

@Mr.kitsune42 - 30.01.2024 03:50

Husk is my favorite character 💀

@tylerdamelondragon - 29.01.2024 12:09

I like husk

@Rip3001 - 29.01.2024 09:55

Love how they changed something that might have misportrayed a religion. 😶

@squishyrogue69 - 29.01.2024 09:50

"Nobody likes Husk." Meanwhile he's literally in my top 3 along with Angel and Alastor lol

Although I do agree that his design is a little cluttered, I'd hate to even attempt drawing him

@Smieska_13 - 29.01.2024 05:24

I tried so hard to like it, her style is the exact shit i loved and drew when i was a teen too, i was there in the 2000s on dA, i wanted so hard to like it.

I cant fucking stand the character designs. It sucks because its making me hate the style of big eyes with the sharp evil smiling mouth, something i loved as a teen/young 20 something. They all have the same look to them, and its an eye sore to see the overly detailed characters against the overly detailed backgrounds. I get the whole 'thats the point' or whatever but fuck me its awful. Its like looking at my teen self who never grew up and learned about art and composition and just stayed stuck in her ways.

Im glad an indie project got this far but its not excempt from the usual criticism for other animated shows. Its an eyesore.

@timmydonohue5295 - 29.01.2024 04:44

Can you review unicorn wars please. It’s like the Care Bears but they go too war on my little pony.

@crustaccean_from_liverpool - 29.01.2024 03:45

This video came out on a really unlucky date. Almost right before the verbalase x charlie one. Maybe it was lucky?

@MatheusNiisama - 29.01.2024 02:47

I'm drunk wait...

Alastor is black??!!

@Luka__1 - 29.01.2024 01:05

Husk is the worst character? Damn bro, didn't notice..

@Brightfur10 - 28.01.2024 11:30

SICK homestuck reference in 2021 or whatever year this is

@gosha-kun - 27.01.2024 21:34

always appreciated ur content rebel

@aeonstrife147 - 27.01.2024 08:30

Helluva Boss' Stolas has a more imposing design for a high ruler of hell

@jack_brazil0870 - 27.01.2024 07:04

I've been a Hazbin Fan since late 2019, and even back then I felt like all it was getting was hate, which is fine, it was pretty flaw, which is to be expected by a very amateur creator. But myself and so many other people gave it a chance and knew it would one day blossom into something beautiful. And after 4 long and lonely years, we got the show we were all waiting for. and all I can say is it's better than I could have ever imagined! it's still a little flawed with it's writing direction, but the show still knew what it wanted to do. I think its near impossible to state how happy this show even exists. This is a great video and I agree with almost all of his points, but I think it's important to remember this show could have been much, much worse. Even with such big problems, I think the positives outweigh the negative here

@iloveferretssogoddamnmuch - 27.01.2024 04:02

Morningstar is NOT Minos Prime bro

@Earthium - 27.01.2024 02:54

I didn't like Lucifer's design until I realized that he's a fallen angel. He is designed like the angels.

@nandotnt5678 - 26.01.2024 21:31

The length is the only problem I have, as nothing has the chance to breathe

@Honeneko. - 26.01.2024 14:49

Would you have liked Husk better as a Bird?

@ArekusaSan - 26.01.2024 08:52

Ngl, I’m kinda a massive hater of Hazbin Hotel and Vivzie’s works for multiple reasons, but I respect your opinion as a fan of your stuff for almost a decade now. I appreciate the insight onto what’s released so far and can see the positives of this show I would’ve otherwise missed. I’m especially glad to hear about the pay dispute info from an actual industry animator, because I was struggling to find any credible opinions while searching on my own. One thing I feel like they could benefit from is better contrast between the characters, foreground objects, and backgrounds, since I have trouble processing what’s happening when they move; I’m reminded of the storyboard silhouetting you pointed out in your Breadwinners video. Great vid as usual!

@uhhh_adam - 26.01.2024 08:00

I kinda disagree about how many different angles are in a scene. I think one angle the entire time is just way too Simpsons/Family Guyish. I miss when cartoons and anime had interesting shots and "camera movement"

@Checkmate___ - 26.01.2024 07:53

I agree with the fact that Lucifer's design really doesn't fit the role. I'm hoping it's a case of 'This guy looks underwhelming for you to see him as not a threat, only to later reveal their huge epic very threatening final form and catch you off guard' I haven't seen the episode he's in so idk if anything that suggests that's the case could happen later in the show but we'll see. They're the first few episodes after all!

Edit: nvm just watched the episode and I actually quite vibe with the design now. The man is unstable and depressed, he's barely even a ruler and he is clearly isolating from the world. It's a drastically different take on Lucifer, sure, but I think it's interesting to see.

The design quite fits how miserable he is and feels, the fact that he is shorter than Charlie really outlines how he probably feels like his daughter is better than him. Charlie doesn't have daddy issues, Lucifer has daughter issues. He's actually trying his best but goddamn he's not cut for any job in hell whatsoever, he's not a sinner, he's an angel who was cast out of hell simply for thinking outside the box and it really shows. I really like him, he's such an interesting take on Lucifer.

@tf2juice - 26.01.2024 02:38

p0rn addicts. all of you.

@kayencarnacion9191 - 25.01.2024 23:48

Can you do a video on a movie call Dog AVENGERS

@vixxcelacea2778 - 25.01.2024 22:26

Oh and Alastor is actually mixed Creole. He probably knows French to some degree. Given that in RL mixed persons don't always "look" mixed (there's a whole racist idea of "passing" in various directions which makes my skin crawl as an idea because racism is so unfathomably dumb) and can take on a dominant trait, especially skin tone from one parent or another, I think it's fine. People focus too much on race anyway.
Demons such as sinners in hell take on traits as far as I understand that reflect their personality as well as the way they died, so they look humanoid, but their typically human traits don't carry over as much. I mean, Angel was human and he doesn't look it anymore. Vaggie and Alastor look the most human and both of them have traits that have to do with their death and personality, like Alastor died in a hunting accident, he also has wendigo vibes given that he's a cannibal serial killer when he was alive, so the deer/antlers and also that hunting accident fits his qualities and his death. We don't know what happened to Vaggie, but her design likely reflects this too. Charlie is a native to hell, so she doesn't have a design to reflect this.

@vixxcelacea2778 - 25.01.2024 22:14

I love "Loser, baby" so much. Both because it subverts expectation, yet also fulfills it (I think the trope is called lamp shading) in that it it does actually work as an uplifting song, but in a way you don't expect and it's so damn sweet, sincere and honest. I didn't know Husk would be one of my favorite characters and a great compatriot to Angel, regardless of what their relationship might take form of in the future as lovers, platonic or something else. I love that it's not trying to say that Angel's love of being a slut and super into sex is his problem, but rather simply that he made a bad choice regarding it that particular nature about himself. It'd be so easy to demonize that type of behavior. Husk being welcoming to both what could be considered flaws by society, even in Hell and actual flaws Angel has is just such a great song about accepting yourself as well as your mistakes, because we all have things that are considered flaws which aren't or flaws that are flaws actual flaws and either case, we're worthy of love and acceptance. Because we're all losers at the end of the day. No one is an ideal specimen of all virtues and abilities.

@Samrules888 - 25.01.2024 18:55

amazon has that pesky feature where it shows the link to the IMDB pace for every actor on screen. i mean its HELPFUL but literally nobody asked for it.

@MidnightDubstep - 25.01.2024 13:36

I think i might be at the wrong channel I am lookin for Faketaxi

@frug1082 - 24.01.2024 22:41

Nice disgaea OST nerd

@neildematt4564 - 24.01.2024 19:18

Husk actually is my favorite character lol

@user-zy9go1uy3v - 24.01.2024 15:18

Serious question. Why does it matter that Alastor may have practiced Voodoo. He is a creole after all. In Voodoo there's white magic and there's black magic. It's fairly obvious Alastor practiced the latter. It doesn't necessarily reflect poorly on the religion as a whole. However, should we really regard every superstition with reverence. That seems like obvious folly.

@artistanthony1007 - 24.01.2024 08:49

They dont even explore rxpe, I came for a show to explore as many adult stuff as possible with ballsy attitude & confidence of Hell and being adult and I came for what the Hotel was about, redeeming Sinners that get in to be doing the process then get to Heavan. I didn't come for none of that and if the premise was about a War then WTF DID I WAIT 4 YEARS FOR?! I wasted time for something else and a different show but I'll still do roleplays and stick with what was supposed to be given.

@nellynels1410 - 24.01.2024 06:43

Been a big fan for many years, awesome video Pan! Please keep doing what you’re doing cause I love your content. I also love being informed on current animation news. I pray that your pilot gets green lit one day. You deserve to be in the field and I would love to see it ❤

@alexbryda - 23.01.2024 19:28

absolutely love the characters ever since the pilot, the new episodes feel a little rushed since amazon only gave them 8 episode seasons, it feels they are trying to rush tell a story that was meant to be a little more developed and longer, even just not having those last 2 episodes to make a full 10 episode season can take a hit on the pacing dramatically, especially in serialized media also we haven't yet met Satan in this universe which Viv said will show up eventually, and the recast was because they needed VA that could do the voice AND also sing, in the pilot each character had an acting and singing voice which is less streamline and probably way harder to get recordings done faster

@2000sKingdomHeartzFudanshi - 23.01.2024 16:19

Disgaea mentioned

@chaoscody8323 - 23.01.2024 09:29

Husk my fav 😢

@thelemon597 - 23.01.2024 07:24

I'm really enjoying the show so far, and as for the symbols with Alastor.....no one cares, over half the population doesn't know anything about symbols so its very irrelevant, people who pay attention to those things are overly obsessive buzz kills so whatever

@quaker47 - 23.01.2024 02:55

the double cring?!?!?

@lightborn9071 - 22.01.2024 23:41

Haven't even watched your video or the show, but I can tell you how to determine if a show is of quality or not.
Are the characters properly written, deep enough written, do they have a deep backstory, a current stand and a goal? Are they likeable or, if not, a proper satire?
Is the story made according to all the rules? Does it have ups and downs, a long range, are there life lessons to be learned, are there exciting twists in a cohesive plot, with only few gaps?
If the answer is NO, then it simply isn't of quality. Instead, the best thing people have to say about THIS as well as EVERY other "modern" show is simply about flashy colors, copypasted graphic, pasable animation and mathematically composed soundtracks. In other words, NOTHING but valueless things, a show like this only has superficial appeal and nothing below the surface.

@flamekaizer8476 - 22.01.2024 16:47

How the hell did you see Episode 5?
