Discussing UFO Disclosures Being a Government PSYOP and Trump's Statements on Drones

Discussing UFO Disclosures Being a Government PSYOP and Trump's Statements on Drones

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@MarkAnd-s1z - 02.01.2025 20:24

Well what's the difference between close encounters of the 1st and 3rd kinds is one kinder 😂

@Dedcodii - 02.01.2025 21:11

Signs was great as well

@kobold7466 - 03.01.2025 00:29

honestly highly doubt its aliens with how publicized these recent sightings are

@saltwatermongoose - 03.01.2025 04:37

Wonder who the next alien guest in the rotation will be?...

@user-up2fj3wo4o - 03.01.2025 06:19

The government will not be transparent because redit has grouped. Who believes this.? Joes guest?

@WOLFBoy-vc5eq - 03.01.2025 10:21

30 yrs of field work doesn’t MEAN YOU KNOW the psyops the US private military is doing. I hate when ppl like this guy THINK they know everything.

@michellegilley6550 - 03.01.2025 19:35

I’ve been wondering if they were trying to scare us is with drones I nto passing some new laws.

@markyruss - 03.01.2025 20:07

I saw one in 99, it was a bright light just hovering in the air like a helecopter, it then lifted up slightly, it then just shot off crazy crazy fast, faster than anything ive seen before.

@lecurymccray5804 - 03.01.2025 20:21

Naw is a PSYOP. The best way to test new weapons is against the best military.

@785Tu_Mai - 03.01.2025 21:50

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉drone season

@scottwilson1251 - 04.01.2025 10:26

This sht is hilarious slowed down to the lowest speed.

@polehuggermusic - 04.01.2025 10:59

I dont think this shit is funny and the Government OWES US SOME ANSWERS! ABOUT EVERYTHING

@estergarcia7796 - 04.01.2025 20:00

Drones spreading the virus the dropping planes are to scare from flying new lockdown

@RealRabbit1124 - 05.01.2025 01:32

I think Fire in the Sky is the best UFO movie.
Close Encounters is the family friendly version.

@EVRealFacts - 05.01.2025 02:39

This UAP thing is just distraction noise from the matrix.

@MediaLieDetector - 05.01.2025 08:48

UFOs are not extraterrestrial.

@MediaLieDetector - 05.01.2025 08:50

MK ultra glitch
Couldn’t remember Jaws

@maklovin5253 - 06.01.2025 22:19

govt denied aliens for years now they claim they are real😂 should tell you enough

@jinholee5191 - 07.01.2025 05:13

I saw one back when I was an early teen. Was in my bedroom one night, looked out the window and up into the sky, saw a huge black shape slowing flying over my block, it had to be about 40/50 yards big but it was completely silent, no sound whatsoever and very very slow moving. Never sped up just kept on going until I couldn’t see it anymore

@shawncarlson1146 - 07.01.2025 09:58

He will never know the actual truth US presidents are puppets they don’t run shit the military industrial complex runs America

@jarrodschabazz3282 - 08.01.2025 06:35

Some weird stuff going on .....going to get weirderrrr :)

@Sylla_Siben - 10.01.2025 16:38

Show trump how he can make money off the reveal

@youpube5522 - 10.01.2025 19:22

“If Daniel Day Lewis told he just ate a baby, you’d believe him.” Hahahaha

@allwatched5322 - 12.01.2025 07:20

Why until now the world government does not want to be honest about UAP, the reason is very simple: money and wealth. Researchers and the Army will not be able to research at great expense without the support of billionaire businessmen

@CodySmith3 - 12.01.2025 08:22

Casually tells jamie to find out what these ufo an drones are

@BillyDenton-nx3oy - 12.01.2025 10:05

Trump isn't just playing golf. He is playing golf WELL.

Most people have absolutely NO IDEA the skill and effort and commitment and craftiness and unwavering confidence and prioritization and support and focus required to play golf at the level that President Trump plays golf.

The first time I watched him play, honestly, I was shocked.

Absolutely blown away.

I've played with a lot of successful people, like the President is considered to be.

People who are good at everything.

People who win at everything they do, and ZERO of them play as well as the President.

Take all of that amazing stuff, then realize that his age isn't too far from Biden's age, well it is nothing short of shocking.

@Snceday1 - 15.01.2025 17:00

Never mix alcohol with cocaine

@Christian-oq3md - 16.01.2025 11:23

this idiot actually believes its real lmao i cant

@goesupiot - 16.01.2025 21:04

About 20 years ago, in a remote village in India, a strange and unexplained event took place. One night, a neighbor’s cow was securely chained to a post. By morning, the cow’s tail had been completely severed with a clean cut, yet there was no trace of blood anywhere. The villagers were baffled, as there were no known predators in the area, and no one could explain how it happened.

Then, about 10 years later, another similar incident occurred. This time, a different neighbor’s cow was inside a locked shelter when something inexplicable happened. By morning, part of the cow’s ear and a section of flesh from its belly had been removed, again with clean cuts and no blood. Given the absence of wild animals or any logical explanation, the villagers, unfamiliar with other possibilities, assumed it was an act of black magic. As a result, they never reported it to the authorities.

Years later, another strange occurrence was witnessed by my mom and her brother in the same village. One summer night, around three to four years ago, they were sleeping on the roof of their house, a common practice in hot weather. Around midnight, they suddenly noticed a large, bright light hovering just above them. The light was intensely hot, and within a second, it vanished without making any sound. My uncle, deeply shaken by what he had seen, talked about it for weeks, repeatedly saying he had never encountered anything like it before.

Interestingly, my mom recalled that similar strange events had been happening in the village long before these incidents. When she was around 10 or 11 years old, probably around 1970 or 1972, she and many villagers, including young girls her age, frequently saw mysterious lights appearing and disappearing in the same spot. This place was covered in bushes, and they even saw these lights entering a well—a traditional water source used for fetching water. These glowing lights would move in and out of the bush and sometimes descend into the well before vanishing.

The description of these lights closely resembles the well-known Phoenix Lights phenomenon, where people witnessed unexplained bright lights moving in coordinated patterns in the sky. villagers thought these were lost souls and were afraid to visit that place. After many years the owner of the land cleared the bush and made it into a fertile land for use. No more lights seen now.

@flightsimdev - 17.01.2025 10:51

I was told unidentified meant just that unidentified, but then when you want to sell books, they become "ALIENS"

@SoulSpaUniversity - 20.01.2025 05:51

Love James Fox, thanks for having him on

@120dbdavid - 21.01.2025 05:25

They are not ours until the flying saucer moterhomes are for sale.

@JackMac-h6t - 27.01.2025 19:41

Fox is a deep state plant, so full of total shit

@Joe-v9k9h - 03.02.2025 07:19

Fear is control. We all fear the unknówn . Psych-Op 101

@gfsfyfy426 - 06.02.2025 22:12


@Batman09812 - 07.02.2025 05:53

They used Hollywood to propel alíen psyops . Govt and Hollywood . Hollywood is a smoke and mirrors arm. There’s political narrativas and have you ever seen war? I have … government would do a lot to create smoke screens to determine from escalating to war , and “man” is the real monster. Did you know during world war two , allied forces used “dummy” air balloons and trickery tactics. Nazi uboats were off of our coast line . I believe we have unbelievable tech and secret innitiatives in creating new crafts . Look at drone shows for example , it’s ublievable of what human think tank groups can come up with tax payer money ………. I don’t believe in Rogans statement and just “writing it off” as someone always wants to diminish a real alien story and be a grey cloud . I think that’s a easy “cop-out” to say . Let’s put the egos away boys. Just because you call it an UAP doesn’t mean it’s alien as in “extraterrestrial” . Mean it’s an unmanned airiel phonomenon… just because It’s a “phenomonon” with this new term doesn’t mean it’s out of this world aliens. The general public has the interest with all kinds of source on there in what these tech companies, govt entities are creating. All you’ve gotta do is stick your nose down and Focus and you’ll find all kinds of govt. And civilian private sector companies creating some pretty bazarrre looking shit on a internet search . This guy talking about the conspiracy talk and pondering on possible nuke seeking drone activity .. i think there is some kind of tech related to that and the general public is so in the dark about black op projects and behind the scenes, it’s compleletly crazy to me that people jum to space aliens . BTW we are the fucking aliens haha

@Kidfingas - 08.02.2025 11:32

Space force

@omarsandoval7886 - 13.02.2025 02:13

Didn’t congress already have a meeting about aliens and objects being real ? they were discussing what they are and what they know about them.

@LonelyRanger902 - 16.02.2025 05:13

America obviously doesn’t have that kind of technology. We haven’t even been able to develop a hypersonic missile, the Russians are years ahead of us.

@motherearth5462 - 27.02.2025 10:07

That movie changed...Close Encounters of the Third Kind.....A Mandela Effect... The little boy at the end came out of the UFO holding the hand of an Alien ... seen this movie at least 30ish times. Just watched it again last week, and now the little boy comes out holding the hand of a man w a dog...IT HAS CHANGED... I'm not young and not too old to be losing my mind.

@valentinvetements - 28.02.2025 08:33

I guess I'm dead, but I'm still alive, I tried to commit suicide, fuck I'm still alive, I'm not kidding, I broke the eggshell

@flashlightbeam3487 - 03.03.2025 03:31

OMG just look drones show in China. Explain everything.

@MichaelAdamson-f4u - 03.03.2025 21:47

So, back in 95, I met this girl at a bar in Estacada, Oregon. I grabbed a half-case of beer, and we drove up the river. On the way, I took a turnoff called Fish Creek Bridge and found a place to pull over. I had to take a leak, so I got out of the truck and left her waiting inside. It was just starting to get dark when I noticed these strobe lights flashing from the sky. It looked like they were searching for something. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from, so I didn't waste any time and got back in the truck. I drove back across the bridge, and instead of heading back to town, I took a right and kept going up river . I found a pull off to the left of an old shooting range . We drank a few beers and watched the night skys . It was so clear . I saw a cluster of triangle shaped I thought were stars . I wasn't quite sure .I took out my old flash light and pointed at the cluster of stars, and one by one would shut off one of their lights . Then it got crazy one by one, and they flew across the canyon .we were like wow there were at least eight of them." I once again I stepped out to take a leak . I'm kinda scarred. I had a feeling of being watched. As I was, I heard the rocks sliding down the bank up a bove me an I heared a shhhhh ttt shhhh ttt. With pics running down my leg, I jumped in the truck . She said what what is it?" I get in, not saying anything . As we were looking out the windshield, a large triangle shape craft pulled up in front of us silver smooth no noise it had a three brite lights one on each corner . There was a window I could see the aliens in side . It opened this center of the ship. This bright red beam blasted out, not like a lazer but like a beam that hit the ground stored up the dust . I remember starting my truck. I floored it out of there as fast as I could go thinking it may be after or following us . I had a bad light switch it would come on, then go off . I told her not to say a word if we got pulled over . We'll we got pulled over She was like officer officer you got to go up river theres aliens all over up there . I was asked to step out of the car . He looked at me what she was saying . I said I do not know. I picked her up at the bar she's a little crazy . This is when I started to believe.. true true true

@oscamazya6950 - 04.03.2025 21:59

It's a pysop alright, but not to hide any advanced technology. It's dragged out every time the deep state wants you out chasing cars.
