Your doing fine. I toured, I have worked in live entertainment for over 25 years. I made the move into film during the vid. Still do some one off gigs between film gigs. There is no leaving it on the road. As for the HR stuff, yea I learned about HR working on a Marvel thing. Sometimes I miss it, but I am older now, got married and have kids. Staying home is nice.
ОтветитьMuch has changed since the 80s and 90s. I'm sure a series like this would have not gone over well at all back then. 😂 I believe that many artists, bands and roadies have become much more cognizant of their actions due to the fact that everything is being documented by someone now.
ОтветитьIf 66Samus was a Roadie. Would really love to see both of them in a screencast ^^
ОтветитьSounds like being in the trades. But I don't know. There's been one company I've worked for that would let you go for calling someone an f word. We're in the trades cause we can't be professional. How do they expect us not to use words we've grown up using. You can't get in physical fights anymore, but still, the way everyone talks is very different from any other job.
ОтветитьIn the 90's I worked on several tours and some stuff that happened were insane, But I always like comparing tours. I did tours for Crue, Poison, GNR, Maiden and ACDC. Maiden and ACDC were organized and no chaos and the RM put up with no bullshit. GNR and Crue. OF curse trouble and Mayhem. Poison were all not guy guys as long as they were not dealing with each other. Most dysfunctional band I worked with
ОтветитьThe one thing not many people talk about is the 6/9 5 gigs in 8 nights in 6 different cities in 9 days that are not close to each other. My worst was the Trans Canada highway(that is what we called it) Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon and Winnipeg, In the Winter
ОтветитьWhenever people bring up the The Las Vegas/Fight Club quote I get red flags and alarm sounds in my head.
Ответитьuses phrase "so rad" 100000 % working/touring in music industry case closed
ОтветитьAs a 35 year veteran of the touring industry I was initially very concerned about your sharing so much. It would not happen in my generation. And I would never be filming on stage. However, we talk about the maturation of our industry & how we are growing up. I think what you are able to do is part of that. I appreciate your stories & wish you the very best. Be encouraged.
ОтветитьRule #1, Cardio.
ОтветитьYou pooped on the bus…. and didn’t flush?
ОтветитьAll I can say is,thank god mobile phones weren't around in the 70's...LOL.
ОтветитьI’m not a roadie, I work in a performing arts theatre in the Netherlands… My coworkers and I sometimes get warned by HR for the way we act but if it weren’t for these coworkers I would’ve quit years ago😂
ОтветитьIf that old saying was true, we would not know about David Grohl's and every other random tour fck child in the world.
ОтветитьOnly the people that try and silence you have something to hide...tell all man...
ОтветитьWhen I first started touring in Europe, the industry was very much follow rejects and reprobates basically people that I’ve didn’t want to or couldn’t get hired anywhere else.
Alcohol alcoholism and drug abuse was common but these people push harder than anyone else would and as the same goes the show must go on and it always did.
Yes, I have many stories to tell that shouldn’t be told
I never will be told, but the industry did clean itself up. It became a lot more professional with the technology increases. It became more of a legitimate job the pay took awhile to increase at Truckee level but it eventually did and I had the time of my life.
I still work in the music industry but more of a drive higher area now and every now and then you do meet people from the past and you can share a few laughs and jokes.
As I am sure you are aware final show of the tour pranks often got out of hand and close to the line but it was all in good fun
“What happens on tour stays on tour” is why Justin Bieber doesn’t hang with Diddy anymore 😂
I flew boards for everyone from 7 Mary 3 to Creed in the90’s (I worked in a kitchen with Scott Stapp while he was forming Creed)
This is paydirt brother. I could listen to these all day.
Edit: Ive met all types. From Dimebag to TPain (I knew Faheem’s older brother Rasheed growing up) and I can tell you’re not dropping personal information. You could do some damage, I’m sure. But it’s obvious to those of us who know that you’re not “dropping gems,” you’re just telling road stories…which is what we do after every gig 😂❤❤❤
I like the stories, so I'm glad you are talking about 'em. Even if you are making stuff up, it's a good story time!
You're bang on about how the mystery of celebrity is gone. Actors and musicians both, as you said, have been revealed to be just as dumb and useless as the rest of us. As the good books says, "Everyone Poops."
My wife says, "Who is he looking at when he is talking?" 😂 Never noticed you look off camera a lot.
ОтветитьDon’t 💩 in the bus Rule #1
ОтветитьThe only person Tank trash talks is himself lol
Ответитьyour next job offer, hey we got a cick for you here, oh and btw here is an NDA ^^
ОтветитьWhen you talk about people in bands you're talking about a group of people who have a tendency to crave attention and want to be the center of attention Non-Stop. Obviously there are people in the business that are just there for the music and are happy with the money that you get from fame but there are fame hags everywhere in the music industry and a lot of them are just narcissistic shitty people. I booked bands for a while and it was refreshing when I didn't have to deal with complete assholes. Label guys are even worse.😊
ОтветитьOn two separate occasions I saw the band The replacements so drunk that they could not do their show. On both occasions they didn't make it through more than three songs but on both occasions nobody got their money back. They're one of my all-time favorite bands and I've also seen them twice where they weren't too drunk to play and it was amazing. There are definitely bands and Roadies that will day drink and drug and just cross their fingers that they're able to play that night.
Ответитьi know what happens in the back experience has been their all a bunch of filthy shitbags....having drunk women sucking off 6 guys and filming it for their jew friends to put on the internet.....theres a huge dark web slot of israeli's and filthy dirtbags doing disgusting things........i got out of it because of what i saw.....humanity is a very dark way and they all encourage it
ОтветитьThat is also why no one wants to be preached to about morality issues by musicians. They live in their own little bubble and would never be able to live by the standards they push on others. Rules for yee not for thee.
Ответитьbro if my band ever tours (probably wont) but if by some off chance we do, im hiring you to do a full documentary of it from a roddie persoective. good, bad, raunchy...doesnt matter.
ОтветитьZZZZZZZZzzzzz....wake me if he ever says anything remotely interesting.
ОтветитьKeep to the code? I'm thinking the code is more what one might call "guidelines" than actual rules.... 😁🤘
ОтветитьTour managing Electric Callboy is the new "Emppu plays a custom ESP EV-1" and "before anybody says it, yes I know Floor Jansen's husband plays drums for Sabaton".
ОтветитьLearning about other occupations is always interesting - whether it's someone who's worked in maintenance or government. They're jobs I've never done and hearing about the nuts and bolts of that profession is terrific. Thanks from a Canadian subscriber. BTW - ignore & delete trolls, they're not worth wasting time reading.
ОтветитьYou keep this up your going to be selling flannels on tour with Mr. Ballen!!! lol
Ответить“It’s a fun job, but it’s still a job.”
-Cypress Hill
can you make any videos telling how would you say is the best way to get started in the music industry? what are the pros and cons of working in the industry? is there any need of/room for more people working in there?
ОтветитьSounds like people wanting to protect sex abusers to me.
ОтветитьLoose Lips Sink Ships....
ОтветитьI’ve been in this industry since high school. I started as a stage hand and worked my way up. I’ve been a backline tech and currently working as an L2 , nothing cool backstage except cables truss and empty road cases…unless you’re a guitar geek like me love Lx/Audio gear your gonna be disappointed.
ОтветитьYou’re not in the CIA.
Go ahead and talk.
Love all your content!..Always wanted to go on the road!
ОтветитьSurprised you don't call these videos "Tank Tracks"
ОтветитьCameras and social media is everywhere now though so things what you could get away with then you couldn’t now.
I love how open you are on the subject. I think it’s not about what you talk about but how you talk about. I think if you’re not slandering band then it’s all good. Times have changed
I’ve been playing music all my life really looking into and now I still have a band but I think Rodan and getting out there and tour like that would be a blast. I haven’t toured in 20 years. I just recently started a new band and we’re not really gonna tour we’re just gonna play locallyunless we had something amazing pop-up.
ОтветитьLOVE this channel dude !!!!!
As a musician for over 50 years, I can totally relate !
Very enjoyable stories ! 😁👍🤘
Long time viewer/subscriber.. Love your videos. One can learn a lot from you! Thank you brother man! Wishing you the absolute best! Rock & Roll
ОтветитьI live from NDA to NDA, even as a musician. I am always careful about what I share.
ОтветитьI spent over 20 years driving tour buses! Loved it but it burnt me out. I then moved onto trucks as I only had my own sh!t to clean up and loved that too. Now I'm retired and use my army pension to live off which is just enough to get by. I hope to use my channel one day and stick all my backstage passes in a bag, draw one out and tell a story that comes to mind from that laminate. I think its a pretty good idea, maybe one day I'll get around to it
ОтветитьI've got at least two books on the shelf of tour experiences. Both from pre-social media days so you couldn't just lazily consume tour stories as you can today. I'll add that both are reflections of bands that no longer tour.
Fact is most jobs are boring and what matters is the storyteller.
I absolutely love your story’s please keep it up.
ОтветитьSaw a semi recent tour vlog where he had his camera on and I believe it was Nico goes "is that on" "Ian goes yeah but I can delete" he goes "no no" then talked into the camera about how awesome Tank is. I love this band and that made me have much higher respect for them. Tank it must be so awesome touring with a band that is not only hugely talented and fun but also super chill about stuff like that. got to see them at sonic temple last year so glad they gave American festivals another chance after the blue ridge fiasco. Tank thank you for letting us in on the backstage fun and work yall do to make these shows as awesome as they are.