Richard Dawkins - The Root of All Evil? - Part 2: The Virus of Faith [+Subs]

Richard Dawkins - The Root of All Evil? - Part 2: The Virus of Faith [+Subs]

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@charlietwotimes - 30.08.2021 16:27

if humanity is Windows 2000 then religion is an Etch A Sketch. a broken Etch A Sketch that's been run over by a stream roller. then thrown in a canal.

@gokhanj.yenigun7933 - 01.09.2021 05:55

Sick minds!

@jeschinstad - 04.09.2021 21:58

The ability to learn from your own pain, is the ability to learn from your own mistakes. The ability to learn from other people's pain, is the ability to not make the same mistake once. Morality is a natural consequence of people being able to recognize each others empathy. If that is too complicated to understand, you should not be teaching children. By the time a child is able to read, it will have understood morality on its own.

@adafelatenciorincon3522 - 12.09.2021 00:53

These people live in pre-History, except for the modern surroundings of the buildings and cities they dwell in. As for their minds, they live in a lost world that the rest of humanity superseded a long time ago. Paradoxically, they make use of Science, their most feared enemy, to stock up with all sorts of technological gadgets and means of transportation and communication, as well as medical cures for any ailment conceivable, that Religion has never provided nor will ever provide to any people on the whole planet.

@winesap2 - 14.09.2021 03:35

This is brilliant! I think everyone needs to see these Dawkins documentaries.

@marcob9124 - 18.09.2021 00:00

This fool is so foolish and he does go for people who dont think and have little knowledge.
He seeks prey and has no hesitation to deceive and misleadpeople.

Its atheism and evolutionist s who have killed millions upon millions.

He knows it but he loves to lie to people.

@nihaljpc - 22.09.2021 09:34

A radical bigoted scientist. Who takes the worst stupidities of religion and gloat over such stupidity.
Any intelligent adolescent can do that.
Let him take on the subtle teachings of enlightened Sages and the yogic masters and Christian saints. He will not even begin to understand........a slave of science, a TV... science evangelist.A sensationalist.
The contents of this program is so puerile.......
Please read the Buddhost scriptures nd the Bagawat Gita the Upanishads.....before even you start this type of discourse.

@joaquingutierrez3602 - 25.09.2021 03:08

Bravo Richard.

@MariusVanWoerden - 30.09.2021 04:14

The weird destructive ideas and morals of Dawkins are not just Atheism it goes much farther. Richard Dawkins has announced his divorce from his third wife, Lalla Ward, concluding their 24 years of marriage. The couple's romance started when they met in March 1992 during a surprise party hosted by their friend and author of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," Douglas Adams, for Dawkins' 40th birthday. By that time, Dawkins had already divorced twice and raised a daughter from his second marriage. Ward, known for her BBC television series "Doctor Who," had also divorced after only 16 months of marriage with co-star Tom Baker. The 75-year-old evolutionary biologist had stirred the public years ago when he denounced monogamy and fidelity in relationships. In his article piece "Banishing the Green-Eyed Monster," Dawkins referred to "jealousy" in a relationship as "immoral and selfish." He defended that men should be allowed to keep mistresses and indulge in sexual pleasures with others.
Dawkins wants to condone pedophilia. Referring to his early days at a boarding school in Salisbury, he recalled how one of the (unnamed) masters “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts.” Dawkins said: “Other children in his school peer group had been molested by the same teacher”, but concluded: “I DON’T THINK he did any of us lasting harm.” Dawkins tells an interviewer: “raising your child to believe in hell is worse than sexual abuse”. I have 11 children who all belief in the existence of Hell. No one of them has the fear for Hell. However, sexual abuse will do a lot of harm to pretty much all children. Dawkins gave another dumb controversial advice to a woman who did not know what she would do' if she was pregnant with a child with Downs Syndrome and his advice was: “Abort it and try again, you have the choice It’s IMMORAL to bring it into the world”. What Richard Dawkins says is IMMORAL. There are 450,000 people with Downs Syndrome in the USA. What is the message to them and their parents? It would be better if you were aborted? If Dawkins had bothered to do any research, he would have come across a peer-reviewed paper in the October 2011 issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics, which surveyed 400 people with Down's Syndrome, at aged 12 and over. The outcome was,: More than 99 percent of people with DS indicated; they were happy with their lives, 97 percent liked who they are and 96 percent liked how they looked.' That's a weird kind of suffering. People with DS are fully functioning and happy. It is a task but they usually give more love back. Dawkins? Not an example to follow.

@sherrymiller2302 - 06.10.2021 19:33

When science allows politics to compromise evidence, it is time to question the integrity of science!

@thewb8329 - 07.10.2021 05:55

Religion outside of a having a belief in a deity is also a cultural identity and a form of tribalism especially in Judaism. Half of all Jews are atheist yet still practice their religion most likely for group cohesion. Other aspects of religion that fulfill certain needs must be replaced in order for people to let go of their irrational beliefs systems.

@sophiaangelini4368 - 07.10.2021 14:39

God exists and guides us- he is a biologist.

@rajagopal5256 - 10.10.2021 11:01

Every religion has an expiration date...

@SuperFatsoul - 19.10.2021 00:39

wow!!! its like I was sleeping and Richard woke me up.... he makes absolute sense!! just look at nature and look at our ape cousins and you will get the meaning of life

@robertvarner5827 - 19.10.2021 18:53

I don't know how so many smart people continue to believe religion I've doubted ever since I first read the bible. To me God seemed way to mean, not absolutely good, we need to as humans love each other

@nblm805 - 21.10.2021 07:21

Grate comments thank you

@DenisTheGreat22 - 06.11.2021 22:18

These people left me speechless... the stupidity, the ingorance, the selfishness... I have no words...

@sarge420 - 24.11.2021 17:26

All churches have to much influence in our state issues and NEED TO BE TAXED. Child abuse still continues with priests. Sad…

@holeshothunter5544 - 29.12.2021 04:27

Noah['s ark could not be. It would flex and snap boards in the 'stormy seas of the flood' and promptly sink. The Wyoming sank.

@davidbanner6230 - 01.02.2022 16:49

I don't know if there is a real God or not, but do not believe that religion poisons everything, but if you are determined make a career out of it, I suppose it's convenient to say so? However I do believe that for some people religion does serve a very important function, and as it serves a purpose in human society, it must owe its origins to evolution....
Those who think it clever to deny such, are being dishonest with themselves..

@sarahsnowe - 12.04.2022 04:13

Where does this man find the patience to deal with these people? "Mind-forg'd manacles," indeed, but it's one thing to deliberately shackle yourself and another to shackle your children. However, as long as the child is reasonably intelligent, is exposed to reality-based ideas and facts, and is not emotionally or physically coerced by his or her family, she or he has a decent chance of emerging as a free-thinking being. I was brought up with a load of Christian horseshit that to this day leaves me gobsmacked by its foolishness, but intellectual exploration led me through the thickets of ignorance to a contented atheism. I must also say (this is just anecdote and therefore statistically worthless) that the best people I know are agnostics and atheists: the kindest, the most charitable, and certainly the most intellectually accomplished.

@Dankpuffin - 21.05.2022 12:52

I get so mad how close minded and stupid religious people are: especially the people who knows better and continue to lie for money.

@JesusCreatedAllThings - 26.06.2022 05:27

— “Aron Ra” Gets Everything Wrong —

August 18, 2019 Tim O'Neill
Unfortunately the New Atheist activist who calls himself “Aron Ra” is all too typical of this kind of polemicist – he does not let his profound ignorance of history stop him from pontificating about it. In a recent debate he put this on full display, with a remarkable burst of pseudo historical gibberish proclaimed with supreme confidence and smug self-assurance. Yet virtually everything he said was wrong.

@TheDude0fLife - 13.07.2022 00:07

Sorry Dawkins, but you're wrong. God gave birth to God then killed God to save us from God. Science is the devil! 🤣

@ronaldronca6060 - 20.07.2022 01:48

I cannot understand why any intelligent, educated person could believe in the existence of a God. I was 12 years old and an altar boy in the 6th year of a catholic education that would, despite my resistance last another 6 years, when I with absolute conviction knew God was no more than an archaic superstition. Through the years I became disgusted with being branded an atheist. I am not an atheist, the term implies a non believer, choosing to be a non believer. It is not a matter of choices, I think just the thought of a creator is nothing short hilarity.

@pooddescrewch8718 - 02.08.2022 09:53

The moderately religious do not have the sway in their churches anymore . In fact many have no church . Many moderates have become atheists . That void is filled by the radical fundamentalists . Conspiracy Theory is comingling with Literal translation of the Abrahamic texts . Intolerance and traitorous views are festering in these groups .

@pooddescrewch8718 - 02.08.2022 10:06

Sorry Adrian , but if I could get away with rape , theft , infidelity and murder I would still not do it . Thats even though I might at a visceral level want to do all four at any given time .

@donsekr8520 - 13.08.2022 23:00

In my country Sweden 100 years ago 95% was religious. Now it’s about 5%.

@michaelcooke8665 - 17.09.2022 09:23

What mystery?

@Premium2023oct - 13.11.2022 17:11

I am proud to know that there are intelligent and self thinking people in this world .

@031767sc - 07.12.2022 19:06

religious delusion is a sin

@shannontaylor1849 - 20.01.2023 15:43

It's not confusing: those who wish to assess reality accurately choose reasoning, those who wish to seem to assess reality accurately opt for faith.

@markomicevic958 - 21.01.2023 02:53

Protect this man at all costs!!

@garyjohnson1466 - 28.01.2023 15:20

Without religion, how many religious leaders would be out of work, religion is a business that preys on, programs or indoctrinate children, the next generation to believe in heaven and hell, etc etc,along with their social customs to promote their business, and divide us, and let’s not forget languages, like in the story of the tower of babble, so today science reason is akin to the tree of knowledge, it’s a threat to the business of religion….

@saulgoodman7858 - 08.02.2023 05:54

Atheism is dead

@jessicawinslet684 - 05.04.2023 08:35

I can see dawkins frustrated ... his only problem is that he doesn't know how to disarm these people because he doesn't know that dumb book.

@nickgoodlock263 - 23.05.2023 23:18

I've never understood why people thought the stories from the bible were supposed to be things that actually happened. Even as a kid I only seen them as stories.

@neerajkumarshrimali2556 - 10.06.2023 06:39

We should look forward to a new religion, that is sciencism

@jcv71 - 13.06.2023 12:48

Discussing philosophy or evolution with a Rabbi is useless, a ccmplete waste of time. They're utterly dogmatic.

@malonesinclaire9201 - 25.06.2023 00:30

Thank you Mr Dawkins…brilliant series.

@ElementoryMyDearWatson - 27.06.2023 03:55

Thank God for Richard Dawkins. D'OH.

@junevandermark952 - 16.07.2023 19:55

The nasty word “evil” is an adjective.

Some of the synonyms of the word evil are … immoral, sinful, ungodly, unholy.

So, that means that the opposite meaning is … moral, sinless, godly, holy.

When you refer to other humans as being “evil,” while omitting your self as being the same … doesn’t that mean that you believe that YOU are moral, sinless, godly, holy?

Religion is but a word and a word cannot BE evil, and neither were or are the people that used and still use their religious dogmas to in turn torture and murder others.

I suggest that “we” can be very mean, nasty, manipulative, domineering, underhanded, arrogant, disgusting, untrustworthy, vicious … murderous animals, and be referred to by a lot of other choice fitting terminology … but we should not be referring to each other as being evil.

@pickititllneverheal9016 - 17.07.2023 00:04

The lgbt is a religious cult that needs to be gotten rid of. I feel the same when a man tries to say hes a woman, that Richard feels about religion. Thats just not scientifically true. Its utter horse shit. Period.

@ajitkapadia8950 - 12.08.2023 10:13

Superb talk.

@UpNfamish2 - 17.08.2023 00:01

People, who believe in Hell where where human souls get tortured, mostly likely don’t know human physiology n certainly can’t explain “ the physiology of pains” of souls. They are full of excrements!

@Camibug - 27.08.2023 11:59

Thanks for posting this 😊

@ObamnasHusband - 11.10.2023 22:15

listening to all of these peoples positions about the bible clearly shows that they have never read the bible. SMH🤦‍♂

@user-ob5im8zz4n - 01.12.2023 21:41

Christianity is sustained though the indoctrination of children... But try telling one of your faithful friends that their belief is only due to programming by their parents and you will soon have less friend.
