Bannerlord's combat improved | Full video- The Dream Game: What Bannerlord Could be @JackSather

Bannerlord's combat improved | Full video- The Dream Game: What Bannerlord Could be @JackSather

Jack Sather

1 год назад

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JP Was Here
JP Was Here - 23.11.2023 16:28

Yeah this makes no sense. Bannerlord is designed to have 1000’s of soldiers fighting. There is no room for the soldiers to be having unique moves when it’s literally just infrantry lines colliding

Alastairio Robinsonio
Alastairio Robinsonio - 22.11.2023 19:52

Speed up for honour? I feel like most of the light attacks give you 0.0001 seconds to react 😅

Mathijs - 21.11.2023 23:30

Just keep playing fantasy games... Bannerlord is the most realistic combatsystem i've ever seen in games.

Danny - 20.11.2023 17:17

"Speed up the combat" words said by someone who has never played serious For Honor lol

But yes, would definitely love this

Hornady Matt
Hornady Matt - 19.11.2023 19:29

Just give me mordhau combat system.

Jon Corley
Jon Corley - 19.11.2023 03:46

So take realistic bannerlord and make it unrealistic

Austin Carmona
Austin Carmona - 19.11.2023 01:21

For honor can suck it that’s absolutely no for me bud

OG Skywalker
OG Skywalker - 18.11.2023 23:39

I’d say chivalry combat would work way better for big fights compared to for honor

WuGGLe WuGGLe - 16.11.2023 14:43

This hypothetical game you’re describing sounds terrible and annoying. low TTK for honor combat wtf are you smoking ? out of all the existing combat systems you pick for honor ???? if that game never got a sequel it would be to soon.

B-i-1-1-0006 - 13.11.2023 20:17

But why?

Luke - 13.11.2023 01:39

I mean the game is already vikings, samurai, and nights. Reality is broken, might as well put in insane executions

The Dark Lord Kid
The Dark Lord Kid - 11.11.2023 00:29

They add those executions cause they can copy paste them for every hero. Fkin sucks, I loved when for honor released and everyone has these cool unique animations

Carl8s - 10.11.2023 05:33


Florida - 10.11.2023 00:34

This guys pretty fucking sick

DankPrimitve 99
DankPrimitve 99 - 09.11.2023 09:08

Sorry but no

William McLyr
William McLyr - 09.11.2023 08:14

I think that bannerlord combat system already quite deep. Directional blocking, difference between passive and active blocking, feints, kicks, pommel strikes, chamber blocks (though they are much more difficult in bannerlord than in mordhau and most of the time work randomly)

Bleepingbobby - 06.11.2023 02:25

Ubisoft employers pay minimum wage in production countries Romania, Canada, 500-600 euros it is a godly wage close to EA standards of not paying it...You are expandables!

Gaming hedgehog
Gaming hedgehog - 04.11.2023 22:43

Bannerlord v for honor is like arma v cod one is meant for realism one is meant for fun

Rohan - 03.11.2023 14:18

We need a singleplayer game with For Honor’s combat

xbox_junkie - 01.11.2023 19:58

Honeatly, the combat in For Honour is fast enough. It doea not need to be sped up and the damage threshold does not need to be decreased. The game is unbalanced as it is and even pay to win when a new hero comes out. They always release heroes completly busted and people pay for that temporary advantage.

TurtleUSA - 01.11.2023 07:10

For honor is suffering

Cason Heard
Cason Heard - 01.11.2023 05:45

This is just a dog shit opinion posted to get views, sorry lock on combat that drags on even if you die in 4 hits that still mean you have to get past there blocks, dodges, and parries just wouldn’t work in a game where you can have 500 soldiers fighting, it would ruin the pace of the combat, what I feel like you fail to realize is that it’s just as much of a strategy game where you command your troops as it is a medieval combat game

CheeseMaestro - 01.11.2023 01:31

1k hours in for honor and those "balancing" ideas are horrendous

AtriaGames - 31.10.2023 00:23

For honor is literal dog water of combat compared to mount and blade. Mount and blade gives you the ability to have hundred v hundred real players in shield walls fighting together. With for honor combat this couldn’t work.

Shadow knight gaming
Shadow knight gaming - 29.10.2023 20:00

Id 100% pick bannerlord combat over the pure shit that is for honor itd make way more sense to do what chivalry does but simpler remember console players exist and playing for honor with a controller just sucks so fucken much for a single-player game especially if your fighting in massive battles it legitimately sounds like a nightmare

yayvey - 29.10.2023 07:37

This is one of those takes that sound good in your head .

technological_TV - 26.10.2023 23:40

I got one thing to say kingdom come deliverance

Nathan - 24.10.2023 19:11

This wouldn’t work at all

Юрий Темников
Юрий Темников - 24.10.2023 11:41

I don’t agree about the superiority of combat in for honor - objectively, the combat system in bannerlord is more realistic and, oddly enough, better than in for honor, but it’s not cinematic.
In for honor there are techniques and combinations, but with these very techniques it is more like a fighting game, the weapons themselves are exaggerated and the combat itself goes towards cinematography. At the same time, there are only three directions of impact, there are no attacks at all, except for the default strikes of the Valkyrie, a constant block by default.
There is no long-range combat, no mass battles, and the enemy capture system basically eliminates mass battles - even 1 versus 3 you can already feel this very strongly.
Counterstrike mechanics exist only as separate techniques.
There are feints.
Also, customization is essentially purely for fashion - the perks that armor gives only give a little help and are not so variable.
What the bannerlord has is a wide selection of weapons with the ability to create them.
There are various options for ranged combat.
A bunch of perks that affect both the player directly and his troops.
Lots of ranged options, including projectile types.
Lots of armor options, even at the top tier level.
Massive battles, and most importantly including cavalry.
Directly in terms of combat - there are strikes from 4 directions (it could be brought to the ideal, in my opinion, by making a system like in Mordhau, but maintaining the current speed of the weapon), including lunges.
There is a counter-strike mechanic, when when you swing your weapon you simultaneously parry an oncoming blow.
There is a bash - kicks, blows with the handle of a weapon and a shield.
There is a mechanic for feints through a block.
There is a mechanic for combined strikes, which allows you to maintain their pace and is very useful when playing in multiplayer.
There are mechanics for balancing weapons and their effective distance.
There are even types of attacks - light and heavy (they exist, it just depends on whether you released the strike button before the weapon finished swinging or not).
There are different areas of the body, the damage to which differs when hit - head, arms, body, legs.
The weapon itself has unique effects - better against shields, knocks you down, knocks you out of the saddle, etc.
Also, weapons in Bannerlord behave more realistically - light weapons are faster, but often shorter, larger weapons are slower, but do a lot of damage. Armor penetration depends on the type of damage.
How you can really improve the bannerlord’s combat system is, as I wrote above, to expand the directions of attacks according to the principle as in Mordhau.
Finishing moves could be added, but in mass battles they are useless - no one in the battle will wait while you carry out the execution - they will simply hit you on the head with a club, and that’s all. Here in Bannerlord everything is in order, as it should be - the battlefield is crowds of warriors and chaos.

Z356 - 24.10.2023 00:33

Wo long and elden ring have great mechanics. I grew up with DW4, and i wish they made a new DW game similar to that, but used combat from wo long. That way youre not just an OP god hacking and slashing

Z356 - 24.10.2023 00:32

I didnt play for honor, but if its similar to kingdom come deliverance, im not. Fan lol just never took to the learning curve.

Sof - 17.10.2023 17:52

That games just banner lord with training wheels. All the real sweats are on banner lord

Ryan Sarafin
Ryan Sarafin - 16.10.2023 20:59

For Honor used to be one of my favorite games to play ever, unfortunately once the original team left and got replaced, that's when the immersion breaking executions, emotes, and outfits started coming and drove me and my friends away

Thomas Jones
Thomas Jones - 15.10.2023 07:26

That would be asking too much from the developers that have not done much to the base game itself.

S F - 13.10.2023 11:42

No please don't For Honour is gay

SobeCrunkMonster - 12.10.2023 02:13

i literally hate kids 👍🏻

David - 06.10.2023 23:14

I’d argue that chivalry 2 actually has a better combat system that as it is more like bannerlords present mechanics and is more suited for xvx combat. For honor is good in 1v1 but falls prey to the same issue as kcd in becoming less workable in xvx situations due to the lock on.

Redheathan - 03.10.2023 22:41

The issue with for honors style is it’s to Hollywood, real fights are not as showy. I personally do agree that there could be a bit more flare but it doesn’t have to be crazy.

Forever _noir_215
Forever _noir_215 - 03.10.2023 18:22

I think a lot of these suggestions are a step too far. I think that banner lords system would work better if it mimicked kingdom come deliverance more. For honor is a little grandiose for what Bannerlord is. Fighting in real life is clunky lol

Grainn Mertens
Grainn Mertens - 29.09.2023 23:54

Bannerlord. If anything. Need more quality of life improvement on the formations stuff and troops managing/grouping to make it easier to command your troops.
Imo, combat is fun enough, too fancy/deep then it'll be just a wasted time on development.

1HadChilling - 29.09.2023 21:02

i dont want to be locked into a finishing attack in a game where i should have total freedom

Dwarven King
Dwarven King - 28.09.2023 17:43

Imagine bannerlord with for honor mechanics. Best game

Rodrigo Rita
Rodrigo Rita - 27.09.2023 19:48

Similar thoughts my friend :)

Sharky - 21.09.2023 06:47

For Honor has extremely deep seated issues that go far beyond its UI and wacky anime executions, but you make good points.

Xander Zone
Xander Zone - 20.09.2023 04:43

Ah yes For Honor, I remember the time when the game released and was perfect only for 2 weeks, after that it was just a balancing hell game

Matiosio - 19.09.2023 13:49

mount and blade has some of the best melee combat in any game. I prefer it much more than for honor because it isnt as constricted and allows much more freedom with its simplicity.

Crimson - 17.09.2023 02:46

This shows he knows absolutely nothing about for honor this would be the worst thing ever. for honor is flawed and this man just wants mess with its core principles that’s stupid

Mnono Dzilala
Mnono Dzilala - 11.09.2023 23:10

Well to be fair for honor takes place in a multidimensional universe in itself so having portals and stuff isn’t immersion breaking.

The SIGMA - 09.09.2023 23:48

Anheuser Busch really? Dude Is trying to be Budknight.

fudgepacker - 07.09.2023 01:28

You should've compared it to chivalry 2
