Stop Using jQuery - How To Create Your Own jQuery Clone

Stop Using jQuery - How To Create Your Own jQuery Clone

Web Dev Simplified

3 года назад

48,789 Просмотров

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@robwatson826 - 27.05.2021 13:05

Your story at the start resonates with me - I'm old enough that Computer Science wasn't a subject in schools. I just happened to have a computer that I started playing with, and eventually found a college course (in the UK, this is) that taught vague computing courses. The rest is history!

@masoudmj1124 - 27.05.2021 13:15

From now on we use kQuery

@CedLePingouin - 27.05.2021 13:20

Excellent video which covers various areas of Javascript. Thinking about how these querySelectorAll(), fetch(), classList, nextElementSibling and friends did not exist in browsers when jQuery was written, makes you realize how amazing and useful jQuery was the time. And it had to make all of that available to you, in a cross-browser way. I guess we can thank jQuery for preventing us from becoming insane :-) . Though I agree with others here on the fact that jQuery is much less useful now, since these features are directly available in all browsers... except if you like the jQuery syntax, the collection thing and the chaining (which can be less verbose, I have to admit).

@robwatson826 - 27.05.2021 13:28

One thing I'd really like to see is this: Instead of re-creating jQuery which makes existing code compatible with your new library, how about taking some existing code that's riddled with jQuery and showing the world how replace the jQuery calls with good, decent, modern JS?

P.S. I did really enjoy this video because it's interesting seeing how you have recreated it - the ElementCollection was pretty neat

@oldclient - 27.05.2021 16:34

So nostalgic. Back in the day I used JQuery lib a LOT. A very effective tool to build small scripts and apps. In any mediocre or big project JQuery will unleash its issues.
Nowadays the JS6 and available front-end frameworks have been implemented by most of JQuery standards and they outperforms it in dev process.
I'm "hammering" Vue CLI currently. I'm amazed by Vue CLI. The idea to glue together "reactivity" of view, controller and model in one component file is great and this is what JQuery is missing.
It'll be great if you'll make a few Vue CLI videos.

@sashatv138 - 27.05.2021 18:05

Very informative and useful! As always. Thank you, Kyle!

@finnfinn2381 - 27.05.2021 23:21

I just stick with vanilla javascript lol.

@orlandofury - 28.05.2021 04:24

heheeh $.ajax(...) kind want to do it!! looks fun!! 😀 💪

@anuragchoudhary4289 - 28.05.2021 12:52

Even he got 547k subs, but his simplicity is really next level. The way you breakdown hard things to most simplest form, love you bro! Thanks for your tutorial

@magicfibre - 28.05.2021 12:59

It's still gonna be a chore to make sure all of these custom-written functions support IE11

@goldfishbrainjohn2462 - 28.05.2021 14:16

Very great tutorial!

@orionh5535 - 29.05.2021 06:36

Zepto is a good way to ween a project off Jquery, basically jquery but without the dead browser support

@rawwwrrization - 29.05.2021 12:55

let's create our own react clone next

@arnoschaefer28 - 29.05.2021 15:01

Maybe I missed it, but WHY? Sure, this is an interesting programming exercise, but reinventing the wheel typically means that the result is less stable, less robust, and more error prone than the version that is used daily on millions of websites. Aren't there other programming projects that you could use for a tutorial? People will get the impression that this is a good idea, which it emphatically is not.

@donniedamato - 29.05.2021 15:19

The camelCasing you are doing is unnecessary, look up CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty()

@domminney - 29.05.2021 18:33

I thought else was now banned 😉😜

@patcoston - 29.05.2021 21:49

But if you make your own jQuery, you're still using jQuery. It is interesting to see how jQuery works under the hood though. I personally have given up on jQuery now that I'm learning React, Angular, Vue, etc.

@patcoston - 29.05.2021 21:56

Next video title "Stop using React - How To Create Your Own React Clone"

@andrew1958 - 30.05.2021 00:21

there was no 'queryselector' when jquery was first written

@I-just-hold-white-paper-up - 30.05.2021 03:37


@surajsharma5250 - 30.05.2021 06:17

Hey Kyle, I am trying to wrap my head around the concept i.e. framework vs library. I would really appreciate if you could provide some pointers?

@_nikeee - 31.05.2021 02:13

To create a query string, you can use the URLSearchParams class (or operate on a Url object directly).

@JeyDotC - 01.06.2021 16:52

Another cool one to add could be the factory call: $("<div>"); which creates a new element, this one is pretty useful. Nice video BTW

@damianc1174 - 02.06.2021 16:49

I started game programming at 9year old - grandad had a spectrum and playing Scrabble.... I was mystified to find out how was that put on screen so I went home and just code code code.

All self taught...

35 years later.... Still at it....

@domminney - 03.06.2021 04:17

Thank you for this video. You inspired me to move away from jQuery. Starting my own lightweight clone with some extra features I like. It's on github as daveQuery

@Furkanh66 - 03.06.2021 12:32

I have a question. Why do web dev's use html and css and stuff if you have programms like figma.

"btw, no offense tho, I'm trying to learn html and css too, so no hate"

@AutisticThinker - 04.06.2021 08:41

Are you getting bored? Try Typescript (without eslint which is the ultimate evil!) Expo is really fun too!! :)

@harag9 - 05.06.2021 22:19

I don't do much web stuff these days and appreciate browsers have changed over the years to support commands like "fetch" etc. I started with JQuery around 12 years ago, so find it very useful when I need to do something. But why are you reinventing the wheel? it's a great library so why even "clone it"...

@dl88889 - 06.06.2021 13:22

Its amazing how many concepts you covered in this one tutorial. Extremely useful stuff for those looking to understand JavaScript in general, DOM APIs, array APIs etc. Also thought me how to write cleaner code. Big thanks!

@petrsvoboda7738 - 22.06.2021 14:39

Thank you Kyle. Nice tutorial. But few things came to mind when watching it.
1. If you claim that You don´t use else statement in your code, you should stick with it.
2. If you promote and teach good programming habbits like 'don´t create hard to understand variables names', you should stick with it and write callback instead of cb.
3. If you preach about clean code, you should stick with it and reassign cbOrSelector to either callback or selector after you determine, what it actually is

@siyahulhaq7062 - 26.06.2021 21:52

You are teached me all the advanced concept of JavaScript and it was helped my coding life become easier thank you bro ❤️

@siyahulhaq7062 - 26.06.2021 21:54

Actually I didn't used jquery yet so this video taught me jquerry also 😁

@alibarznji2000 - 15.07.2021 15:37

Unpopular comment: I hate jQuery

@webosm6494 - 15.07.2021 17:55

I am just working on something similar. I also added a way to overload functions so you do not have to check the number or types of arguments inside the called function. Makes it even easier. And just for completeness i added documentation that is in the console when you call those functions with the wrong 'signature'. JQuery is now not that essential anymore. Just taking out the good parts is more then enough.

@alexeyl1739 - 15.07.2021 20:46

So much things could have been easier if JavaScript had function overloading

@gameplaywithbilal - 16.07.2021 13:01

simply Awesome and respect

@mritz579 - 16.07.2021 23:34

Is it okay to use jquery? I feel it is frowned upon in the community so I have stopped using it. I am about 6 months in learning web development.

@Micro-Moo - 25.07.2021 05:46

I never saw anything as stupid as jQuery. People using it carry all the dead code for the negligible amount of functionality every average JavaScript developer should be able to create in no time. This is a bright example of the well-known anti-pattern "inner platform". Another one is the anti-pattern "magic words".

@Victor_Marius - 25.08.2021 23:02

jQuery is a monad

@ellsonmendesYT - 13.01.2022 18:19

I just became aware I know almost nothing :)

@Nodsaibot - 19.02.2022 02:27

wait how do you do a .each() ?

@aaygupta - 14.03.2022 01:22

This is a great video and explains a lot of deep concepts. I really enjoy your content. I have a small suggestion: I would really appreciate if you could make a similar video for creating own datatables with client/server side rendering. So we dont have to rely on jQuery. Thanks a lot in advance.

@khaizukooninaru9155 - 25.04.2022 22:08


@developer_hadi - 08.09.2022 14:22

Bro why didn't you use the setProperty() method
Like this,value);
would be much easier

@emausdetiquicia6636 - 29.06.2023 07:01

Very cool. Learned a lot of jQuery (and js along the way) without jQuery! 😂

@skybeee - 14.05.2024 05:54

I hope my highschool teaches coding

@RichardSmith-u7f - 02.09.2024 17:49

Clark Karen Hernandez Angela Martinez Thomas
