Your Crosshair Placement SUCKS - here's how to fix it

Your Crosshair Placement SUCKS - here's how to fix it


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ky - 10.11.2023 14:58

Yo fl0m, the editting is fire man🔥

Douggie Fresh
Douggie Fresh - 10.11.2023 02:38

Quality stuff!

Iñaki-NP - 10.11.2023 00:52

Please dude do a video about the crashes, there's tons and tons of people that can't play because of that. Valve sucks

Garrett - 09.11.2023 22:55

This is the most helpful video I’ve ever seen for counterstrike and it’s only a few minutes long!

fleezy, baby
fleezy, baby - 09.11.2023 22:10

i love holding a good off angle

jeffr drama
jeffr drama - 09.11.2023 17:25

More videos like this to help the old timers who used to smash 1.3 but life got in the way and you only get like 3 hours a week for gaming and also want to play other games but keep trying to come back to Cs but haven't got the time to get your skills back and get wrecked by loads of people with 10+ years of playing each day

Tien Doan
Tien Doan - 09.11.2023 08:59

Sometimes if they making no noise, it’s okay to hold close though…

Lufe - 09.11.2023 07:50

I have just starting to use this and my games today with the crosshair placement, I have 2000 hours in the game and I knew I decent amount about in when peaking but not when holding an angle. This got me so many kills of people flying around a corner just having my crosshair farther then you think it needs to be

Whiplash Gaming
Whiplash Gaming - 09.11.2023 05:41

How do you get into a private server with friends? Every time me and my friends try to do it whoever is not the party leader is not able to join

GoblinPhreak - 09.11.2023 00:04

THE PROBLEM with playing legit, is that cheaters don't. A great example is Cache on B site. Playing headshot box you would generally put your crosshair 1/3rd away from the right side of the doorway. So when someone peeks you, they "walk into your crosshair" and you kill them. Except when you get wallhackers, who play pixel peeks, meaning they huge the wall as tight as possible because they are wallhacking. So they peek, but your crosshair is nowhere near their head, and you die. ITS THE SAME when you hug the wall corner with your crosshair, and a legit player peeks wide, and now you can't adjust fast enough to kill them, giving the enemy a chance to kill you. Wallhackers are ruining counter strike, they have been since the dawn of the fucking game. I remember trying 1.6 and I would literally die through walls. And the game would say "killed through wall with ak" like no, that isn't possible. And of course cheaters will gaslight (as if that actually works) saying "I got lucky, I just sprayed where I thought you were" except they didn't spray, it was accurate "pot shots" to the head. Because in 1.6 all the walls can be shot through.... then you have source. Now only certain objects/walls/doors can be shot through. It made more sense. But you had wallhackers who were obvious as shit they are wallhacking. They gaslight and pretend to be legit.... I've only ever met 1 cheaters who admitted they were cheating and didn't care. Every other cheater is "get gud scrub" and "youre dogshit, you should quit" I should quit because I don't cheat? make it make sense. Like we know you are cheating. When you learn the maps, learn smokes, learn flashes, etc, you end up a high end player. I was global elite in csgo before the cheaters took over the upper ranks. No legit player can hang with cheaters unless they too, cheat. The most common cheats in csgo was wallhacking and removing recoil and bullet spread. all bullets go center crosshair. making it easier to catch. eventually cheat makers wised up, and moved cheats into groupings. "quiet" cheats which means you pretty much will never get banned, and full on "rage" cheats which are the more obvious cheats that you cant even try to hide. WHAT THEY DON'T REALIZE, is that you can't hide the quiet cheats either. You can hide from anti-cheat maybe, but you can't hide from a trained gamers eye.... its so fucking obvious when streamers cheat. Many don't know that cheats exist where you utilize the preview screen of OBS to run your cheats. Essentially you play the game from the OBS window instead of the actual game window, because the OBS window will have your cheats "overlayed" for you, but to people watching its disabled from view. So the gamer themselves see through walls but the people watching don't. Some cheaters don't like playing from the OBS window, so they dual monitor. One has their wallhacks via OBS and the other is the legit game window, which is why you constantly see people like shroud looking at their second screen in the middle of a hot fight. THERE IS NO REASON to look at another screen when in the middle of a firefight.... that isn't the time to check chat, that isn't the time take your eyes off the prize.... which proves many streamers cheat.

As far as off angles, cheaters don't care about off angles, they know where you are, they see you through walls, youre dead regardless.

kbertan - 08.11.2023 19:23

LOL, this video was like a reality check. Great stuff!

Abraham Kaykski Steinberg
Abraham Kaykski Steinberg - 08.11.2023 18:00

what if I already do this and know all of this and I still suck ass tho?

dan schey
dan schey - 08.11.2023 17:52

Tldr; don't clear off angles when attacking... so I can play off angles when holding

troubleshooting - 08.11.2023 16:59

thanks fl0m … former 1.6 casual player who’s 500 hours back into CS … since spraying at the feet doesn’t work anymore, your videos and watching your stream have been helpful for me dude

really love your content and hopefully the algorithm treats you better moving forward

Webe Gaming
Webe Gaming - 08.11.2023 14:43

Love the video. Someone who is new to m&k and newish to cs, appreciate these bot videos for us newbs.

Crittek - 08.11.2023 08:45

Visualize is probably the most important word he used here.

justaplant - 08.11.2023 06:57

i have still found it better to just run headfirst with a smg and let the rng do the work in cs2.

Øbi - 08.11.2023 06:35

fl0m stop looking at my screen! how else would you know my crosshair placements bad 🥲😂

Peter Chang
Peter Chang - 08.11.2023 05:52

This one simple trick got me to 15k elo

yeet yoot
yeet yoot - 08.11.2023 05:11

Great video mr fl0m. I will make sure to ignore all the information you gave in this video and stay shit at the game. Thank you
