Shelly BLU Button & BLU Door/window - Shelly app + Home Assistant setup

Shelly BLU Button & BLU Door/window - Shelly app + Home Assistant setup


10 месяцев назад

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@hbosch5223 - 22.02.2024 01:43

I find this setup frustrating. I need these devices to fork a URL (rest) when a door is opened for example. So you create a scene and then an action, but an action has to be device, notification or scene. Device and Scene don't work because they a grayed out, notification has no URL options. I don't want to integrate wit HA, I just want to fork a URL with the id of the device in the post, so it can drive my home alarm system. This seems like a basic function.

@mogensladekjr5922 - 12.02.2024 09:02

Hej Er der begrænset rækkevidde på dørsensor Da jeg har en som ikke kan få til at virker og har forsøgt at flytte router osv Imødeser dit svar

@wearebacteria - 07.11.2023 01:39

Is it possible to switch power off with Shelly Plus 1 using this door/window sensor actions? So that when the door opens, the power switches off from Shelly Plus 1.

@patriklind545 - 05.11.2023 13:23

What a crap system, I will stay on wifi.

@viktorzouboulis2467 - 16.09.2023 17:25

So this is without a Bluetooth dongle on the home assistant gateway and you are using Shelly Relais as a Bluetooth proxy?

@rmckrick3261 - 19.08.2023 15:54

Great vid thanks
