Is the Fall of Satan really described in the Bible?

Is the Fall of Satan really described in the Bible?

Southern Seminary

4 года назад

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Tim Barr
Tim Barr - 24.09.2023 09:19

I'm sorry is this man a Professor or Chris Kringell

dbworld - 17.09.2023 00:31

We are not longer ignorant to your devices!❤..🙏! Blood if Jesus has already won the battle!

JESUS SAVES - 15.09.2023 19:57

With all respect, this man does not believe in supernatural world.

MAB - Marcelo Bueno
MAB - Marcelo Bueno - 10.09.2023 21:44

Around 22 minutes, he mentions Mathew 24 as a reference for the Final Judgement. The correct is Mathew 25.

Kale Gallarde
Kale Gallarde - 09.09.2023 15:52

I disagree i believe it was satan who he is referring to when it comes to the king of tyre not adam at all

Beth Proudhawk
Beth Proudhawk - 08.09.2023 16:39

Oh you mean Diana's Brother

Buddy - 05.09.2023 18:01

The satan, as in Job, is an angel of God, under God's athority. It is his responsibility to test us so we can prove our commentment to God. The story of the king who sent his son out into the world to see the world to be tempted, tested and prove his dedication to God and righteousness. The king sent out a harlot and a con man to tempt his son. Is his son going to be a righteous king? The satan is totally under Gods authority and when we stay true to God and His Commandments living a righteous life we can rejoyce. We are forgiven everytime we confess and turn from wicked ways.
Its kind of like all those tests in school including the Exit Exams. Are you going to go out with the gang, watch TV or study to show yourself approved.
When you pass each test it feels so good and that nasty old teacher does seem so bad. It was for your own good.

Buddy - 05.09.2023 17:46

Gem stones Yes i thought about the ephod of the Cohen Gadol.

Buddy - 05.09.2023 17:43

Ok there will be a third Temple. Please put the lines of the dementions.

Buddy - 05.09.2023 17:39

Yes the preacher is correct. You must learn the genre of Hebrew. SO LEARN HEBREW. Also the culture of the days.

Buddy - 05.09.2023 17:36

The septuigent included only the Torah. Also the original septuigent was lost. The one that we have now was translated, not by Hebrew speakers. It was by the Roman church who wrote what they wanted as progoganda.

Buddy - 05.09.2023 17:31

The morning star is is the king of Babylon. Yes and venus the only star seen in the morning.

Faith and Farming Tennessee
Faith and Farming Tennessee - 04.09.2023 19:19

I do not believe Adam was being referred to as a Cherubim. I think you have this one wrong.

Rick Lamb
Rick Lamb - 03.09.2023 07:27

It definitely says He was defeated in heaven and cast out.

Herman C
Herman C - 01.09.2023 02:47

I believe him because he has a convincing beard

Walter Harayda
Walter Harayda - 27.08.2023 01:53

Adam did not rebel against GOD, it was lucifer who told Eve that she can create life just like GOD, apparently lucifer ate of the tree of knowledge..learned to create bodies for himself and "is incarnate" by placing himself in another body not his own subsequently creating the term "possession".

New Modern Dimensions LLC
New Modern Dimensions LLC - 24.08.2023 04:29

God forgive this man for taking upon himself Interpretation of the word of God. This type of Interpreting the word of God is by all means BLASPHEME! And to make matters worst, he also consider himself to be an extremely knowledgeable and full of wisdom by considering this young generation extremely ignorant by not remembering what is a newspaper? He wants to sound supremely smart when in the word of God says that those who consider themselves to be smart make themselves total fool s.

🏁MacAbel MA*G *O* G 🏁
🏁MacAbel MA*G *O* G 🏁 - 22.08.2023 12:49


Lance Lovett
Lance Lovett - 20.08.2023 06:49

How certain are scholars that Lucifer is Satan?

Troy Pullen
Troy Pullen - 11.08.2023 07:13

Ezekiel 28: Couldn't the king of Tyre be a symbolic representation of both Adam and satan? It seems all to probable to me, that the negative characteristics of the king of Tyre describe both mankind and satan. … Especially with the Biblical references of fallen mankind being like their father the devil.

Spencer Brown
Spencer Brown - 11.08.2023 02:58

I like his thoughts here but disagree with him here. I believe Satan was an anointed cherub on the mountain of God that came to think he could be like God.

Amram - 06.08.2023 00:36

Because the most High GOD controls satan just as he also does everthing in existence, satan cant fall as he is the Lords wicked lefthanded angel.

George Simwinga
George Simwinga - 01.08.2023 22:21

I love this professor

shawn kiesel
shawn kiesel - 01.08.2023 11:04

No matter how you interpret the passages, Jesus is king.! Thank you Jesus for dieing on the cross for my sins...

WRETCHED - 26.06.2023 07:50

So one cannot understand God's eternal word without first studying all of ancient history?
An un-scholary reading of the text by a simple believer clearly infers parallels between the King of Tire and satan. The over arching message being that pride results in sin and sin results in destruction.
Many themes in scripture are presented over and over in differing contexts. Over studying everything in the bible only creates more doubt about what the Lord is conveying to us in normally simple terms. As a music theory buff, I have discovered first hand that, the deeper I go into the theory of music, the more I lose my the magic of music. At the end of the day, we must keep the simple message of the cross in view for fear of losing it in the details. With this wisdom in mind, I put asdide my music theory knowledge when I play music. It's there in the back of my mind but it doesn't take preference. I know what sounds good and that wouldn't change if I knew nothing about how it actually works.

Tamika Fowlers
Tamika Fowlers - 24.06.2023 15:09

Don't come to south Florida and try to worship jesus. I have been tortured and persecuted for twelve yrars. I waited but I am no match for Satan and Jesus does not help.

Charlie - 20.06.2023 23:45

Satan is not God's enemy . He is a servant to God .
He is our Adversary, to try and test us . When we think we've got it all together, look out a test is coming . It's all very necessary and good for us that God has called.

John Ramirez
John Ramirez - 16.06.2023 06:54

What most people failed to notice in ezekiel 28:14-19 is that the cherub was destroyed and turned into ashes. If it's talking about satan/lucifer, then he no longer exist by now. So obvious that it's just talking about a random unknown cherub gone rouge. Also it talks about "mountain of god" and "midst of fire" like god is something like a volcanic god, so weird. You people are just overthinking things.

SledRide - 11.06.2023 05:01

Revelation 12-7-10 in Christian Bible, Michael the Angel fights the dragon who is symbolized by Lucifer or Satan, and Satan is defeated and sent to earth. I don't understand why God has to fight Lucifer if he is God? Like why is there even a fight, God is the all powerful God, like who could even be against him? He's the creator of all things including Lucifer. Like how is that even a fight? I don't understand this, besides, God says thou shall not kill, and the bible is full of killing he even asked people to kill animals as many contradictions,. Lots daughter gets her dad drunk, and sleeps with her father, gives birth to Moab, but Leviticus 18:16 says no blood relative should sleep with one another, but Adam and Eve's kids had to sleep with each other in order to have kids...yeah I don't get it...and then you have to wear white on your menstrual cycle and who can afford white sheets after staining them unless your rich..yeah like it's our fault we get that. All female animals have a menstrual cycle and their great grandma was not Even Eve. Did the dogs get punished because of eve too? SMH...

Nflgirl L. Workman
Nflgirl L. Workman - 10.06.2023 19:38

This Is A "Person's Theoretic Concept" Of What They Are Concluding In Their Reasoning Of Interpretation.... It's Their Theoretic Conceptional Understanding.... [seek and YOU will find. we all must pray and study for ourselves] > God's Word IS True. It Is Not A "Collection Of Metaphoric Concepts". > JESUS Himself Said He Saw Satan Cast Down From The Beginning And Said So.

Pero dudla
Pero dudla - 31.05.2023 21:18

If Isaiah wasn't comparing the king of Babylon to an angelic figure, his analogy wouldn't make any sense. The ancient Israelites didn't believe in celestial bodies as living entities, which means that the morning star that rebelled against Yahweh is a fallen angel. Also, by the time the Book of Isaiah was being written, Jews had already transitioned to Yahwism, and, given the fact that Yahwism had no narrative of any lower deity rebelling against Yahweh, Helel/Lucifer of Isaiah 14 is not a Canaanite deity. As for the cherub in Ezekiel, he is described as being proud on account of his already attained perfection, whereas Adam is described as becoming proud when the serpent told him and Eve that they would become like God upon eating from the tree of knowledge, which means that the cherub is, again, a fallen angel

Elizabeth Malachi
Elizabeth Malachi - 31.05.2023 19:56

Rev12:9 fall of the Devil after Resurrection and as soon as Christ ascended he was cast down.

Pastor Fred
Pastor Fred - 24.05.2023 19:47

Anyone who can say "Robin Hood Men in Tights" without laughing on camera is a true, trained professional...I tip my hat good sir! Also, I really enjoy watching your explanations on Biblical interpretation.

Kennedy Mwenda
Kennedy Mwenda - 21.05.2023 14:13

Since Dr. Peter Gentry recognizes Book of Enoch. How about we search there and piece the pieces together. Enoch records extra terrestrial warfare

Maria Vazquez
Maria Vazquez - 15.05.2023 07:10

Kindness and repect to others who don't agree was requested by the speaker...can we at least honor this request please, commenters?

Lucy Red
Lucy Red - 12.05.2023 15:47

I think the fall of satan is described in the Genesis. He fell in the Garden of Eden and there are many prooves in the Bible that point to this. Firstly, the section about the fall is only called The Fall and in this chapter there are three beings in the state of rebellion and they are Adam, Eve and serpent (satan). Secondly, later God puts a curse on satan and gives prophecy about Jesus. If he rebelled as some believe before the creation of the world or in heaven when world already existed but very early on then God would put judgment on Him right away not that late in Genesis. Secondly, it is contradictory to God’s nature to sent satan, an evil entity, on good earth. Why would God put fallen being in a pefect world. God even states Himself that everything was good. This thinking comes from the passage in Revelation about War in Heaven which is misunderstood and people deliberetly omit some verses from it. If we want to read this passage correctly, we have to go to Job. He says that satan could eneter heaven and accuse us before the Lord so it completely excludes his fall in heaven and permament exile from heaven. Also this war in heaven happens after Jesus’ victory because it says that tanks to Jesus’ victory over satan he cannot longer accuse us before God as he did previously and he is permamently exiled. Angels in this passage even talk about Christ and that thanks to His blood they overcame him. They could not talk about Christ back then if he fell at the beginning of creation because even satan himself could not understand the prophecy that God gave him about Jesus. Satan thought that by killing Jesus he would won but it turned out to be wrong thinking because he did not understand prophecy. Now satan and his demons cannot enter heaven any more and they are bound to already fallen world, they were not bound to good world as I mentioned above. That is why also angels in this passage say that satan has short time because he lost. Jesus took his authority over people from satan. Of course, I am not 100% sure if that is the case but I wanted to point out this.

Gen - 11.04.2023 06:56

If people are just going discover/reinterpret the word every generation, what’s the point exactly?

SWIFTY_WINS - 07.04.2023 11:24

Nothing that I currently am aware of in the texts/Bible says that Lucifer/Satan simply gets to escape God's punishment/judgments forever down there in Hell and just get to continuously skirt justice and play King down there feeling special still because of his granted title/powers even after everything he's done to continually spit in the face of God.... As if you get a prized position/title in return for turning your back on our Lord in the worst way possible... Nah, I'd like to think that maybe the role/position of a leader in Hell is necessary, but who ever said it needs to be Lucifer and Lucifer only until the ends of time?... I'd like to think that all this time has been given to Satan by God in order to reflect and hopefully come to resent everything that he's done and eventually seek the Lord's forgiveness aka "Repent", but to this day it would seem Lucifer is still too prideful and vain to realize that God's still probably willing to forgive him even after everything he's done if he were to just repent and actually mean it... I'd like to think that Satan is ultimately replaceable and once God has finally tired of giving him so much time to repent for all his wrong doings, that finally in the end Lucifer will face judgment and punishment before simply being replaced by the 2nd in command down there in Hell for example for the next few eons...

Stephen Maher
Stephen Maher - 04.04.2023 13:41

Satan said no to God's will, for God told the angels His plan, to create flesh and place in heaven above the angels, angels will serve man, and proof that man's Flesh, Soul and free will is greater than angels soul and free will alone.

Mr P
Mr P - 03.04.2023 12:22

Satan has received his sentence but the sentence has not yet been executed. Therefore, he roams freely in this world now. But he will be thrown into the lake of fire. Just as a criminal today may be convicted but awaiting punishment.

Yahshua Archelyah Love BenYahawah
Yahshua Archelyah Love BenYahawah - 29.03.2023 18:26

King of tyre was it real definitely not metaphor but was given a metaphoric description, he was rebuked for trying to sit as a god, which means he is definitely not Satan which is a Entourage of lesser / lowcase g - gods and not human. This king was called human in the text. Adam is an awesome comparison, I never thought of that. But he was definitely Figuratively speaking in Eden (pleasure) "the garden of God" ie a pleasurable relationship with God, he's being compared to Adam and Eve in the garden in their relationship with God.

He's definitely not the Satan from the garden, because the garden encounter reference here in Ezekiel's text is a positive connotation, Satan the serpent was not a positive anything in the garden in Genesis but the extreme opposite to positive, In the KJV anyway.

I have found that in my research on Hebrew worlds the original Hebrew word for cherubim and cherub, had nothing to do with a living breathing angel

But more to do with a sculpture an "imaginary figure" of an angelic being.

Cherubims don't have life, whether they are in the form of a sculpture or in the form of an image inside of a vision or dream.

When you come out of a vision or wake up from a dream , an angel appears, this is a living celestial body, but the image I'm such a being in a vision and or dream , can be described with the old original Hebrew or Kerub (ker-oob) :which at one time was only, define as "imaginary figure" , it is the lifeless breathless replica of the real.

Vatican-ism, changed a lot of things definition biblical.

This king is being compared not to an angel, but to image of a Divine relationship, in the eyes and imagination of his people and subjects that reverence God through their King's example. He was to be that anointed cherub, is that protected the heart of God,

God's desire for the people's obedience and reverence to God. Through the example of the Image and figure of their King's reverence and obedience to his and their God.

But he became puffed up and cried because of his trafficking made him a lot more wealth on top of what God already blessed him with, and started sitting himself as God and as a god rather than a human humble servant of God.

Hence the text and contents of chapters 26 and 27 of the people that follow the King's example, being rebuked first.
And what king does not have precious stones on his robe and crown, Stones forged as by fire.

"He was created", some say "not born" so "he is an Angel". Not understanding metaphor, He, meaning his whole life, and kingdom, his original wealth that was from God alone, was created for him.

Before we get to chapter 28 we find that there was an orchestra And or a band, which is described again in chapter 28, people in his I will gifted at playing instruments, in reverence to God.
God gave them their music talents in the midst of the kings kingdom, God told the king threw Ezekiel "I created that in you, in the mist Of your Kingdom, that I god created for" .

But it was being punished, because I'm making himself a god, the people's god, when God was originally their God, example of the Kings reverence and obedience in the eyes of the people.

Hence now he will. Buy self-destruction like Revelation 18, fire🔥 from within and fire 🔥 from without.

This is definitely not a reference to Satan from heaven. Revelation 12 it's about the fall of the Angel's not one of them was listed as Lucifer nor were any of them called anointed cherub.

There are seraphim angelic beings, and angelic beings that have all the titles. But never ever outside of a dream vision, or lifeless breathless sculpture are they ever called "cherub" "cherubim".

The aboriginal "Kerub" only! Is in reference to a liveless breathless image, of an actual living breathing being.

Thank you for you wisdom good sir. Christ keep on keeping you and your loved ones

⭐*.*':RickK* *RocKStar:'*.*⭐
⭐*.*':RickK* *RocKStar:'*.*⭐ - 20.03.2023 18:57

I will trust the millions of theologians through history, instead of a single interpreter. This is exactly why there are different books of the bible and writer's, all flow in agreement. So that, a false teacher cannot come along and change the meaning.

William The Destroyer
William The Destroyer - 17.03.2023 01:10

This guy, like 99.99% of all Christians, doesn't have a clue what the bible really is. To understand Isaiah 14, and what verse 12 refers to, read all of Revelation 22, but listen closely to verse 16. These two verse are the sum of the entire bible - from Adam and Eve being kick out of Eden, to their return to Eden. We all have Adam and Eve inside us.

The jewels are our organs. The lover organs are ruled by Satan (energy). The middle organs (chest) are ruled by kings (energy) and the organs in our head are ruled by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When we let our lower animal, satanic desires rule us, it blocks our heart, preventing us from living in the light of God.

Grant Girle
Grant Girle - 12.03.2023 07:49

If god knows all, then why do we question the answer?

geezeispoker - 04.03.2023 21:57

All the people trying to sue me for bringing life to humanity

geezeispoker - 04.03.2023 21:56

Anti Christ is the people accusing Jesus Christ and litigating to keep me in jail

Arishia Mosely
Arishia Mosely - 24.02.2023 08:49

Ο Γιάουα είναι ο μεσσίας

Adam Cole
Adam Cole - 19.02.2023 05:07

Isaiah 14:12-15 and Revelation 12:4-9. It is clear that this man is wrong. Sounds more like a Pharisee to me trying to tell Jesus what he could and couldn’t do.
