DrVirtual7 Subliminals
Most people are stuck in the Saturn dream cube a personal prison within the matrix prison based upon fear False. Evidence. Appearing. Real, Sucking the life force out of every soul they don't know they are in it thinking this is all there is and not knowing that the only thing that is not a illusion is Love everything else is a virtual simulation with various programs running at any given time not to mention the ones designed to make you soul less. What if all the walls came down and you found yourself outside the cube and you became the dreamer again and moved on to different dream experiences filled with infinite realities and possibilities. Do not suppress or suffocate your creativity or the infinite you. This Audio program subliminal awareness and part two will bring down the walls of the 3 Dimensional cube so that now your thinking outside the cube and your perception is no longer limited. May you remember the day, the days divinity.
Subliminal Commands:
I Am Thankful Of My Ever Expanding Awareness.
I Am Evolving On My True Path.
Love And Truth Rules My Powers.
I Am Open Minded.
I Have A Heightened Sense Of Awareness.
Alert And Aware.
I Naturally Align With Spirit.
And much...more
There’s not any aspect of life that can’t be improved with NLP and Hypnosis.
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#Awareness #Ascension #The_Brain #The_Mind #Perception #Energy #Frequency #Vibration #Law_Of_Attraction #Abraham_Hicks #Matrix #Consciousness #Spirit #Truth #Light #Earth #Universe #Healing #Connect #Tools #Helping_People #You #Subliminal_Messages #Meditation #AWARENESS_HOW_TO_EXPAND_YOUR_CONSCIOUSNESS_2 #subliminals #algorithm_friendly #Educational_value #DRV7