A Chef Reviews DIY Food Kits | Sorted Food

A Chef Reviews DIY Food Kits | Sorted Food

Sorted Food

4 года назад

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Amanda Cook
Amanda Cook - 26.05.2023 03:55

In canada u can't get rawmilk

Marable Morgan
Marable Morgan - 19.03.2023 01:52

Cure your own... II already make my chili sauce and cheese, but I'm ecstatic about the Haloumi!!!

Mäýüŕá Vïřůš
Mäýüŕá Vïřůš - 14.03.2023 19:53

It's a good thing Jamie isn't there or Ben about to thrown hands

PARAZARELLE - 14.01.2023 21:44

As a Cypriot I can tell you that's not Halloumi.

codie williams
codie williams - 18.12.2022 22:26

Biltong not bilatong you bloody nong

Gen Doll
Gen Doll - 27.11.2022 21:12

The hot sauce one makes no sense. They just send you the ingredients for you to cook, blend and pour into bottles that you also have to figure out how to sterilize. Might as well just buy the hot sauce already made. If there’s no room to customize what you’re making or it’s something that you can easily make on your own then I don’t get the point lol.

Pat Maurer
Pat Maurer - 14.11.2022 04:43

I'd try to make bacon, because--bacon! 😉

FTfilm - 19.09.2022 05:43

baking bottles is not a good idea. They are more likely to break then. And its not even "sterilizing" them. And because you dont pasteurize the sauce, nor sanitized the funnel/other equipment, it wouldnt even make a difference if you actually did sterilize the bottles.

Dexy83🌊 - 10.07.2022 20:55

Maybe I'm alone, but I had no idea what haloumi was at the start. In case others didn't know either... Halloumi is a traditional Cypriot cheese made from a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk, and sometimes also cow's milk. Its texture is described as squeaky. It has a high melting point and so can easily be fried or grilled, a property that makes it a popular meat substitute. (Per Wiki) 😁

Salt Chime
Salt Chime - 09.07.2022 23:15

I spy some musical instruments in Jamie's room there. It would be cool to hear some of his music if there's any out there? Or if done purely for personal enjoyment, that's cool too. Fellow musician here! Peace and love

Rebecca - 25.04.2022 11:27

I love rewatching this series over and over, but it also makes me just a little sad that there really isn't anything comparable in Australia (and what did exist from the DIY restaurant meals category only existed very narrowly within lockdown). It's such a great way to just get a little help to start doing some more in-depth food things at home.

Kayla Koonz
Kayla Koonz - 20.04.2022 04:10

i have to say i always thought Ben was ridiculous in regards to gin...finally had some myself...now I get it....thank goodness of juniper.

ZA Nitebug
ZA Nitebug - 19.04.2022 15:19

Bil - a - tong? What the heck is a bil - a - tong? I know South African Biltong... Eish. Ben and his inability to pronounce things correctly. 🙄

notBen - 03.04.2022 09:34

That haircut is ridiculous... he needs to take a look at himself and reevaluate his choices

Devanshu Jain
Devanshu Jain - 31.03.2022 05:10

So, he basically made Paneer in the first recipe.

TarrynLZ - 29.03.2022 18:37

Not sure if anyone else has commented on this, but Ben, it is BIL-TONG, not BILI-TONG. Nothing like jerky, fyi. There are plenty of South African ex-pats in London, I'm sure someone can point you to a good local maker/importer if you are interested in sampling the good stuff.

Bo Chapman
Bo Chapman - 25.03.2022 14:35

You should do a diy mushroom kits.

PM Bramucci
PM Bramucci - 22.02.2022 03:48

Poor Jamie didn't get to be there for the last one.

Tom Turnbull
Tom Turnbull - 02.02.2022 13:20

The Gin Cookies cos a pound each

Robbsart - 28.01.2022 12:58

wtf is a bilatong...? shurely you mean biltong Ebbers the South African cured meat like on Uncle Peter's farm
