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Most of the choices we make in a day might feel like the product of well-considered decision making… But they’re not.
In fact, in 2006 a paper was published by Duke University that found that more than 45% of the actions people performed each day weren’t actually decisions, but habits.
“All our life, so far as it has a definite form, is but a mass of habits.” That’s a quote by William James from 1892, and I think he might just be onto something. People have spent thousands of years trying to understand the science of habits, but it seems like we’ve never quite been able to nail it down… That is, until the last two decades came around where we’ve slowly begun to understand how habits work - and more importantly; how they can change.
We all know that at some point we all made conscious decisions to do things a certain way. We decided what we’d eat for breakfast, how often to have a drink or when we’d go exercise, but at a certain point we stopped making that choice, and that choice became automatic.
It’s a natural consequence of our brains incessant desire to optimise our energy use. And that’s all well and good, but what do we do if we want to change it?
How do I stop myself from getting up to get a snack every time I sit down on my couch?
new videos every week.
In this video, we're going to learn how a monkey fixed my bad habit of snacking. By following the monkey's example, we can all learn how to fix our own bad habits and stop eating junk food.
This video is a great way to learn about how to fix bad habits and stop snacking. By watching, you'll learn how to change your habits and break your addiction to bad food. With the help of the monkey, you'll be able to fix your bad eating habits in no time! If you're struggling to stop snacking or smoking, then this video is for you! We're going to learn about how a monkey can help you change your bad habits, and how you can use this information to change your life.
The Power of Habit (the book that sparked this whole habit rabbit hole):
William James Chapter on Habits:
Duke University Habit Study:
The Habit Loop:
Wolfram Schultz Dopamine Experiments:
#change_habits #habit_fix #how_to_fix_a_bad_habit #how_to_change_habits #how_to_change_your_life #habits_to_change_your_life #fix_bad_habits #bad_habit #charles_duhigg #power_of_habit #julio_the_monkey #frank #menken #snack_habit #stop_snacking