'Supreme Ruler of Russia': Rise of Admiral Kolchak

'Supreme Ruler of Russia': Rise of Admiral Kolchak

Epic History

6 месяцев назад

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@dimastashyi1793 - 19.12.2023 23:32

Kolchak praised nowdays by white russians as greatest hero. He was only one highest officer, who stayed loyal to Nicholas 2.

@grandadmiralzaarin4962 - 19.12.2023 22:48

The Reds were extremely fortunate that the Whites were so abysmally divided and disorganized. If they'd been even marginally united and supported they'd have crushed the Bolsheviks.

@zeroconnection - 19.12.2023 21:14

Love Russian history. Absolutely elated if you did a video/videos on Peter the Great and the Great Northern war.

@JeovahLovesYou - 19.12.2023 18:47

Need more please. This is Soo good

@anthonyruby2668 - 19.12.2023 18:45

In a fictional world where Rasputin cheated death and is still doing things... Then Admiral Kolchak is VLADIMIR PUTIN!!! They look close enough

@Scammer_the_warrior - 19.12.2023 13:39

These videos make us learn more about history. Thank you so much bro😘

@ExVeritateLibertas - 19.12.2023 13:37

Great choice -- love Russian history! Of course, as long as you keep this narrator I would watch even if it's just reciting a laundry list.

@HistoricalHorizons2 - 19.12.2023 13:09

Love your narration.

@sasinator6918 - 19.12.2023 12:19

You can play as Kolchak in hoi4 Kaiserreich, he's the leader of the far eastern republic of Transamur a Japanese Siberian puppet. Its a great playthrough rebelling against the Japanese and moving your way westwards reconquering Russia.

@Imyourfather3 - 19.12.2023 12:09

It is important to note that, from Lenin's point of view, he could only sign the treaty with the Germans, otherwise his regime would collapse immediately, and that the contents of the treaty were not so bad at first, because a bunch of people in the Bolshevik party did not want to sign it, causing the Germans to raise the price later

@quangminhnguyen6343 - 19.12.2023 11:16

Personally I think the perspective of Kolchak on the October Revolution is kinda... wrong in many ways. The dude ignored the fact that Russia joined the war only because of "allied compromise" and the fact that Russia hasn't even prepared carefully to anticipate warring with the German Empire. While other allies already had time for preparation and stocking weapons, proper equipment for soldiers; the Russian Empire was still going nowhere close to it. So the result is the DEATH OF thousands and millions of innocent citizens, whom themselves poorly equipped and led by aritocrastic Russian officers - who are likely appointed to the front based on nepotism and royal family ties; but not for their experience in war or their bravery like Kolchak. The gap in strategic planning of the army on front and the unimaginable death explained the anger of people; as well as the corruption of those officers, Russian officials and even the Tsar royalty also caused too much burden for the Russian people; both physical and mental. Then the 1st revolution happened as people cannot endure war and corruption of royal family anymore; and the 2nd revolution "Bolshevik" to topple the 1st revolutionary government - which keep insisting Russian people into a meaningless war with Germany and still applying high taxes to the Russian citizen. I think the anger of Russian people upon the war and people related to the corrupted government - especially the Tsar family - is explanable and the Red movement is undeniably a move of the time, which should not be villanized like in the video. Kolchak may be considered a good and experienced naval general; but his view of the time and his firm discipline to his soldiers was wrong. Soldiers are still people, they are willing to go to front to protect their family and serve the nation; not to witness the nation they served treated their family poorly and exploited them every cents of value. That's why the soldiers under Kolchak command never agreed under his control anymore after the October revolution; because the revolution actually helped their family escape from exploitations of taxes, manpower from the old government.

And about the compromise of the Soviet to the German Empire back in 1918, it should be viewed in a more rational way rather than just seeing it under the lens of nationalist. The Russian Empire at that time was so damaged to a point that human powers cannot poured to the front like water anymore, and the industry, economy and living state of general Russian society at that time was deplorable. The war effect was so profound at that time, so the decision of the Soviet to German was a reasonable approach to end the disruption of Russia completely; and led the country to later recovery phase. Moreover, Lenin knew that later the German Empire will collapse anyway and would loose the enduring war; so the treaty's actual effect will only lasted for months, not for years or decades. And months are not enough for every points in the treaty to come into real effect; so the treaty was actually a safe tool to restore the Russian state into pre-war period and reduce the lost that had already committed by the previous governments and generals. For the nationalists in Russia at that time, they had to give up many sizable territories in the borderland and allow those territories to declare independence; which was considered a humiliation; but it was still better than having the whole country suffered because of war and unable to recover to its original state. Kolchak should better listening to his soldier's thought and give actual consideration, as well as gain more insight from the Soviet side before judging them unfairly. The death of the Tsar was an unwanted exception that Lenin himself doesn't want, and even heavily criticized the execution team; but what was done can't be turned back (as the will of most of Russian partisans and poor citizen at that time was to put an end to the royal bloodline and the regime itself). Such horrible things may be considered evil nowadays; but back at the time of World War 1 it was something normal. I think the channel should explain Kolchak's misconception to the Revolution better, rather than villainize the October Revolution.

@dogsittinggay7273 - 19.12.2023 09:52

I think there needs to be more videos on the Russian civil war because it’s a really interesting topic and it’s rarely talked about

@Rodoadrenalina - 19.12.2023 09:25

Funny how every history tales about the revolution skip the Whites efforts and characters

@matthewh.9544 - 19.12.2023 08:25

Also a special on Surovovs campaign in Italy would be equally interesting, he's a big part of Russian military history that's not talked about enough

@alandeli5769 - 19.12.2023 07:19

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (James 4:4)
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)

@user-xv8jc7oj4e - 19.12.2023 05:57

What we need is more modern conflict. you should eventually continue the history of Russia series into the Soviet Union's rule and do WW2 instead of focusing only on older wars like the Napoleonic wars. I feel the more modern conflicts should get more videos dedicated to them.

@istoppedcaring6209 - 19.12.2023 02:19

me and a friend wrote an academic poster about Japan and Imperial russia
from that it quickly becomes clear that Japan is no simple upstart, even by 1900 the average income was at the same level as the average income in the russian empire,

and Japan managed to be more militarised than imperial russia

@istoppedcaring6209 - 19.12.2023 02:17

if there is any validity in the term "alpha male" then i would argue it should be granted only to men like this
men who risk and sacrifice for the greater good first and personal glory second and have love loyalty and dedication to their wives. (or partners) and their nation (people and homeland)

and honestly i would argue that the same could be said for women, those who act with virtue and honor should be the ones to be honored, not those who end (or start) with financial success or no matter the gender have intercourse with many partners.

@capellix2827 - 19.12.2023 00:59

♥ Kolchak

@diegotacusicuadros7936 - 18.12.2023 22:36


@diegotacusicuadros7936 - 18.12.2023 22:32

Thanks a lot Epic History TV, I love it!

@utah6575 - 18.12.2023 22:27

absolutely loved it

@claykalmar8131 - 18.12.2023 21:34

If you want to learn more about early exploration of Russia's Polar NW, and other attempts to find mythical islands or passages up there, read "In the Kingdom of Ice." It's about a failed US expedition in the same region in the mid-late 1800's. They are the ones who found and named Bennett Island while searching for the mythical Wrangleland.

@bismark7108 - 18.12.2023 21:03

Keep up the good work guys can't wait for the next episode.

@theraginggager7303 - 18.12.2023 20:53

I just noticed too late that there was a typo problem, the city "Ekaterinaberg" should've been named Yekaterinburg since that's it's actual name of the city that had the murdered Tsarist family

@bryantlotus4734 - 18.12.2023 20:29

Do the Spanish and American war vid

@eardwulf785 - 18.12.2023 20:24

This is why Epic History nails it every time. With content not limited to the educational mainstream of the bloodiest battles and the most renowned generals we are also taken to lesser known conflicts and we get to meet the great leaders that history would have us skip over.
Absolute Gem, thanks EP👍

@WieniecLaurowy - 18.12.2023 19:42

Love it

@MollieLolly - 18.12.2023 17:58

Great video

@RpoRoo.2 - 18.12.2023 16:37

Brilliant Video again
And I have a little request, can you make a video on the history of Bangladesh?
Its fairly unknown so it will be a great topic

@gunsfordays9932 - 18.12.2023 16:26

General kappel is the Napoleon of the white army

@vinllga - 18.12.2023 16:19

Treacherous capture of Kolchak by the Czechoslovaks & French scoundrel general Janin is one of the main crimes of the “allies” against Russia (as well as the preparation of the coup of February 1917, the overthrow of the Tsar, failure to provide assistance to the Tsar, failure to provide assistance to the white movement, non-invitation of Russia to the Versailles, attempt to steal Russia’s gold reserves etc.) The West tried to support forces inside Russia, which were the most harmfull and useless for Russian statehood ..

@vinllga - 18.12.2023 15:29

Russian civil war is still going now.. in Ukraine

@impostor101 - 18.12.2023 11:46

If those whites win that damn civil war there should not have been a special military operation in Ukraine now

@SgtTraz - 18.12.2023 09:08

Postponing your own wedding … based

@kiffter - 18.12.2023 05:38

the whites. too bad Kolchak lost

@kiapss0005 - 18.12.2023 04:59

wow Kolchak, who's next? Vasyura? Himmler?

@connorcolebrook9800 - 18.12.2023 04:02

Was this video written by Kolchak sheesh

@dogghammer - 18.12.2023 02:31

Only corrupt societies are prone to the red pestilence

@sei_i_taishogun_luke_no_bona - 18.12.2023 01:35

What sources were used to make this beautiful video ?

@thomaschristopher8593 - 18.12.2023 00:43

thing don't usually end well for the next great white's hope.

@RealHistoryBuff - 17.12.2023 23:35

Man really threw his Sword into the sea 😂 badass

@centurybreakdownth21 - 17.12.2023 22:51

Bravo !

@damoclion4146 - 17.12.2023 22:05

what is the name of the song at the beginning?
