Bethesda's Game Design Was Outdated a Decade Ago

Bethesda's Game Design Was Outdated a Decade Ago


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@thezimra9429 - 15.12.2023 20:33

empyrion is still the only good space game.... hmmmmmmmm check it out. what can i say... also 0 loading screens its amazing

@CowCowDee - 15.12.2023 20:28

“I’m a freak. I wasn’t born this way, but I was molded to be this by Todd and his leather.”

@TheBakerZen - 15.12.2023 20:28

Skyrim was my favorite game for a decade, it got me into PC gaming. I acknowledge all of its wealth of faults, but when I hear ANY track from the OST it almost brings me to tears and instantly makes me want to return to it for my yearly playthrough. Jeremy Soule is a genius.

@thezimra9429 - 15.12.2023 20:18

bethesda is always "fixed by mods" ... and they dont even pay them. honestly its very quickly becoming as hated as EA. and with the amount of money they have... well they deserve it! 2 nrs 76......

@kellyfrench - 15.12.2023 20:18

Criticizing the engine, while valid, isn’t the real issue, it’s the design decisions which would create the same problems using any engine.

@KSP2CHHK - 15.12.2023 20:08

Prediction from 2023 - TES VI will use the same old Creation Engine (modded up Gamebryo from Morrowind, lol).

@Victorcolongarcia - 15.12.2023 20:07

Been saying this since Fallout 4. 3 I sold it after finishing it. Same with Oblivion. Those games are ok but mechanically are very boring. And the amount of glitches, rpg clichés really puts me off. F4 I played 2h and stopped. I hate also the design with the quest markers and the fighting systems is iffy to say the least.

@drumnbreakz - 15.12.2023 20:02

I just stumbled upon this, but maaan... this guy is hilarious :)) Good job, mate!

@leventeberdock355 - 15.12.2023 20:00

you went into the game looking for things to hate.

@EoThorne - 15.12.2023 20:00

Omg, Opera is the new MySpace!! 😍

I'll show myself out.

@ubqtous - 15.12.2023 19:57

I rarely remember to press Like button on videos. That Ms Rachel segment was so hilarious I had to pause the video and give it an ovation. <3

@TheNoctarius - 15.12.2023 19:53

Starfield successfully managed to convince me to play NMS.

@lens_hunter - 15.12.2023 19:44

I never played Skyrim or Fallout 3 so I have no love for Bethesda so they don't get a fanboy pass from me for their garbage.

@FirionLeFleur - 15.12.2023 19:43

Kirby 64 is a great soundtrack BUT Kirby Return to Dreamland? 👀 KIRBY DREAM LAND 3!? 👀👀👀👀👀

@Cardiopazia - 15.12.2023 19:43

I came here to watch this just because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about that the lead writer of Starfield used a food analogy that amounted to "you can't critic the food unless you are a chef" and it took him 15 twitter posts to say it.

Which feels quite embarassing to read from an industry veteran, time to see what this video is like.

@ShyRaven2161 - 15.12.2023 19:38

I definitely agree regarding the scale of the game. A single solar system where every planet/moon/space station you can go to is much more fleshed out would have been so much better. That is something that I'm afraid neither Bethesda nor modders can fix in post.
It's quite a shame. When the game was originally announced, I was hoping for something kinda like The Outer Worlds, but with 3-5x the dev team behind it.

@mahomy1000 - 15.12.2023 19:36

did he just try to say that New Vegas lacked in atmosphere compared to FO3? huh?

@justthat69 - 15.12.2023 19:24

Tbh never seen nakeyjakey as a Ultrawide Monitor bro.

@Stonegoal - 15.12.2023 19:21

Mass Effect: Andromeda, Fallout 76 and Starfield all have mixed or positive reviews and have made money.

3 amazing trashy games

I did try Fallout 76 after 4 years when people stared saying good things but OMG it is still trash. They got money off me for one of the games.

@cp5309 - 15.12.2023 19:19

It looks like you're in Missoula

@THEGOOD360 - 15.12.2023 19:19

Thank you! Honestly Fallout 4 was mid so I don't know why people were expecting a miracle from Stanfield.

@ImBetterThenEveryone - 15.12.2023 19:19

Many no mans sky planets are not boring, that game is amazing in vr and finding them is the fun.
Don't compare the lion with the rotche.

@CRIMI0N - 15.12.2023 19:15

Yeah I agree that the engine needs to be changed. There are old games that ran on DOS can't be run anymore because modern computers are too sophisticated to run them; maybe that's what's going here?

Maybe Bethesda needs to use OpenMW as their engine? It is open sourced.

What really irritates me about Bethesda is with each new game they take away something and dumb down the RPG elements. Which is a shame because I do think they have good ideas. But I think the modding scene has made them lazy with the attitude of "Eh, the community will fix it".

But hey, if you want a game with RPG game then go look into what Julian Le Fey (The Father of Elder Scrolls - yes that's his nickname) is making with the Wayward Realms, essentially a spiritual successor to Daggerfall.

@iooonnn - 15.12.2023 19:12

bro that's some high quality vídeo! impressed! sub :P THATS ART

@DioThermidor - 15.12.2023 19:11

If they don't do something for elder scrolls 6, they're gonna become a case example for dying due to the game engine.

@elijahrobertscinema6351 - 15.12.2023 19:10

I beat the game after 80 hours and I'll most likely never go back. It's just not a good space game.

@lordkrauser - 15.12.2023 19:01

It impresses me how terrible this game is. Even my wife, who is one of the biggest Bethesda defenders I know, can't bring herself to finish the game because of the tedious Power grind and the fact that she will have to do pretty much everything all over again but iT's MuH mUlTiVeRsE to experience more content. At least F76 got somewhat playable over the years and ESO can be fun to jump into every few years to binge all the content.

@Sioux-periorGaming - 15.12.2023 19:01

No offense but you look like a knock off David Hayter 😂

@jcmorgan26 - 15.12.2023 18:59

Starfield is genuine proof that Star Citizen isn't a scam. Has the development of Star Citizen felt like a never-ending process? Yes. Does it have bugs? Yes (But the development does seem to ramping up which is great news). Is it still a vastly superior game? From what I've seen, Yes.

Released =/= good.
Not released =/= a scam.

@ProsyMe - 15.12.2023 18:53

I knew F76 would dump and I'm glad it did because I could buy it a month after release for 9 bucks

@brandonperreault1837 - 15.12.2023 18:49

It’s actually impressive how much they screwed up lol

@luminic-official - 15.12.2023 18:47

Heres hoping to GOD that ES6 is not built on the creation engine.

@gush3013 - 15.12.2023 18:45

ummm Is it just me or at like the 30 min mark there is no sound for about 30 seconds?

@paulleitner91 - 15.12.2023 18:31

Please tell me the character name (Bellona) is a red rising reference!

@wselander - 15.12.2023 18:29

Holy fk the Miss Rachel bit had me rolling. Every gamer dad knows that vibe

@emberfall506 - 15.12.2023 18:29

Honestly I’m actually loving playing Starfield, that being said it had so much potential to be better in so many ways and there’s a lot of flaws I just kind of… ignore. Also I went in with super low expectations, like “if this game is actually playable I’m satisfied”. Playable meaning I can get it to launch and run and “mostly” work.

@NFSHeld - 15.12.2023 18:21

I watched (and am currently watching) a Starfield Let's Play, and DUDE it's boring for long periods of time in between mildly interesting content. It's just so devoid of stuff to find and meaningful stuff to do.

I think about the Witcher 3, where you were AFRAID to miss 2 hours of side-quests with handcrafted moving stories and places to see if you said "I'll consider it" instead of "Yes".

And Starfield? The Russian super edgy stealth headhuntress, living on her spaceship in solitude, hidden from everyone, with quote-unquote "A thousand targets on her back" gets her place snitched by an ex who wants her dead because she's angry with him, so you go there, she "lures" you onto her ship, then the big reveal "haha, I just let you on my ship to kill you and take your stuff", and you go like "[Convince] Come on, we don't want this to end badly, right?" and she's like "Hm, yes, I guess I don't know you, so you might be able to beat me." And you're "I'm glad we understand." And she's like "I am really tired of being the target of anyone. Nice to have it different for once." Seriously? That's the person who is portrayed as recklessly killing 20 people every month? What is that whack sh*t?

@vovindequasahi - 15.12.2023 18:18

"... but Todd, he don't play basketball, he plays chess." GOOD ONE!! Todd is a "playa" with great charisma. He's the very definition of "Sell me this pen!". I truly believe that his heart is in the right place, and that his boyish fever-dream is to truly create the ultimate RPG that he has always wanted to play. However the real world doesn't seem to want to play along well with his vision, and fever-dreams don't make for good management or decisions in the shark-infested world of AAA game development.

@MoltenSnowball - 15.12.2023 18:15

The ship in starfield is just fast travel with extra steps (and loading screens)

@mikeclemo - 15.12.2023 18:09

I have no issue with bethesda game design or engine. I still play skyrim, oblivion, fallout. Unfortunately starfield was boring, empty, bland and felt lifeless. No dungeon crawling, no scary sounds, no exploration. This is bethesda’s third bad game in a row. Its been a decade since i had a good bethesda game and im worried.

@Zero-eq7mp - 15.12.2023 18:06

Looks so boring why did they even release this steamy bull shit

@GeorgeD3 - 15.12.2023 18:04

Man you are spot on with this. What a waste of potential that game was.

@Zero-eq7mp - 15.12.2023 17:47

Skyrim was only good because of the mods
