5 Common Google Ads Mistakes You Should Avoid & How to Fix Them - 2022 Tutorial

5 Common Google Ads Mistakes You Should Avoid & How to Fix Them - 2022 Tutorial

Ray Sawvell

2 года назад

348 Просмотров

Are you making any of these 5 common mistakes in your Google Ads strategy? In this video I explain the issues and how to begin fixing them right away.

0:00 - 5 Common Google Ads Mistakes
0:42 - Mistake 1: Not Optimizing Around Conversions
1:30 - Mistake 2: Not Adding Negative Keywords or Running Search Query Reports
2:29 - Mistake 3: Do not set it & Forget It. Make impactful changes!
3:13 - Mistake 4: Your Campaign Settings Are Wrong
4:04 - Mistake 5: Your Ignoring Quality Score & Not Optimizing for It
4:59 - Outro, please subscribe!
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