Is Private School Worth The $350,000 Price Tag? • Private School Australia 2022 Fees, Pro's & Con's

Is Private School Worth The $350,000 Price Tag? • Private School Australia 2022 Fees, Pro's & Con's

Ray Corcoran

1 год назад

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@JohnXina911 - 07.02.2024 20:40

Elitist bad ... network good

@xevavexa9649 - 01.11.2023 08:25

I attended a public high school that my parents chose for me, even though I didn't want to. Personally, I aspired to attend a more prestigious public high school where many students were described as 'snobs' by my family. I ended up going to the school my parents chose, which led me into a deep depression. I disliked the building, the teachers, and the students. I struggled to make friends and couldn't focus on my studies. Even though it wasn't my preferred school, it was still a good school. Eventually, I went on to a good university, though not in the major I wanted due to my struggles back then, where I now have a successful career. But I reached a point where I decided to stop trying to be the 'perfect daughter' and pursue what truly matters to me in life. After decades, I've managed to overcome my depression. With my career and lifestyle, I've become the 'snob' they always worried about. Even today, they continue to say hurtful things about me for being 'too high.' It seems that I never changed, and they never really liked me for who I am. I hope this serves as a reminder to truly understand your children, their desires, and what they value in life. Don't try to change them, because they won't change unless it's what they genuinely want.

@douchebagpatrol7237 - 02.10.2023 17:48

Went to sydney grammar school. Waste of money imo. Just there for rich kids to build connections for multimillion business deals in that they'll be doing in the future.

@francefradet2116 - 19.08.2023 15:52

Old School networks are real. Businessmen wear their school ties. I was stopped in Euston Station in adulthood when I was wearing my old school scarf.

@francefradet2116 - 19.08.2023 15:42

In private school you learn all the unwritten codes that mean that you don't stick out like a sore thumb in upper class circles later in life. You also make contacts that last a lifetime. My opinion.

@TheMagodana - 27.06.2023 22:20

20 years ago, not much difference between schools. Today, absolutely worth private school, considering what's happening in public schools.

@mssiggypiggy - 27.05.2023 13:24

My 8 year old is super academic and was getting ignored at the public school - she was super bored and becoming disengaged. We sent her to private school and wow - what a massive difference - she comes home super happy with the challenges she's been given and the opportunities for extension. It's brilliant! As for keeping up with the Jones' and turning out a snob - you're the parent! It's your job to make sure you're not raising a snob!
If your kid is academic, it's worth sending them private. If your child is more interested in trades/beauty/hair etc send them to a good public school, save up the money and help them set up a business after their training.

@magusd123 - 27.02.2023 01:43

younger years it probably doesn’t matter much. I went to private school for highschool however it was a relatively new school in qld. mostly kids of tradies who had made it good and fifo workers. basically complete upper middle bogan

@terryjohinke8065 - 14.02.2023 17:42

Yor figures are cheap. In South Australia it's $25,000 to high $40,0000s It is the conections that make a kid's job. " Old Bouy's Scool Tie " counts for EVERYTHING. If you want your son/ daughter to be a doctor, there's one here you go to.

@fredsalfa - 07.01.2023 02:43

I went to private school for 10 years. A lot of pros and cons but it is definitely prestigious to say you went to private school like you drive a Mercedes over a Toyota although they both may perform exactly the same. One is badged nicer. In terms of networking in my career it’s only worth 1 or 2 “points” to say you went to private school. It’s just something that’s interesting to note. It does not in itself close a deal for eg. It’s more a conversation topic. Overall I would send my kids to private school if I had kids.

@ozbanker - 30.12.2022 13:57

Great video to start discussion. I went through this decision just now for my daughter. I had her accepted into 3 private schools, but she sat the selective exams and got into one of the top 5 schools in NSW (selective school). She decided she wanted to go to the selective school. My son goes to one of the private schools. I think the big advantage of private schools is the quality of the teachers and the more focus on students which you mention. In terms of making money from the network I think it happens but is over-rated. I am a high-earning professional with my own business and while I network with other parents, it doesn't really generate any new business. My biggest concern of private schools is it can be snobby and catty amongst the students but even more amongst the parents. It really comes down to your own insecurity and whether you care about the wealth of the other parents.

@mattrt12 - 21.08.2022 14:39

Interesting thread.....You mentioned you went to a Catholic shcool prior to being expelled, 🙂. Well all Catholic Schools are technically private from the mainstream as well as is Christian Schools especially here in the NT....When you mention private schools having come from the UK are you refering to just those that you elect to pay and sent your child to on a daily basis or as in the old days like i was boarding school. I think personally all children can be taught, can be willing to learn, although you say we meet all walks of life in public schools as in working life, in private schools for the most we learn layers and where they fit in a society and based on a school tie and blazer does unfortunately look good on your resume. In the small echelons of jobs etc, if you happen to go to school at the same one as the MD or GM, it wages favourly...rightly or wrongly....paying to educate a child, does not me you can educate that child, but paying for education at a establishment unfortunately carrys weight in all circles.

@dannyn6762 - 21.08.2022 10:48

We are on our way to Townsville and for a good private school it is about $7000K a year. We decided it was worth it in a regional setting.
