I Reviewed EVERY Freddi Fish Game (1994 - 2001): A Humongous Entertainment Retrospective

I Reviewed EVERY Freddi Fish Game (1994 - 2001): A Humongous Entertainment Retrospective

Shadow Streak

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@brendonbecker1735 - 30.01.2024 20:15

I actually really like the MS DOS art style and Freddi’s old design is actually pretty charming in my opinion

@Mezcon2 - 27.01.2024 05:13

Oh my gosh!! I must be close to the same age as you, because this was also my first click adventure game ever as a kid, and I feel so much nostalgia for it. What I really admired about the game was the rich colorful background art mixed with the music. Sometimes I would pause playing the game just to enjoy the atmosphere. I think the only other game I ever did that on was Spyro the Dragon. Btw, learning Freddie was actually a girl blows my mind, as up until now, I always thought Freddie was a boy. : /

@Wickedt13 - 16.01.2024 04:27

I loved the school one 🥲

@Mc.Scrumpy - 05.01.2024 23:14

I knew freddie was a girl when I first played it as a child. I thought everyone knew lol

@Astral161 - 20.12.2023 10:21

Shadow Streak: A story with stakes that doesn't talk down to the player is what a child needs.

Also Shadow Streak: Ocean game with stakes scarred me for life creating a deep seated fear of the ocean 🙃

@OLskewL - 08.12.2023 01:00

If someone on Facebook didn't mention this I would not have remembered it - what a throw back...Primary school on the school computers lol

@meganbaute4254 - 04.12.2023 07:25

Haha! That story you have about dealing with the eel as a child 😂 I felt that way at some point during this game i think it was in the pirate ship. Had to ask my step brother to figure it out for me I thought he was the smartest brother alive

@michaelkeha - 14.11.2023 19:14

My dude people haven't ever had issues with female protags in video games ever don't forget how old Samus and Lara Croft are and what people get annoyed with today with female protags is more to do with what they often signal because of how overtly one-sided politically many developers have become all while making their characters look very very ugly and in some cases bastardizing beloved long-standing characters to do so

@VynalDerp - 14.11.2023 03:10

I happen to have played Freddi Fish as a kid and I also have Thalassophobia. However, I happen to live in a coastal state, so while I've always been afraid of water deeper than I can walk in, I've also felt safe on a boat or even just a jetski. It's a weird paradox of feeling safe until suddenly I touch water, time for anxiety. Definitely never been scared of it flying over it though, but now I'm curious how many other people have the same experience of developing Thalassophobia after playing Freddi Fish as a kid.


@EmmaGodLovesTruth95 - 29.10.2023 02:10

This was my first game too! Though I only had the first second and third games. My little sister and I would play it over and over and over. XD ..i also thought freddi was a boy! When i found out she was a girl it made me inexplicably happy and actually mote confidant somehow.. lol. Omg also my sister and i loved chumlet too, and the worm doodle commercial we laughed so much to those. Good times 🥰 also.. omg u dont know how happy it makes me to finally know theres two more games in the series i was never able play as a child!! 😱😱 Even tho im nearing 30 im def going to be playing those haha

@crimsonking9882 - 03.10.2023 14:26

I thought Freddi was a boy

@amyloriley - 01.10.2023 09:47

My favorite fact about Freddi Fish comes from a video interview from "Stemmen van Toen" with the Dutch-language voice actors from Freddi Fish.
There were two voice actors for the entire Dutch-language cast of Freddi Fish 1, because the producer wanted to cheapen out for voice acting; and they were the only ones available at the time who could do lots of voices. -- From the interview, it is not clear to me if the producer that made the choice here was Humongous itself, or Transposia; the latter who released a lot of translated point-and-click children's games in Belgium and the Netherlands in its time.
Both voice actors came from Belgium, and were asked to speak with a more Netherlands Dutch timbre as it would be released for both The Netherlands as Belgium. Kinda like asking a New Jersey actor to speak more like a Midwest accent.
One of the sharks, the English Spongehead, was voiced after a Belgian socialist politician, Bert Anciaux, who according to the voice actor you had to fully open your eyes to talk in his timbre, and then had to slow down your voice a lot. The other shark was voiced after Bert and Earnie, very nasal.
Mr. Starfish, who taught mathematics in Freddi Fish, was also voiced after a politician, Louis Tobback. A popular politician and long-time mayor of university town Leuven. Fitting for a mathemetics teacher! -- Also some lines were revised from the translation script as the literal translation given was not something Louis Tobback would say. But all in all, most of the script is unchanged from English.
Both Dutch-language voice actors do not know whether Freddi Fish is a boy or a girl.

@citroenboter - 17.09.2023 22:06

Regarding the 2nd game, it'd usually crash at a certain point for me because I had a cracked copy. And because of that it always had this intrigue to me.

@TippyTime - 10.09.2023 00:46

Even though I played the first two games the most as a kid, I did enjoy the later Freddi Fish games more because of the puzzles. Freddi Fish 3 is my favorite due to the tropical theming and how the culprit isn't the same character each time.

@meathead6155 - 08.09.2023 21:53

Freddi Fish 1: Pirate of the Carribean.
Freddi Fish 2: Ghostbuster meet Home Alone.
Freddi Fish 3: Hawaii O Five meet Unusual Suspects.
Freddi Fish 4: Wild Wild West.
Freddi Fish 5: Leviathan.

@blistlelo1700 - 08.09.2023 11:33

I never cared much about if someone is a boy or a girl so long they aren't feminine or flamboyant regardless of their gender since I just found these styles annoying. Freddi and Blue aren't particular feminine so I won't really mind as a kid if they were girls. I may just briefly be surprised since it's just kinda unusual to have androgynous female characters since the default seems to be male in cartoons (as girls was almost always depicted with stereotypical feminine qualities such as sensualized human female shaped bodies that doesn't fit their art style or species, dresses, skirts, make up, big eyelashes, long hair, pink, etc even if it doesn't make sense or their male counterparts just looks neutrally normal) but I will just quickly continue as usual without having my views on the characters change much.

@blistlelo1700 - 06.09.2023 16:56

Everyone has two grandmothers: one from the father's side and one from the mother's side. Luther and Freddi could still be cousins if they share one grandmother while each of their other grandmothers are unrelated.

@phantom-pr6op - 03.09.2023 17:26

I got into arguments with people over Freddi being a girl 😂
I don't remember the scene even though I played 2 but I knew from the voice. Then people were like "Really? Freddy? That's a girl's name?"
And I didn't know what to say. 😂

Loved Powerpuff Girls and Freddi Fish though so I get that stigma.

@brianblumenreich9026 - 30.08.2023 16:21

Can't believe there is a hidden scene where Eddie the Eel eats Luther!!! 😱

@jramz5176 - 18.08.2023 19:28

In my day. Was born 2003. I played All of the Putt Games, all Pajama Sam games, didn't play a single Spy Fox game, I believe I've played 4/5 Freddi Fish games. The 4th one was my favorite. The 3rd and 5th one blend together honestly, I'm pretty sure I only played the 5th one. Maybe I did play the 3rd but I do not remember much. I was far more into Putt Putt and Pajama Sam's games. I think I played the 2nd Freddi Fish the most of the the games in the series.

@Quaila - 14.08.2023 08:06

Aww I think Haunted Schoolhouse was one of my favorite Humungous games lol I loved the Rube Goldberg construction and it was so rewarding when I finally got a copy transferred to my local library after months of getting obsessed with the demo X)

Everyone in my 3rd grade class got a copy of the Missing Conch episode too for some reason! Someone’s parent brought in a bucketload of copies from work for whatever reason and we just played that for computer lab one day and took it home, it was awesommmee

@puddang2379 - 10.08.2023 22:55

nice review, but you have way too much faith in 3 year olds

@Scorpob - 03.08.2023 13:15

Fun fact about Freddi Fish is that Freddi's VA also voices Penelope in the Sly Cooper games.

@AJXN94 - 26.07.2023 01:11

I thought I was crazy for thinking you could swim through the whale bones!

@jessec5091 - 25.07.2023 20:20

The handheld Freddi Fish game... I had no recollection of that thing's existence until the music played, and then I remembered that I absolutely had that.

@pistnbroke74 - 24.07.2023 04:52

I played the first game as very small child I never knew there was more Freddi games but I never thought or knew freddi was a female fish

@kjhgfdfghjkdrtyuiwewe - 20.07.2023 01:02

I would a HE iceberg

@jordankibbe - 10.07.2023 15:05

Freddy is guy yes

@TopsyTriceratops - 08.07.2023 19:44

Okay, now I gotta know.
What was so obvious about Blue from Blue's Clues about her being a girl? And I mean at looking at her, I really want to know what I'm missing here.

@theonlybilge - 05.07.2023 04:39

Some whales have baleen, others have teeth.

@Zaiqahal - 02.07.2023 06:37

What the fuck? Blue is a girl from Blue's Clues? You did just blow my mind. My childhood will never be the same...

@Zaiqahal - 02.07.2023 06:36

I think I remember enjoying Freddi Fish 2 and 4 the most, your least liked Freddi Fish games, lol.

@jerseylife8701 - 14.06.2023 01:34

I’m so glad this video exists.

@LegendofBen - 08.06.2023 06:52

I think I enjoyed Spy Fox and Pajama Sam more, but this series is still iconic in my childhood memories. I was heartbroken as a kid when we misplaced Freddi Fish 3.

@natethegreat2349 - 19.05.2023 19:08

The Wii version's availability was limited by legal problems concerning its development

@acheronXcomplex - 18.05.2023 18:44

“How did you (put that gigantic plank of wood in your fish pocket)?

That’s my secret.

@kevinmccallister1992 - 29.04.2023 09:44

Has anyone else noticed that in most of the games except 5 and maybe 4 that there’s a Rubber Duck that’s apart of the background.

@Trevor_NewJerusalem - 26.04.2023 00:28

Huh. 2 was my favorite.
