WORST Doctor Lifestyle Specialties

WORST Doctor Lifestyle Specialties

Med School Insiders

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Med School Insiders
Med School Insiders - 26.04.2022 20:42

We’ve officially launched channel memberships! Become a member today and get early access to new videos, priority reply to your comments, and help us discover which videos to cover next with members-only polls! Click to "JOIN" button above to learn more! See you on the other side =)

Anas alwehabi
Anas alwehabi - 16.09.2023 17:47

GS is actually among the most challenging where I live

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart - 15.09.2023 09:21

My pediatrician I had from birth to age 5 was a fine man, always on call, board of directors of pediatrics at a hospital, and served on a school board as well. It’s not a listed specialty, but being a well-renowned pediatrician in early 1970’s Austin, Texas was a big deal. He had a heart attack at 44 and recovered after a few weeks, but couldn’t practice any more and converted his practice to child psychiatry with his specially trained child psychologist wife working by his side. In 1979 at the age of 50, he was receiving a heart transplant at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Palo Alto, California. The procedure failed. A good man and fine pediatrician taken away so early from a practice that took his life. Took great care of children, but not himself.

Dr.Z - 11.09.2023 22:02

The people they don’t know any thing about Medical lifestyle , they think we spent all the time in hospital this extremely not right ,we have time but is just for our selves and our family . I hope to be Cardiothoracic surgeon🤍

Asha Moosai
Asha Moosai - 10.09.2023 10:17

This video is a pretty spot on but the part where you don’t understand why ‘Caribbean medical schools’ boast about people entering the Gen Surg residency program. Get a grip. 1) there are two types of Caribbean medical schools - pay to enter and merit. Don’t confuse the two. 2) There are thousands of US medical graduates who would kill for those gen surg spots that the ‘Caribbean medical school’ folks boast about because it’s so easy.

Kimmel Slavko
Kimmel Slavko - 07.09.2023 21:52

Medicine ruins your life and health. It is unhealthy 😮

joseph sonntag
joseph sonntag - 02.09.2023 19:06

I think the biggest thing that med students or premeds forget is that medicine is a job. While you may enjoy it and get fulfillment from performing the job, it is a job at the end of the day and you are exchanging time with your loved ones and doing things you want to do to perform this job. Compensation absolutely matters despite the fallacy that its medicine and money shouldn't matter. As a new physician who has undergone undergrad, med school, and residency you are looking at a minimum of 10 years where you are in school taking on large amounts of debt and not working building a career or retirement. When you get out you have to play catch up and pay back the loans ect. As an example my loans were 340,000 at about 7 percent interest and thats not including undergrad that is just med school, some physicians have loans over 500,000. If you say do primary care and make 240,000 figure 30 percent of that is taxes so down to 160,000 off the bat then you figure loan payments are about 4,000 a month and interest is about 23,000 a year so do the math on that one. thats about another 50,000 a year gone in loan repayments and you are left with 110,000 or so... not to mention in primary care you work 8 to 5 , 5 days a week and have an additional 2-3 hours of charting when you get home or before work in the morning that you arent being compensated for. I would say primary care has one of the worse lifestyles of any of the specialties'.

iWhoob - 30.08.2023 16:18

Interventional Cardiology no work life balance at all

01xmidhat - 29.08.2023 12:41

I am confused between, General Surgery, Anesthesia and Emergency Medicine. I personally like to have mixed components, ie patient and proceduers. I am an empath with anxiety, and I am precise with working with my hands. I did not like Anatomy in medical school but loved physiology. Work-Life balance is important to me, and I love doing my hobbies. I know for a fact that I do not like general medicine so at least that part's clear. I am so confused still which specialty would be best for me. Genuinely asking for help and guidance.

Placebo - 29.08.2023 02:16

Internal medicine doctors who do primary care were too dumb to become specialists. Leave primary care to FM, med-peds, and DNP/PA

Falguni Sarkar
Falguni Sarkar - 26.08.2023 23:16


Samuel Singer
Samuel Singer - 11.08.2023 10:41

A specialty that is more common/ widespread may have the disadvantage of lower pay, lower respect, and being expected to compete more with others. BUT the flip side of that is, they have a choice of going more places and can shop around a lot more for a situation they actually like.

Lukas Gisler
Lukas Gisler - 10.08.2023 15:41

If you build your own surgery business, then you hace the power to decide when you work, how long you work, and even if you work. THank you for your hard work doctors!

Randa Ahmed
Randa Ahmed - 07.08.2023 15:27

I would like to know more about pediatric surgery❤❤

gigi1717 - 17.07.2023 08:16

billnotia94 - 04.07.2023 11:04

I am in my first year of internal medicine and considering going into primary care when I finish residency. I find it very sad that our US colleagues have to consider huge amounts of student loan debt and retirement savings amongst other factors when choosing their specialty. You should really fight for free medical education and decent government paid retirement.
We should all fight to make our lives easier as technology moves forward. It should be a no-brainer that we should retire earlier as society moves forward for example.
Just some thoughts. I live in Greece by the way, so far from perfect economically.

Jaehong Song
Jaehong Song - 04.07.2023 02:17

Med students have to stop listening to the gaslighting going on. Your 'passion' will not carry you forward for more than 10 years. Imagine 80 hour work weeks for the rest of your life. You will miss birthdays, kids, spouse, important events, everything. All for just because you wanna do something that you think is 'cool'? Because there needs to be a 'real doctor' to take care of the patients?

People are just scary that med students will go fully woke and refuse to be the literal slaves for the society. Forget all that shit. You above all else comes before any patients. Go with the best lifestyle specialties with the most amount of money. Treat it as like any other regular job. Milk the shit out of the system, and retire early. Don't do pgy-6~10 BS

Snoovian - 29.06.2023 23:44

psychiatry my beloved you would never do this to me

Lubov Gladkova
Lubov Gladkova - 14.06.2023 19:39

Primary care is essential because specialists must have a referral.

yasho perumal
yasho perumal - 08.06.2023 05:58

In Canada and USA need more doctors but why medical school limits the students

rajul yadav
rajul yadav - 05.06.2023 11:46


Modern Medicine
Modern Medicine - 04.06.2023 20:59

I'm a neurosurgery resident and god i hate it here

Charly Tigress
Charly Tigress - 04.06.2023 18:10

Any information on ENT

Marth - 03.06.2023 11:36

Um the segment on vascular surgery isn’t true at all. At least from my experience. They have vert balanced hours and few emergencies compared to other surgical fields

Max Maxen
Max Maxen - 03.06.2023 10:52

DOCOTORS IN THE US MAKE HOW MUCH ?????? A specialist in Germany makes barely 100k/pa

Elynn - 01.06.2023 11:20

I'm 14 currently but I've been wanting to be a cardio Thoracic Surgeon since I was 4 😂 welp- it's gonna be hard but wish me luck 🤞

Dr.Huzaifa - 26.05.2023 05:21

I think i should choose PLAB so that i can live my life easier than other surgons of USMLE😊

Faisal Alrshedi
Faisal Alrshedi - 25.05.2023 11:37

what about ICU?

Hemant Raj
Hemant Raj - 23.05.2023 14:38

This video was all about surgeons , such a waste of time

Calypso Skinner Gaston
Calypso Skinner Gaston - 15.05.2023 13:28

Wait that's how you say OBGYN. I thought in english we just spelled the letters out?

Whitney - 20.04.2023 14:59

Bitter much. As a 2nd year Family Medicine resident, I love what I do. The 3rd years have their flow down and complete all notes by the end of the day, 5pm. We then have the evenings and weekends to relax with family/friends. As a female, I’ll be able to attend my kids weekend and after school events; have time to cook dinner and clean. We get ample vacation time and the salary will afford my husband (a nuclear engineer) to live comfortably and travel frequently (a mutual passion). We are blessed and grateful for this life. Instead of harping on the negatives why not focus on the good???

DrWAS - 06.04.2023 00:18

Interesting insights, but you're right. It all depends on your own personal choices

Leah - 24.03.2023 14:59

What about pathologists?

Estrella Vega
Estrella Vega - 16.03.2023 20:38

I don't know why I watched this since I'm not a med student and am too old to think about becoming a doctor. Anyway, I wanted to comment on the crazy hours: I've also worked crazy hours. I once worked 40 hours in the span of two days. And the industry I work in is ADVERTISING. I think that doctors, at the very least, have the consolation that their work IS important and meaningful. You guys are literally saving people's lives. Whereas my work in advertising is, in the scheme of things, really f-ing stupid. I'm wasting my life away trying to make rich people richer...so yeah.

fofo - 08.03.2023 16:38

The only thing Iam focused on rn is making through the next year first..I'ma deal with this later😂

Theodore Hayden
Theodore Hayden - 01.03.2023 18:19

The reason why Gen surgery is so popular in the Caribbean is because of the cultural views of surgeons being the most accomplished. also in they are more likely to be considered true doctors in the Caribbean. Surgeons are almost seen as gods in the Caribbean and they get paid way more. They are also seen as way skilled physicians lol. Although I beg to differ lol

Nate B
Nate B - 13.02.2023 21:01

These people just need better negotiating skills. I think it’s stupid when people say that their jobs are demanding. Why can’t you demand back? At least answer that.

Putin’s Gay Twin
Putin’s Gay Twin - 13.02.2023 20:19

When I was 18 I told my mum that I don't care what job I have, I just want it to have a good work life balance, have a nice boss, pay decent, relatively non-srressful etc.

I ended up picking computer science

Cristian Chira
Cristian Chira - 11.02.2023 15:40

I'm an engineer why am I watching this at 5 am

Sam Reddinger
Sam Reddinger - 11.02.2023 01:55

Unpopular opinion. Anesthesiologists are creeping into CRNA practice

Jeremy - 09.02.2023 05:20

Lol my girlfriend is an OBGYN resident and this doesn’t feel far from the truth

Andrea DiNetta
Andrea DiNetta - 06.02.2023 02:28

IMHO Primary care or family medicine is the worst. Any specialty can extend their hours as they desire, but nothing can prepare you for fitting an hour amount of work into a 15 minute appointment in primary care. The charting, the preventive care, the quality checks, and dealing with every condition the patient has, when a specialist only needs to deal with one system. That is the reason its less desirable, because of the grunt (but meaningful) work. And because its the least desirable, it is the least paid.

Imagine a world with world-renowned primary care physicians? Sounds silly, because we throw that specialty in the trash...

Afaq Khattak
Afaq Khattak - 28.01.2023 00:30

Being a final year medical student, this video has made me even more confused regarding choosing a specialty! 😨

Mike Smith
Mike Smith - 20.01.2023 05:49

Whatever.....if you can not figure out how to live comfortably on 250k.....you are keeping up with the jones.....way too much.

Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine - 12.01.2023 22:09


Anita Michael
Anita Michael - 07.01.2023 22:00

How about Internal Med Specialities? Like Onco and Cardio? They have poor compensations too?

Mohammd Bie
Mohammd Bie - 23.12.2022 21:22

Cardiology 😏😏

Dr. Shruti
Dr. Shruti - 23.12.2022 16:03

What abt anaesthesia? Can u please describe abt its prospects and pay?

Clueless - 17.12.2022 22:49

Caribbean people think that general doctors are great. Many persons don't see specialist. Lost of your general doctors are excellent. That's why we praise it.
