Let Me Explain Why It Would Be Preferable To Colonize Titan Instead Of Mars!

Let Me Explain Why It Would Be Preferable To Colonize Titan Instead Of Mars!

Insane Curiosity

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Daniel E.
Daniel E. - 15.11.2023 00:11

Ah, so intriguing!🚀

Lewis Gordon
Lewis Gordon - 15.11.2023 00:03

Titan would have a few massive negatives. Not enough oxygen, the super cold temps, how to generate energy, much less solar potential than even Mars, inability to burn the methane/ ethane (BK of low O2), any heat generated could lead to sinking into the high water content frozen soil, further distance from the sun & Earth.

I'm not saying not possible, but I'm pretty sure our moon or Mars would have fewer herdles.

superkiwistar - 14.11.2023 23:52

Titan's atmosphere is four times denser than Earth's and its gravity is about 1/7th of Earth's; this combination means Titan's raindrops fall much slower than Earth's. Rainfall on Titan is rare – it may be centuries between showers at a given location..

Mars, Moon and Titan will NEVER be colonised by humans. GRAVITY.
Mars surface gravity 2/5th of Earth's.
moon's surface gravity is one-sixth of Earth's.
Titan's gravity is 1/7th of Earth.

Thus, long term human habitation will result in loss of bone density and organ failure. Inhabitants would have to evolve into something DIFFERENT to survive and never be able to live on Earth.

The most promising location is 50km above Venus in an orbiting ship where gravity is 91% that of earth, temperatures and pressure are almost earthlike, and severely toxic atmosphere is below. Humans can live in cruise ships - this would be the same - and NASA is already working on the project.

manfrommontreal - 14.11.2023 23:50

Weak sauce, video could be better structured and more to the point.

Stephan Ledford
Stephan Ledford - 14.11.2023 23:33

The issues for both Mars and Titan are the travel times to get there. This is an issue because it is difficult to protect the astronauts from radiation in a spaceship.

Void Play
Void Play - 14.11.2023 23:23

1 kid start to play with fire outside... BUuuuMmm rip titan

Reladann - 14.11.2023 23:10

The videos are great. Lot’s of interesting stuff. But I got to say I appreciate some other channels voices more. I find this a little too E! Entertainment. Could tone it down a notch. Space stuff needs a bit more calming style imo

Jacin Thebox
Jacin Thebox - 14.11.2023 23:09

I don't have to say another word. The balls in motion and no evil could stop that. I guarantee it..... Peace out.......

Darth Sidius
Darth Sidius - 14.11.2023 22:26

Is this made by AI? Or at least voiced by?

Somebody's Daughter
Somebody's Daughter - 14.11.2023 22:08

According to Wikipedia, Saturn has 146 moons as of June 2023

Sergeant So N' So
Sergeant So N' So - 14.11.2023 21:32

Let me propose: distance.

Michael Winter
Michael Winter - 14.11.2023 21:13

It will happen much sooner. Maybe even beginning in 20 years already. Work is under way on higher propulsion systems and might face orbital test phase in 2026-2027. That is even needed before we undertake crewed missions to Mars. We've waited much too long, but now things are going much faster. Remember that its not dependent on NASA anymore.

Btw, Saturn and Titan are not 1.2b km away. Their 1.6billion km from the sun. 🚀🏴‍☠️

Joo Ei
Joo Ei - 14.11.2023 20:18

Titan is quite cold…

Brian McLaughlin
Brian McLaughlin - 14.11.2023 20:12

You can't even Colonize the Sahara.

Prismatic Beetle
Prismatic Beetle - 14.11.2023 19:58

other than the epic view and the free magnetic sphere and water and infinite fuel?

James Tickle
James Tickle - 14.11.2023 19:36

The sun would look like a small dot from there. Your life would be worse than underground tunnel. You would have to spend most of your time in a suit.

patriot 945
patriot 945 - 14.11.2023 19:17

The narrator claimed that Venus has significant green house gasses, making for a toxic atmosphere. I agree the atmosphere is toxic, and the atmosphere may have greenhouse gasses, but the inclination is to say these gasses are a result of contamination y residents, like humans are claimed to be ding to Earth. The idea that that atmosphere may be a naturally occurring one is ignored, not even discounted, just ignored. If the basic planet created that atmosphere, it can not be "blamed" on anyone. the climate scientist are blaming the existence on things they have neither proof nor knowledge of, they are comparing it to their idea of what Earth is going through, without any factual or experiential basis for statements they are making.

Terry B
Terry B - 14.11.2023 19:01

You can send me a postcard. I'll be at Cocoa Beach and not one thought will be what a Titan astronaut will be thinking, which is most likely... "Explain to me again, why I'm here."

HCforLife1 - 14.11.2023 18:47

First should be moon!!! After establishing robot factories on our own moon we should step-up in both directions.

Project Alien
Project Alien - 14.11.2023 18:42

So average temp -292 F ummmm one wrong move you freeze in 46 seconds

SaltAdmin - 14.11.2023 18:34

You wouldnt be able to oxygenate Titan's atmosphere without turning Titan itself into a giant methane bomb. So, forget having breathable atmosphere, you'd have to always have an oxygen tank.

I applaud the efforts to imagine ways to get off this planet. If we are to survive far into the future then we'll have to find a way out of here, but these ideas, as optimistic as they're trying to make them sound, still seem like prison planets with a different view out the window

Justin Slavin
Justin Slavin - 14.11.2023 18:31

love seein vids like this but my inability look past the obvious ruins them for me. were currently on a planet that literally provides us with everything we need and we waste the natural resources on planned obsolescence and saddle ourselves with unecessary man made problems like debt slavery but were gonna go coponize new worlds. for what?! were locusts.

Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 14.11.2023 18:27

After walking through methane snow (or puddles), you’d REALLY need to wipe your feet before coming inside.. 😀

John Albers
John Albers - 14.11.2023 18:13

1. Venus cloud bases are totally doable with modern tech.

2. Scientists recently discovered that it takes significantly less materiel to shield a habit than ever before.

3. We should live on all available worlds

Nothing At All
Nothing At All - 14.11.2023 17:18

Before I watch, lemme say my part I tell everyone who’ll listen: Mars only has 1/3rd the gravity of Earth. Baby bones will not form correctly, and adult bones will break down very rapidly. Simulating 2/3rds of a planet for a whole colony is far, far beyond our technical ability. Mars will not likely ever be a home to humans, probably not even a long stay colony. Maybe short trips for engineers and mechanics to fix the mining robots at best.

Venus on the other hand, has a layer in the upper atmosphere of mostly nitrogen, stays around 70 degrees, has relatively low wind speeds, and at that altitude, has an almost perfect 1 Earth gravity. We could build blimp based sky colonies on current technology. Right now.

Torben Møller
Torben Møller - 14.11.2023 16:33

A magnetic field is critical and difficult to work around.

Mothman_ Slayer
Mothman_ Slayer - 14.11.2023 16:32

Now make a video why it’s preferable to build a prison on Callisto

Ben Gurion
Ben Gurion - 14.11.2023 16:07

Whatever humans could potentially occupy and colonise, they will bring the conflicts and problems killing Earth and each other there. What’s the point?

Si Harris
Si Harris - 14.11.2023 15:44

Interesting topic, thank you. However, a somewhat less patronising tone might be advisable.

Max Walker
Max Walker - 14.11.2023 15:22


SpiderMew - 14.11.2023 14:56

With my arthritus, the pressure would feel good on my joints.... i want to go to Titan.

Galaxy Malachi
Galaxy Malachi - 14.11.2023 13:57

Yeah I already know all about titan something that should be explained to the new children of 2 day saturn is where the Nodians spirit's reside and titan is the home world something certain secret military complex officers know as well Nod wich was set up as a city here on tiamat earth by the 2nd 2hundred falling beings that wared in Orion system as the heavily mistranslation the book by William wholly shakes phere tinsdel Aka Bill all of the real Genesis isn't there you've got bits and pieces of beings recording from the ground up witnessing or shall I say within the abyss aah waters deep down this is information about outformation kanash and the others survived the so called flood and there city Nod because they are Angelic with technology still waay ahead of the Caucasians and the other races here and Mars hahaha hahaha Maan whatever happened to the great face of that planet huh it was found to be very huge pyramid base and the other small pyramids nearby the need to know what is hidden like what I'm teaching right peace ✌

Manuel Camelo da Silva Poloni
Manuel Camelo da Silva Poloni - 14.11.2023 10:44

So you're RaSisTA towards Mars eh?

Charles Burns
Charles Burns - 14.11.2023 10:15

"At temperatures twice as cold as the coldest ever recorded on earth..."
What does that mean? That seems an odd way to describe coldness. Does this phrase essentially mean half the temperature on the Kelvin scale?

dakrontu - 14.11.2023 08:24

You say having to live indoors or below ground is bad, but an outdoor trip on Mars would be in a relatively simple pressure suit whereas due to the temperature on Titan the extreme need for thermal insulation would be a whole lot worse although admittedly the pressure would not be a problem.

Sailing On The Run To Nowhere
Sailing On The Run To Nowhere - 14.11.2023 08:06

The surface of Titan is water ice and hydrocarbons, not rock. It would be challenging at best to build any kind of heated structure there.

David Vaughn
David Vaughn - 14.11.2023 07:32

Moon first. Then Titan! True that distances to Titan are at this point technologically challenging. However colonizing the moon first would help us overcome certain technological hurdles and give us experience in the processes needed to develop infrastructure for colonial endeavors.

Krishnkant Sharma
Krishnkant Sharma - 14.11.2023 07:27

Can we have a giant lens , say, 1km (or may be more) in diameter which can be used (with some appropriate technology) in martian atmosphere to increase intensity of Sunlight? I am sorry if it is a stupid question, but can someone please elaborate what may be the flaw here? Thanks

James Hoffman
James Hoffman - 14.11.2023 03:03

Titan has no oxygen and methane instead of water. How in the hell would this be more viable than mars?

JimmyD - 14.11.2023 02:57

This channel is blowing up fast

Uncle Warren
Uncle Warren - 14.11.2023 02:04

Not as a colony, but perhaps rotating team of “miners”. This is of course, not in our lifetimes.

Mark Bishop
Mark Bishop - 14.11.2023 01:55

It would be cheaper to just live in Death Valley then go all the way to Mars or other moons or planets

Eduard Doornbos
Eduard Doornbos - 14.11.2023 01:03

I think most don't understand the chemistry and temperature of Titan. Water is rock overthere, your skates would melt through the "ice" and you'd freeze to death

Vulpes Inculta
Vulpes Inculta - 14.11.2023 00:49

Good luck getting to Titan. A prob takes 7 years to travel there and with help of other planets gravitational sling assistance. We start with Mars atm and centuries later with better technology we could taken on Titan.

darko714 - 14.11.2023 00:17

Any way you cut it, colonizing the solar system is going to be expensive and dangerous, and traveling to other solar systems will be even more so. But what's the alternative?

Allen Monroe
Allen Monroe - 13.11.2023 23:50

Never gonna happen.

17713bb - 13.11.2023 23:45

Sounds worse than prison. Send me to death valley or underground, million times easier to colonize.

Duncan Bauer
Duncan Bauer - 13.11.2023 23:23

Has anyone ever asked why Satellites that supposedly have ever left Earth Atmosphere/Gravity will Never return to Earth? It's always a 1directional flightpath away from Earth! Factor that in with a Non hypothetical Truth of Humans surviving the Van Allen Belt.
