TBC Elemental Shaman 2v2 Arena PvP! With Live Comms!

TBC Elemental Shaman 2v2 Arena PvP! With Live Comms!

Executus Gaming

3 года назад

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Azot - 20.06.2022 19:47

Not a single wrath of air totem dropped :0

Hasib Abualwan
Hasib Abualwan - 04.04.2022 15:38

Awesome videos as usual! can we have a list of your UI and other PVP/Arena Addons or configurations?

MojoMan - 04.02.2022 05:07

Hey mate. The second game, you drop stoneclaw totem. Why? I don't think it gets rogue out of stealth at least it didn't in vanilla. Thanks for the video I watch it from time to time cause there's not so many out there 😉

Nicholas Yingling
Nicholas Yingling - 22.01.2022 04:36

What is the name of the song you put over this video, its dope!

Clutchcallz Montgamery
Clutchcallz Montgamery - 08.12.2021 02:20

any tips for a newbie in 2v2s

Outta TV
Outta TV - 28.11.2021 03:47

Teaching me the ele

Nexy🧿 - 17.08.2021 04:39

Clicking on targets lmao

Sunny - 11.08.2021 16:23

Yo, please inform a noob such as myself what trinket/spell you are using to instant cast a bolt?

Heldin - 13.07.2021 08:44

what is the background track?

Fl Cui
Fl Cui - 22.06.2021 05:27

a pleasur to see a good elemental , love ur vid !

Slehlasezem - 20.06.2021 02:27

2814 isnt it?

Thomas Skrydstrup
Thomas Skrydstrup - 18.06.2021 23:47

did u go draenei for a specific reason? cuzz i was wondering how good gift of the naaru is compared to orc racials^^ for enhancement as well. I wanna do 2v2's and 3v3's and maybe that also have some advantages for different races in each ^^

Matthew Turner
Matthew Turner - 16.06.2021 13:55

As specialist, I do believe Zonopelarge Secrets is actually good way to last longer in bed. Why not give it a chance? maybe it will work for you too.

Kyle Laiben
Kyle Laiben - 16.06.2021 13:35

What exactly is Zonopelarge Secrets? How does this thing really work? I see lots of people keep on talking about this popular male enhancement.

Williaem00 - 30.05.2021 18:39

I’m resto shaman right now just started playing tbc. It seems resto has a major issue in pvp not having an instant heal. And being forced to hard cast heals.
You guys Nuked that warrior and the resto shaman didn’t do anything.
I guess after nature’s swiftness is used resto is in a bad spot.

Phonk Element
Phonk Element - 25.05.2021 04:21

man i was about to reroll a different class because everyone is telling me that shaman is bad for pvp, good thing i watched this video.

Andrey Vyrubov
Andrey Vyrubov - 23.05.2021 03:22

I see a lot of people keep on talking about Zonopelarge Secrets. But I'm uncertain if it is good. Have you ever tried this popular natural male enhancement?

Voraxis - 22.05.2021 12:45

Don't get me wrong. You're playing well but your opponents were all omega garbanzo. Getting caught out in the open all the damn time and extremely slow reactions. Dudes wouldn't go above 1800 on release, lol. Hope you get some better footage with serious gamers soon cause I like your narration style and gameplay.

abc def
abc def - 17.05.2021 21:43

Low Rating crap

menswearhous - 13.05.2021 23:39

does ele sham rogue work?

Ivan G. Lago
Ivan G. Lago - 12.05.2021 08:39

Frost Shock & Earth Shock Rank 1 or Max rank?

Grady Tyler
Grady Tyler - 29.04.2021 22:13

What is Zonopelarge Secrets? Does it work? I hear lots of people can last longer in bed with this popular erectile dysfunction natural treatment.

HoboSorcerer - 17.04.2021 18:13

No chain lightning, 0/10

kevin - 17.04.2021 07:29

You should make an elemental PVP guide for TBC. Go over gear, spec, enchants etc. I'm a little worried to play Elemental in TBC given how often people say it's bad.

Adam Gajan
Adam Gajan - 14.04.2021 19:25

Nice backround music, it really ties the game together

A.I. - 09.04.2021 02:09

Ehhh. If enemy Will attack you( ele shaman) - 99% you loose. =(

K-88 - 29.03.2021 22:56

Personally what do you and enjoy more in Arena pvp, Ele or Enh? and what is more suitable?

travis kjos
travis kjos - 29.03.2021 09:49

what pvt server is this

Max Chapuis
Max Chapuis - 27.03.2021 15:05

Yo man, I really enjoyed your video, as elem shaman is my favorite class. One question. What do you use so few chainlightings ? To not bring attention upon you ? I know it's a bit costy, but it's tremendous for bursting, especially if you fight against 2 guys. You can also play this gentle surprising burst : bolt + chain lighting + shock : all arrive in the same time.

tasos sotiriadis
tasos sotiriadis - 24.03.2021 12:34

First of all I would like to say that I love your videos. This one too since I'm leveling a shaman. However, I would like to know one thing which I believe is difficult to get honest answer. How many were all you arenas that you made? What was your winning rate? I dont want to underestimate your skill. I would propably never reach that skill myself. I'm asking that cause it is said that ele shaman isnt that good in tbc pvp cause he still lack core skills that are baing included it next expanstions. Thank you for your time.

Konna Slots
Konna Slots - 22.03.2021 11:25

Would you go Enhancement or Elemental for mainly PvP? (Arena and BGs)

Steve Barr
Steve Barr - 17.03.2021 21:32

No games vs any warlocks? I assume they'll be the most popular class in TBC. Does this comp just auto lose to locks then?

Klein Kalin
Klein Kalin - 15.03.2021 10:32

i remember throwing people off from eye of storm flag with my shammy :))) good times

Enzo Patrick
Enzo Patrick - 14.03.2021 10:57

Hi there, have you considered Penlargerem System yet? Just do a search engine search. On there you'll discover a great guidelines about how exactly you can get permanent enlargement by using healthy ways. Why not give it a chance? perhaps it can work for you too.

Malachi Reilly
Malachi Reilly - 14.03.2021 08:57

Hello there, I want to know if Penlargerem System, will work for me? I notice a lot of people keep on speaking about this popular natural male enhancement.

Nec Art
Nec Art - 12.03.2021 17:18

strange that no warlocks vs ur team in this video. ele in 2s still unplayble, any warlock vs ele in 2s and its rip coz CoT. Or any good team, RM for example that will go on u and CC ur SP

abdulla loko
abdulla loko - 09.03.2021 15:45

Try enh shaman (31/40/0) sacrifice shamanistic rage to elemental fury
Max dps , it is not popular but fun and yes no dual wield point this build for 2h

Denise Robison
Denise Robison - 08.03.2021 21:02

Do I play shaman or warrior for pvp? It will be my alt with druid as my main

Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath - 08.03.2021 12:01

hello i m leveling a shaman on classic, i wonder if chaman is worth in pvp during tbc. Iwatched some vids from Kargoz about arena where they said chaman is not very viable except in 5vs5 as eleme. During tbc i was warrior and warlock, but i don't remeber having met chaman! Could you enlight me? very good vid and skill anyway.

Piotr - 06.03.2021 13:47

interesting because many shammy players told me that ele is not worth doin on arenas.. but u doin pretty well :D

make some ench too pls, thanks

chinvincible - 06.03.2021 02:44

I had that set on my tauren shaman it was the best thing I had going in my life back then

Strixe ON
Strixe ON - 05.03.2021 17:28

Ok I sub you exelent video gonna try this

The Athenian
The Athenian - 04.03.2021 04:42

Would love to see an in-depth guide on how you play and decision making. Tell us more about your custom build and such. I want to get into pvp but just always feel like I can’t do anything when a melee jumps on me

Aaron Ordos
Aaron Ordos - 03.03.2021 23:44

Opinion on Enhance shaman in arenas? Something only good in early seasons due to lack of resilience, or in 5's is what I've been hearing. That Ele is just the better arena dps spec for shaman due to the +healing they get from gear.

Michael Nau
Michael Nau - 02.03.2021 15:04

40 seconds lust yea that’s nice

Hazek - 02.03.2021 11:59

Man shadow priest ele sham is nasty

Wirsindmünchen - 02.03.2021 10:11

