Five-Year-Old Girl Attacked by Raccoon

Five-Year-Old Girl Attacked by Raccoon

Storyful Viral

1 год назад

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@cloudloci8586 - 12.11.2023 00:17

Bruh yall are ridiculous yes i know people suck but yall really tryna defend the racoon ?? Idgaf about that racoons kids now that it attacked one of our children "oh well maybe it felt threatened" stfu

@genestiermichel - 28.10.2023 02:08


@dmironyuk - 27.10.2023 21:42

Would make a good cap out of it🧢😄 but rabies? Questionable, defensive maybe... Only the ol' timers remember those coon-caps😉

@trisharandolph4011 - 19.10.2023 00:09

I wanna pet dat dog

@RonStarr215 - 15.10.2023 21:12

The raccoon screaming sent me

@zzzzzzzzzxx233 - 04.10.2023 19:17

THAT RACCOON HAD TO HAVE BEEN PROVOKED.. somehow someway because I feed raccoon they are not vicious like that I know little kids that try to torment animals that raccoon was definitely provoked... If anything I pity the raccoon... There are never vicious...

@Bob-yw7pc - 01.10.2023 11:32

This is why they tell people to not train wild animals to be comfortable with humans.

I am around raccoons all the time. Even in areas that are populated, they will never just come up to people, much less attack. I literally am around them probably 4 days a week and have never had one be anything but afraid, and trying its best to avoid me.

Someone fed this raccoon, for it to be this comfortable with humans. The girl got scared, and it panicked, and held on. If something 20 times the size of you started yelling, you probably would be afraid too.

The lady also seems oddly comfortable holding a raccoon, and there is a cage in the front yard.

It also is way too coordinated after she threw it to be rabies. Animals with rabies will have bad coordination, especially in the back legs. And it would have stayed aggressive.

Just saying. Something is weird. Raccoons dont act like this. Please dont hurt raccoons. They are very pacifist, smart animals. They are smarter then dogs by far, and they eat pests.

@ponybrony4932 - 23.08.2023 21:55

O mi god!!!Whatta 🦝 poor babeh!

@lauralassan325 - 26.07.2023 21:13

What a menace to the society

@manolismg - 22.07.2023 12:27

When it comes to a child, a parent has absolutely no fear...

@chrisanddorisarnold6341 - 12.06.2023 14:40

Anyone else here from the woody and Wilcox show?

@MichTanaGirl - 04.06.2023 21:44

I wonder if the coon was ill or maybe it attacked because the girl coming out the door startled it. It's possible it had babies nearby and thought the girl was threatening it. Hope the girl and the mom washed thoroughly, just because coons, being wild animals, can carry bugs and stuff. Hope the girl got counciling too and is ok now. News people, please do a follow up. Thanks.

@kainart9171 - 12.05.2023 05:33

Oh man if I have a daughter after the raccoon tried to attacked her, oh my hands big enough I will grab a raccoon's neck and I put his ass in the cage and taking to my car then send him 100 miles away I ain't got to worry about that little critter no more

@zeaaronkuehn4045 - 08.05.2023 00:34

Fuck with a raccoon they attack

@christianross7731 - 26.03.2023 23:12

Learning from experience if you do not bother them they pretty much leave you alone. But I guess with a rabid raccoon it is different? Poor kid, 😢😢💙💙💔💔 thank god for her mother, she showed great courage, having her daughter's back.

@senkahdevrux8901 - 20.03.2023 05:36

😱 The school bus moving along at the end with the raccoon heading that way...

@LornaVanderhaeghe-ss1xc - 19.02.2023 23:26

Decoding Annie parker

@lizhenson4563 - 02.02.2023 01:49

How do they know it has rabies just because it went after them? Pretty much all the raccoons in my old neighborhood would chase us.

@ARMAN25 - 28.01.2023 06:10

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 teaser trailer.

@dragoda - 10.01.2023 22:43

Few people know but, 2 years ago, the little girl took the husband of the mother raccoon and her babies and microwaved them. This was the raccoon mama revenge. Before they were tortured and finally fried in the microwave, the girl had an affair with the husband of the mama raccoon. This was the mama raccoon payback. You wont see this on CNN, I tell you that. Next time, the mama raccon will get a hold of the family gun and finish the job. If you can have a 6 year old shooting a teacher, you will have an angry mama raccoon wilding a gun for revenge.

@burritobaabe - 06.01.2023 12:16

Feel sorry for them but mostly for the raccoon - at least they can receive treatment.
Poor thing got this terrible disease & I’m sure would’ve just lived his happy raccoon life otherwise. Felt sad when he started crying & got thrown - he doesn’t understand what is happening in his little brain. Poor baby, wish they caught him so they can euthanize him & put him out of his misery.

@dokidokidokidokidoki - 03.01.2023 04:11

could have been a momma racoon and her babies were close

@Kmomzee - 31.12.2022 13:27

This reminds me of the part with Jack Jack in incredible where the raccoon attacked and then was scared for it’s life… regretted it fully!

But all joking aside how traumatic! I would of freaked if that was my child… but mama bear stepped in.

@gabbymemes4467 - 19.12.2022 20:15

Thats whats mommas do😀😀❤

@Bluclementine - 17.12.2022 02:53

Poor kid but I busted out laughing at how the Mom gripped and yeeted tf out of the raccoon like, “Who’s screaming now, bishhh?! Gtfo out my yard!” 😂

@Latap333 - 16.12.2022 17:29

I’m a licensed wildlife rehabber. This video is BS. Raccoons do not behave like this unless they’re familiar with them. The mother handled this raccoon as if she’s handled raccoons before. Do not believe this was an attack. This was not traumatic because this mother and daughter know the raccoons. More to this story.

@Gamegeek108 - 14.12.2022 05:28

Anybody else here from the Legion of Skanks episode with Vos and Bonnie? Lol

@christinewalz3660 - 14.12.2022 01:36

Poor raccoon...that stupid lady didn't have to throw the poor baby. Jeez!

@iAussieGuy - 13.12.2022 21:25

This some funny shit mane

@sailingbrewer - 11.12.2022 03:46

What kind of person puts their dog in a cage in the front yard!?!?!

@Ink.- - 10.12.2022 02:03

Woman of the year!

@jcmaloney32 - 10.12.2022 01:55

Momma Bear came through!!!!!

@bicycle697 - 10.12.2022 01:52

Who knows, maybe it was payback?

@randellesixto8964 - 10.12.2022 00:21

Yeah, I would've killed it. Buuuut becareful when you do that. If you cause brain damage, makes it harder or nearly impossible for them to test for it.

@Neiot - 09.12.2022 21:21

... Call me cruel, please, but I would have strangled that raccoon to death. I would much rather bring in a dead raccoon to check it for rabies than to throw it and let it attack someone or something else. Don't get me wrong, though. Raccoons can be adorable and cute, but once a wild animal is showing aggression and is actively attacking or threatening others' lives not strictly out of self preservation, that raccoon is as good as dead.

@jeanbono8269 - 08.12.2022 22:08

Excellent le lancement du raton laveur😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@omLuan - 08.12.2022 11:11


@Elledollar - 07.12.2022 22:30

I agree with all the comments below. Rarely animals will attack for no apparent reason unless they havie rabies. Hopefully they took the cure in time.
But I still think the girl's jeans protected her

@tito2555 - 07.12.2022 19:55

THE DOG !! Let’s Your dog fixed this problem !!

@kq2234 - 07.12.2022 00:10

I know this was a traumatic experience for the mother and her daughter, but the way she tossed that raccoon across the yard was hilariously funny 😆. Never underestimate a mother when she's protecting her child.

@Superman1of2 - 06.12.2022 09:17

Had that been my gf, she would've broke its neck once she picked it up. Just being honest. I would've shot it, I'm not so subtle.

@sycofya1677 - 05.12.2022 19:03

You have to kill to test for rabies. Most likely if it attacked during daytime it was. Hope the child and mother are ok 🙏🙏🙏

@felipecourtois7883 - 05.12.2022 18:01

Was it really rabid?

@markaragona956 - 05.12.2022 18:00

I would have killed it and had it tested for rabies!
