Pros and Cons of Xamarin Development

Pros and Cons of Xamarin Development


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LinuxUser123 - 07.06.2022 10:42

Iam just a starter but for some reason xamarin seems very difficult to me, I was trying to implement a flyout navbar from scratch it just didn't work, if anyone knows how to or has a video I would love to watch it

Khalipha Thiane
Khalipha Thiane - 29.04.2021 01:07

I have developed many apps with Xamarin as a freelancer but it needs so much improvement I tried flutter but see flutter way better and less time consuming. The biggest problem with Xamarin is installation and debugging. Installation takes much time (2GB) to download visual studio and all include .If you make change in code beginning while debugging you need to stop the debugging and restart it and it’s so annoying, you cannot add files while debugging. In flutter you edit the behavior of you app while debugging. I love Xamarin but so many changes need to be made

z-anon - 06.04.2021 06:28

Good introduction! I've decided to create my simple app on Xamarin.

Obeng Kuning
Obeng Kuning - 04.04.2021 02:53

Xamarin hmm..

Sharing is real humanity
Sharing is real humanity - 13.02.2021 01:39

How did you made this smooth video ?

Sharing is real humanity
Sharing is real humanity - 13.02.2021 01:39

How did you made this smooth video ?

S - 12.11.2020 23:50

Great solution and working perfectly for what is a complex business product

Malith Rukshan
Malith Rukshan - 05.11.2020 07:37

Thax bro

Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar - 06.10.2020 05:12

Fuck Microsoft

stoli1300 - 27.09.2020 19:47

I hate Xamarin. we are learning it in school and I never have wanted to throw my laptop out the window.

Nat Genesis
Nat Genesis - 18.09.2020 19:08

What is difference between Native App cross platform vs native app ???

Neil Sumanda
Neil Sumanda - 08.08.2020 11:44

my concern actually is, will this work on mobile and laptop...?

karim - 07.08.2020 16:53

What if the app works fine on an ANDROID emulator, would it run as expected on IOS ?

Disruptive_Innovator - 12.06.2020 11:04

This was useful. Thanks.
lots of other videos are much more biased one way or the other.

Hesh Johans
Hesh Johans - 24.05.2020 16:42

tnx. i really appreciate it :)

CodeBit - 20.05.2020 11:09

MAUI, the evolution of Xamarin from Microsoft, is hopefully going to make this even greater. Can't wait!

Ezaldden Almaghout
Ezaldden Almaghout - 19.05.2020 16:37

cool video. And in short, any .net developer should learn xamarin rather just jump to fluter for instance

Harsh Arjeria
Harsh Arjeria - 15.05.2020 01:17

And then, Flutter came.

Codingram - 06.05.2020 19:25

I think we should first learn native development to get the main base.
Then we should do cross platform.

chatura wellage
chatura wellage - 01.05.2020 14:11

Great Introduction

PetesProjects - 27.04.2020 21:32

Nice video. Very clean and straightforward video. Nice graphics too.

SuessLabs - 06.04.2020 00:31

No cons, all pros!! <3 Xamarin

sreekumar menon
sreekumar menon - 02.04.2020 20:54

Large bundle size ?

Biswabandan Jena
Biswabandan Jena - 28.03.2020 02:51

pitfall--- for writing a book in english u got to learn ABCD

Taki Y
Taki Y - 23.03.2020 01:56

Xamarine users are the Idioits who still codes .NET. Xamarine like .net is a near extinct species. Do it if you are ok staying JOB LESS.

Random Me
Random Me - 22.01.2020 23:46

Xamarin is absolutely rubbish. What are the benefits of using a half baked product which is massively restricted in compared to it's native counterpart e.g. swift or android.
If you're writing an application for commercial use you wouldn't want to use xamarin due to its limitations you end up reinventing the wheel, and if you're a hobbyist there's also no benefit to using xamarin as you might as well do it properly using xcode or android studio. Unfortunately we were sold on the idea that xamarin was the right path to take as it promotes itself as write once for multiple os's. However in life when you take short cuts it often takes longer than if you were to do the job properly which is how i sum up xamarin

Hire Best Xamarin Developer
Hire Best Xamarin Developer - 08.01.2020 11:55

Great Video! Thanks for sharing!

Scott Nimrod
Scott Nimrod - 17.12.2019 03:53

He didn't say F# as another supported language.
The next generation languages for building LOB apps are going functional.
Hence, Swift and Kotlin.

Kubatko - 01.12.2019 10:07

There is so much wrong in the video - people this is out of date, quite uneducated point of view.

Axa Axa
Axa Axa - 27.11.2019 05:44

They speak like UI is the only platform specific area and totally ignore hardware. You can only have fine grain control of sensors, Bluetooth radio for instance if coding for each platform independantly, no cross platform benefit there.

Siva Canjeevaram
Siva Canjeevaram - 08.11.2019 20:06

Best video among the internet garbage

Jonas Goldenburg
Jonas Goldenburg - 16.09.2019 18:04

And he forgot couple of things for which developers "loving" X. First of all this is a specific heavy-for-catching bugs and glitches of framework. In complicated apps you literally walking on mine field. And second thing, at least for X-iOS is stupid debugger which freezes very often actually on long debugging sessions. So everything is not so smoothly as you wanted.

Martin Schmidt
Martin Schmidt - 11.09.2019 07:13

Is Xamarin "the same" as Flutter? The #1 BaaS solution for Xamarin is Azure and for Flutter is Firebase?

BB Cute
BB Cute - 28.08.2019 06:36

Which is better, Xamarin or Flutter?

TheNacropolice - 12.08.2019 03:48

We use Xamarin at work and are moving from old school xamarin native to xamarin.forms, man it is soo much better and the fact i don't have to learn swift or java makes life supremely easy

Sean Kelley
Sean Kelley - 10.08.2019 23:15

Great video, thank you

David - 09.08.2019 23:36

I think these comments are u just we are using xamrian in latest 2019 release and have had no issues maybe u just don’t no how to code for mobile properly their a different way to ensure your apps run smooth. No development tool will give u and idea that comes from ur own knowledge.

Ray Castel
Ray Castel - 04.07.2019 08:13

Yeah Xamarin is cool... But the video is too! Come on people, like the vid, help the creator.

Stanley Salvatierra
Stanley Salvatierra - 21.06.2019 03:37

.net , c# ? Thanks but I prefer React-native and Flutter :V

Dungz Nguyen
Dungz Nguyen - 18.06.2019 09:56

Very useful video. Thank a lot!

Joe Hinkle
Joe Hinkle - 24.05.2019 19:23

Xamarin Forms is terrible. So many custom renderers are required just to make the app look decent.

Emil Alipiev
Emil Alipiev - 04.04.2019 14:02

I watched the video first and thought video is probably from 2016 but i was surprised to see that it is from August 2018. Such shame to give false or outdated information. Xamarin community is big now and none of the tools like xamarin insights, tests exists any longer. They are replaced with app centre which is more enhanced. You can also develope games using skiasharp, urhosharp, mono, cocosharp, unity etc.

Rouis - 21.03.2019 18:26

I will try to use Xamarin.

Adonis G
Adonis G - 12.03.2019 12:05

Seems like a great tool.

MoZaHr - 04.02.2019 20:27

they say xamarin is build to translate the c# to the native so at the end, you have a native build for the device...

Combat Epistemologist
Combat Epistemologist - 29.01.2019 05:24

Try Embarcadero RadStudio (successor to Borland), for multidevice apps for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux. Uses FireMonkey framework with Delphi or C++ language. Expensive, but has a free community edition. Very easy to learn, solid, long history (about 40 years.) Borland made great developer software but had lousy marketing (coupled with MS FUD) which Embarcadero has been remedying.

Michael Guillaume
Michael Guillaume - 21.01.2019 23:10

I've worked for 2 years with Xamarin and it is an excellent tool but there is still too many bugs that's must be solved but the improvements they have made those two least year is going in the right way

Juan Manuel Gentili
Juan Manuel Gentili - 25.12.2018 01:03

Awesome! 👏👏👏
