Why Game Dev Tutorials Will RUIN Your Life

Why Game Dev Tutorials Will RUIN Your Life

Andrzej Gieralt Creative

1 год назад

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Badger - 16.09.2023 04:21

Some of them will

John Smith
John Smith - 15.09.2023 08:27

If you're just starting out you don't need to worry about what other people think about popular games.
You're bouncing around so much here.
If you're starting, you start at the beginning. Always!
Keep it simple!
Get the concepts.
What's a for loop?
What's a variable?
What's a function?
What's a class?
What's inheritance?
How do events work?
What's a list?
Why are you talking about looking at reviews of games?
If a person who wants to learn to draw has never even tried before, you don't get them to aim for something like the Sistine Chapel.
You start with four dots. You then connect the dots with lines to form a diamond. Then from three of the dots not including the top of the diamond you draw vertical lines with the center one a little longer. Then you drawn two lines to close off the shape. Now you have what looks like the outline of a box!
Then you can shade a side. You learn about how to create basic shapes with dimension and add to the illusion a sense of lighting.
All with very basic techniques. You're not ready to look at super hero characters to recreate them. You still have no concept or intuition.
Why would you take on something complex?

Xent - 14.09.2023 01:40

How are they gonna ruin my life if I don’t even know the basics man😭

ModernCopy - 13.09.2023 21:22

Chatgpt left the chat

Noura Brahimi
Noura Brahimi - 13.09.2023 02:47

Your as useless as the tutorial themselves

BaratãO - 10.09.2023 15:40

My dude just made the phrase "Quit tutorial hell" into a 6 minutes video, and use others bigger channels as a clickbait. And actually make all of this into another tutorial hell! What a hypocritical.
Saying that "you love Brackeys and others content creators" will not help you my brother...

elguitarTom - 06.09.2023 04:47

You basically said nothing in this video

ronron - 28.08.2023 05:18

that's why "practice" exists, once you've watch a video, you have to practice them and make a very simple project based on tutorials them move onto next tutorial

House of Osborne
House of Osborne - 23.08.2023 16:21

This is actually very good advice. If you want success, look where success is.

Lex Ruptor
Lex Ruptor - 21.08.2023 23:41

I'm at that point with Brackeys, but point 1 is basic and not helpful. I know what game I'm making, I just don't know how to code that well, and learning Brackey's coding is ok, but it teaches specific things. If I want to code a hud and code in 3 meters and a minimap, that's like a billion tuts, if I can even find one for any of those. If I want light flickering, it's a whole ordeal. Fog, sparks, don't even get me started on particles, ugh. If I want rooms to randomly pop up, if I want items, and inventory system, everything is a coding thing that requires unique specific coding, tailored, bespoke even. That's what kinda tuts we need tbh

Goho - 19.08.2023 22:39


SØNNYx™ - 18.08.2023 17:23

i have one question. :D

Lets say i just downloaded UE5 and just want to implement a NPC that follows me but.. i have absolute NO idea how to do that, would you now say i should check the dokumentation how to do that (if there is any for that) or ask gpt or watch a tutorial? or "try to do it"?

Slizzard Shroomer
Slizzard Shroomer - 17.08.2023 06:22

Yikes, chill with the sound effects

Leonardo Santana
Leonardo Santana - 15.08.2023 18:27

My personal opinion... when you learn something in highschool, let´s take maths for example, they gave you a formula and an explanation on how to use it. Maybe even your teacher solve one as an explanation. But after that, you don´t use it like, 1 time and move to other formula. Your practice that one formula till you absorb it as part of your knowledge. Here´s the same, if you learn how to... idk, move a character, don´t just stick with that, move a 2D character in 4 directions, then a 3D one, then experiment with rotation movement, and so on. Complete 1 tutorial and use the formulas to make something diffrent. A tutorial will not help you if the only thing you do is copy paste. Love for all, great video!

Catcadev - 14.08.2023 08:40

I am just starting and yeah, I need tutorials to understand how to build things. Then I want to build things from mostly scratch. I started with a stamina tutorial, then added in a dash on my own and parameters for it. I just need to wrap my head around how it works

DiamondHands - 13.08.2023 18:39

Does the same process apply to UE5?

Edward Hipp
Edward Hipp - 12.08.2023 01:16

88% of statistics are made up

Half Baked Productions
Half Baked Productions - 11.08.2023 22:03

One simple yet major thing I learned... build the sort of game you enjoy playing. Don't force yourself to build something you dislike, because you will have no incentive to improve it and will come away dis-satisfied.

Don't enjoy sports games? Don't make one. Don't enjoy side-scrolling platformers? Don't make one.

Like 3D driving games with crazy drift physics? Try building one of those. Like "wandering around in the dark" horror games? Why not give it a try.

Imagine working in game development for a living. If you really aren't interested in sports games and you somehow apply and end up working on the next Madden or NBA title, well, nah. You will become fed up and disllusioned at work quite quickly.


Perhaps it might be better to just learn a specialism (UI coding, audio etc.) and find an online team looking for someone to help them out. You'll probably feel like you're achieving a lot more as part of a team and you'll feel better at a more polished and substantial result.

Planet Earth
Planet Earth - 09.08.2023 01:31

tbh game dev tutorials are like endless loop of pain

Nico Schnoor
Nico Schnoor - 08.08.2023 12:53

Somehow the 3 skills sound like 8 different skills :D every 30 seconds you say "and the next skill..." :D

tonke monke
tonke monke - 07.08.2023 13:17

Tutorials are not all that bad, what they were intended for was for you to watch it, then learn from it. The mistake I didn’t make thankfully

Roxanna Fabiola Stefaniuc
Roxanna Fabiola Stefaniuc - 05.08.2023 05:39

Its true. many people thinks its easy to start a game 😅 instead to learn the basics and how it works. Especially finish it until the end 😅👍. Thank you for making this video 💯👏

Brennholzverleih - 05.08.2023 01:19

I literally am too lazy to look the entire toturials. I just developed by own cores and SDKs.
No one other human does it like me.

Agent Unknown
Agent Unknown - 03.08.2023 19:40

Its true staying in the tutorial phase does stunt your growth but its still the best place to start imo.

moviemaker2011z - 03.08.2023 12:45

my problem is that i ask questions that people wont answer, and if they do they act as if im stupid of asking it. for example, there was a tutorial discussing blueprint communication (this was in unreal engine 4 at the time) and the subject was about making a door move via functions and references, i asked "why is this the way to do it, are there other ways? and if so how do i learn which way is the most efficient" and i was told "it just is, the tutorial tells you the right way to do it. and if you want to learn other ways to do it just mess around and eventually you will figure it out". i do not like these answers because it tells me nothing useful. if i could just mess around until i figured it out i wouldnt have asked the question. i get confused easily okay, and i get lost on how to find things as well, like how to make a character move in a direction, i know i have to reference the player controller, i have to base in on button input, and that it requires a vector 3 node to determine which way i am wanting to go by a set value/duration. my problem is putting it together in a cohesive way that it works and i know for a fact im missing something in that movement example. i am wanting someone (a buddy) i can practice with, an actual live person i can ask questions and receive answers from all while attempting to do it myself or with a subtle nudge once in a while in the right direction. funny enough when i catch on i tend to really go all out and this isnt just with coding i would assume. in high school i was struggling with some algebra and couldnt quite figure out where i was having problems at so i asked if i could stay after school with my teacher and her assistant to see about breaking that barrier down, 3 days is all it took to figure it out and i went from making a D+ to making an actual A- in the class. according to the assistant she told me "you are asking the right questions, and you are putting things in the right place, you are just not finishing the equations in the proper order". once i knew WHERE my problems were i had it down pat and suddenly math was fun again and i was almost in tears because i thought i was stupid and just not getting it when really i was much closer than i could have imagined. overall i think coding is the same for me. i have the pieces and can explain them almost exactly, i can talk about coding all day and hold conversations about all different aspects of it and even how alot of it works, but i cannot put it together in an actual line of code and i really need someone to help me break that barrier and figure out WHERE it is im stuck at because from my view im seeing a brick wall, but maybe someone can see the gate that will let me get through it and take off. only problem is i dont have the money to pay for tutors and i also dont think there is anyone even in my area i can meet with to learn from even if i did. i have been told to go into discord groups and ask around but i seriously dont think thats going to work considering im needing a 1 on 1 session and cant afford to rightfully pay anyone for their time and effort. yeah discord is awesome for meeting cool people, but no one works for free and thats understandable.

MistacashGaming - 03.08.2023 05:48

thank you so much this video was so extremely beneficial

SaturninePlaces - 31.07.2023 00:39

This is such a bad video. Pointless transitions and loud music and re-iterating what was just said. The only redeeming iota of advice to be paraphrased from this chaotic mess of a rant is "Some game ideas are bad" and "Look at the bigger picture". No duh, copying someone's recipe line by line won't help you become a great chef. But if you can use your brain and get their input on what the ingredients do and why they were chosen, it will help you on your way to making recipes for yourself from scratch and beyond.

The creator has a fundamental misunderstanding of what the issue is and where it comes from. It's not that some percentage of people kill their progress because of something they did, it's that they were never going to accomplish what they set out to do in the first place. If your goal is something stupid like "making a lot of money" or "creating some half-baked idea that incorporates a dozen incongruous mechanics you like from your childhood"... you are already set up to fail. Watching game dev videos isn't going to help (or hurt) your chances of success. On the other hand, if you already look at the big picture and outline what would set a game up for success, then beginning to understand how to get there from tutorials online may honestly be the best way to do it. Focus on the big things and the small ones will fall into place, you're not going to be able to stuff the big things in afterward and refactoring everything will basically mean starting over.

Tori Kenyon
Tori Kenyon - 27.07.2023 23:43

what's with all the vine-boom-esque sound effects

TheFeatured - 23.07.2023 23:38

While this advice might be well meant, i'll just say to anyone that reads these comments to keep your head held high and push on! Eventually, just like riding a bike, driving a car, reading, walking, talking and making love, it all makes sense soon enough, you just have to keep trying. Keep studying, researching and doing tutorials to gain understanding.
Its easy to get soo overwhelmed that you end up making no start at all, so its better to just start somewhere, something small like a tutorial on how to make a door open, which teaches you a few basic concepts. The first tutorials you do most of it will wash over you, so its good to take notes and make lots of comments and even rewatch these initial tutorials so you actually get an understanding of what your doing. Theres many worth watching, Ryan Laley, Reids and CodeLikeMe have some nice tutorials with thorough explanations, with a mix of beginner to more advanced tutorials.
Trying to create the game you want to make at first is going to be a near impossible task but equally theres no point in wasting the time you practise for nothing. Create a hobby project, maybe even a few, and just start combining elements from the tutorials you do together.

Pretty quickly your understanding developes and you will start understanding how to figure out solutions to problems by yourself. Sure you'll still get stuck and have roadblocks along the way, so don't be affraid to reach out and if theres some big project you have aims for, writie it down and documents your thoughts, and developement process.

Good luck and keep going!

Law Rence
Law Rence - 21.07.2023 14:36

these 37 seconds are already attacking me personally, cause they are too true

blacksage81 - 20.07.2023 19:22

I fell into that trap and languised for 10 years, now I'm back at again, and this time I'm leveraging every resource I can find to help me get it done.

Raxvier - 19.07.2023 18:19

I can conform that you'll have years of frustration, confusion and quitting you dream, It happened to me...

ItsNotTag - 19.07.2023 14:39

I just started to learn game development. And im just 11 years old. I just finished a game tutorial by brackeys. When i published it on itchio when i realized everyone had the same name and game like me. So is it okay if u follow how to CODE not to copy the whole game.

savagekid94 - 19.07.2023 08:43

I like the content in the video but feel like I'm getting whiplash with all these effects and transitions. Do people really have that hard a time paying attention that something needs to happen every 5 seconds? Had to stop midway through.

Arcann - 19.07.2023 06:56

learned python for 3 weeks

jumps on C#

delete object: Destroy()

mmh seems legit let's see how to cre- insantiate(game.object,pos,quaternion.identity)



JMK - 19.07.2023 03:00

i like the sound effects great video!

Daemones - 17.07.2023 23:21

you make a good point but that a bit dramatic :D

John Smith
John Smith - 14.07.2023 21:28

tutorials assume that you know the basics. nobody watches tutorials endlessly. they are there to give you a perspective on what's going on in general.
devs themselves recommend watching tutorials just to see how software works and how others do what you want to do. you are approaching tutorials as if they are some magic scrolls that you were supposed to read and then instantly become a pro developer or something. what it means is that you are a midwit asshole who made a clickbait video for attention. also you aren't someone who should be giving any advice to anyone. you are a literally who noname loser

His Divine Shadow
His Divine Shadow - 13.07.2023 02:26

Why would this advice into a PDF and not into the video? Seems scummy.

Arnaud Loche
Arnaud Loche - 12.07.2023 21:51

88% of people quit game makeing? my dude when you give such precise numberrs ya better give source
