Omni-God | Become a limitless God |

Omni-God | Become a limitless God |

Universal Force

6 лет назад

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@AmanSharma-ob4fi - 02.01.2022 17:21

A new god is born , when someone listen to this

@sentry3659 - 22.01.2022 23:27


@TheCracazer - 18.02.2022 21:12

Thank you my Marvellous friend

@jessicakalin956 - 20.02.2022 21:14

Can I have power to travel to time and yes or no.😃

@jessicakalin956 - 21.02.2022 11:53

Can I be a God and immortal and yes or no.😃

@jessicakalin956 - 02.03.2022 12:33

Does it safe and does it hurt and does it work and yes or no.😃

@jessicakalin956 - 03.03.2022 12:57

I wish and need and want a second chance to baby again in March 31 2001.😃

@jessicakalin956 - 17.03.2022 13:44

When I get my power and powers.😃

@konton217 - 18.03.2022 15:25

I want to become limitless, thank you very much for this.

@karchoon524 - 23.03.2022 06:02

Gratitude Share Angel Universe Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha Namo Amitabha 🙏🙏🙏

@karchoon524 - 23.03.2022 06:02

感恩 遇见 缘分 分享 上天 天使 宇宙 老天爷 南无阿弥陀佛南无阿弥陀佛南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

@Kai_On_Paws_4298 - 29.03.2022 20:40

I have used this sub for a month, it works!!

@Kai_On_Paws_4298 - 29.03.2022 20:47

And I do prefer to have injury/being vulnerable. It is a part of life

@leekgamer023 - 30.03.2022 08:03

The name of the sub and the song, so reminiscent of subliminal junkie, the original subliminal junkie

@johnnace6787 - 31.03.2022 02:06

"I AM"

@rujeromcrae9639 - 03.04.2022 04:43

I will obtain this an become an omni God I've seen what Im capable of through DMT

@jessicakalin956 - 04.05.2022 01:02

Can I have magic and power hand and hands for I can go back to as a baby in March 31 2001 again and yes or no.😃

@minhhoang3469 - 14.06.2022 01:15

what does omni temporality mean?

@faarizfaariz4302 - 07.07.2022 15:20

i have an entity attachment for over 1 year and i’ve tried every single things, every. I hope this works. after days of listening to this, my whole body felt relieved bit by bit subtly and feel very sore

@bloom1044 - 12.08.2022 12:08

Unisex right?! I can use this as a Woman with that Superpower even though theres written GoD NOT GODDESS

@PIFEIGENBAUM. - 14.08.2022 11:00

my cat took all the power, i got nothing

@yourfriendlyprotogen1115 - 29.08.2022 00:25

Can I create a stone so heavy, that I can't lift it?

@theonetruedarklord.899 - 10.10.2022 08:07

Okay what if someone invented a way to upload are mind's into a new clones body.

@WoWnoRL - 27.10.2022 16:22

Hail euch

@Deathreaper290 - 17.11.2022 05:45


@pr1mxrd1algxd71 - 06.01.2023 14:42

can i listen whilst watching other videos and/or doing other things?

@jcm973 - 10.01.2023 15:26

I deadlifted half a tree yesterday like it was nothing hand kept slipping all most hit my toe

@zamolxecreatorul2534 - 11.02.2023 10:36

At the end of evolution, where we are now, the only belief which exists is that we are all Gods.

@vixenv36 - 03.04.2023 21:56

Use this to cure world hunger and cancer then if it works

@zamolxecreatorul2534 - 04.04.2023 19:05

The Gods have the biggest pleasures in universe.

@Axelkoi2007 - 29.04.2023 19:31

Does anyone know if your body changes or how do you know when you became a god and what are the physical signs ?

@kimberly1045 - 08.05.2023 09:10

I want to make this world as I want.I am using this for personal reasons(Good reasons dont worry no bad reasons)And I figured this is the only way.I will use this only for good.(A note to myself)

@zamolxecreatorul2534 - 22.05.2023 09:43

The Gods are the richest in universe.

@9thMilitia - 06.06.2023 09:06

How do I know it's working?

@MyLifeOfLies - 10.06.2023 02:08

God is a omnipresence in itself!

@zamolxecreatorul2534 - 29.07.2023 17:16

Did you materialized Gold palaces, Gold tables with all foods and drinks, and beautiful families, like the Gods?

@burgosco7024 - 15.08.2023 03:57

This is powerful

@Lifegotmid - 13.11.2023 19:04


@zamolxecreatorul2534 - 20.12.2023 15:20

I am God and I make everyone a God.

@777LeonardoBricioSilvadaCosta - 04.01.2024 16:19

I am the Christian God

@777LeonardoBricioSilvadaCosta - 02.03.2024 18:26

Results: I wanted to eat lasagna and so after a few days with my mother I bought the lasagna

@777LeonardoBricioSilvadaCosta - 19.03.2024 21:53

This subliminal will give you God like abilities.
This subliminal is and extension of the omnipotence one I made.
This will give you:
● Omnipotence
● Omnipresence
● Omnitemporality
● Omniscience

And everything that derives from those (pretty much all powers a d abilities)

Here are the affiramations :

I am now an omni-god
I now have complete god-hood
I am now an omni-creator
I now have god level creativity
I am now completely omnipotent
I am now developing complete omnipotence
I am now all mighty in every sense and aspect
I am now perfect in every sense and aspect
I am now an omnipotent being
I am omnipotent and I notice it now
I now have absolute power
I now have infinite energy
I now have infinite power
I now have the ability to do anything at will
I now have omnipotence
I now have every ability and power
I am now omnipotent in every sense and aspect
I can do anything at will with my divine omnipotence
I now have pure infinite omnipotent energy
I can do anything in every universe
I now have every ability that derives from omnipotence
I now have omnipresence at will
I am now omnitemporal at will
I can exist everywhere and anywhere in every universe at the same time
I can exist anywhere in time and space
I now have omniscience
I am all knowing
I am completely omniscient
I now have an infinite understanding of everything
My intelligence is increasing infinitely by the second
My wisdom is increasing infinitely by the second
My knowledge of everything is increasing infinitely by the second
I now have complete omnikinesis
I now have infinite levels of omnikinesis
My ability to do anything with no effort is increasing by the second
I can now exist outside of space and time at will
I am an infinitely powerful omnipotent god
I am immune to everything
I now have absolute Invulnerability
I am infinitely invulnerable
I can easily take on other gods
I can easily create anything at will
I am now completely invincible
I now have complete Immortality
It is impossible for me to die
I am now completely almighty in every sense and aspect
I now have the ability to take on any shape or form at will
I can exist in any dimension and universe
I now have an infinitely high vibration
I am now infinitely godlike
I am infinite
I am unlimited
I now have infinite consciousness
My consciousness is increasing by the second
I now have infinite omni arch
I now have infinite omnicompetence
I now have infinite omnilingualism
I am now omniphyschic
I am now free from any boundaries and limits
I now have infinite potential and capacity to become an omni-god
I now have infinite power manipulation
and control
I now have infinite space manipulation
and control
I now have infinite reality manipulation
and control
I now have infinite time manipulation and control
I now have infinite energy manipulation
I am now above all energies and beings
I am above all
I now have infinite manipulation powers
I now have infinite creation and deletion powers
I can now quickly absorb energy from other beings or sources of energy
I can now give other beings powers and abilities
I can give other beings power
I can create anything from nothing at will
My creation powers are absolutely limitless
I am noticing my omnipotence right now
I now have the power to survive without any requirements or needs
I am absolutely skilled in everything
I now have supreme senses at will
Whenever i listen to this subliminal my subconscious becomes extremely receptive to the affiramations
I now have infinite beauty and attractiveness
I am now permanently limitless
I am now completely perfect
I now have absolute perfect condition
I now have the power to control and manipulate every and any dimension and universe at will
I can create realms realitys dimensions and universes easily
I can now do the impossible
I now have infinite manifestation powers
I can create conscious beings
I can create beings and entities at my will

Have fun with your power.

@777LeonardoBricioSilvadaCosta - 19.03.2024 21:54

I am Yhwh and Jesus Christ

@ayush_invincible - 21.03.2024 16:23

Hello 👋

@zamolxecreatorul2534 - 09.05.2024 22:50

I am recognized as the First Creator by all in universes, because I offered the supreme Paradise.

@christopherbartone3857 - 02.06.2024 13:10

☺️ amazing

@saibakookami - 17.06.2024 10:26

I'm pretty sure I have full results from some experiences

I'm definitely able to do stuff but I've been manifesting a desired gf for a bit and I want it to be done to where I'm able to interact with them in the 3d and I've tried using Omni abilities to attract them faster which could be working but as I said I want to be done with it and be able to interact with them

@johnb.3076 - 02.07.2024 20:28

Do this actually work??

@MichealSchmidt-nu8sq - 06.08.2024 23:04

Will i be Omnipotent physically or astrally?
