Why Keffals Is A Complete FRAUD...

Why Keffals Is A Complete FRAUD...


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@arman100tnt - 15.05.2024 10:05

What a groomer 🤮 thanks for calling her out

@jax775 - 15.05.2024 10:04

Gender isn't assigned at birth, it's observed.

@vicrules6666 - 15.05.2024 10:02


@mkuhnactual - 15.05.2024 09:57

Good to see this expose on Keffals. I see no transphobia from Muta here so that bit from Keffals is utter nonsense, saddened to see so many in the comments use it as an excuse to hate on trans people though.

@hs2874 - 15.05.2024 09:57

What worries me is that people donated over 100k to this person

@FlamespeedyAMV - 15.05.2024 09:53

Elon owning twitter has been the best thing to happen to humanity in years. So many people waking up

@gennix404 - 15.05.2024 09:49

Here for all the clowns calling muta and the thumbnail artist transphobic

@pho-King - 15.05.2024 09:33

how does that thing have a fiance? thr thought of waking up next to it..🤮

@Gehshme - 15.05.2024 09:29


@joshuakean643 - 15.05.2024 09:27

We know, its a man

@juwanpeace37 - 15.05.2024 09:25

The jesse jackson of the trans community is insane 😂

@paulweeldreyer7457 - 15.05.2024 08:59

It's almost as if believing unstable, compulsive liars just because they're trans is a bad idea.

"HeLp i'M iN DaNgeR, i'M oN ThE RuN, aLsO HeRe iS My ExAcT LoCaTiOn."

@jayguerber7879 - 15.05.2024 08:51

I'm cis, but I live in the US and am worried about the rightward shift both of our parties have been working on lately. The Republican politicians at least are openly anti-trans and have been passing a lot of anti-trans legislation. I have two wonderful transgender friends and worry about them living here. It's good for people to point out bad actors (trans or otherwise) affecting the trans community. I'm worried that videos like these, however well-intentioned, will cause damage to the image of trans people and Mutahar should have made it more clear that this video was anti-keffals but not anti-trans, but again, speaking about bad actors in the trans community is a cause worth supporting.

@metri0n - 15.05.2024 08:49

Admitted fraud.

@spitfire051288 - 15.05.2024 08:47

The best thing this person ever did was change thier last name. I would have hated sharing my last name with her.

@bradjenkins2861 - 15.05.2024 08:46

No sir there has been no "anti-trans legislation" in the US either bills brought or passed. If you're going to do some docu-style video at least leave out the bias.

@mcnultyssobercompanion6372 - 15.05.2024 08:39

Before it went full nuclear all Keffals had to do...was close the laptop.

Imagine that.

@Izzo250 - 15.05.2024 08:39

Am only here because I like Muta's videos. I know none of these people, except Destiny.

Edit: I also enjoy a good ole misgendering😂

@HogCR1782 - 15.05.2024 08:31

People’s reaction to videos or any criticism of any trans person being labeling and attempting to ruin people’s lives and just name calling is what radicalized me. I used to be neutral about stuff like this but it’s hard when one side spends all their time acting like children.

@plexyglass429 - 15.05.2024 08:30

Woah now Muta, I hear criticism is transphobic

@tonypringles2285 - 15.05.2024 08:15

common destiny W

@Big-Anon - 15.05.2024 08:08

Okay lets be real. A lot of people say anything that contributes to the "tr@ns g*nocide" is tr@nsphobic. Even just playing Hogwarts Legacy, a video game? That was enough to have you harassed by the entirety of twitter!

So what about Keffals? She has accomplished absolutely nothing in her time as a public figure other than DIRECTLY VALIDATING every single negative stereotype and impression tr@nsphobic people have about tr@ns people! She has contributed to it more than any actual transphobe ever has!

We live in an actually insane clown world if you can get cancelled for playing a video game but she gets off scott free.

@TimothyCHenderson - 15.05.2024 08:05

Any Keffals video that ever crosses my feed is always her whinging on about other people on the left. I think she hates everyone at this point.

@kaineandrews3790 - 15.05.2024 08:00

It’s interesting hearing all the things Keffals and those around her “know” about people without being able to tell you how they know.

Aside from that, if she knows things (like the “stealthing” thing, f’rex), but didn’t do anything about them, doesn’t that make her one of those apologist enablers who’s cool with horrific things? I hope she enjoys her Morton’s Fork for that… not that it matters, since she just skates on everything and gets her way, anyway.

@Omicron23-sj4wu - 15.05.2024 07:58

The thumbnail bothers me a bit to be fair but yea i don't like keffals

@frogmouth2 - 15.05.2024 07:46

It’s legit insane how much of this vid was dismissed over the thumbnail.

@sethcraigen6311 - 15.05.2024 07:30

I will admit, she's got some balls to be such a blatant liar.

@evillucario2023 - 15.05.2024 07:29

damn, it's incredible how these mfs are always involved with drama and victimism

@mcnultyssobercompanion6372 - 15.05.2024 07:23

Yet another thing that is Chris-Chan's fault.

@bk-pk4wv - 15.05.2024 07:17

So wait.. its a man then right?

@Big-Anon - 15.05.2024 07:15

Nobody who can indescriminately deplatform people, get $100,000 without question, make fake SA allegations, and incite violence, all without legal consequence, is allowed to call themselves marginalized.
Keffals is one of the most privileged people alive.

@yeturs69420 - 15.05.2024 07:14

Keffels gets this nasty little smirk whenever she lies. Its super telling. I would love to play poker with her and take all her money

@jdiddy27 - 15.05.2024 07:09

Common Muta W

@jamie9877 - 15.05.2024 07:02

Muta is escaping the Catboy Ranch with this one. This Keffals guy litarally just keeps adding onto or altering the story to keep the grift going lmao

@Jerkwad152 - 15.05.2024 07:01


@strike_true - 15.05.2024 06:36

This is why giving sensitive groups special status is a terrible idea. Horrible people will shield themselves using that special status and get away with awful things.

@thaQu33n517 - 15.05.2024 06:32

Anyone claiming this is video is transphobic are delusional. It's not at all and they're just trying to shift blame cause their fearless leader kef got caught lying and scamming their audience

@godofsquirrels494 - 15.05.2024 06:30

Ian Miles Cheong is not an agitator. He does normal internet news stories and people get agitated at him for it.

@jacktueton7445 - 15.05.2024 06:29

moota has entered his round head arc

@NordicDan - 15.05.2024 06:27

That's a male

@HavianEla - 15.05.2024 06:27

Please stay safe, Muta & Fam. Been seeing not just you, but your wife pulled into this drama. So vile. You’re not being transphobic for holding a bad person who happens to be trans accountable.

(Also - if you think for a sec that Muta using they/them was him being transphobic… Keffals literally tweeted years ago she uses both she/her AND they/them, but refuses to put pronouns in her bio so as not to give bigots the ability to respond with “pronouns in bio” to anything she posts)

@RSJ420 - 15.05.2024 06:18

No need to apologize for somthing so stupid such as "miss gendering" and "d3 4d naming" people its not a crime or immoral to call these certain people by their "d3 4d name" these people need to be sat down and told the brutal truth.

@datguy3581 - 15.05.2024 06:17

This is very disappointing. I hope that the bad actions of Keffals aren't used to paint the entire trans community in a bad light.

@fox-dies - 15.05.2024 06:12

btw muta in case anyone tries to be an asshole to you about this vid, i think you were super respectful and never once did i get the impression you were using keffals' misgivings and negative behavior as an excuse to misgender her or anything. this is the right way to actually criticize and detract from someone without being disrespectful.

that said, keffals is insane, holy shit. i knew she was weird but i didnt know she was this weird
