"gliding" - Post Apocalypse Chill Ambient/Epic music playlist

"gliding" - Post Apocalypse Chill Ambient/Epic music playlist


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cjrome - 20.09.2023 22:15

The vibe it's giving is so refreshing that it can feel like
- its the end of all life, including yours
- its a new start for all life, starting from you..

Zerena - 20.09.2023 18:08

This is my all time favorite, whenever I want a little peace, I come to this video. Thank you again for this

Rob - 20.09.2023 08:46

Gorgeous presentation.

RosieRetro345 - 19.09.2023 23:16

대학원 졸업 전날에 큰 사고가 났어요. 1년간 입원, 물리치료하고 나니 잃을 게 없어요, 이젠. 가족, 친구 없이 저 혼자에요.
공부하는 도중에 사고가 나서였던 걸까, 연필만 잡으면 왜 이리 그날이 생생하게 떠오르는지... 공부가 무서운 제가 혐오스럽기까지 해요.
그래도 이 플레이리스트 들으면 공감 가면서 마음이 안정되네요.

붙으면 여기 다시 글 남길게요. 만들어주셔서 감사합니다!

S - 19.09.2023 15:09

This is definitely my favorite video from your channel. So relaxing to listen to : D

윤준호 - 17.09.2023 12:37

이런배경 어디서 얻어오는걸까요…

George Oliveira
George Oliveira - 16.09.2023 16:47

Daily Record:
Still listening

Ss - 13.09.2023 14:21

작년 수능즈음에 들었던 것 같은데 어느새 2번째 수능을 눈 앞에 두고 있네요 들을 때마다 그때의 감정들이 생각나는 것 같아요 올해는 이 플리와 함께 행복한 겨울을 맞아볼게요

Michael Seifert
Michael Seifert - 09.09.2023 15:55

If i had a dollar for every time I've listened to this playlist all the way through, I'd be a very wealthy man.

Calvin Agyemang
Calvin Agyemang - 08.09.2023 07:27

I’ve been searching for so long. I need more of this playlist

피날레 - 05.09.2023 17:17

이 플레이리스트를 듣다 보면 1급수에 사는 하얀 물고기의 얇은 지느러미의 일렁임이 떠올라요

Aram chae
Aram chae - 01.09.2023 00:32

첫 노래는 덩케르크의 마지막 장면이 떠오르네요

적진에서 남은 연료로 돌아가는 것을 포기하고 마지막까지 동료를 구한 뒤 활공해 착륙하는 조종사의 모습...

그 숭고함이 영상 주제인 활공과도 잘 맞아떨어지는 것 같습니다

지조 志操
지조 志操 - 31.08.2023 03:26

알고리즘타고 왔는데 첫곡 듣자마자 어 나랑 같은 감성을 가진 사람이 있네? 했습니다
심지어 몇곡은 제가 이미 알고있고 자주 듣는 곡들이네요.. 이런 곡들은 어떻게 알고 가져오시는건지 궁금합니다
아침에 출근하자마자 조용히 들을 음악 찾고있었는데 이런 보석같은 채널을 발견해 기분이 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
정말 감사합니다! 좋은 영상 만들어주셔서 감사해요:)

지조 志操
지조 志操 - 31.08.2023 03:22

알고리즘타고 왔는데 첫곡 듣자마자 어 나랑 같은 감성을 가진 사람이 있네? 했습니다
심지어 몇곡은 제가 이미 알고있고 자주 듣는 곡들이네요..
아침에 출근하자마자 조용히 들을 음악 찾고있었는데 이런 보석같은 채널을 발견해 기분이 좋습니다 ㅎㅎ
정말 감사합니다! 좋은 영상 만들어주셔서 감사해요:)

Phoenix Alexander
Phoenix Alexander - 29.08.2023 18:11

Wanna listen to this song it feels like that I am on a journey

타타미상 Tatamisan
타타미상 Tatamisan - 27.08.2023 15:42

인트로부터 음악까지 너무 좋습니다

Michael Parker
Michael Parker - 27.08.2023 03:29

I understand that you are a homosexual, but your choice of music is still amazing

Surux Strawde
Surux Strawde - 25.08.2023 08:51

Well, thisll be useful for the future.

Spotellis - 24.08.2023 04:27

That first song with the gliding tunes almost like whale songs idk what to call them. Feels so peaceful and calming like im flying above the ocean in a crisp sunny cold world. I need more of it.

jinos japikel
jinos japikel - 24.08.2023 02:53

아름다운 음악이다

Martin Brown
Martin Brown - 22.08.2023 13:41

I hope you one day get to score a movie. You'd do so great.

ali castro
ali castro - 22.08.2023 09:22

seeing year 2100 kinda makes me scared because im already 33 at the moment. 77 years from now i might not make it but my future kids will. i hope and pray that earth is preserved and not too polluted for our future generation.

Fynn - 21.08.2023 23:17

Great Music! Some Songs remind me of Music from my favorite Game Outer Wilds

Ami Akeli
Ami Akeli - 20.08.2023 22:31

🌊✈🕊LORE: 🕊✈🌊
(cause i can lmao)

Ione's task was to find rare minerals washed up by the rising ocean. But ocean doesn't like intruders from space, and hit her ship with a vawe.

Ione Ridley from a termosphere space colony SID-67 on her scouting mission crushes down.

As she flies by with nothing but emergency fuel, looking for a shore to crush nearby, she notices birds flying in coveys, more numerous each time she looks up. She follows their path. A horizon greets her with a land, fully aware it being her final destination.


She lowers the jet and elegantly takes off, as the water surface slows down the speed. When the ship is still, it beggins to descent down. Ocean claims it's prey. Ione jumps off, bounces from the ship that has been her home for so long, and swims to the land where she can take off herself. The salty water is refreshing. She dives in, opens eyes and looks around. The ship is descending inevitably towards the deep blue, as she sees it far away trough the crystal clear water. She emerges up and continues on her last journey.

Exhausted and dizzy, she lays down on the soft sand. Birds that had led her all the way here are forming circles above her. She likes the way they swing their wings, as if they were dancing and celebrating a festivity of sorts. When she closes her eyes one last time, they will soon fly down and perform a feast on her fresh body. She hopes the dance will look pretty.

... Good night, Ione. The ocean will forgive you, and wash away your remains. Lay them to the deep blue, back to your ship.


She exhaled for the last time and fell asleep. Majestic birds are dancing, the ocean's vawes are swaying, and this little human is on it's way back to Earth, back home...

Angela Rosa
Angela Rosa - 20.08.2023 21:10

My Twin Flame sent this to me and I just love this music playlist so much 🤍

- 20.08.2023 16:46

막곡이 너무 내추ㅏ향이다

이현아 - 20.08.2023 09:59

내게 잘했다고 말해줘. 실패했어도 다음이 있다고 해줘. 괜찮다고 말해줘

오칸쵸 - 20.08.2023 07:41

낮달 님 플레이리스트 중에 가장 좋아하는 플리예요 ... 정말 다 지긋지긋하고 힘든데... 이걸 들으면 좀 희망이 생기는 것 같아서요...
모든 곡들이 좋은데 특히 마지막 곡은 마음에 있던 응어리가 정말 풀리는 기분이라서... 감사합니다 정말 낮달 님은 제 선물이에요

Nguyễn Trung Kiên
Nguyễn Trung Kiên - 18.08.2023 16:31

i love your channel
the music is good and new to me
the image, background is nice
and the title of the video somehow making me feel comfy

어흥펀치 - 17.08.2023 08:24

활공 플리는.
'네 걱정은 내가 대신 해줄께' 라는 감정이 느껴지는것 같아서

Harmacist - 17.08.2023 08:21

I'd like to imagine that when the pilot ran out if fuel, he just engages the glider's floats and dipped onto the water's surface and started fishing.

The glider looks advanced enough for me to believe that he must had some recycling technologies that allows one to turn organic items (like fishes which would be in endless supply) into bio-fuel. Another possible one is from solar panels.

Cuz here's the thing, we KNOW this dude has been flying for 3710 days (a little over 10 years). And if him going full throttle emptied the fuel tank in half an hour, then there's no way he would've stayed in flight THAT long. So yeah, don't worry, he'll make it.

Sulaiman Ghori
Sulaiman Ghori - 17.08.2023 05:49

i really like this picutre

Mary Sullivan
Mary Sullivan - 16.08.2023 18:04

This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much.

niponsoldier - 16.08.2023 10:55

“Alright Seagull patrol, you are clear for takeoff” Cracked a male voice over the radio.
“Thanks, control, we take it from here. Seagull One Launch.” Said Young Vincent.
“Seagull Two, Launch” Added Paul.
The gliders fell from the belly of the mothership and level up a few meters below.
“Alright Paul let’s get this straight, I know you are a first-class pilot and everything, but your acrobatics and lack of respect for the mission schedule keep earning the unit some serious punishments, also I don´t think Staff Sergeant Whitewood is going to keep covering for you. AND PLEASE DON´T BREAK THIS GLIDER! I´m tired of Chief Mechanic Loise chewing up my rear.”
“Come on Vincent, what’s the point of flying if we can’t enjoy the sky?” Said Paul in a playful tune.
“We have orders, and you know it, ‘Monitor Sea levels, take photos, and go back’, you heard the mission briefing too. Also, you know they can hear you right?” Finished Vincent with sarcasm.
“Whoops! Sorry.” It was more than obvious he wasn’t apologetic at all. “Fine, fine I´ll stick to mission procedures this time, promise.” With a mischievous smile under his helmet and crossing his fingers, Paul lied as easily as he breathed.
With a deep sigh of resignation, Vincent responded, “What am I going to do with you?”, he had known his wingmate for a time now and he was aware of his flaws, just as well as he was aware of his outstanding flying skills. “Just don’t get us in any trouble, please; ok?” resignation in his voice could be heard.
“Hey, I said I promise, have a little faith in me. Try to think outside the box from time to time won´t you?”
As both gliders flew information the radio came to life.
“You two are done talking?” Said a serious female voice on the channel, it was a mature voice, calm and elegant, almost like a mentor or professor.
“We are sorry Mission Commander Stella. We’ll make sure to fulfill the assignment without delay.” Said Vincent, He managed to hide his nervousness, although he could feel the shivers down his spine.
“I hope so, Lieutenant Oldham, same goes for you Lieutenant Helton, another of your 'scenes', and its downtime for you two. Head chef Harding might need an extra set of hands for kitchen duty.”
Both felt uncomfortable after hearing that.
“Worry not mission Commander. We shall succeed.” Paul’s response was energetic and calm.
The mission commander didn’t respond for a few seconds but then replied “You are entering the operational space, complete your tasks and come back. Mothership Out.”
Commander Stella was known for being strict with the people under her command, much of the staff called her “Principal Stella” making jokes that perhaps in her past life, she oversaw some sort of high school. She could be cold and severe, but everyone knew she cared for the well-being of her pilots and other staff. Nobody dared ask her age, but she must have been in her late thirties, despite that, she was quite the sight. She was in good shape, her uniform was always immaculate, well pressed and all her insignias well-polished, her hair was black and tight in a beautiful donut bun, her skin was white pale and almost without expression marks, and her face was thin and delicate with thin lips, and her eyes were a shade of sea green crowned by long black eyelashes. She wore a pair of thick frame glasses which contributed to her seriousness. She didn’t wear any make-up but more than one knew that if she did, it wouldn’t be fair for the rest of the female staff.
She sacrificed her life as a woman in favor of service to the forces of the “New United Earth Republics”.
These were established 50 years after the old world fell due to climate change. Now 100 years later thanks to a technological rebirth, the disappearance of borders, and the lack of religious and racial discrimination; humanity was finally working together to fix their broken planet and to heal the old wounds of the past. Vincent and Paul were born into this new world. Despite the similar structures, there isn’t really a military force anymore. Sure, there are the 'security forces' because there are always conflicts and disagreements but being now a single global nation it’s more like a family dispute than a war. War is something that remains only in the books and data records used to teach the new generation.
The Security forces are an interdisciplinary institution bound to keep watch over the planet. Commander Stella and her staff are part of the ‘Aeromarine Reconnaissance and research division’ of the ‘security forces air command’.
“Alright, Paul. Let´s do this.”
“Copy that, right behind you, Vincent.”

ansa do
ansa do - 15.08.2023 22:10

첫장면 나오는 텍스트와 상황표현이 가히 아름답다싶습니다.

homu - 15.08.2023 18:57

너무 위험한 플리...이 플리 듣다 비행기 표 끊은게 한 두 번이 아니게 되었다...또 떠나야지!

hazbin:_. - 15.08.2023 15:49

35분동안 함께 활공해줘서 감사해요. 어지러웠던 하루를 뚫고 연료를 다 써 결국 추락하고있었는데 우연히 이 영상을 찾아 평온하게 활공하고 있네요. 덕분에 이 활공이 끝나면 깊은 잠의 좋은 꿈 까지 가라앉을 수 있겠어요 ❤

sladval - 15.08.2023 15:05

The story at the beginning was quite the setting for the music. I felt in peace as the tank ran out. Thank you

tonicboy - 15.08.2023 09:17

I mean, it's not a bad playlist. But I have no idea how it is "Post Apocalypse Chill Ambient/Epic music"

Vince Saykao
Vince Saykao - 14.08.2023 19:13

Can always rely on Koreans to have good taste

Yeshua The Everlasting Father
Yeshua The Everlasting Father - 14.08.2023 13:35

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus said to Thomas, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me". There is only one way to heaven. That Way is Jesus and his word of truth. No other can grant us eternal life.

Habib Soufi
Habib Soufi - 14.08.2023 11:12

I like the image you used.

Torao - 14.08.2023 08:59

The dog in the family album got me

Time For A Pause
Time For A Pause - 13.08.2023 17:53

Beautiful music and art work ❣❣

Thomas Giles
Thomas Giles - 13.08.2023 11:24

It’s a shame the English subtitles are broken (watching on a Chromecast)—the idea of a playlist of music having some story is fascinating!

Lovely music, anyway 👍
