【#HGC環電 已完成派發1萬口罩俾媽媽們】
多謝今日嚟排隊攞口罩嘅媽媽,希望可以幫到你哋小小忙啦🙏🏻 都係嗰句啦,盡做啦~ 一齊加油!一齊抗疫! 請大家繼續密切留意呢個Facebook專頁嘅公佈 💪🏻
仲有 #HGC環電已經唔係和記 #我哋唔係誠哥㗎喇 #學Juno咁講忘記和記吧 #叫我HGC環電 #環電 #環球全域電訊 #HGCGlobalCommunications #派口罩 #多謝大家一直支持
【HGC distributed 10,000 medical masks to mothers for free 】
Following the distribution of 10,000 medical masks to elderly who live alone earlier this week, HGC Global Communications (HGC) today has distributed another 10,000 masks to mothers in Tsim Sha Tsui, expressing support for their dedication to their families especially during the epidemic outbreak. More than 30 volunteers formed by HGC staff helped issue the masks to 1,000 mothers today.
Earlier this month, HGC successfully purchased a number of masks for the employees, with 50,000 masks to be distributed to the public across different districts by HGC staff volunteers. Following the distribution of 10,000 masks to public last week, HGC has distributed to elderly and mothers this week.
#HGC #HGCGlobalCommunications #MaskDistribution