High Dose Vitamin C Fights Life Threatening Disease?

High Dose Vitamin C Fights Life Threatening Disease?

Dr. Nick Zyrowski

1 год назад

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Robert Davidson
Robert Davidson - 24.09.2023 09:21

What studies show empirically that 1 or 2 grams keep colds flus a bay?Name them I know none!😮And Lynus Pauling used C with Lysine yet been somewhat discredited 😮I know of know genuine Oncologists that recommended vit C😮What doctors recommend C or C flush ?High C levels can also remove minerals

poshgentleman - 20.09.2023 20:45

I take 1,500mg of Vit C and 1000iu of vit D a day. I,m apprehensive about increasing the amount, in case l harm myself. But according to my readings, that quantity is enough for me at 70 years old. I eat 5 peices of fruit a day, and other good food, so l avoid multivitamins......and l,m fine taking these two vitamins, no problem at all. But in previous years l did try multi vitamins daily: and l found, irrespective of the brand, they gave me a headache if l took them daily, but l could manage them on alternate days.

Darius Johnson
Darius Johnson - 06.09.2023 21:24

How much does my two year old and my 8 month old should use? I would estimate it at a lower dose than what i take but wanted ask somebody else thats more knowledgeable.

The Blaque Lilly
The Blaque Lilly - 03.09.2023 20:15

I've been taking 8k ui vitamin c in the past 24 hours to nip my sore throat & cold in thr bud. It definitely works!!! I used normal ascorbic acid tablets

Mohammed Mamo
Mohammed Mamo - 21.08.2023 11:28

My Wbc count is very low. Can vitamin c increase WBC production ?

ff144k - 21.08.2023 07:15

Dr Linus Pauling recommended 6+ grams a day. He ate 20+ a day until he died.

spencer saucier
spencer saucier - 20.08.2023 17:53

I've been taking vitamin c for over 40 years. I take 10, 000 mg every day , and 10,000 mcg B-12. I'm 64 I take no medicine. Only vitamin's. I never forget anything. Vitamin c is a powerful vitamin.

Nicole Nevin
Nicole Nevin - 02.08.2023 18:40

Dr. Zyrowski: I used your link because I wanted to purchase the Vit. C your recommend - and the discount code of healthy23 does not work. Do you have another code. I am a senior on SS and could really use that discount!

M S. B R A N D Y
M S. B R A N D Y - 24.06.2023 21:14

I'm with you, Dr. Z, I don't want basic, I want to thrive! That's why I take 1,000mg per day 👍🏾!

Karen Schmid
Karen Schmid - 15.06.2023 17:30

I would like to take vitamin c, but I find it difficult to take the large pills, and I get tired of taking the multiple smaller pills to get a sufficient amount. It is frustrating. Does anyone know of a source or brand that is easier to take? Also, wouldn’t it be nice if doctors offered the iv treatments in their offices when we are sick.

Pastor John Herlihy
Pastor John Herlihy - 14.06.2023 02:33

Linus Pauling took 19 grams daily. 400 mg is a joke!

JM - 13.06.2023 21:08

On time. Thank you Doc🙏

Anjum Afshan
Anjum Afshan - 13.06.2023 07:10

Hello sir please make a video on brain autophagy fasting and stem cells increase through fasting 🙏

SavedByGrace - 12.06.2023 14:34

Dr. Pauling recommended 1000-18000mg Vitamin C per Day.

Zora - 11.06.2023 19:29

Is the vitamin C you're talking about ascorbic scid or yhe whole form like from acerola cherry? Also, check out Thomas Seyfried for cancer.

Mike Lincoln
Mike Lincoln - 11.06.2023 13:39

I take 8 grams a day (Ester form, most Bioavailabe )(8,000 mg), spread over the day, slow release, with 10% bioflavonoids, for better serum bioavailability. Spreading it out over the day and time released, ensures a better constant serum level. Your tolerance level will increase. Initially I had difficulty taking 1000 mg, but gradually my biochemistry adapted to the 8 grams. Interesting, I don’t have ‘amazingly’ golden urine, so my system seems to be utilising it. A word of caution, at these levels you need to taper off slowly or your Vit C levels will be very quickly depleted. For a Vit C flush, especially after a period of water only fasting, take with electrolytes, (electrolytes ideally powered and at a dosage for dehydration) . If your taking calcium supplements, make sure; with higher Vit C intake, to take Vit K2, mk-7, as Vit C can ‘leach’ calcium from the body and potentially lead to kidney stones. However staying well hydrated will prevent kidney stones, in fact staying well hydrated will pretty much prevent all cause kidney stone formation.

James Cat Lover
James Cat Lover - 11.06.2023 09:45

Are you a medical doctor?

kevin hubley
kevin hubley - 11.06.2023 08:46

Also look up Andrew W Saul

kevin hubley
kevin hubley - 11.06.2023 08:45

I take 10,000 a day min Just for daily maintenance and up to bowel tolerance if feeling ill

Bizzare77777 - 11.06.2023 07:45

Yea, but what kind of Vit C should we supplement with? Is ester C effective?? I keep reading about all kinds of negative effects when using ascorbic acid and other synthetic vit C's. One would think you would at least mention that.

steve1711 - 11.06.2023 00:33

Been taking 1000 mg vitamin C combined with 15 mg zinc daily for the last 10 years. No flu, colds, coughs or anything - seems to work.

AreWeEverThere - 10.06.2023 23:18

WOW! you blew this BIGTIME- vit c is a 4 part molicule-ascorbic acid is only 1 part of that and the vast majority of
ascobic acid is made from GMO corn grown in China ! Ascorbic acid as vit.c has been a LIE since the 1950's. You
want the best vit. c ? Get it from acerola cherry also known as barbados cherry. Ascorbic acid as vit.c is garbage!
And the studies involving ascorbic acid are complete Bullsh-t - to fool the people yet once again ! AS stated -this all
started back in the 1950"s !

InsolentKittyKat - 10.06.2023 17:15

You can also eat high dose vitamin C if its buffered there used to be Vitality C from Dr. Gordon and you could take 4 grams at a time up to I think 20 in one day so not as high as I.V but still much higher than the usual 1 gram a day.

Lynn Raasakka
Lynn Raasakka - 10.06.2023 16:31

Thank you Dr Z ❤

American CountryBoy
American CountryBoy - 10.06.2023 16:28

Thank you dr. Great information 👍

Health and Longevity TV
Health and Longevity TV - 10.06.2023 16:12

I take 10 -15 g ascorbic acid a day.

Pramuan Chutham
Pramuan Chutham - 10.06.2023 15:57

Crazy 3000-5000mg dose, only 200mg can be absorbed, the rest precipitating as kidney- stones, no fun.
One might as well take 1-2grams of Acerola cherry powder or CamuCamu/Acai powders for a complete Vitamin C complex rather than the synthetic Ascorbic Acid that is void of useful tyrosinase(copper) and vitamin P (permeability) components.

Matthew Padgett
Matthew Padgett - 10.06.2023 15:51

FDA....I don’t trust them.

Annette La Porte
Annette La Porte - 10.06.2023 15:38

Why didn’t you answer my question about vitamin K2 with your last video? Should it be taken if one has high blood pressure?

Matt Mittens
Matt Mittens - 10.06.2023 15:30

The best way to take vitamin C is IV therapy direct in the vein, check out any of your IV clinic near you.

JustUs2 - 10.06.2023 15:23

My sister in law had breast cancer and did the vitamin c as treatment. Sadly, it didn't work and she passed away

Christina Milioni
Christina Milioni - 10.06.2023 15:15

Great content as always Dr! Question: For daily maintenance, does form of vit C (liposomal etc) count for effectiveness? Is plain ascorbic acid ok?

D BREZZELL - 10.06.2023 15:02

Great info, thanks for sharing!

Mary Marseglia
Mary Marseglia - 10.06.2023 14:50

F*ck the FDA. Why do you people believe all this crap

Eat properly. Incl fruits in your diet especially fruits with higher amounts in buying C
