#65. Our Pregnancy Journey in South Africa | Meet Katrien | 41+1 Weeks

#65. Our Pregnancy Journey in South Africa | Meet Katrien | 41+1 Weeks

Ningu Adventures

55 лет назад

136 Просмотров

Even though this was the second time we went through a pregnancy, it felt like the first because we could finally understand everything that was happening and what was being said around us. We will forever be grateful to Korea, but it was amazing to give birth in our own country. Even though Tine couldn't deliver naturally this time, it was still a very special journey. The recovery was a lot harder, and we would suggest no one opt for a cesarean section unless it is absolutely necessary. Our boy is very physical by nature (and he receives love that way), and it was incredibly hard for him not to have his mommy physically able to care for him (for example, not being able to pick him up during a time when he wanted it more than ever) for six weeks. But all is better now, and Katrien is already 5.4 kg (7 weeks old) at the time of writing this.

Thank you for everyone’s support and love during this time.
We are very grateful for all the gifts that we have received thus far.

Please feel free to subscribe if you want to continue to follow our journey.

Tine, Riaan, Sion and Katrien

00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - 15 Weeks
01:40 - 20 Weeks
06:50 - 24 Weeks
07:53 - 28 Weeks
10:36 - Baby Shower
12:30 - 36 Weeks
14:38 - 38 Weeks
16:04 - Oxford Midwifery Unit
17:01 - 40 Weeks
20:58 - 41 Weeks
22:28 - 41+1 - The Day!
25:19 - Meet Katrien
26:09 - Meet Oupa & Ouma Nel
27:04 - Sion meets Katrien

#Pregnant #SouthAfrica #Birth

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